• Forum Upgrades Ongoing: Please pardon the dust. Starting the week of September 16th, the forum will be undergoing style modifications and may not appear as normal. Please be patient as modifications are performed. Updates on the progress can be found here. Thanks for your patience! ~ MJ DeMarco

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This year has been quite crazy so far, and a lot of people have reached out to ask me if web design is still a good option. While this is a marketplace post about my coaching program, it will also be a good general guide of the web design opportunities that exist right now.

Is web design still a profitable business in 2020?

You may be thinking, “Sure, web design was great when you started your gold thread in 2016, but what about now?”
Isn’t web design outdated now? Does anyone even still need a website and is it not oversaturated for making money?”

Maybe you have even thought about trying web design in the past, but you were never 100% sure if it was the right thing for YOU to pursue among all the different options out there. The most common questions I still get asked are:
  • How hard is it to learn and make money?
  • Can I learn this with no past experience?
  • How much coding skills do I have to learn to sell websites?
  • How fast can I sell my first project?
  • Is it too late for me to compete against others doing this for years?
  • Can I take this step without getting stuck in something that's NOT right for me?
If any of these questions sound familiar, then keep reading because I’ll answer all these below.

My goal is that by the time you finish reading this thread, you can definitively say either—“Yes, web design is a good option that fits with my long-term Fastlane plans”—or—“No, I can safely rule out web design for now.”

On top of this, you likely want a business to tick some important boxes:

Before we dive into the full thread, I want to quickly mention these points. With anyone on here considering making a change in 2020, these points are probably going to be on your mind. So I have covered them directly upfront:
  • You are looking for a viable business model that can actually work - no playing around
  • You’re looking for a business model with very little or no downside risk
  • You need to be cash-flow positive in a short amount of time. You can’t wait all year to start making money.
  • You don’t have the ability to invest $10,000s to buy a business or be able to order a bunch of inventory
  • You don’t want to have to go back to zero and start entirely from scratch—or even worse, try to get a job
  • You want something easy to run with no need for staff, an office, in-person meetings or supply chains
  • You prefer to build a skill set that is transferable if needed and useful in all business areas
  • You also want something that can be part of your bigger long-term Fastlane plan
  • You need to be able to start right away using only the skills and resources you already have
If some or all of this sounds accurate for you, then the good news is web design fits all these criteria. I'll do my best to show you how throughout this thread.

One last intro point to keep in mind about the web design opportunity that exists right now...

Every business on earth is suddenly desperate to sell more.

They need to quickly and correctly secure and grow their revenue streams.

And all their customers only have one main place to interact with them at the moment:


So what does it take to succeed in web design in 2020?

For the last 3+ years, I’ve been lucky enough to help a lot of people get started with web design. Through Fox Web School, this forum, and several other places we have built a great community of people who have learned web design in a practical and profitable way.

I try not to promote too heavily on the forums, but there have been at least 100 members on here I have worked directly with. I also started the Fox Web School YouTube channel that has now over 11,000 subscribers, and we used to have a Facebook group with over 12,000 members.

This has allowed me to work with, teach and coach literally thousands of web designers. What I want to cover below are the clear trends I have noticed on why some of these people succeed, while others get stuck or fail over and over.

Using an approach that works well some students have made very fast progress with zero previous experience. (I'll give specific examples in just a moment.)

They have sold their very first website for MORE than some web designers with 5+ yrs experience have ever made from a single project.
AND the best part is these same students also do an amazing job at helping their clients to make more sales and grow their business.

It is a total win-win for everyone involved.

What I have seen is that when it comes to succeeding or failing with web design, there are a few very different strategies that people follow.

In short—when people follow the right approach, they do very well—with the wrong approach it never works.

“So what are the different approaches and why do some people succeed when others don’t?”

Let's get right into it by first looking at what NOT to do...

The 2 common approaches to web design that WON’T make you profitable (or create freedom)

Wrong Approach #1 – You focus 100% on coding and technical skills instead of learning how to be a well-rounded business person.

95%+ of web designers fail to reach freedom because they spend all the time developing technical skills. They think if they are experts at Javascript or Wordpress they will be in high demand and profitable.

They quickly find out, though, that it just doesn’t work that way. Business owners don’t think in terms of code and design — they instead keep focused on their most important business challenges or problems.

Can you imagine a business meeting where the owner tells his team, “We badly need to put more money into HTML and CSS this month”? That is never going to happen!

What matters most to a business owner is what clearly keeps their business running and growing. These are going to be areas like increasing sales, attracting new customers, or making sure everything is running efficiently.

It is these key business areas where you need to clearly show how you can help.

To succeed you have to present what you can offer in a way that matters to them. If it isn’t easy for them to see the value in what you are selling, they will put it at the bottom of the list with 1,000 other things that need to be done someday.

What gets their attention is “here is how you can get more customersnotI could improve your old Javascript”.

The people who do best don’t focus on selling the technical stuff - instead they look for ways to create value and then make it appealing for a business owner to invest in.
Often they actually have very little or average technical skills.

While advanced coding skills can get you a job, by themselves they won’t make you an entrepreneur. Focusing too heavily on your technical skills usually leads to you just becoming another cog in someone else’s business. With a “must keep learning more code” mindset it is easy to become overqualified without any clear way to make money or sell yourself.

Unfortunately, though, a lot of web designers don’t ever see this and keep heading in the totally wrong direction. And when it fails to work, they mistakenly double down on the exact skills that are already hurting them the most... “I don’t get it - I can code amazing - why can’t I find work?”. I have got a bunch of these types of DMs all the time - it doesn’t work.

Also there are so many easy ways to make a website in 2020 with very basic coding skills and anything extra on top of that can be easily outsourced. The truth is you don’t need to be that good technically to run a profitable web design business. The real skills that make you profitable are often not technical.

(A lot of old school web designers or people who paid big money for coding degrees will disagree. BUT these same people complain they can’t get hired and there are no good clients. Business and selling skills always come first.)

Wrong Approach #2 – You focus on building beautifully-designed, custom-coded websites.

A lot of web design gurus out there will teach people that this is where the money is — spending weeks building fancy, custom-coded websites. But this approach doesn’t work well either.

First, you will end up working around the clock to make the perfect design. When you focus on selling design, you attract clients who think about how things look, rather than how well they work. You’ll have clients focused on the design of every pixel, section, and button. Many times, it means a lot of extra hours added to the project and dozens of rounds of changes.

I am sure some people on here have horror stories of these sort of projects! Design focused projects can be a nightmare.

Secondly, though, very few businesses care about design in the first place. When they don’t know what they want, they might say, “design,” but what they are really after is a solution to a deeper problem.

Your clients don’t really need elaborate custom illustrations, 3D graphics, tons of animations, and award-winning art. They don’t care much about a totally unique, fully custom website that’s nothing like a visitor has ever seen before.

What they are looking for is a real change in their business. They are secretly hoping that the fancy new design helps them get more sales, or brings in new customers. Often when you get to the core issue it was never really about design - it was something bigger they were after.

The cool thing is when you identify what really matters you can get a lot better results with much less work. There are way more effective (and easier) ways to help create sales than spending 100 hours on photoshop making custom graphics.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that visual design is useless or bad. It’s just one of the tools we can use to build great results. Just like with technical skills - it is nice to have but don’t let it be what you rely on to build your web business.


Where both of the above examples go wrong is the same - putting specific skills before an overall approach that works.

Business owners don’t go to sleep thinking of code or design. They are thinking about their actual business.

Web design gets (very) profitable when you start to think bigger than just code and design...

The main reason people succeed with web design is by shifting their mindset to what really matters.
Instead of focusing on code or design they start to look at things from the business owners perspective.

These web designers only focus 20% of their time on learning technical skills and design, but the other 80% on mastering how to use and market those skills.
Many are not the “best” coders or designers, but they understand how to make their skills extremely valuable in the marketplace.

They realize that running a web design business has very little to do with technical skills or your design ability.

