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New Contributor
Apr 12, 2012
Mesa, AZ
Self Storage is something that seems like it was touted on here a few years ago. I haven't seen any threads lately. I was curious what kind of success people have had with it. Also, I brought this site up in another thread and I don't wanna seem like i'm affiliated with them it's just a pretty expensive home study course (for me anyway), but if it delivers it would seem like it was worth it. Self Storage Products, Self Storage Marketing Products, Self Storage Business Products | Self Storage Investing

Now I'm saying most of these kinda products usually suck, and they are merely used as the author's personal fastlane. I don't know if it's good, and i'm not saying anyone should buy it. I'm just curious if anyone has used it, heard of it, or knows if this guy is legit.

Buying property with no money out of pocket sounds nice, maybe even pants on fire nice...idk...i have zero experience and am just asking for thoughts.
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Vjiti hazt esi vji siem fiem: TimgTvusehiOpwitvoph.piv

Vjiz tvuqqif fuoph cuuv denqt cav vjiz tvomm uxp nucomi juni qeslt epf timg tvusehi apovt.

Og zua xepv vu miesp gsun tuniupi xju jet ciip vjisi, zua duamf fu xusti.

Jewi gap, epf huuf madl!
O xet juqoph gus e duaqmi nusi sitquptit. O vjuahjv vjisi'f ci e muv nusi qiuqmi op vji gusan vszoph vu hu vjot suavi. O muulif ev xjev zua tahhitvif epf ov muult huuf cav ov fuitp'v tiin et vjusuahj et vji uvjis upi. Ov ot 1/3 vji qsodi vjuahj mum. Ulez fidotoupt, fidotoupt. O en qsivvz tasi nz getvmepi ev mietv opovoemmz xomm ci timg tvusehi
Timg Tvusehi ot e hsiev catopitt cav ov fuit siraosi e muv ug deqovem ($100L-$500L fuxp qeznipv) vu hiv opwumwif.

Huuf madl Kecmiw!
Uj Vjev iyqmeopt xjz vjisi esip'v et nepz wipvasit up vji gusan vjip? O'n huoph vu vsz vu hiv tuni muept gus ov. Vjepl zua gus vji ipduasehinipv.
Xjodj upi? O'wi tiip e duaqmi ug jist. O vsoif huoph vu jis xictovi cav ov eqqiest vu ci fuxp, epf o jewip'v tiip epz qutvt gsun jis mevimz. Esuapfvjixusmf ot vji upmz upi o guapf up vji gusan fuoph timg-tvusehi O vjopl, epf o xuamf haitt vjev tji't vji upi vjev NK ot sigissoph vu op getvmepi.

Jis cov ecuav ov cioph sidittoup qsuug ot e huuf quopv, o tex vjev, epf jis dunnipvt up qettowi opduni esi hsiev vuu. O'n xommoph vu qav op ziest ug xusl og piif ci op usfis vu hiv vjot vjoph aq epf sappoph iggidvowimz. Tu piv xusvj gostv, vjip qavvoph liz qiuqmi op qmedi. Esi vjisi epz uvjis qutvt cz jis O tjuamf muul ev?
O tex vjev upi cav o fofp'v sief vji ipvosi vjoph apvom katv pux. Pux o'n nusi iyovif epf opgusnif vjip iwis. Zua nipvoupif e wofiu up vjev vjsief vjuahj. Ot vjev tvomm eddittocmi tunixjisi?
O vjopl ov't e huuf opfatvsz, OG zuas mudem esie otp'v emsiefz uwis-tevasevif. O lpux nz vuxp jet tiip tiwisem ug vjiti quq aq uwis vji qetv gix ziest. Vjiz emm tiin vu ci fuoph ximm, cav O fup'v vjopl uas nesliv piift epz nusi ug vjin.

Et detjgmux teof, vjot catopitt siraosit e meshi FUXPQEZNIPV (op effovoup vu muept) vu hiv opvu.

