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Possible ending for my book....

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Nov 14, 2011
Possible ending for my personal development book. I'd be interested in seeing how well this resonates with you and connects with you emotionally...

I can't believe I used to be a "regular guy". A guy who was once stuck in life, unemployed, overweight, depressed, and living with his parents at the age of 25 because he couldn't get a job.

Wow, when I think of it that way, I sounded like a real loser..I know there are some people reading this who can relate to that struggle, but odds are you can probably relate better to the struggles that happened after that.

I only say that to demonstrate that getting from that low point in my life, to what unfolded next...is possible for anyone in that position.

Because there is a journey. A journey out there that you can take, with a 100% chance of success in actually being able to live that life you always dreamed of living, but thought it wasn't possible for you

I guarantee you will get there, without a shadow of a doubt, if...if you choose to walk this journey long enough, and be open to learn along the way
The only person who will have ever gott in your way is, yourself.

What does it take to get there? What would I tell a past version of myself who was still going through these struggles?

If you face the types of things most people aren't willing to face in this life...

Ok that is a nice way of putting it: You're going to drive 2,000 miles across the country with $250 to your name, being stranded in the middle of the desert, relying at the final card on a $1,900 hand of poker to put food in your mouth and not be homeless the next day.

You hit it the card you needed and you win.

An that right there, is the only time you will ever get lucky on this journey. But maybe it wasn't luck...maybe it was something else...

You then get complacent in a job that you hate. It drains the life out of you, especially because you now know that there is something more out there in life waiting for you. Not only that, but you also know it is possible for you.

You had on clue know what steps to take when you started. So you stood in your tracks for way too long. Then you walked down a lot of wrong paths. You procrastinated. You lost your focus and tried out a hundred different ideas, instead of focusing on ONE.

You feared rejection. You lived for the things that were immediately gratifying.

But then when you hit one of the lowest, loneliness points of your journey, right after you're thought of giving up, something happened.

Something happened after that point ,where everything changed.

You met others who have walked this journey before. And others walking it with you now. They will motivate you when you get down on yourself, and show you the way when you are lost. Take their help and listen to them.

Especially those who have actually walked these steps before, because they know what they are talking about. Avoid the false gurus. The real ones know what they are talking about and you don't, so get ready to leave some of your old beliefs behind.

That right there might not seem like much, but that will be the hardest part...realizing that some of your deepest beliefs are not real, and are holding you back. Learn how to change your limiting beliefs into empowering ones, it's real easy...

Then, when you finally choose to embrace failure and run through it instead of away, you will reach the point of your first big success. Translation: that life you always dreamed of living is already here waiting for you. You just have to put in the work and make it yours.

...seriously. It's already there - just go put in the work and make it yours. Push through the failures, trust me.

Then...what happens when you finally start listening to people who've done it before, and actually took the simple actions needed to make it yours? I'll tell you what happens. You actually start living your dreams. It took me two years into my four year journey, but I made it, just like the rest that kept pushing forward.

Four years in...

Reflections from the end of this journey.

Where has time gone?

Two years, wow.

Hast it been that long already?

I quit my job two years ago today. Just before then, I started making a lot of money with my internet business, and I reached a point where I didn't even need to work a job, so I quit my job and began to travel.

That right there was a dream in it's own, but that wasn't even the true destination.

The day I could actually become one of those "successful internet entrepreneurs" was the dream. I never used to believe it would be possible for someone like me. But looking back...it was actually very easy and the only reasons I couldn't achieve my dreams and goals is because I didn't believe I could...and because I didn't actually decide to put in the work to make it happen.

I didn't believe in myself and I was lazy. But those are simple problems to solve, so I solved them. There is a solution.

When you read this thing about success at face value, it sound so simple, but most of these stories ignore the million steps in between. But it's the million steps in between that are the real reward.

What if there is no destination? What if the journey is the destination, and instead of chasing goals, you can instead choose to enjoy where you are in this present moment. Because right now is all there is, and all there is, is now.

Enjoy it while you're here.

I spent the last two years of my life partying, some nights until 5 in the morning, (explicit) (explicit), doing things like spending entire weeks driving across the country just because I was bored and needed a change of scenery. When Arizona got hot for the summer, I packed my car and drove to the rocky mountains, partied, hiked, and snowboarded until early winter, when I drove back south again to warm up a bit.