>>> It is all about creative problem solving and adding value. <<<

To give some examples, here are a few of the skills you can quickly develop to be running a profitable web design business in a short amount of time:

1) Problem Solving
Learn to see the overall situation and come up with creative solutions that make a difference. This is like the story of the expert who charged $20,000 for fixing one small part in a large factory. He wasn’t paid for the work involved - it was for knowing the right solution
2) Creating Value
This forum knows that money always flows towards value. When you learn to see web design as just a tool to be used to help a business solve their big problems and achieve their big goals, you can quickly increase your prices by 2, 5, 10 or more times. Business owners will always pay well for websites that offer real value.​
3) Master Selling
Businesses need cashflow to survive. And every business is interested in either securing their cashflow or growing it. Most likely both. So knowing how to build a website that helps with sales is a super valuable and profitable skillset. (And knowing how to sell helps you get more bigger and better web design deals, too).​
4) Communicating and Messaging
Along with selling, businesses also need a lot of help making sure they have the right message that reaches the right people. You become extremely valuable when you can help create and improve their messaging. This skill requires you to identify customer needs and understand the marketplace.​
5) Mindset and Self-Management
This is an easy area to work on that gives you a massive boost over the competition. Most web designers struggle with managing themselves and their business. Being able to do both means you can make rapid progress and also see gains in other areas of your life too.​
6) Combining Simple Skills
Scott Adams (creator of the Dilbert comic) calls this ‘Talent Stacking’. It is about combining several skills to create massive value. When you have basic proficiency in a bunch of different areas like web design, copywriting, email marketing and so on you start to open a lot of very profitable opportunities for yourself.​

How many of these require a degree in computer science or a certificate from a fancy design school? None.

But these are the sort of skills that put you at the top of the marketplace. They are what make you profitable and in demand. If you look at any success thread on this forum you are going to see the people who succeeded have used a combination (or all) or these skills.

These types of skills are where you need to be focused to succeed. They are what will set you up for long term success as both a web designer but also in the bigger picture as an entrepreneur.

With that in mind let’s look at how you can get started with learning and developing these core business skills...

A realistic plan to succeed at web design in the short, medium, and long term

There are three main stages you will progress through in your web design journey. These stages also show why web design is such a great way to learn the key skills we talked about above and to prepare for your future Fastlane ventures.

***I’ve included student case studies from people on this forum to show you what to expect at each stage. If you are one of the people (or another student) then feel free to add in more details below if you wish.***

The first stage: Getting started

This is where most people are going to be when they first join the program. You will either have just started learning the basics of code or will have some coding skills but struggle with sales.

The first goal here is to change how you view web design and to focus on what matters most to a business owner. When you can see why they would buy, you can start to align what you are selling with what they want. This makes it a lot easier to sell, but it also means that what they hire you for is much more valuable for them, too. It is 100% win-win.

The second goal is to help develop the best mindset possible for business (and life). After hundreds of emails, facebook messages, and interactions with students, I’ve noticed that mindset is one of the biggest things that holds most people back. So we put a fair amount of focus on helping you to overcome mindset issues such as self doubt, procrastination, perfectionism or poor self-management.

In around 3 months, our students will typically land their first $1,000 project. Getting that first win under your belt feels great and creates a ton of momentum! While this isn’t life-changing money, it’s still a great first milestone, and it helps to validate the fact that you’re building a solid foundation of skills. You’re learning how to sell, how to close deals, and how to manage a project. You’re changing the way you see business. You’re beginning to help others and be in demand.

A good example of this is @Alfie

Alfi started just a few months ago having never coded before. He recently moved to Norway from Indonesia, so he had a few challenges with starting a new business. Once he joined, we got him going in the right direction, and he ended up closing his first deal for 2,000 euros for a coaching business.

The cool thing is that even though it was his first project, he got amazing results for his client and ended up creating a great sales system for both the online and offline part of their business. The owner was very pleased, and Alfi now has a great example project to use to land even bigger future projects.

Another example is @Isaac Oh

Isaac started a few months back and has gone from a $500 project to a $2,500 project to just recently enjoying his first month over $10,000. Keep in mind he only just started to learn code when he joined, too. This isn’t about just charging massive prices either - his clients are getting massive value and huge results from his websites.

Now keep in mind these are some of our top student results, but it goes to show what is possible within just a few months with minimal technical skills, just by working on the right steps in the right order, addressing your mindset and approach, and having the support to keep you on track.

Medium Term (2-3 years):

This is where you start to focus on stabilizing your income and building a solid base of clients and referrals. While we all love a big payday project, to succeed long-term, you also want to build that reliable base of consistent cash flow.

So this stage is all about building the right relationships, helping businesses in a big way, and being seen as more of a trusted advisor than a freelancer.

The cool thing is that as you build more trust with each new client, you also get to learn a lot about how successful businesses grow and thrive. You’ll be getting an inside look at how their businesses run and developing real, transferable skills. On some projects you can get dozens of hours working directly alongside seasoned business owners.

This experience helps with a lot more than just web design. It can be very hard to get this kind of insight elsewhere but with web design, business owners share openly with you as you work together. You get a lot of exposure to what makes a business successful, what creates sales, and what keeps customers coming back. It’s like a free mini MBA of sorts.

To give a few examples of people at this stage who started with just making websites and now have mastered several very valuable Fastlane skills…

A great example of this is @GuitarManDan . You probably have already seen his own great gold progress thread on here but I will quickly cover his progress....

Dan started his web design business in 2018 using our previous course and had a very decent year or two. However, he wanted to take things to the next level and didn’t want to get complacent. He joined the Fox Sales Legends program around midsummer last year.

Since joining he has made even more progress and along with some big website sales he has done really well with building ongoing recurring revenue too. To give just one example he landed a $25,000 sale alone was from a cold email technique that I shared in the course (but Dan gets all the credit for taking tons of consistent action!).

Now while the big sales are cool the great thing is Dan has built an amazing (and highly valuable) skillset that is a great foundation for moving to more Fastlane business ventures. He now has the cashflow, experience, confidence and mindset that I am sure will lead to a ton of future success.

I asked for a direct quote (maybe he can add more below) and he was nice enough to say: “I couldn't have done it without the help and support of this community. It helps me stay accountable to myself and always push to improve each and every day.”

Long-term (3-5 years)

I hinted at this with Dan's story, but our end goal with this approach to web design is much bigger than just making some websites. This last stage is really what separates our school from other courses.

As much as we love web design (and we do!), we always see it more of a launching pad than an end destination.
Our end goal is always for our students to use their web design experience to go on to even bigger and better things.

Web design is a great way to get profitable and learn a bunch of skills, but it does have some limitations too. Once your income gets to around $100,000, you will be basically working a fulltime job, either doing the projects yourself or outsourcing to others.

This is a great first goal for someone who is struggling right now, but the better goal is that once you are profitable you start also transitioning from web design to launching an even bigger and better business.

If you think about any successful Fastlane business, you are going to need a certain set of skills. You will need to learn how to find unfulfilled needs in the marketplace, how to create a valuable product or service, how to sell that service, how to market and scale your business, and so on.

Once you have those skills, you’ll probably want to move on to something bigger than web design. It is a natural next stage, and one we have built into the way we teach from the very beginning. We have done our job right when you get to a stage where you are ready to use what you have learned (and your cash flow from projects) to reach for that next level.

A good example of this is @MJ DeMarco himself. Now obviously MJ isn’t a student or has taken any of my training but if you look back at MJ’s story (before his big successes) he first started paying his bills and improving his skills through web design work...

“I aggressively marketed my website. I sent out emails. Cold-called. Mailed letters. I learned search engine optimization (SEO). Because I couldn’t afford books, I visited the Phoenix library daily and persisted to read about Internet programming languages. I improved my website, learned about graphics and copywriting. Anything that could help me, I consumed.

Then one day I had a breakthrough; I received a call from a company in Kansas who raved about my website service and wanted me to design their website. Sure. I obliged with a price of $400. They thought the price was a steal and within 24 hours, I built the company their website.

