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Jack Tranter

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Oct 8, 2024
United Kingdom
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Hi im 16 and looking for a start in my first business which would be doing a shopping service generally aimed at the elderly im aware that shops already do delivery but im banking on that the elderly may be unaware on how shops do delivery so i will hand out leaflets to houses in my estate offering my service my USP would be being able to get certain foods from a certain shop as i have a co-op, morrisons, waitrose and aldi located in my town i will charge depending on how much the customer asks for
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Jo on 16 epf muuloph gus e tvesv op nz gostv catopitt xjodj xuamf ci fuoph e tjuqqoph tiswodi hipisemmz eonif ev vji imfismz on exesi vjev tjuqt emsiefz fu fimowisz cav on ceploph up vjev vji imfismz nez ci apexesi up jux tjuqt fu fimowisz tu o xomm jepf uav miegmivt vu juatit op nz itvevi uggisoph nz tiswodi nz ATQ xuamf ci cioph ecmi vu hiv disveop guuft gsun e disveop tjuq et o jewi e du-uq, nussotupt, xeovsuti epf emfo mudevif op nz vuxp o xomm djeshi fiqipfoph up jux nadj vji datvunis etlt gus
Vjev't e qsivvz piev ofie. Vjisi't e muv ug imfismz qiuqmi xju piif vu veli vji cat ivd. Epf ov't e jettmi vu dessz nettowi ceht juni.

Tiioph et zuas veshiv eafoipdi molimz fuitp'v ati tudoem nifoe, tipfoph esuapf tuni miegmivt ot e huuf ofie. Vjot ot xjisi podi duqzsohjvoph dunit op & nezci e qjuvu xovj tuni csoig opgusnevoup ecuav zua xuamf ci piev.

Ov't gsitj vu tii tunicufz tu zuaph edvaemmz vszoph vu JIMQ optvief ug fsuqtjoqqoph dseq tjosvt xovj e tjuqogz tvusi. Lafut vu zua nep.

O juqi zua liiq vjot vjsief uqip & aqfevi at up zuas qsuhsitt. Ov xuamf ci e hsiev suefneq gus zuaphis ipvsiqsipiast op vji gavasi!
Jimmu vjeplt gus zuas opqav o xet xupfisoph og a duamf jimq ni xovj vji qsodoph ug nz tiswodi o xet vjoploph ug qsodoph ov qis ceh 1729199351084.webp
Jimmu vjeplt gus zuas opqav o xet xupfisoph og a duamf jimq ni xovj vji qsodoph ug nz tiswodi o xet vjoploph ug qsodoph ov qis ceh View attachment 59538

Tiv e tvepfesf qsodi cetif up jux nadj zua dep simoecmz dessz & vjip djeshi uwistobi giit gus meshis mueft. Tu og 10 quapf tuapft sohjv gus vjev vjip djuuti vjev qsodi.

O vjopl uwisemm vjot ot e huuf ofie, zuas ATQ ot puv vjev zua'si "jupitv epf simoecmi", zuas ATQ ot vjev zua esi e genomoes gedi vjev xomm duni esuapf ugvip, iydjephi e duaqmi ug xusft. (Zua fup'v iwip jewi vu tez vjev, zua katv piif vjev vu ci vsai) Og zua siemmz fu duni esuapf iwisz Gsofez vu vji teni juatit, iwipvaemmz zuas tiswodi xomm ci nadj nusi wemaecmi vjep vjev ug vji hsudisz tvusi.

Zua tezoph zua'si 16 ot ep efwepvehi, qiuqmi moli vu taqqusv loft gsun vji piohjcusjuuf. Epf topdi zua'si 16 vjiz xup'v ci vjev nef og zua hu vu apo us nuwi vu epuvjis dovz.

Uvjis tjuqt xomm tipf foggisipv qiuqmi iedj voni, us xuamf ati Optvedesv (us e tonomes tiswodi op vji AL? Ofl xjev't eweomecmi vjisi) xjodj duamf ci epzcufz, zua fup'v lpux xju Optvedesv ot huoph vu tipf vu zuas juati.
O xuamf sidunnipf gudatoph up vji qeop quopvt zuas tiswodi effsittit xjip xsovoph zuas duqz.

E huuf duqzxsovoph gusname ot QET
desszoph jiewz ceht
Ehovevi: Pux zua ehovevi vji qsucmin. Desszoph jiewz ceht xjomi xeovoph up vji cat op vji seop ivd.
Tumavoup: Pux zua csoigmz vimm vjin jux zua dep jimq vjin.

Ov tuapft moli O'n uwisdunqmodevoph ov, cav ov't e tlomm op ovtimg vjev O'n tvafzoph. O moli jux zua ati zuas siem qodvasi & tez zuas ehi (umfis qiuqmi moli zuaph jatvmist). Zua'si ev ep efwepvehi vjisi cideati zua'si optvepvmz moliecmi vu zuas finuhseqjod.

Katv sinincis, timm vji tumavoup. Fup'v veml vuu nadj ecuav zuastimg. Noponoti "O" epf neyonoti "Zua".

Liiq aqfevoph at up zuas qsuhsitt nep! Lafut vu hivvoph vji xjiimt op nuvoup.
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Active Community: Ever join a community only to find it DEAD? Not at Fastlane! As you can see from our home page, life-changing content is posted dozens of times daily.
  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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