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If you have been following and taking the tests above ( multiple times ), you should have a good sense of who you are.
Maybe you are saying, "I kinda already knew this". Well, so did I on many parts of these tests. That doesn't make them less valuable.
I mean let's face it, before I took the tests myself I had already been in many of the EXACT careers these tests say would fit me. By default that means I was living out my personality at some level and "knowing who I am". Except, I didn't actually know it.
What's scary is, some of you might not have been as lucky as me.
You might have got stuck in a dead end job for XYZ reason, or a career choice your parents pushed on you. Maybe you lived what you consider an unhappy life for 30 years and need a desperate change nearing retirement. You didn't fall into your right career like I did.
Or maybe you are in the right career/path and think you have this miserable life and need a total change. Well, maybe you just actually need some small tweaks and you find those out doing these tests.
Here is what is REALLY scary though -> we all have limited time on this earth.
Above I told you I was lucky and fell into the right careers that fit me. That I was living my personality somewhat while not knowing it. That I got "lucky".
Here's the truth I haven't told you. Ready for it?
It took me years "to get lucky" and "have those careers fall into my lap".
I'm 39 right now.
15 year ago I sat down one night and wrote down every job I ever had and with whom. Many of them were 2nd or 3rd jobs while I worked my main job(s) I had at that time.
At 24, I already had over 60 different jobs. At the time it was so funny to me that I actually stopped counting and walked away from the table.
15 years later, I know I can count on that number being in the 80's. Remember, I stopped counting past 60 15 years ago.. I very well could be near 100 total.
In a way, I kinda "split-tested" my way into the career I am in now
Like a brute force attack into jobs/careers, I found by sweat, tears, heartache, and pain what fit me.
Do you really think you have the time and ability to try out 100 jobs? Do you even want to? Trust me, the answer is NO.
And this isn't about just jobs/careers even though this example talks about it. This is about the choices you make and what makes you tick and be happy.
I might die tomorrow and have only had a few years living out a career and choices that really fit me. Being self employed online is what fit me, but it took me forever to find it. It took MANY years and lots of breaking down and hard work with suffering.
Yes, I've been doing "stuff online" for nearly 20 years, but those "online" things were side gigs in my early years. I didn't go full time hog wild in it until the last decade. And a decade ago when I first went full time into it, I was still working for others which means I wasn't fully living my personality out because I was trapped in employment and slave wagery. I've only recently lived out what fits me being self employed online.
If I had known about these tests ( and trusted them ) when I was 16, could you imagine the difference it would have made in my life?
Sure, maybe I wouldn't have been super successful and rolling in money because of it, but I wouldn't have been miserable with 100 jobs either.
I could have changed how I made choices too instead of "reacting" because I could have had some idea of who I was, instead of trying to just be anybody to survive.
Maybe you are saying, "I kinda already knew this". Well, so did I on many parts of these tests. That doesn't make them less valuable.
I mean let's face it, before I took the tests myself I had already been in many of the EXACT careers these tests say would fit me. By default that means I was living out my personality at some level and "knowing who I am". Except, I didn't actually know it.
What's scary is, some of you might not have been as lucky as me.
You might have got stuck in a dead end job for XYZ reason, or a career choice your parents pushed on you. Maybe you lived what you consider an unhappy life for 30 years and need a desperate change nearing retirement. You didn't fall into your right career like I did.
Or maybe you are in the right career/path and think you have this miserable life and need a total change. Well, maybe you just actually need some small tweaks and you find those out doing these tests.
Here is what is REALLY scary though -> we all have limited time on this earth.
Above I told you I was lucky and fell into the right careers that fit me. That I was living my personality somewhat while not knowing it. That I got "lucky".
Here's the truth I haven't told you. Ready for it?
It took me years "to get lucky" and "have those careers fall into my lap".
I'm 39 right now.
15 year ago I sat down one night and wrote down every job I ever had and with whom. Many of them were 2nd or 3rd jobs while I worked my main job(s) I had at that time.
At 24, I already had over 60 different jobs. At the time it was so funny to me that I actually stopped counting and walked away from the table.
15 years later, I know I can count on that number being in the 80's. Remember, I stopped counting past 60 15 years ago.. I very well could be near 100 total.
In a way, I kinda "split-tested" my way into the career I am in now
Like a brute force attack into jobs/careers, I found by sweat, tears, heartache, and pain what fit me.
Do you really think you have the time and ability to try out 100 jobs? Do you even want to? Trust me, the answer is NO.
And this isn't about just jobs/careers even though this example talks about it. This is about the choices you make and what makes you tick and be happy.
I might die tomorrow and have only had a few years living out a career and choices that really fit me. Being self employed online is what fit me, but it took me forever to find it. It took MANY years and lots of breaking down and hard work with suffering.
Yes, I've been doing "stuff online" for nearly 20 years, but those "online" things were side gigs in my early years. I didn't go full time hog wild in it until the last decade. And a decade ago when I first went full time into it, I was still working for others which means I wasn't fully living my personality out because I was trapped in employment and slave wagery. I've only recently lived out what fits me being self employed online.
If I had known about these tests ( and trusted them ) when I was 16, could you imagine the difference it would have made in my life?
Sure, maybe I wouldn't have been super successful and rolling in money because of it, but I wouldn't have been miserable with 100 jobs either.
I could have changed how I made choices too instead of "reacting" because I could have had some idea of who I was, instead of trying to just be anybody to survive.
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