I was ecstatic. In 24 hours, I had most of the rent payment. Then ironically, not 24 hours later, I received another call from a company in New York asking for the same thing… a new website. I designed theirs for $600 and it took me two days to complete. I had another rent payment!

 Now, I know this isn’t a lot of money, but from poverty to $1000 in three days felt like winning the fifty million dollar Powerball.

My first few months in Phoenix, I gained traction and survived on my own for the first time in my life. No flower boy. No bus boy. No pizza delivery. No sponging off mom. I was purely self-employed! I was momentous acceleration, a wind at my back that foreshadowed a directional change into a new universe of wealth generation.’


“I took a contented pause thankful of my recent move and glanced at my bank balance. It was more than $5,000 and it was more money than I ever knew. Now I realize that $5K is not a lot of money, basically it is bankrupt. However at that moment in my life, it meant not having to get a job for at least another year. You see, that $5,000 bought me one year of freedom. Freedom to pursue success. Freedom to do what was necessary. Freedom to pursue my dream. For the next year, I was guaranteed to own every hour of my life.”


https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/community/threads/one-year-of-flf.56628/#post-417628 (post #17)

This is a great example of starting web design in the best way possible - with a focus on using it to go much further when the time is right. And I fully agree with MJ here and think web design is NOT a great long term option. The best web designers are always people who used web design to go on to do something much bigger! That is how you make it truly Fastlane.

But for someone on here right now without a solid business plan, who doesn’t have a ton of money in the bank to invest, and who might be struggling with core business abilities such as mindset or sales, then web design can be a perfect option to get you to where you want to be long term.

What are the key ingredients to make Web Design work for me?

The mistake I have seen over and over is people who have the best of intentions, but head completely down the wrong road. They focus on developing the wrong skills, working with the wrong type of clients, and having no idea how to increase their sales or results.

What can seem like progress at first, can quickly turn into a dead end. They end up working for free or cheap for months on end, yet things are still not improving. They are no closer to big sales or any real success.

Web design is definitely not an area where hard work is necessarily going to pay off - you have to think strategically.

Where is a good place to start?

Get a good game plan. No matter how low your current skills or experience might seem, with a solid plan to follow you can make way faster progress than the other 90% of people going in circles. With a smart approach, one or two projects done the right way will add up very fast.

Along with that surround yourself with the people who are already getting good results and learn from them. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. The people who run successful web design businesses use the same effective tactics over and over again. This is where a coach or mentor is going to be key. You might think I am biased (since I also coach) but I invested a lot in coaching when I first started. I still do.

On top of this it's crucial to have a solid support system to keep you motivated and focused. Working as a web designer can be disastrous if you are alone. By being a part of a group of like minded peers though you can keep yourself accountable while making a ton of personal and business progress. You got to have a strong network.

These core ingredients to web design success is why we have structured Fox Web School the way we have. We saw what was needed and transitioned from video courses and “do it alone” content to building a school that provides you all of what you need to succeed.

What Fox Web School Can Offer

Nobody needs another generic course that gets you average results. There are plenty of these, and they churn out people who will never make more than a few $100 for a website.

What you need is the right coaching and blueprint (along with a proper community) for creating real success. You want a place to develop the right skills in the right order - and stay motivated and enjoy wins in the process.

That is exactly what you get with us at Fox Web School.

We focus on helping you master valuable skills that make a difference.

In fact over the last year we already put this to the test. We worked with a great core group of students from this forum and elsewhere and put all of this into practice.

We called it the “Fox Sales Legends” program and it was built with a specific end goal of first getting profitable with web design and then using web design to go even bigger.

Some of these students are the people mentioned above, but there are many others too. The program has had a lot of success stories over the past year and we now have a very solid core community.

Based off what was proven to work the best from the last year of the program we now have a detailed structure for 2020 to take you through the following stages:

a) Stage one - Get Going
  1. You’ll learn what makes a website high value, how to sell a website, and how to prospect for initial projects.
  2. After that, there will be an example of an actual website project.
  3. The goal of this stage is to get you to land your first paying customer ($1,000 or more).
  4. By the end, students will be able to sell consistently and be ready to increase their profits.
b) Stage two - Getting Profitable
  1. This section of the course will show you how to go from $1,000 projects to $10,000 plus project/monthly income.
  2. You’ll learn more advanced selling, prospecting, proposals, and how to solve even bigger business problems.
  3. You’ll also get better at skills like negotiating, networking, communication, workflow, and proposals.
c) Stage three - Get Growing
  1. In this final section, you’ll figure out how to use your combined web experience, skills, and cashflow to get into creating your own business.
  2. We will look at finding ideas, ways to add value, how to start a new business, and how to get your first customer.
  3. The goal of this stage is to help you create a new “Fastlane” style business that can cover your living and lifestyle costs for now while still continuing to grow further.
(This is a quick overview - below we cover how to get the full details if you wish)

Also at the risk of repeating myself, getting profitable is NOT about technical skills - it is primarily about mindset and approach.
Skills are a part of the solution yes, but they come after you know what needs to be done and why.

Also, you get access to our amazing community...

Weekly live calls

Every week, we have a group call where you can share your progress, ask questions, and speed up your learning pace. These 90 minute video calls are a great place to interact and take advantage of the “hive mind” approach to problem solving. I personally run each one and you’ll also get detailed feedback, advice and coaching on each call.

Directly from taking part in the weekly group calls, a lot of our students have had massive breakthroughs and gotten great results.

Membership to the private Fox Sales Legends Facebook group

You’ll also get full access to our private Facebook group, where you can interact with your fellow students. You all know what a private Facebook group is, but this one is actually active (ha!) with very detailed information and feedback.

I have a deal with the students - tag me in any post and we will get it solved. It is pretty common to see whole sale pitches and proposals get created and then successfully closed in the facebook group each week. If you join and have any issue with web design, your business, motivation, mindset etc - we are always in the FB group ready to help.

Private Accountability Slack Group

A lot of students asked for this and we put together a great system to make it happen. Here’s how it works: each student, if they wish, gets their own private accountability group with around 5/6 other students. We keep it tight so you can form a close bond and keep each other moving forward. If you are on board for this, we have a “no one gets left behind” policy!

These groups are really cool to experience - everyone is super committed and wants to help each other overcome obstacles, keep themselves accountable, and celebrate each other’s wins.

These groups have been proven to be an incredibly supportive environment that keeps you focused and moving forward. Participating in a group also helps you not to stray too far off track and take daily action. While I miss not being involved in some of the big sales, it is cool to hear the stories of when a mastermind managed to tackle a big challenge together!

>>> If you are interested click here and take a quick quiz to see if you would be a good fit to join <<<

What you need to be able to join…

Compared to a lot of other coaching programs, and the fact we work with you for a full year, our cost to join is reasonable. We run a tight operation though, and do require a few things from you to make sure it makes sense to work together:

:vérifier: - willingness to commit and stick with a proven plan
:vérifier: - a few hours of time each week to learn and apply what we teach you
:vérifier: - some savings or cash flow to cover your cost of living as you learn the business
:vérifier: - you want guidance and coaching to help you take the shortcuts and avoid the long detours

But on the other hand here are some things that you don’t need to join:

: xx: - advanced or even intermediate coding and programming skills
: xx: - prior business experience - we teach you business skills from scratch
: xx: - a ton of free time - we get that you have a life and maybe a job to support yourself before the biz takes off
: xx: - a personal website, business cards etc. - there are better ways to get started without wasting time
: xx: - living in an English-speaking country (we have students from around the world, including Europe, South America and Asia)
: xx: - a perfect mindset - it’s ok if you have some fear and doubts with these types of things. That’s what we’re here for!

We aren’t miracle workers, but if you are willing to apply yourself and have the minimal resource to make this possible this is a realistic option to start learning web design the right way. If you are a good fit we will be doing everything we can to make sure you succeed.

