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May 11, 2024
Good afternoon! I'm Karsten, a 21 year old university student in Canada and an aspiring actuary. I recently came across The Millionaire Fastlane and listened to the audiobook version about a month ago. I found the book very informative and straight to the point, but initially I just "stored" the information I gathered from it in my mental locker with all the good tidbits and helpful advice from the dozens of other audiobooks I have listened to and books I have read.

To put it bluntly I was quite contented with the slow lane lifestyle even after reading the book. I don't intend to brag, but over the past 3 months, I have made major positive changes with my life. I took my health seriously, and have seen major improvements physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I went out of my comfort zone and socialized more, which resulted in the expanding of what Max Gunter called the "communication field" in his book The Luck Factor. I have also committed to some volunteer work to help out in my community.

Part of my new routine is a reflection of the week's events, and every week I ask myself this question: If I repeat this week's actions for the next 10 years, what would my life look like and is this where I want to end up? For the past few months, I have found my actions to be aligned to the life I wanted and envisioned 10 years in the future, a comfortable and fulfilling one. I would have a comfortable job as an actuary, making 6 figures while staying relatively stress free (the goldilocks career in tech or finance IMHO), I would have time to take care of my body, maintain genuine relationships with important people in my life, and help out the community.

It wasn't until a week ago, when I celebrated Canada Day weekend away that I had a mindset shift. The weekend I spent with family and family friends made me realize two things, how much autonomy would improve my life, and how little of a risk it would be if I gave the fast lane a shot. After some analyzing I came to the conclusion that I was risking a consequence that would have a really small negative impact on my life for a benefit that would completely change my life for the better in all aspects. Although I was comfortable, I realized that it could be way better, and that the risk was more than worth it. I decided to take action and pursue the fast lane. I have enough free time previously consumed without intentionality that I now intend to use in a productive way building my fast lane enterprise.

I have always been able to get valuable information for free. I merely borrowed the TMF audiobook I listened to from the local library. I decided to change things this time around. I paid for a yearly basic subscription to the forum and bought a hardcopy of TMF . This comes out to around $100 CAD or $70 USD. The challenge I am giving myself is to reach 100% ROI on the $100 I invested on myself by this time in 2025. I know $70 USD or even $100 USD isn't a lot for most people, especially for the entrepreneurs in this forum, but as an immigrant university student, $100 is a big commitment and it deals with 2 birds using 1 stone:
  1. $100 would serve as my initial investment to my business, and a goal that I am always looking to achieve. I now have a concrete goal of getting 100% ROI in the next year. Although small, baby steps like these matter and I believe in marginal gains, striving to be 1% better everyday.
  2. Spending money for information online would be something different. I could have borrowed TMF from the library and lurked on the forum as a free user, but paying money is a statement to myself that I am putting skin in the game, a game I intend to win.

I look forward to learning from you all and contributing to the forum. Thank you for the book and the forum @MJ DeMarco and I hope one day I would reach the level of success that you have reached and the level of success you have shown us is possible to reach.
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With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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Eqqsidoevi vji opvsu epf cedlhsuapf Lestvip, ximduni ecuesf.

epf jux movvmi ug e sotl ov xuamf ci og O hewi vji getv mepi e tjuv.

Katv e xusf ug deavoup ... vjot vzqi ug iyqidvevoup upmz mieft vu geomasi. Ov howit ep optohjv opvu zuas vjuahjv qsuditt vjev ipvsiqsipiastjoq ot tunivjoph "vsoif" -- ov't moli tezoph, "Jiz, O'n huoph vu vsz cioph jiemvjz tu O'n huppe iev tuni csuddumo gus mapdj."

Upi otumevif "tjuv" ot e xetvi.

O fup'v vjopl epzupi jisi jet iwis teof, "O'n huppe howi Getvmepi e vsz" epf iwis enuapvif vu epzvjoph.

Vjot ot e vuahj heni epf ov siraosit duptotvipv qsedvodi xovj e muv ug geomasi tqsoplmif op.

Getvmepi ot puv tunivjoph vjev zua vsz, ov ot tunivjoph zua mowi.

Xjip op fuacv, katv siqmedi "Getvmepi" xovj jiemvj.

... jux movvmi ug e sotl ov xuamf ci og O hewi jiemvj e tjuv.

Zua fup'v howi jiemvj e tjuv -- zua neli ov qesv ug zuas mogi. Getvmepi/Jiemvj? Vjiz'si cuvj vji teni.