I almost decided to travel the world, but then I fell in love, with, something, somewhere else. I'll still do that late this year. But this journey changes you, where you have new goals and new aspirations after you grow tired of living your dreams.

I've seen almost all of the United States, from New York to San Diego and Miami to Seattle. My life for the past two years has been like a summer vacation that never ends. I remember one night in Seattle, I got bored so I drove two hours away to where the bay meets the Pacific Ocean, just so I could look at the stars without the city lights one night.

It didn't matter that it was on a Tuesday at 1 o'clock in the morning. I could see millions more stars and clusters of light than anybody could see from their home town. It was simply amazing.

I could do whatever I wanted, and whenever I wanted to.

I don't say this to brag, but to inspire you. I wouldn't be raving about all this if it wasn't for the fact that yes, it is possible for you too, especially when you don't think it can be.

I partied like rockstars, and with rockstars. I drove in the exotic sports cars of millionaires and celebrities. I've been featured in major magazines, wrote books, and became a best-selling publisher, and creating companies that have touched the lives of over 1 million people.

Ok I lied, It's about 935,000...I feel if I came close enough, I should be allowed to round it up until it actually gets there. I don't say this to brag. I say this because I'm proud of that.

But I do say the rest, only to brag...and I brag because there is one important thing you should realize from this story, that will change your life forever...

I traveled the country non-stop. Wherever I wanted to go, I went. Time and money was no issue. Up until last week I was living in a college party house. There were college girls doing cocaine in the other room on a fairly regular basis. It turns out they just graduated, had some money saved up, and they wanted to party until the money runs out. It ran out after two months and they wen't scrambling looking for jobs, and suddenly started living like most people.

They got jobs.

They were living the life of their dreams in college, and now that dream life is gone for "the real world". But by now, you realize the "real world" is not the way you want to live your life.

Hopefully you won't fall into that trap of settling for less, like they did. They said they wanted to write and travel...and I told them that it's possible, and how to do it. They didn't listen.

Those parties usually lasted until 5 in the morning.

At first I stayed in my room because I've never been around drugs like that before. I wanted to write my book and work on my business.

But after a while, I decided to join them. It was fun.

No, I didn't do any cocaine.

..but those nights were still very fun.

What else did I do on this journey?

Recorded YouTube videos in Sedona, The Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park, and all across the country. I put them on the internet to inspire other people that a life like this is possible for them.

I've met lots of the following people, and realized that they are actually regular people like you and I...they just went on this journey.
  • Millionaires.
  • Rockstars.
  • Celebrities.
  • Athletes.
  • Spiritual Gurus - who taught me some crazy things, that actually worked.
I started creating ideal visions of the future in my imagination, feeling as if I already achieved it...and eventually all of those things I dreamed of became true.

...usually when I least expected it. It was like some kind of magic. But somehow it works.

I don't know.

Either way, I got rid of my fears, doubts, and any self-imposed limitations about myself.

This is the most empowering way to live a life...when you can literally create any future you want for yourself with not only the goals you set for yourself but also with your talents and skills you got along the way.

What else happened on this journey?

Oh yeah, I went broke and lost it all twice. When I stopped working, I stopped growing...and that is when my business crashed.

I lost it all, I got into massive debt, and the stress got so bad that I began having heart palpitations 100 miles in the middle of the wilderness in Northern Montana in late October.

THAT...was a life-altering experience, to say the least. It really was. Looking back on it, when I failed and lost it all, that was probably the second most profound life-changing thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, and I'm glad it happened.

But a cool thing happened. Each time I failed, I came back stronger. I faced my worst fears and I now see what's on the other side of them...


I try to look back and tell others that these fears and negative thoughts in your mind are simply not real. Some people believe me, some people don't.

We all have that voice in our mind.

You'll realize that the voice is not real..and it's not yours. So those doubts no longer affect you. When you realize that your limiting beliefs are not real, and you can believe whatever you want.. you can now accomplish anything.