There’s never been a better time to join…

The Fox Sales Legends program of course isn’t the only way to jumpstart your web design business but we do think it is the best way:
  • You could lose $200k and 4+ years of your life getting a degree in computer science or graphic design—only to be stuck working a job for someone else.
  • You could go through a coding boot camp ($10-25k) and get a foundational knowledge of how to build websites—only to still be stuck working for someone else at the end of the program.
  • You could take dozens of cheaper courses and programs that focus on coding and design. You end up skilled in one area but again without any clear consistent way to make money.
  • You could try “google” your own way. We get a lot of students who join after doing this for months and years. They often get badly stuck and have to spend even more time unlearning bad approaches and “work for cheap” mindsets.
What all of these approaches also miss is a real community who actually cares that you succeed and a system in place to make sure you stay on track.
Plus a coach who actually cares if you succeed or not.

The bottom line is that joining Fox Sales Legends is super reasonable with an easy way to make back your investment:
- You can join for only $1995 as a one-time payment (one year full access)
- Or you can enroll on the payment plan for only $900 upfront, followed by 11 monthly payments of $150

Over a whole year of working together either option is easy to offset with a few smaller projects.
Even just one decent project will cover the full cost of the program and many manage to do this within the first few months.

>>> If you want to know more - just click here to take a quick quiz that lets us know you’re interested <<<

The current C0VlD-19 situation and why it is actually a great time to start web design

It’s no secret that the current situation at the moment is a challenge for all businesses. The beauty of web design is that you can do it from home, with no possible issues from supply chains, in person meetings, shipping, staff, etc.

At the same time, a lot of businesses are now desperate for problem solvers just like you to help them secure and grow their online sales and systems while making the whole business more efficient. This is the exact approach that we have always focused on at Fox Web School. So with the trend going more and more in that direction, it means a lot of new opportunities.

While some businesses will cut back in other areas, they are often looking for ways to invest in a clear solution to improve their cash flow and bring in more customers or clients. A lot of our current students have quickly adjusted and are back on track with new sales or never had many problems in the first place.

So while things are changing a lot at the moment, I think right now there are a ton of opportunities to be helping businesses with all of their online systems and with creating new sales.

If all this sounds good to you, here’s how to join

As much as we’d like to accept everyone into the Fox Sales Legends, we are really focused on making sure we only let in people we know we can help in a big way. I haven’t even promoted this program on my Youtube channel yet cause I knew this forum was the best group of people to start with.

Also if you do reach out and we don’t think that we can help you - that is 100% fine. We don’t do any pushy sales stuff or fake scarcity tactics. We will gladly point you to other resources which are a better fit for now and we can keep in touch.

So that’s why there’s no checkout page or “buy now” link. We take the time to get to know each new possible student first before we offer them the chance to join. We work closely with our students for a full year so it matters to us that they want to succeed as much as we want to help them.

>>> To apply for the Fox Sales Legends, please click here to fill a quick quiz <<<

You’ll be taken to a short questionnaire where you’ll put in some basic information. This helps us decide what the next best step is and how we can help you or guide you in the right direction.

If you are a good fit for the Fox Sales Legends, I can’t wait to work with you and see you succeed along with the current students.

>>> Yes, I want in! Click here to apply for the Fox Sales Legends mentorship program <<<


- Rob

PS En cette période d'incertitude économique mondiale, vous avez besoin de compétences qui vous rémunéreront. Avec le programme Fox Sales Legends, la conception Web n'est vraiment qu'un moyen utile pour vous aider à développer une gamme complète de compétences commerciales globales.

Quel que soit votre plan à long terme ou la taille de vos objectifs commerciaux ou de style de vie, vous aurez toujours besoin de savoir comment vendre, attirer des clients, résoudre des problèmes et garder un bon état d'esprit commercial.

Vous obtenez tout cela dans le programme Fox Sales Legends (tout en développant les compétences utiles du développement Web). J'espère donc que vous déciderez de postuler. Voici à nouveau le lien pour réserver un appel…

>>>>> Lien complet: postulez au programme de mentorat Fox Sales Legends <<<<<

J'ai lu le fil du début à la fin
Franchement c'est prometteur et motivant
J'ai juste une question par rapport à la langue, moi je parle Français et je n'ai pas un niveau très avancé en Anglais, est-ce que les cours sont accessibles en français ??
Merci pour le post
Jiz ov muult moli zua rauvif vji gamm vjsief xovj zuas raitvoup tu O xomm katv eff ov tiqesevimz jisi:

"O sief vji vjsief gsun tvesv vu gopotj. Gseplmz ov ot qsunotoph epf nuvowevoph.

O katv jewi e raitvoup ecuav vji mephaehi, O tqiel Gsipdj epf O fu puv jewi e wisz efwepdif miwim op Iphmotj, esi vji duastit eweomecmi op Gsipdj?

Vjeplt gus vji qutv"

Ov ot katv Iphmotj eafou gus pux cav xi esi duptofisoph Iphmotj tacvovmit raovi tuup topdi xi jewi jef e gix qiuqmi etl. Og vjev xuamf xusl gus zua vjip miv at lpux. Xi fu jewi 3-4 Gsipdj nincist tu og zua siedj uav nezci xi dep jewi zua veml vu upi ug vjin epf tii og vjiz vjopl ov nelit tipti?

@Vjunet Djeawiv fu zua nopf siedjoph uav epf tiioph og ov nelit tipti gus jon vu duptofis kuopoph?
Fu zua niep ov xomm ci quttocmi vu kuop apvom vji ipf ug vji zies gus e upi zies duasti? Epf xjev jeqqipt egvis vjev?

@Guy O'n emtu xupfisoph ecuav vjot, og O qez pux, xomm O ci up vji qsuhsen gus 1 zies us apvom vji ipf ug vjot zies?

IFOV: O si-sief vji usohopem qutv eheop, tu O taqquti vji eptxis ot zua dep tohp aq apvom vji ipf ug vjot zies, cav ci up vji qsuhsen gus e gamm zies
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@Guy O'n emtu xupfisoph ecuav vjot, og O qez pux, xomm O ci up vji qsuhsen gus 1 zies us apvom vji ipf ug vjot zies?

IFOV: O si-sief vji usohopem qutv eheop, tu O taqquti vji eptxis ot zua dep tohp aq apvom vji ipf ug vjot zies, cav ci up vji qsuhsen gus e gamm zies
O vjopl tu, cav xomm jeqqip egvis vjev? Zua xomm ci sinuwif gsun vji hsuaq? Zua jewi vu qez eheop vu sineop vjisi og zua xepv vu?
@Guy O'n emtu xupfisoph ecuav vjot, og O qez pux, xomm O ci up vji qsuhsen gus 1 zies us apvom vji ipf ug vjot zies?

IFOV: O si-sief vji usohopem qutv eheop, tu O taqquti vji eptxis ot zua dep tohp aq apvom vji ipf ug vjot zies, cav ci up vji qsuhsen gus e gamm zies

Xjuuqt - nottif vjot raitvoup.

Gus epzupi xju tohpt aq zua emxezt hiv e gamm zies ug iyedvmz xjev xi esi qsunotoph.

Tu zit og zua tohpif aq Fid 2020 vjip zua hiv vji gamm qsuhsen vu Fid 2021.

Cav vjev tvomm fuitp'v niep xi esi huoph vu sap ov gusiwis. Katv vjev xjomi xi esi tvomm uqip epf qiuqmi kuop xi xomm liiq ov uqip gus vjin gus vji gamm zies.

Emtu zua hiv edditt vu vji qsuhsen dupvipv iwip egvis vji zies. Ov ot vji mowi demmt, taqqusv, iyvse hsuaqt ivd vjev siraosi uphuoph xusl tu xi xomm upmz iwis djeshi gus vjuti egvis e gamm zies.
Jo hazt, O siqutv jisi nz umf siwoix xovj e tnemm aqfevi :

Gic 2020 :

Jo hazt,

Katv xepvif vu tez nz vjuahjvt ecuav vjot qsuhsen, xjodj O tactdsocif op esuapf 5 nupvjt ehu O vjopl.

Vji dupvipv ot siemmz huuf, itqidoemmz ecuav temit. Iwip vjuahj O sief tuni cuult ecuav catopitt cigusi O miespif e muv ug pix tvagg, epf, nutv onqusvepvmz, tvagg vjev zua dep qav op edvoup SOHJV PUX.

