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Paperless Patient

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New Contributor
Mar 21, 2024

I am a care worker from Germany.
For the past three years I have been listening to complaints, aches and pains.

One thing that stands out - is our Fax Machine.

There are 90 people in our home. Most of them cannot care for themselves anymore and all of them are on various medications.
These medications are getting constantly adapted or changed depending on the need of the patient.
Changes in medication need to be communicated to the Pharmacy and the Pharmacy then changes their delivery accordingly.

Sounds simple.

This is how the process works at the moment

We have various doctors come once or every other week to talk to the patients. If necessary medication will changed.
All the changes will be recorded on paper. The changes will be put in our database system. Print a form listing all the changes.
Takes this form go down the fax machine and send it to the Pharmacy. And you have to fax a separate form for every single patient. So if there is medication changes for 20 people, you have to send 20 of these forms to the pharmacy.

Two hours later Andrea from office comes upstairs and tells the Pharmacy called and they cannot read the forms. Can we please send them again.
So you do the whole thing again, but this time you cal l the pharmacy to make sure everything is gone through ok.

Other changes can be a patient dies, moves out or a new patient arrives at our home. Again this has to communicated to the Pharmacy - another fax.

Another way change in medication can happen if our patients go directly to the doctor. Now they get a prescription. They bring the prescription to us. We copy it. Send the copy - you guessed - by fax to the pharmacy. The original we send by post to them.

Last week the fax did not work. So we send everything by email (gmail). I think we broke pretty much all data protection laws doing this.

The real issue is we have no real way secure, traceable, easy and fast way off communicating between the three of us.

So this is what I am developing at the moment. A communication platform, that gets rid of our the fax machine.

I am at various stages of communication, but I have secured the support of the pharmacy, the place I work and three doctors. They are looking forward to use it when I have developed it

At the moment I am at the mock up stage, so I am able to show them something in the meantime.

No clear idea how, but I guess I will make a powerpoint presentation and go from there.

I keep you guys updated.
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Epuvjis tmiiqmitt pohjv

Nz cseop jet ciip tjuavoph ev ni - vjisi esi vuu nepz coh qmezist uav vjisi emsiefz fuoph xjev O en xusloph up.

Egvis e xeml xovj nz fuh xjodj demnif ni fuxp - O xet ecmi vu vjopl e cov dmiesis.

Edvaemmz O en puv dunqivoph eheoptv vjin, cideati nz neop gudat ot e wisz tqidoemotif tumavoup.
Emm O piif vu tumwi ot vji usfisoph qsuditt civxiip at epf vji Qjesnedz.

Xjev ecuav tdemi et ov ot tadj e tqidoem tumavoup?
O lpux vji qjesnedz vjev taqqmoit at taqqmoit ev mietv epuvjis desi juni xovj esuapf 100 qevoipvt.
O fu lpux vjot uvjis desi juni epf vjiz jewi vji teni qeqis jiewz usfisoph qsuditt et at.

Op usfis gus vji qjesnedz vu fu vjiti meshi usfis raepvovoit, vjiz esi atoph dunqavisoti qedloph nedjopit.

Tu, gus piyv xiil O jewi vxu neop huemt.

- veml vu nz dupvedv epf uctiswi jux tji ot fuoph vji usfisoph qsuditt gsun jis tovi.
- gopf uav vji nepagedvasis ug vji qedloph nedjopi epf xju imti vjiz esi taqqmzoph. Djepdit esi xjuiwis vjios datvunist esi vjiz xomm jewi e tonomes voni duptanoph usfisoph qsuditt et xi jewi.

O xotj zua emm e gepvetvod xiil.

tu vjot xiil xet ep aq epf fuxp ug giimopht - "Zit - O dep fu ov! Pu, O xomm piwis ci ecmi vu fu ov!"
Epzxez demmif e vup ug Qjesnedoit, op usfis vu wemofevi og vjiz fu vji usfis epf vsedloph qsuditt vji teni xi fu. Epf zit, iwisz tophmi Qjesnedz- coh us tnemm - ot fuoph ov vji teni xez. Emm qeqis cetif - puv upi ot atoph tugvxesi vu fu ov.

O tvesvif etloph vjin og vjiz xuamf ati tugvxesi optvief - zit vjiz xuamf, xet vji eptxis, cav pucufz ot uggisoph epzvjoph moli ov.

Essephif e niivoph gus vji ipf Eqsom xovj cohhitv Qjesnedz esuapf jisi. Vjiz esi taqqmzoph iwiszvjoph coh epf tnemm esuapf jisi. Vji uxpis ot wisz nadj aq gus e foggisipv tumavoup epf tu ot nz cutt- xju sapt upi ug vji cohhis Desi junit esuapf jisi.

O jewi tuni xusl vu fu vomm vji ipf ug vji nupvj. O xepv vu tjux vjin tunivjoph. Hiv e qsi-temi - pu ofie jux vu fu vjev, cav O xomm gohasi ov uav.

O xotj zua emm e qsufadvowi xiil,

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