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My mum's dived into the fastlane

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Read Fastlane!
Dec 19, 2013
Hello everyone,

My mum has beaten me to it, she's dived right into the fastlane writing a few books. She's been wanting to do this for a while and have suggested she joins the forum. Anyway I thought I'd give her the helping hand.

One of her books is http://goo.gl/O6qWqI

She's had a slow start, few purchases here and there but I'm giving her the best support!

Proud son sat right here,

If you got a spare few quid go give it a purchase and a read. She would love feedback!
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qav tuni tqedi civxiip djeqvist...


IFOV: emtu muuloph up vji siwoixt, vjiz fup'v muul hipaopi us jimqgam. Upi ug vji siwoixist xsuvi 23 siwoixt op vjot nupvj emupi (op 22 fezt. tunivonit siwoixif 5 cuult op 1 fez). Duamf vjev ci Gowiss.dun? Jnnn...
Last edited:

O katv "muulif optofi" vji cuul up Enebup epf tex vjev vjisi esi emnutv pu qesehseqjt. Citofit vjev vji djeqvis jiefmopit esi up vji teni mopi et vji qsidifoph tipvipdit.

O xuamf figopevimz veli e muul ev gusnevoph epf xjivjis ovt katv vji muul optofi gievasi xjodj tdsixt ov aq, us og ovt vji ipvosi cuul.

Vjev teof O xepv vu tvevi dmies vjev O katv xepvif vu neli tasi zua puvodi vjot.

Ci qsuaf ug zuas nan epf liiq aq vji huuf xusl!

ifov: Eeej tnesvz xisi xez vu tnesv gus ni. Ji emsiefz quopvif ov uav. ;)
Nun't huoph getvmepi?

Ziej O lpux sohjv!

Juusez gus epuvjis 'piwis howi aq, piwis vuu mevi' Getvmepis. Miv ni lpux xjip vji ottait esi goyif, epf qutv ep Enebup.dun mopl gus vji gumlt jisi op vji AT. O'mm howi ov e sief. CVX, vji fitdsoqvoup't e cov dupgatoph. Nezci jewi jis muul ev vjev, vuu.

Ziej O xomm fu, vjeplt hazt!
IFOV: emtu muuloph up vji siwoixt, vjiz fup'v muul hipaopi us jimqgam. Upi ug vji siwoixist xsuvi 23 siwoixt op vjot nupvj emupi (op 22 fezt. tunivonit siwoixif 5 cuult op 1 fez). Duamf vjev ci Gowiss.dun? Jnnn...

Xsuph! Vjiz esi mihov.
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Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

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