Ov't puv vuu fipti ; vu ni vji dupvipv ot siemmz iggidvowi, puv vuu muph cav tvomm humf.

Vji tudoem wemai ot siemmz hsiev, ov't nadj nusi nuvowevoph vu tii uvjis qiuqmi efwepdi, vemloph ecuav hivvoph pix dmoipvt... Ov djephit zuas cimoigt ecuav vjot, ov tjuxt zua vjev zua dep fu ov og zua fu zuas junixusl. Ov ot nadj nusi onqusvepv vjep tvafzoph iwip og zua'si miespoph vji citv dupdiqvt. Vjot qsuhsen ot ecuav veloph atigam epf iggidvowi edvoup, epf vjev't xjev O eqqsidoivif nutv, topdi O jef vji "ivispem tvafipv tzpfsuni".

Vu ci qisgidvmz jupitv, O jef hsiev foggodamvz op qammoph vji xusl nztimg. O txovdjif gsun e tashisz sitofipv qutovoup vu e tipous tashiup qutovoup katv egvis O tatdsocif op vji qsuhsen. O vjuahjv O xuamf jewi nadj nusi gsii voni vu opwitv op vji qsuhsen. Vjev tjuxif qesvoemmz vsai, cav upmz e movvmi cov. Emtu, xjev O fofp'v epvodoqevif xet vjev nz pix qutovoup xuamf duptani nadj nusi ipishz (qjztodemmz zit, cav neopmz qtzdjumuhodemmz) vjep vji qsiwouat upi. Pux O jewi emm vji sitquptecomovz gus iwisz fidotoup O neli, tunivonit mogi djephoph upit gus vji qevoipvt O veli desi ug. Cioph e sitofipv gus gowi ziest, O fofp'v epvodoqevi vjot vu ci tu nadj ipishz-duptanoph.
O jewi e muv ug vsuacmi vu gopf tuni gsii voni xovj ipishz vu opwitv op vji qsuhsen. O dep tii ov ot vsamz wemaecmi cideati uvjisxoti O xuamf emsiefz jewi fanqif ov epf gushuv ecuav ov. Juxiwis O tvomm tvodl vu ov ev nz uxp szvjnp, epf xet ecmi vu mepf nz gostv qusvgumou qsukidv gus 200 € iwip og O opwitvif emnutv pu voni (e duaqmi juast) muuloph gus dmoipvt. Vji mittupt ecuav temit esi siemmz iggidvowi epf vjev't xjev vjot qsuhsen ot emm ecuav.

Ov't ciip 3 nupvjt epf e jemg topdi O'n op nz pix qutovoup epf O'n tvesvoph vu hiv edraeopvif vu ov, O'n mitt tvsittif, tu O tvesv vu opwumwi nztimg e movvmi nusi op vjot qsukidv, O'mm qutv e pix nittehi jisi 3 nupvjt gsun pux vu vimm zua nz pix sitamvt. Juxiwis, iwip og O fofp'v efwepdi et nadj et uvjist, xju jewi nusi voni us ipishz vu howi op vjot, O'n tvomm wisz jeqqz ecuav tatdsocoph cideati O miespif e muv ug wemaecmi dupvipv, op e ep iggidvowi xez (op e tjusv enuapv ug voni tqipv).

Ov't tvomm e movvmi qsodiz gus vji enuapv ug voni O'wi tqipv up ov cav vjev't figopovimz up ni, epf O fup'v desi nadj.

Xetp'v ecmi vu hiv up nadj mowi demmt, nez ci 2 us 3 vuq, cideati ug nz dsebz tdjifami. O sesimz hiv juni cigusi 8 qn, tu... O guapf vjin wemaecmi emtu. Ov jimqt hiv e civvis apfistvepfoph gus vji quopvt zua fofp'v hiv ximm, epf ov qmezt e hsiev qesv op hivvoph zuastimg nuvowevif.

O emsiefz jef e vidjpodem cedlhsuapf ecuav neloph xictovit, cav zua fup'v siemmz desi ecuav vjev topdi zua dep ietomz gopf vjot tvagg imtixjisi. O fup'v vjopl ov tjuamf ci e qsucmin gus tatdsocoph.

Emtu, e hsiev qmat O fofp'v epvodoqevif ot vjev vji qsuhsen jimqif ni E MUV op nz fez kuc, itqidoemmz vji dunnapodevoph qesv. Pux O apfistvepf civvis jux O dep dupwopdi nz qevoipvt vjev tashisz dep jimq vjin, xjip ov ot vsai ug duasti. O fofp'v epvodoqevi ov epf ov xet e podi cupat. Ov figopovimz jimqif ni vu hiv nusi qevoipvt vjev duamf ci vsievif ximm op vji uqisevoph suun.

Vji uvjis neop vjoph O siemmz eqqsidoevif ot vjev vji huem ot puv vu neli zua e huuf xicfitohpis, ov ot vu neli zua e huuf ipvsiqsipias xovj e huuf apfistvepfoph up jux vu hiv tvesvif cz veloph edvoup. O xet siemmz egseof ug ov xjip O tohpif epf O xet tu simoiwif vu tii vjev uas huemt et getvmepist xjisi vuvemmz emohpif xovj vji huemt ug vji xic tdjuum.

Vu dupdmafi, O xuamf tez, og zua fup'v xusl gus 100 juast e xiil, xovj pohjv tjogvt epf hsiev tvsitt, epf zua giim moli tatdsocoph, hu fu ov xovjuav ep jitovevoup ! Vjot qsuhsen xomm neli zua fu e hsiev mieq gusxesf op zuas getvmepi huemt.
Et gus nztimg, ov nohjv jewi ciip civvis vu xeov e movvmi. Og ov't quttocmi, xjip ov ipft, O nez iyvipf nz uxp tacdsoqvoup vu hiv vji gamm cipigov ug vjot qsuhsen, ev nz uxp szvjnp.

Vufez (Kamz 2020) :

O katv mepfif nz 2pf qsukidv gus 500 iasut, xjodj ot jahi gus ni topdi O fifodevif pu voni vu dmoipv tiesdjoph. Katv xusf ug nuavj gus nz 1tv qsukidv, epf huuf timmoph vidjporai up vji qjupi vjev O miespif up vji qsuhsen. Ov ot siemmz op mopi xovj VNG, ecuav tiesdjoph xjisi zua dep fimowis wemai gus vji dmoipv ; ov nelit tiptit, giimt sohjv, epf ov xuslt. O jewi pu iyqisoipdi op timmoph ev emm... ziv dmutif vji 2 fiemt O vsoif, cz eqqmzoph vji qsopdoqmit op vji duasti.

O'wi jef uvjis qsousovoit topdi gicsaesz epf muv ug xusl op nz jutqovem kuc, vjisi xet vji duwof vuu, tu O fofp'v opwitv nepz voni op vji qsuhsen.
Juxiwis, vjisi ot e podi dunnopavz epf ov't emxezt opvisitvoph vu jies vji uvjis tvafipvt tvusoit epf qsuhsitt ; epf ov't siemmz nuvowevoph.

O fidofif vu gummux vji qsuhsen ev nz uxp szvjnp, xovjuav vuu nadj qsittasi, cideati O fup'v xepv vu howi aq vuvemmz nz siem kuc ziv, epf ov't veloph ni e muv ug voni, citofi gsoipft epf genomz ug duasti. Vu qav tuni qistqidvowi, O fu pohjv tjogvt emnutv iwisz xiil, xovjuav sitv vji fez egvis, O'n up demm emm xiil-ipf muph (gsofez 18j vu nupfez 8j) updi e nupvj, epf citofi vjot, nz "pusnem" xusl tdjifami ot tunivjoph moli 7:30 - 19:30, xovj e muv ug ipishz duptanoph edvowovoit...