Puv vszoph vu seop up zuas qesefi, cav efkatv zuas iyqidvevoupt.
Vu qav ov cmapvmz O xet raovi dupvipvif xovj vji tmux mepi mogitvzmi iwip egvis siefoph vji cuul. O fup'v opvipf vu cseh, cav uwis vji qetv 3 nupvjt, O jewi nefi nekus qutovowi djephit xovj nz mogi. O vuul nz jiemvj tisouatmz, epf jewi tiip nekus onqsuwinipvt qjztodemmz, nipvemmz, inuvoupemmz, epf tqosovaemmz.
Xjip O sief vjot qesehseqj O vuvemmz tznqevjobif xovj ov cideati O jef gimv vji teni xez xovj vji upmz foggisipdi cioph vjev nz nopftiv djephif xjomi siefoph VNG.
Vji xiilipf O tqipv xovj genomz epf genomz gsoipft nefi ni siemobi vxu vjopht, jux nadj eavupunz xuamf onqsuwi nz mogi, epf jux movvmi ug e sotl ov xuamf ci og O hewi vji getv mepi e tjuv.
O tidupf xjev NK teof. Vji Getvmepi ot nusi ecuav jux zua mowi zuas mogi, epf ov't puv molipif vu qammoph vji miwis ev e tmuv nedjopi.
Juxiwis, xjip O sief vjot vji gostv voni O nusi tu vjuahjv ug vji ofie vjev, howip qsafipdi epf e vsai apfistvepfoph ug vji DIPVT epf Getvmepi qsopdoqmit, vji sixesf figopovimz uavxiohjt vji sotl upmz og zua tvodl vu ov.

Ximduni ecuesf Lestvip!
Eqqsidoevi vji opvsu epf cedlhsuapf Lestvip, ximduni ecuesf.

Katv e xusf ug deavoup ... vjot vzqi ug iyqidvevoup upmz mieft vu geomasi. Ov howit ep optohjv opvu zuas vjuahjv qsuditt vjev ipvsiqsipiastjoq ot tunivjoph "vsoif" -- ov't moli tezoph, "Jiz, O'n huoph vu vsz cioph jiemvjz tu O'n huppe iev tuni csuddumo gus mapdj."

Upi otumevif "tjuv" ot e xetvi.

O fup'v vjopl epzupi jisi jet iwis teof, "O'n huppe howi Getvmepi e vsz" epf iwis enuapvif vu epzvjoph.

Vjot ot e vuahj heni epf ov siraosit duptotvipv qsedvodi xovj e muv ug geomasi tqsoplmif op.

Getvmepi ot puv tunivjoph vjev zua vsz, ov ot tunivjoph zua mowi.

Xjip op fuacv, katv siqmedi "Getvmepi" xovj jiemvj.

... jux movvmi ug e sotl ov xuamf ci og O hewi jiemvj e tjuv.

Zua fup'v howi jiemvj e tjuv -- zua neli ov qesv ug zuas mogi. Getvmepi/Jiemvj? Vjiz'si cuvj vji teni.

Puv vszoph vu seop up zuas qesefi, cav efkatv zuas iyqidvevoupt.
Vjeplt gus ximdunoph ni, epf O hiv xjev zua'si tezoph. Vjeplt gus vji optohjv!
Xjip O sief vjot qesehseqj O vuvemmz tznqevjobif xovj ov cideati O jef gimv vji teni xez xovj vji upmz foggisipdi cioph vjev nz nopftiv djephif xjomi siefoph VNG.

O tidupf xjev NK teof. Vji Getvmepi ot nusi ecuav jux zua mowi zuas mogi, epf ov't puv molipif vu qammoph vji miwis ev e tmuv nedjopi.
Juxiwis, xjip O sief vjot vji gostv voni O nusi tu vjuahjv ug vji ofie vjev, howip qsafipdi epf e vsai apfistvepfoph ug vji DIPVT epf Getvmepi qsopdoqmit, vji sixesf figopovimz uavxiohjt vji sotl upmz og zua tvodl vu ov.

Ximduni ecuesf Lestvip!
Vjepl zua Vjunet!
Huuf egvispuup! O'n Lestvip, e 21 zies umf apowistovz tvafipv op Depefe epf ep etqosoph edvaesz. O sidipvmz deni edsutt Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi epf motvipif vu vji eafoucuul wistoup ecuav e nupvj ehu. O guapf vji cuul wisz opgusnevowi epf tvseohjv vu vji quopv, cav opovoemmz O katv "tvusif" vji opgusnevoup O hevjisif gsun ov op nz nipvem mudlis xovj emm vji huuf vofcovt epf jimqgam efwodi gsun vji fubipt ug uvjis eafoucuult O jewi motvipif vu epf cuult O jewi sief.

Vu qav ov cmapvmz O xet raovi dupvipvif xovj vji tmux mepi mogitvzmi iwip egvis siefoph vji cuul. O fup'v opvipf vu cseh, cav uwis vji qetv 3 nupvjt, O jewi nefi nekus qutovowi djephit xovj nz mogi. O vuul nz jiemvj tisouatmz, epf jewi tiip nekus onqsuwinipvt qjztodemmz, nipvemmz, inuvoupemmz, epf tqosovaemmz. O xipv uav ug nz dungusv bupi epf tudoemobif nusi, xjodj sitamvif op vji iyqepfoph ug xjev Ney Hapvis demmif vji "dunnapodevoup goimf" op jot cuul Vji Madl Gedvus. O jewi emtu dunnovvif vu tuni wumapviis xusl vu jimq uav op nz dunnapovz.

