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Sport coaching / Dieting

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Under The Stairs

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Aug 2, 2023
Hello all,

A few days ago i went to a tread on the forum: "Don't lurk, do this instead" - Written by @Andy Black. It was a post about lurking and about trying to get out of it. One of the things I mentioned was that I'm afraid to fail, probably due to past experience but mostly due to comfort. Yet the last weeks/months there has been something brewing, that has taken me over and slowly i'm trying to express it and build something within the very segregated world of Coaching / Dieting.

TLDR: Business idea: Application + website on general health and sport with build in habit / food tracker + sports plans.
Monthly fee for usage, coaching, replying depending on packages.

We all know you should not always "just follow passion" but let me still take you into my world:
- I'm 27 years old and besides a business degree and a 7 year sales career in International business, I got 0.0 experience in owning / building or trying a business. I am however very strong in people management, communication, analysis and numbers.
- I've been training / dieting for about 15 years of my life in various sports (Football, boxing, bodybuilding, running, tennis,...). It allows me a broad range of expertise.
- The health / food / fitness / sport industry is an industry that should be helpful, should benefit people and should be accessible, but is filled with guru's, garbage and giga expensive PDF files with a bunch of nonsense. There is tons of opportunity here, albeit you have to get trough the noise.
- We all know health can not be bought, not by me, not by a billionaire. All we can do is living life in a way that benefits our longevity, health and mental fortitude.
- I believe there is still a hole in the market that needs to be filled (more further down).

- More people than ever are concerned with their health, not just looking fit, but mostly feeling fit.
- There is more obesity than ever before
- Mental issues are the highest it's ever been in Western Europe + America, physical health has a direct correlation to this.
- A lot of misconceptions are widely spread, opportunity lies in debunking those and providing quality information
- Scalability: This day you can coach / assist people anywhere in the world as long as they have a phone / internet connection
- Reach: Due to the internet area, with the correct digital marketing, reaching people everywhere is possible
- There will be no specific limit on age group, broader spectrum of people that I could help.

- The industry of sport / fitness and health is very segregated, lots of competition and many people trying to be the next big thing.
- Lack in skill for developing / marketing from myself
- Guru's vs truth
- Find a way to be balance advice / training with actual value.

The idea:
- Application on the phone - connected with a website that can also be used (accessibility).
- No focus on pure fitness, allowing people to chose what their goals will be (Diet, general health, endurance, condition, weight loss,...)
- Build in diet plans that can be readjusted - customer can flag things they might not like - get a list and get other options
- Build in calculator for macro's, micro's, vitamins and kcal. (Like my fitness pal but within the application and with more focus on the health part: zinc, magnesium,...)
- Build-in schedules for variety of sports (Bodybuilding, general fitness, powerlifting, endurance, running, football,...)
- Direct messaging contact to discuss everything
- Follow-up check ins with the coach / coaches (who can than directly advice, adjust and assist for further improvements).
- Small video's attached within the app that shows how exercises should be done / explanation included (example: hearth rate running - run 10" at 145 hearth rate + reason)
- Let everyone decide how far they want to go - no obligations, customer journey will be decided by themselves.

Why this?:
- An application has further reach and is easier accessible.
- The cost: opening a gym or finding a place with enough place to be able to host all of this would be very expensive.
- It puts the freedom in the power of the customer - I'm merely an advisor and assistant - there is no pressure being in a place with multiple different people that do different sports. The app would assist you in enhancing what you want but does not limit your own execution.
- I'm a great communicator, assisting people via WhatsApp / in message chat or even phone calls is right in my wheelhouse. I'm great at supporting and coaching and due to it being "online" the barrier of entry is a lot lower for most people.

- Developing: I got 0 experience coding or developing an application / website.
- Digital marketing: I got no social media accounts that are highly active (i use social media only for close friends / family) meaning I got no off-set market. I will need to do marketing, preferably digital which i have again 0 experience in.
- Segregation: I've already mentioned it a few times - this market is very full of people, standing out and adding further value will be difficult. I will have to change people's perspective on what health / sport actually is and can mean for an individual.
- Duration: getting all this information in an app would take a ridiculous amount of time even fore 1 sport, I will need days and weeks to write everything + modify it correctly.
- Video shooting: I could add all the video's myself with how to do everything as I am active in a various range of sports but again no experience.
- Scaling: While the scale is infinite, i'm 1 man with experience in a dozen sports. If I want to reach more people in the future I would need people that have experience in that specific area - although it has to be worth it (I know people like darts, but that aint a sport).

Plan of action:
- Development: Either I need to find a course in development or I will have to partner up with someone that could design websites and develop an app. Of course this either would cost a lot of money, which would not be ideal or could be solved by a contract (get x% revenue for x-amount time for x-amount customers).
- Digital marketing: I think this would be more feasible to learn myself - I can follow online courses and learn how to do it. If anyone has recommended websites, I highly value that.
- Start writing exercises with explanations included in multiple languages (dutch, english, french, spanish) this allows further market range (i speak all those languages).
- Video shooting: Try some videoshooting during my own training, verify this quality and ask for opinions in close circles - balance it vs other content to hone the skill.
- Trajectory: create an on-board plan, how are we starting, what country, with what sports and make the app accessible early - add more content throughout weeks + months.

This is a lot of information and I wish to thank anyone that read through it - I'd like to get feedback on this idea and my planning. I do not mind harsh feedback, I can not learn nor develop without people with more experience critiquing me. I also understand that everyone's time is worth money, therefor I do not expect people to simply hand me fresh ideas without a transactional value.

I am willing to trade my experience / time in the following fields with any of yours regarding the above prospects.
- Sport (Football, bodybuilding, boxing, tennis, running, padel)
- Dieting / building muscle / fat loss
- Psychology
- Sales / Prospecting / Cold calling / Relationship managing / Developing
- Investment advice in crypto / stocks and bonds
- Meditation
- Languages / translations

Many thanks for everyone's opinion. I will document progress and write it down on a weekly basis.
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Andy Black

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May 20, 2014
Well done for "unlurking". : )

Might be worth doing a TL-DR at the top.

I will document progress and write it down in a different tread.
Document progress in this thread?

Under The Stairs

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Aug 2, 2023
Well done for "unlurking". : )

Might be worth doing a TL-DR at the top.
Good idea, i've TLDR'ed it in 2 sentences.
Document progress in this thread?
Better idea as well. I've changed that part.

Once again thank you, I can use this immediately to improve the post.

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