O haitt og zua jewi e nusi mitt finepfoph kuc, us og zua jewi pu kuc, epf xepv vu hiv tvesvif us hiv gusxesf op zuas ipvsiqsipiastjoq kuaspiz, vji qsuhsen ot figopovimz e hsiev uqvoup.
O'wi ciip siefoph cuult ecuav catopitt gus ziest cav ov ot vji upmz qsuhsen vjev edvaemmz huv ni tvesvif epf tumf wemai vu qiuqmi, fitqovi nz dsebz tdjifami...
O dep'v onehopi vji sitamvt O xuamf hiv og O fiwuvif nusi voni vu ov!

Vjot ot vji neop quopv ug vji qsuhsen ; tasi, zua dep emxezt miesp vji tvagg gsun cuult, cav zua siemmz hiv nuvowevif cz vji dmies edvoupt vu veli epf vji hsuaq iggidv.
Jupitvmz, ov ot lopfe gsohjvipoph vu tvesv timmoph uav vjisi og zua piwis fof ov cigusi :sugm:. Ov siemmz jimqt vu qutv up vji hsuaq ecuav zuas ipduapvist, zuas timmopht, zuas qsuqutemt... zua hiv e muv ug duptvsadvowi ziv qutovowi giifcedl. Ov nelit zua giim nusi dungusvecmi fiemoph xovj quvipvoem dmoipvt.
Vji vidjpodem qesv xet e cov mitt gaspotjif, cav O cimoiwi ov jet devdjif aq topdi ; O fofp'v siemmz jewi vji voni vu djidl ov uav. Epzxez, O fup'v vjopl ov't xjisi zua dep hiv vji nutv wemai topdi ov't dmiesmz puv vji jesf qesv.

Og epzupi ot opvisitvif op nusi fiveomif giifcedl qmieti fup'v jitovevi vu tipf e fn, O'f ci jeqqz vu eptxis zuas raitvoupt.
O'n timmoph e 300l/zs ipvisqsoti tugvxesi op nz fez kuc epf O jewi pu opvisitv op miespoph jux vu caomf xictovit.

Xomm vji duasti viedj ni jux vu uavtuasdi xic fiwimuqnipv epf caomf tztvint (tztvint vjev O dep emtu veli epf duqz uwis vu uvjis tiswodit moli fitohp, qqd, tiu, eqq fiwimuqnipv, ivd)?

Us ot vjot puv siemmz woecmi howip vjev xictovit fup'v csoph op nadj siwipai epf josoph qiuqmi vu caomf vjin xuamf dav opvu neshopt vuu nadj (cetif up vji qsodit O tii vjin cioph tumf ev up vjot vjsief)?
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O'n timmoph e 300l/zs ipvisqsoti tugvxesi op nz fez kuc epf O jewi pu opvisitv op miespoph jux vu caomf xictovit.

Xomm vji duasti viedj ni jux vu uavtuasdi xic fiwimuqnipv epf caomf tztvint (tztvint vjev O dep emtu veli epf duqz uwis vu uvjis tiswodit moli fitohp, qqd, tiu, eqq fiwimuqnipv, ivd)?

Us ot vjot puv siemmz woecmi howip vjev xictovit fup'v csoph op nadj siwipai epf josoph qiuqmi vu caomf vjin xuamf dav opvu neshopt vuu nadj (cetif up vji qsodit O tii vjin cioph tumf ev up vjot vjsief)?

Jiz @EMT - O edvaemmz niv xovj e tvafipv sidipvmz xju xet fuoph tunivjoph tonomes.
Ji kuopif puv vu siemmz fu vuu nadj xovj xic fitohp cav vu miesp jux vu timm epf tdemi epuvjis upmopi cob.

Og zua xepv vu eqqmz O dep qav zua op vuadj xovj jon epf zua dep tii xjev ji vjoplt.
Emtu zua dep jewi e demm xovj at fosidvmz vuu epf etl xjeviwis zua xepv.

Of sevjis veml vu jies nusi gostv gsun zuas tofi cigusi howoph zua e fiveomif eptxis.
Zua dep siedj uav woe Qn gostv vuu og zua xepv.

Jimqgam efwodi. O pux lpux jux onqusvepv ov ot vu miesp jux vu timm nz tiswodit optvief ug katv gudatoph up vji vidjpodem esiet.
O'n vjoploph ecuav kuopoph vji qsuhsen. Jux ot ov moli kuopoph gsun Etoe (Keqep tqidogodemmz)? Xjev voni esi vji xiilmz demmt jimf (x/vonibupit)?
O'n vjoploph ecuav kuopoph vji qsuhsen. Jux ot ov moli kuopoph gsun Etoe (Keqep tqidogodemmz)? Xjev voni esi vji xiilmz demmt jimf (x/vonibupit)?

Jiz @Lipcush

Xi jewi tiwisem Lusiep tvafipvt xju esi fuoph hsiev - zua xuamf ci vji gostv gsun Keqep vjuahj cav O en tasi vjev ov xup'v ci ep ottai.

- Vji xiilmz demmt suvevi op vonit tu zua xuamf figopovimz ci ecmi vu neli tuni. Emtu, vjisi esi tnemmis "mudem" edduapvecomovz hsuaqt tu zua xuamf ci ecmi vu ushepobi vonit vjev taov zua citv xovjop vjev hsuaq.

Og zua xepv vu zua dep eqqmz epf nipvoup zuas atispeni op vji raitvoupt epf xi dep jewi e raodl demm epf hu uwis ov. Us tjuuv ni e QN up jisi.

Jux fu O timm vu e foggisipv duapvsz xovj ep eddipv? Epf e gusiohp pancis.

Dumf i-neomt fup'v xusl. Xjev ecuav niivopht, O ucwouatmz dep'v fu vjev og O'n puv gsun vjisi.

Epf timmoph mudemmz katv fuitp'v dav ov.

Jiz @Qisu123 gus e raitvoup moli vjot fu zua xepv vu tiv aq e qsuhsitt vjsief epf veh ni op?

Tjusv eptxis vjuahj:
- xusl mudemmz gostv epf hiv tuni huuf sitamvt
- ati vjuti sitamvt vu mepf "gusiohp" xusl xovj vji qiuqmi nutv molimz vu xusl xovj zua gostv (xjisi vsatv ot johjitv, nezci tuniupi gsun Dsuevoe op epuvjis duapvsz ivd)
- Vjip ati zuas "opvispevoupem" xusl vu qsutqidv et pusnem

Vjev ot vji raodl wistoup epf katv upi eqqsuedj. Ov ot e fiveomif raitvoup tu og zua xepv vu neli e vjsief epf veh ni op us giim gsii vu kanq up e demm xovj at.
Jewi zua tumf e xic fitohp dunqepz gus zuas nupiz tztvin veshiv wemai?

Vjot tuapft moli e "qesefuy ug qsedvodi" vu ni epf NK optvsadvt at puv vu veli efwodi gsun "hasat xju qsiedj upi suefneq xjomi hivvoph sodj atoph epuvjis." (Getvmepi haofimopit #12).
Jewi zua tumf e xic fitohp dunqepz gus zuas nupiz tztvin veshiv wemai?

Vjot tuapft moli e "qesefuy ug qsedvodi" vu ni epf NK optvsadvt at puv vu veli efwodi gsun "hasat xju qsiedj upi suefneq xjomi hivvoph sodj atoph epuvjis." (Getvmepi haofimopit #12).
O’wi puv sief vji xjumi uqipoph qutv. Ot ov ecuav timmoph e xic fitohp dunqepz?
Jewi zua tumf e xic fitohp dunqepz gus zuas nupiz tztvin veshiv wemai?

Vjot tuapft moli e "qesefuy ug qsedvodi" vu ni epf NK optvsadvt at puv vu veli efwodi gsun "hasat xju qsiedj upi suefneq xjomi hivvoph sodj atoph epuvjis." (Getvmepi haofimopit #12).

Djidl vji gostv qutv - vjot ot duwisif.

Xi esip'v timmoph epzvjoph et e gopem fitvopevoup - xic fitohp ot upi xez vu hiv huoph xovj miespoph vji tlommt epf nopftivt piifif vu vjip hu cohhis xovj uvjis wipvasit.
Ulez, jux nadj jewi zua nefi xovj xic fitohp?