At this point of the journey, I'm not saying that you should drop out of school, quit your job, and drive 2,000 miles across the country to chase your dreams. I'm simply saying that from 90% of the millionaires and celebrities that I've come to know on this journey, they've done something similar too.

They left their old self behind with their old life, and they jumped into the new. It was scary for all of us at first, but once we do it, we would look back and say "why didn't you quit your job and travel across the country to chase your dreams sooner?"

Like when one of my friends moved from California to Scottsdale, AZ with me, quit his $40,000 per year job to start an internet business. He didn't know where the would lead him.

That company has made him over a quarter of a million dollars in the first year, then he sold it, and now he's spent the last 13 months traveling the world while he makes even more money with his second business.

I still remember the days we were scared to quit the safety of our corporate jobs. Jobs that weren't our dreams. Why didn't we do that sooner?

We all went on this journey, and you are reading this now because it is your time to begin your journey too. Wherever it is. But wherever you go, make sure that you choose to do the things YOU want to do in this life, not what anybody else tells you that you're supposed to do.

Now I'm looking up to all of my mentors and realized they went through all the same struggles I pushed through on their rise up. The struggles you face now are a normal part of the process, because we've all been through them, although most people don't like to talk about it. The fact that you are facing these struggles in front of you right now simply means you are on the right path.
  • They had no clue what they were doing when they started.
  • They took a risk, and they've failed hundreds of times as well.
  • They suffered from those fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs.
  • They jumped from idea to idea and they also procrastinated.
  • They also celebrated their success, lost it all, an were able to rebuild it all from scratch...just like I did, twice.
Once you reach this destination, after you take that next step now, where you are heading doesn't matter where you are in life. When you walk down this journey long enough, you are in full control of your life. You can create any life you want, and go anywhere you please.

You can be with anyone you wish.

You can create a business that lets you quit your job and travel for two years while you live off of passive income. You can start that big business that requires your time and makes millions of dollars.

You can be that best-selling author if you choose to be.

You can become that famous singer, actor, athlete, or whatever it is you want to be...but you'll have to put in the work.

Let me repeat that, you're going to have to not only put in the work, but virtually dedicate your entire life to the journey.


You can already choose to be happy with where you are today, because one day you will already be living your dreams, and on this day, today, you will look back and tell a past version of yourself that there actually is no destination.

The journey is the destination.

So if there is no destination, that means the only way to be successful in this life is to enjoy the present moment for what it is. Enjoy the journey as you grow more and do new, exciting things each day.

When you reach this stage of your journey, you can do anything you would ever want to do in life, regardless of where you are at. At this stage of the journey, you can be $78,000 in debt and unemployed...and at this stage of the journey...not even that can hold you back.

In fact, the more adversity you face, the stronger you are, and the harder you work.

You already have anything and everything you would ever need to be successful in life. You can just take that leap, follow the next step, and see where your journey leads you.

Because when you reach this stage of the journey...you might be surprised that you're already at your destination, because you are right where you are supposed to be right now.

But the most important and interesting thing that I realized...is that I became this person who I always wanted to be, not at the end, but instead... with that very first step.

It took years of self-discovery to become the best version of myself, but the moment you have already come that successful person, who is already in full control of my life...was that moment you took that very first step.

That moment you decided to pick up this book.

You are already well on your way, lightyears ahead of the rest, because you simply now know a journey like this exists, and it is here for you.

The very first step I took, when I was coming out of "The Great Recession" with $250 to my name and not a clue what I was doing...was the only step that made all the difference.

I packed that car, and left my old life behind, in exchange for the new....with dreams of traveling the country in complete freedom...to live life on my own terms, and not be a victim of my circumstances.

But it wasn't that moment two years later when I quit my job that I became free and in control of my life. I was always free and in full control of the direction of my life, from the very beginning. But I didn't realize it until now.

I would tell a past version of myself, "Wherever you are in life right now, you are already in full control of where you are going. Nobody holds power over you."

The only thing that ever held me back from living the life of my dreams was...myself.

I didn't know were that first step would lead me when I took it, I had no clue what I was doing, four years ago today, with $250 to my name...when I was broke, unemployed, and living with my parents.

That was the moment that I chose to be successful.

But what would life continue to look like if you never took that first step?
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