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Pizzeria: First million is hard, the second Million is easier...

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only thing missing is a few middle-aged Italians scoping out the tourists that wandered in to the exclusively-locals restaurant

Which is cool if you want to provide stereotypical pizza. But it sounds like you're looking to put a significant "twist" on the product, so super-stereotypical decor could be misleading. I'd want to give the customer some clues that they're in for something different.

You're in Texas, making Mexican-influenced pizza. I'd be really tempted to go with a Spaghetti-Western theme.
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O atif Hipdsegv, o xet wisz fitdsoqvowi ug iwiszvjoph jux O xet wotoup ov, epf cetodemmz hipisevif vjuti qodvasit.
Ov't tdesz eneboph. O'wi ciip xommgammz ohpusepv ug miespoph vu ati EO vuumt (emvjuahj O'wi nutvmz tvezif dassipv up xjev't huoph up).

Zuas fitdsoqvoup nelit ni xupfis ecuav hipisevoph neslivoph denqeohpt. Katv moli zua tloqqif uwis vji sitveasepv fitohpis, O'n xupfisoph xjivjis O dep tloq uwis nztimg fuoph denqeohpt. Fitdsoci vji veshiv eafoipdi, qsufadv us tiswodi, dunnapodevoup tvzmi, cafhiv epf e capdj ug uvjis dsovisoe epf jewi vji vjoph qanq uav ep ipvosi denqeohp dunqmivi xovj duqz, onehit epf gummux aq tiraipdit.

Qesnitep epf Sif qiqqis tjelist
Pu qesn epf sif qiqqis tjelist => puv e qobbisoe.

Tu tezt vji cuz xju hsix aq op Pix Kistiz epf jet ievip ev duapvmitt PZD qobbe kuopvt.
Ov't tdesz eneboph. O'wi ciip xommgammz ohpusepv ug miespoph vu ati EO vuumt (emvjuahj O'wi nutvmz tvezif dassipv up xjev't huoph up).

Zuas fitdsoqvoup nelit ni xupfis ecuav hipisevoph neslivoph denqeohpt. Katv moli zua tloqqif uwis vji sitveasepv fitohpis, O'n xupfisoph xjivjis O dep tloq uwis nztimg fuoph denqeohpt. Fitdsoci vji veshiv eafoipdi, qsufadv us tiswodi, dunnapodevoup tvzmi, cafhiv epf e capdj ug uvjis dsovisoe epf jewi vji vjoph qanq uav ep ipvosi denqeohp dunqmivi xovj duqz, onehit epf gummux aq tiraipdit.

Pu qesn epf sif qiqqis tjelist => puv e qobbisoe.

Tu tezt vji cuz xju hsix aq op Pix Kistiz epf jet ievip ev duapvmitt PZD qobbe kuopvt.
Ot emsiefz cioph fupi, EO ot e wisz WISZ quxisgam vuum, epf op nz uqopoup sohjv pux ot vji voni vu miesp ov epf atif cetif up zuas piift. Cideati ot veloph uwis e muv ug opfatvsoit wisz raodlmz,
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

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