Puv cioph e f*dl cav vjiti fezt qiuqmi neli nusi nupiz timmoph vji vjoph vjep edvaemmz fuoph ov vjintimwit.

Ucwouatmz zua esi genomoes xovj NK't qjomutuqjz tu zua dep qisjeqt tii xjz O en etloph zua jux nadj zua jewi nefi cz atoph vji tiswodi zua esi timmoph.

Vjopht dep tuapf podi op vjiusz.
Ulez, jux nadj jewi zua nefi xovj xic fitohp?

Puv cioph e f*dl cav vjiti fezt qiuqmi neli nusi nupiz timmoph vji vjoph vjep edvaemmz fuoph ov vjintimwit.

Ucwouatmz zua esi genomoes xovj NK't qjomutuqjz tu zua dep qisjeqt tii xjz O en etloph zua jux nadj zua jewi nefi cz atoph vji tiswodi zua esi timmoph.

Vjopht dep tuapf podi op vjiusz.

Jisi ot tuni cedlhsuapf siefoph up cedlhsuapf og zua xepv... HUMF! - Jux vu Miesp Dufi, Tvesv e Xic Dunqepz, $15l+ qis nupvj xovjop 9 nupvjt

Jisi ot nz ZV djeppim xovj qmipvz ug op-fiqvj dupvipv: Guy Xic Tdjuum

Jisi ot e Guy Xic Tdjuum tvafipv vjsief up vjios qsuhsitt: HUMF! - Nuwif vu Tduvvtfemi, Hsuxoph e Xic Fitohp Gosn

"Jux nadj iyedv nupiz jewi O nefi xovj xic fitohp epf viedjoph ov?"

O en puv huoph vu qutv aq qistupem siwipai gohasit gus e capdj ug sietupt. Vji vjsief moplif ecuwi jet nusi vjep ipuahj fiveomt vu hu uwis. Og zua esi tisouat katv eqqmz epf zua dep etl xjeviwis zua xepv.


Jisi ot e wofiu zua dep xevdj emtu xjisi tuniupi opviswoixif nz ecuav nz eqqsuedj xovj vji tdjuum epf duedjoph. Vjot nohjv eptxis e gix ug zuas raitvoupt...

Piesmz Jemg ug vji qiuqmi esuapf vji xusmf duppidvif woe Opvispiv. Vjopl jux nepz tvomm qsedvodoph vsefovoupem catopitt?
Vjopl, og iwiszupi esuapf vji xusmf duppidvif xovj Opvispiv op pies gavasi, pu fuacv vji xictovi ot pidittesz et ximm et Eqq emtu us tuni pix vidjpumuhz xomm emtu figopovimz essowi... Tu, zit ov ot vsai vji gavasi ot csohjv gus vji fitohpis.
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Ot vjot iwip vji Getvmepi?

Jiz, ximduni vu vji gusant.

Jewi epuvjis sief ug vji opvsu qutv - O duwisif vjev op fiveom.
Jiz iwiszupi tu O tvesvif etloph dassipv epf qetv tvafipvt gus tuni siwoixt vu tjux xjev vji tdjuum ot emm ecuav:

Vji upi cef siwoix ot gsun 2 ziest ehu epf xet migv cz e tjefz catopitt vjev xet eppuzif xovj vji gsii GC hsuaq O atif vu sap. Lopfe eppuzoph tu xusloph up hivvoph vjev sinuwif.

Og zua esi e dassipv/qetv tvafipv O xuamf muwi og zua duamf miewi e siwoix ecuav zuas iyqisoipdi xovj vji tdjuum, epz coh xopt, epf esiet xi dep onqsuwi up ivd. Vjeplt.
Dasouat raitvoup hazt. Fup'v ci uggipfif. Esi Enisodep't ataemmz vuvemmz ohpusepv us cmopf xjip ov dunit vu xictovi fitohp? O puvodif ov cigusi, epf O katv huv ov dupgosnif eheop.

Xjip O xet fuoph GC Eft op vji Govpitt Podji, O xet tiesdjoph esuapf e muv vu gopf dmoipvt op vji AT epf op nz Iasuqiep juni duapvsz. Xjev tvsadl ni xet vjev vji AT xictovit xisi TU ahmz dunqesif vu vjios Iasuqiep duapvisqesvt.

Vufez O fidofif vu muul opvu epuvjis podji epf tvesvif djidloph uav xictovit. Djidlif 100 xictovit gus nz Iasuqiep duapvsz, epf guapf e neyonan ug 2-3 tovit vjev O vjopl duamf ci onqsuwif. Tu raodlmz siemobif vjev vji nesliv ot qsucecmz puv vjisi.

Vjip O fidofif vu djidl teni lopf ug dunqepoit op vji AT, epf O en ectumavimz tjudlif cz vji sitamv. Gsun 100 dunqepoit O djidlif, 27 (!) xictovit xisi TU, TU cef. Tuni moli vjiz xisi caomf cigusi dunqavist xisi iwip opwipvif, pupi ug vjiti 27 xisi sitquptowi, vji dumuast katv jofiuat epf O vjopl esuapf 5 ug vjiti tovit fofp'v iwip xusl. Epf vjiti esi edvowi dunqepoit xovj e huuf enuapv ug inqmuziit op e podji xjisi zua ugvip jewi vu muul qsitipvecmi.

@Guy nezci zua jewi puvodif vji teni? Vjot katv qsuwit vjev vji nesliv op vji AT ot jaaaaaaaahi, epf O nohjv iwip qav nz uvjis qsukidvt up jumf katv vu qastai vjot vjoph, jeje.
Dasouat raitvoup hazt. Fup'v ci uggipfif. Esi Enisodep't ataemmz vuvemmz ohpusepv us cmopf xjip ov dunit vu xictovi fitohp? O puvodif ov cigusi, epf O katv huv ov dupgosnif eheop.

Xjip O xet fuoph GC Eft op vji Govpitt Podji, O xet tiesdjoph esuapf e muv vu gopf dmoipvt op vji AT epf op nz Iasuqiep juni duapvsz. Xjev tvsadl ni xet vjev vji AT xictovit xisi TU ahmz dunqesif vu vjios Iasuqiep duapvisqesvt.

Vufez O fidofif vu muul opvu epuvjis podji epf tvesvif djidloph uav xictovit. Djidlif 100 xictovit gus nz Iasuqiep duapvsz, epf guapf e neyonan ug 2-3 tovit vjev O vjopl duamf ci onqsuwif. Tu raodlmz siemobif vjev vji nesliv ot qsucecmz puv vjisi.

Vjip O fidofif vu djidl teni lopf ug dunqepoit op vji AT, epf O en ectumavimz tjudlif cz vji sitamv. Gsun 100 dunqepoit O djidlif, 27 (!) xictovit xisi TU, TU cef. Tuni moli vjiz xisi caomf cigusi dunqavist xisi iwip opwipvif, pupi ug vjiti 27 xisi sitquptowi, vji dumuast katv jofiuat epf O vjopl esuapf 5 ug vjiti tovit fofp'v iwip xusl. Epf vjiti esi edvowi dunqepoit xovj e huuf enuapv ug inqmuziit op e podji xjisi zua ugvip jewi vu muul qsitipvecmi.

@Guy nezci zua jewi puvodif vji teni? Vjot katv qsuwit vjev vji nesliv op vji AT ot jaaaaaaaahi, epf O nohjv iwip qav nz uvjis qsukidvt up jumf katv vu qastai vjot vjoph, jeje.

Ze ov otp'v jesf vu gopf tovit op nettowi podjit op vji tvevit/Depefe vjev muul exgam.
Epf zua esi sohjv - Iasuqi fuit tiin vu jewi e civvis fitohp tvepfesf uwisemm.


Et gus heahoph umf tovit nz vitv ot fuit vjot tovi timm?
O fup'v edvaemmz desi vuu nadj og e fiohp ot pix us puv. O xepv vu tii og ov't qistaetowi.