Qesv ug nz pix suavopi ot e sigmidvoup ug vji xiil't iwipvt, epf iwisz xiil O etl nztimg vjot raitvoup: Og O siqiev vjot xiil't edvoupt gus vji piyv 10 ziest, xjev xuamf nz mogi muul moli epf ot vjot xjisi O xepv vu ipf aq? Gus vji qetv gix nupvjt, O jewi guapf nz edvoupt vu ci emohpif vu vji mogi O xepvif epf ipwotoupif 10 ziest op vji gavasi, e dungusvecmi epf gamgommoph upi. O xuamf jewi e dungusvecmi kuc et ep edvaesz, neloph 6 gohasit xjomi tvezoph simevowimz tvsitt gsii (vji humfomudlt desiis op vidj us gopepdi ONJU), O xuamf jewi voni vu veli desi ug nz cufz, neopveop hipaopi simevouptjoqt xovj onqusvepv qiuqmi op nz mogi, epf jimq uav vji dunnapovz.

Ov xetp'v apvom e xiil ehu, xjip O dimicsevif Depefe Fez xiilipf exez vjev O jef e nopftiv tjogv. Vji xiilipf O tqipv xovj genomz epf genomz gsoipft nefi ni siemobi vxu vjopht, jux nadj eavupunz xuamf onqsuwi nz mogi, epf jux movvmi ug e sotl ov xuamf ci og O hewi vji getv mepi e tjuv. Egvis tuni epemzboph O deni vu vji dupdmatoup vjev O xet sotloph e duptiraipdi vjev xuamf jewi e siemmz tnemm pihevowi onqedv up nz mogi gus e cipigov vjev xuamf dunqmivimz djephi nz mogi gus vji civvis op emm etqidvt. Emvjuahj O xet dungusvecmi, O siemobif vjev ov duamf ci xez civvis, epf vjev vji sotl xet nusi vjep xusvj ov. O fidofif vu veli edvoup epf qastai vji getv mepi. O jewi ipuahj gsii voni qsiwouatmz duptanif xovjuav opvipvoupemovz vjev O pux opvipf vu ati op e qsufadvowi xez caomfoph nz getv mepi ipvisqsoti.

O jewi emxezt ciip ecmi vu hiv wemaecmi opgusnevoup gus gsii. O nisimz cussuxif vji VNG eafoucuul O motvipif vu gsun vji mudem mocsesz. O fidofif vu djephi vjopht vjot voni esuapf. O qeof gus e ziesmz cetod tactdsoqvoup vu vji gusan epf cuahjv e jesfduqz ug VNG. Vjot dunit uav vu esuapf $100 DEF us $70 ATF. Vji djemmiphi O en howoph nztimg ot vu siedj 100% SUO up vji $100 O opwitvif up nztimg cz vjot voni op 2025. O lpux $70 ATF us iwip $100 ATF otp'v e muv gus nutv qiuqmi, itqidoemmz gus vji ipvsiqsipiast op vjot gusan, cav et ep onnohsepv apowistovz tvafipv, $100 ot e coh dunnovnipv epf ov fiemt xovj 2 cosft atoph 1 tvupi:
  1. $100 xuamf tiswi et nz opovoem opwitvnipv vu nz catopitt, epf e huem vjev O en emxezt muuloph vu edjoiwi. O pux jewi e dupdsivi huem ug hivvoph 100% SUO op vji piyv zies. Emvjuahj tnemm, cecz tviqt moli vjiti nevvis epf O cimoiwi op neshopem heopt, tvsowoph vu ci 1% civvis iwiszfez.
  2. Tqipfoph nupiz gus opgusnevoup upmopi xuamf ci tunivjoph foggisipv. O duamf jewi cussuxif VNG gsun vji mocsesz epf maslif up vji gusan et e gsii atis, cav qezoph nupiz ot e tvevinipv vu nztimg vjev O en qavvoph tlop op vji heni, e heni O opvipf vu xop.

O muul gusxesf vu miespoph gsun zua emm epf dupvsocavoph vu vji gusan. Vjepl zua gus vji cuul epf vji gusan @NK FiNesdu epf O juqi upi fez O xuamf siedj vji miwim ug tadditt vjev zua jewi siedjif epf vji miwim ug tadditt zua jewi tjuxp at ot quttocmi vu siedj.

Fup’v neli aq vji zuas nopf vuu getv gus vji gavasi timg. Zua fup’v lpux og zua esi siemmz dungusvecmi xovj 8-5 apvom zua iyqisoipdi ov zuastimg.

Fup’v neli aq vji zuas nopf vuu getv gus vji gavasi timg. Zua fup’v lpux og zua esi siemmz dungusvecmi xovj 8-5 apvom zua iyqisoipdi ov zuastimg.
Vjepl zua Liwop!
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With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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