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My Covid Experience...

MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
As some of you know, on Sunday January 30th, I tested positive for COVID. I thought I'd share my experience in dealing with it as I've been journaling day-by-day on my experience.

First the background data.
  • I am 52 years old. (not a young whippersnapper by any means...)
  • I am unvaxinated.
  • I have no co-morbidities to speak of.
  • I've been vegan for around 5 years and eat a diet rich in fiber, leafy greens, and other healthy foods. I rarely eat vegan junk food (Oreos, fake meats). Meat and dairy has not been in my life for years.
  • I am not overweight.
  • I am not diabetic, or pre-diabetic.
  • I do not have heart disease.
  • I do not have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high blood glucose.
  • My last blood panel was perfect, aside from B12 being slightly elevated.
By all measures, I am perfectly healthy with no glaring health issues.

For these reasons above, I decided to pass (and wait) on the vaccine because I trust my immune system more than I trust a rushed medical procedure pushed by Pfizer, CNN, or some politician. When the politicization of this vaccine stops and it ceases to be used as a weapon for authoritarian purposes is when I will reconsider, and likely, get vaxed.

That said, I'm beyond happy that I decided to wait on the vax and trust my own immunity. I've now have had COVID for 1 week and I am still testing positive, so perhaps I'm not "out of the woods" yet, but I've felt normal for the last 72 hours (3 days) outside of being more low-energy than I'd like.

Here's is my day-to-day unfolded.
  • Saturday Jan 29: Felt great, went for a run with the dog and came back winded, and coughing incessantly. It was very odd and thought was something was up.
  • Sunday Jan 30th: Stuck in bed with high fever, no energy. No other symptoms: No cough, no congestion, no breathing issues, no loss of taste or smell.
  • Monday Feb 1st: Was up all night (Jan 30th) and fever got up to 101.5, slept none. Still no cough, no congestion, no breathing issues, no loss of taste or smell. No energy. Made a focused effort to "sweat out" the virus by sleeping with a heating pad on my chest, awoke several times drenched in sweat, but with the fever reduced. Slept like dogshit.
  • Tuesday Feb 2nd: Received first IV, fever reduced to 99.5, still no cough, no congestion, no breathing issues, no loss of taste or smell. No energy. Slept decent for the first time in 48 hours.
  • Wednesday Feb 3rd: Fever reduced to 99, energy starts to return, actually spent a few hours working and checking email. Still no cough, no congestion, no breathing issues, no loss of taste or smell. No energy. Slept pretty good.
  • Thursday Feb 4th: Felt pretty normal, fever gone ... actually was able to work and be productive, however I got tired pretty quickly and retreated to bed early. Slept great. Got 2nd IV, still tested positive.
  • Friday Feb 5th: Feel almost normal, spent 30 minutes on the vibration plate (lymphatic flow) and spent a lot of time to office catching up on work, emails, various stuff. Still testing positive.
  • Saturday Feb 6th: Feel normal, just a bit low energy as if my body knows I cannot go running, or lift weights.
  • Sunday Feb 7th: Felt normal, did some chores, but got tired pretty quick. Still testing positive...

Overall my experience is pretty mild with few symptoms, if at all. I have no idea what strain I have, however, my wife did not catch it (or she already had it.)

A month earlier I had the flu or some type of stomach virus -- and that was brutal hell compared to this experience.

That said, I believe my experience is because I take care of myself - not because I supplemented with Vitamin-C, D, Magnesium, Zinc, and Glatathione. I eat healthy, I exercise, and I'm not immuno-compromised like 99% of Americans who's idea of "healthy" is a Lean Cuisine and a glass of Sunny D orange juice.

NOTE: My post is not medical advice and I'm not suggesting taking the vax, or avoiding the vax. Just relaying my experience, I hope if you get this bug that your experience is just as uneventful.
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Mar 15, 2018
Thanks for the detailed outline, MJ. Glad you are feeling better.

Lately I find most people with Omicron have the same experience you described. I have friends who had COVID 19 twice and the first time was a lot harsher.

This give me a lot of hope for where we are heading - it is the beginning of the end. My guess is by June, restrictions here in Canada will be all gone and life will resume as with regular flu.


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May 1, 2011
Thanks for sharing the experience and I'm glad to hear you feel normal again. Please update this thread in a few days when you start exercising again as I'm curious how it affected (or not) your fitness performance. Lungs can take a lot of time to recover.

This give me a lot of hope for where we are heading - it is the beginning of the end. My guess is by June, restrictions here in Canada will be all gone and life will resume as with regular flu.

For me, as long as there are travel restrictions (any kind of tests needed to enter another country) there's no normal life.

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