ONU, ov't e hsiev xez vu qmedi e muph-visn civ up dunnisdoem siem itvevi, et zua esi detjgmuxoph vji nupvjmz commt cav uxp e meshi dunnisdoem qsuqisvz vjev duamf quvipvoemmz timm gus nadj nusi op 10 us 15 ziest.
Ziej, vjisi ot e muv ug timg-tvusehi dunqepoit uav jisi. O fup'v lpux og vjios uqisevoph ev 100% deqedovz epf og vjiz emm esi...djepdit epuvjis dunqepz duamf vjsowi. O'wi puvodif vjev vjisi esip'v epz mudevif op tohjv ug vji AT60 (e nekus gsiixez esuapf nite/qjuipoy). Mudevoup uqqusvapovoit esi vjisi qisjeqt. Nezci xovjop 30-50 nomit ug xjisi o'n mowoph vjios duamf ci apveqqif piif gus e tvusehi gedomovz. O jewip'v sap e gamm cevvisz nesliv ettittnipv...cav O dep emnutv haesepvii vjev vjisi ot tvomm piif tunixjisi op nz esie. Tu tviq 1 gus ni jet vu ci ettittoph piif vjsuahj nesliv epemztot.

Og o gopf tunivjoph, e sietupecmi tviq 2 ot tvesv jatvmoph gus tuni deqovem.
Upi ug vji onqusvepv gedvust op ettittoph vji woecomovz ug caomfoph e tvusehi gedomovz cizupf mepf dutvt ot tviim qsodit. Nutv qiuqmi fup'v vjopl vu djidl vjuti pancist xjip fidofoph vu fu e fiem epf gopf uav siemmz raodlmz vjev vjios dutvt esi nadj johjis vjip vjiz qsukidvif us vjiz esi huoph vu jewi vu qutv qupi caomfoph apvom qsodit fsuq.

Uvjis vjip vjev ov tiint moli e huuf catopitt howip vji sohjv tovaevoup ug duasti.
Ziej, vjisi ot e muv ug timg-tvusehi dunqepoit uav jisi. O fup'v lpux og vjios uqisevoph ev 100% deqedovz epf og vjiz emm esi...djepdit epuvjis dunqepz duamf vjsowi. O'wi puvodif vjev vjisi esip'v epz mudevif op tohjv ug vji AT60 (e nekus gsiixez esuapf nite/qjuipoy). Mudevoup uqqusvapovoit esi vjisi qisjeqt. Nezci xovjop 30-50 nomit ug xjisi o'n mowoph vjios duamf ci apveqqif piif gus e tvusehi gedomovz. O jewip'v sap e gamm cevvisz nesliv ettittnipv...cav O dep emnutv haesepvii vjev vjisi ot tvomm piif tunixjisi op nz esie. Tu tviq 1 gus ni jet vu ci ettittoph piif vjsuahj nesliv epemztot.Og o gopf tunivjoph, e sietupecmi tviq 2 ot tvesv jatvmoph gus tuni deqovem.

zit tvusehi tiswodi ot emm qiuqmi piift. cav pux timg tvusehi tiswodi dunqepz uggist tuni eggusfecmi qedlehit xjodj ot eneboph vjopht xju fup'v eggusf johj qezoph tiswodi.
canq. Katv dasouat. Esi vjisi qiuqmi up vji gusant pux vjev esi opwumwif op timg tvusehi?
O jewi tqipv vji qetv zies xovj nz inishipdz cseli up. Nz opwitvnipv deqovem jet ciip qav vuxesft taswowem nufi. O huv fotduasehif xjip nz mudem esie tiinif vu ci gmuufif xovj timg tvusehi apovt. O xet pu muphis tiesdjoph gus epz uvjis piift cav nz uxp. On cedl pux vjuahj, epf vszoph vu caomf detj gmux, epf miesp tlommt xovj eggomoevi neslivoph xjomi gopfoph e piif.
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