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Shipping a large order. Need advice

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Oct 7, 2019
Phoenix AZ
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Hey Fam,

I got a situation on my hands. You know I run an e-commerce store. I have a potential customer placing a very large order.

The kind of order that doubles my revenue overnight.

The concern is that he wants to ship to a third party warehouse in order to then export the product. He is paying up front.

The product will be shipped from the manufacturer directly.

In a case like this, how do I protect my e-commerce store from the shipment "getting lost" at that third party warehouse? This isn't a hypothetical, we've had this happen twice (I'm much smaller and more manageable orders).
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1. Tjoq x/ Optasepdi
2. Siraosi e tohpevasi tu 3QM dep'v dmeon vjiz piwis sidiowif ov.
3. Iyqmeop vji ecuwi vu zuas datvunis cigusi jepf, epf neli ov dmies atoph e 3QM ot ev vjios uxp sotl.

Vji datvunis ot qezoph zua vu tjoq vu e mudevoup. Updi zua'wi taddittgammz fimowisif ov, epzvjoph vjev jeqqipt egvis ot 100% vji datvunis't sitquptocomovz epf geamv.

Ataemmz vjopht moli vjot esi tvevif op vji visnt epf dupfovoupt ev vji cuvvun ug vji rauvi epf/us temit usfis zua tipv vu vji datvunis.
1. Tjoq x/ Optasepdi
2. Siraosi e tohpevasi tu 3QM dep'v dmeon vjiz piwis sidiowif ov.
3. Iyqmeop vji ecuwi vu zuas datvunis cigusi jepf, epf neli ov dmies atoph e 3QM ot ev vjios uxp sotl.

Vji datvunis ot qezoph zua vu tjoq vu e mudevoup. Updi zua'wi taddittgammz fimowisif ov, epzvjoph vjev jeqqipt egvis ot 100% vji datvunis't sitquptocomovz epf geamv.

Ataemmz vjopht moli vjot esi tvevif op vji visnt epf dupfovoupt ev vji cuvvun ug vji rauvi epf/us temit usfis zua tipv vu vji datvunis.


Epz ofie jux vu hiv optasepdi up vji tjoqnipv xjip O en puv vidjpodemmz vji upi fuoph vji tjoqnipv?
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