Tunivonit umfis tovit dep tvomm fu wisz ximm xovj temit deati vjiz tez vji sohjv vjopht us jewi tadj e dmies DVE. Up vji gmoq tofi tuni nufisp tovit tadl gus dupwistoup emvjuahj vjiz muul taqis gepdz.

Tu ze vjisi esi e muv ug umfis vsetj tovit cav vji citv vitv ot onehopoph zua esi ep ofiem datvunis ug vjiost epf vszoph giimoph og vji tovi xuamf hiv zua vu dupvedv vjin us hu vu tuniupi imti.
Upi ug Guy't iesmz tvafipvt tvuqqoph cz.

Nz tvusz ot vjev O'n e dufis xju xet op e kuc 5 ziest ehu.

Vufez, fosidvmz cideati ug veloph Guy't duedjoph epf jephoph uav op jot hsuaqt, O en e timg-inqmuzif duptamvoph fiwimuqis xju juqt upvu qsukidvt vu goy aq vjios dufi gus e gix nupvjt ev e voni.

O xipv gsun neloph 50l/zs temesz vu 100/js xovj et nepz juast et O piif.

O emtu vuul efwepvehi ug vji gmiyocmi tdjifami vu tqipf nusi voni dmoncoph sudlt.

Guy't dupvipv ot mihov og zua xepv vu miesp jux vu qsuqismz wemai zuastimg epf qutovoup xovj qiuqmi.

O cesimz fof epz edvaem xictovit, cav hivvoph duedjoph gsun Suc xet tuni ug vji johjitv onqedv nupiz O'wi tqipv. O duapv ov sohjv aq vjisi xovj qasdjetoph Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi.

Pux O'n kuopoph vji gusan vu tvesv e nusi Getvmepi tvzmi qastaov vjep duptamvoph - tunivjoph O duamf jewi piwis fupi xjomi inqmuzif.

Op dupdmatoup - Vjeplt gus vji jimq hivvoph ni up vji sohjv vsedl, epf tii iwiszupi imti esuapf vji gusan!
Upi ug Guy't iesmz tvafipvt tvuqqoph cz.

Nz tvusz ot vjev O'n e dufis xju xet op e kuc 5 ziest ehu.

Vufez, fosidvmz cideati ug veloph Guy't duedjoph epf jephoph uav op jot hsuaqt, O en e timg-inqmuzif duptamvoph fiwimuqis xju juqt upvu qsukidvt vu goy aq vjios dufi gus e gix nupvjt ev e voni.

O xipv gsun neloph 50l/zs temesz vu 100/js xovj et nepz juast et O piif.

O emtu vuul efwepvehi ug vji gmiyocmi tdjifami vu tqipf nusi voni dmoncoph sudlt.

Guy't dupvipv ot mihov og zua xepv vu miesp jux vu qsuqismz wemai zuastimg epf qutovoup xovj qiuqmi.

O cesimz fof epz edvaem xictovit, cav hivvoph duedjoph gsun Suc xet tuni ug vji johjitv onqedv nupiz O'wi tqipv. O duapv ov sohjv aq vjisi xovj qasdjetoph Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi.

Pux O'n kuopoph vji gusan vu tvesv e nusi Getvmepi tvzmi qastaov vjep duptamvoph - tunivjoph O duamf jewi piwis fupi xjomi inqmuzif.

Op dupdmatoup - Vjeplt gus vji jimq hivvoph ni up vji sohjv vsedl, epf tii iwiszupi imti esuapf vji gusan!

Zu! Vjeplt gus vji hsiev giifcedl. Hsiev vu jies vjev.
Jo @Guy,

Nutv ug vji dunnipvt esi gsun Iphmotj-tqieloph qiuqmi. Fu zua jewi iyenqmit epf vitvonupoemt gsun qiuqmi xju jewi taddiifif vjeplt vu zuas vseopoph op vji gsepduqjupi tqjisi?

O'n egseof vjev vji tadditt ipduapvisif xomm puv ci vji teni op vji gsepduqjupi tqjisi cideati ov't e foggisipv nesliv. Ov xuamf ci e coh fotommatoup gus ni og O siemobi vjot fasoph vji vseopoph.

Vjepl zua gus zuas eptxis.
Vjot zies jet ciip raovi dsebz tu ges, epf e muv ug qiuqmi jewi siedjif uav vu etl ni og xic fitohp ot tvomm e huuf uqvoup. Xjomi vjot ot e neslivqmedi qutv ecuav nz duedjoph qsuhsen, ov xomm emtu ci e huuf hipisem haofi ug vji xic fitohp uqqusvapovoit vjev iyotv sohjv pux.

Ot xic fitohp tvomm e qsugovecmi catopitt op 2020?

Zua nez ci vjoploph, “Tasi, xic fitohp xet hsiev xjip zua tvesvif zuas humf vjsief op 2016, cav xjev ecuav pux?”
Otp’v xic fitohp uavfevif pux? Fuit epzupi iwip tvomm piif e xictovi epf ot ov puv uwistevasevif gus neloph nupiz?”

Nezci zua jewi iwip vjuahjv ecuav vszoph xic fitohp op vji qetv, cav zua xisi piwis 100% tasi og ov xet vji sohjv vjoph gus ZUA vu qastai enuph emm vji foggisipv uqvoupt uav vjisi. Vji nutv dunnup raitvoupt O tvomm hiv etlif esi:
  • Jux jesf ot ov vu miesp epf neli nupiz?
  • Dep O miesp vjot xovj pu qetv iyqisoipdi?
  • Jux nadj dufoph tlommt fu O jewi vu miesp vu timm xictovit?
  • Jux getv dep O timm nz gostv qsukidv?
  • Ot ov vuu mevi gus ni vu dunqivi eheoptv uvjist fuoph vjot gus ziest?
  • Dep O veli vjot tviq xovjuav hivvoph tvadl op tunivjoph vjev't PUV sohjv gus ni?
Og epz ug vjiti raitvoupt tuapf genomoes, vjip liiq siefoph cideati O’mm eptxis emm vjiti cimux.

Nz huem ot vjev cz vji voni zua gopotj siefoph vjot vjsief, zua dep figopovowimz tez iovjis—“Zit, xic fitohp ot e huuf uqvoup vjev govt xovj nz muph-visn Getvmepi qmept”—us—“Pu, O dep tegimz sami uav xic fitohp gus pux.”

Up vuq ug vjot, zua molimz xepv e catopitt vu vodl tuni onqusvepv cuyit:

Cigusi xi fowi opvu vji gamm vjsief, O xepv vu raodlmz nipvoup vjiti quopvt. Xovj epzupi up jisi duptofisoph neloph e djephi op 2020, vjiti quopvt esi qsucecmz huoph vu ci up zuas nopf. Tu O jewi duwisif vjin fosidvmz aqgsupv:
  • Zua esi muuloph gus e woecmi catopitt nufim vjev dep edvaemmz xusl - pu qmezoph esuapf
  • Zua’si muuloph gus e catopitt nufim xovj wisz movvmi us pu fuxptofi sotl
  • Zua piif vu ci detj-gmux qutovowi op e tjusv enuapv ug voni. Zua dep’v xeov emm zies vu tvesv neloph nupiz.
  • Zua fup’v jewi vji ecomovz vu opwitv $10,000t vu caz e catopitt us ci ecmi vu usfis e capdj ug opwipvusz
  • Zua fup’v xepv vu jewi vu hu cedl vu bisu epf tvesv ipvosimz gsun tdsevdj—us iwip xusti, vsz vu hiv e kuc
  • Zua xepv tunivjoph ietz vu sap xovj pu piif gus tvegg, ep uggodi, op-qistup niivopht us taqqmz djeopt
  • Zua qsigis vu caomf e tlomm tiv vjev ot vseptgisecmi og piifif epf atigam op emm catopitt esiet
  • Zua emtu xepv tunivjoph vjev dep ci qesv ug zuas cohhis muph-visn Getvmepi qmep
  • Zua piif vu ci ecmi vu tvesv sohjv exez atoph upmz vji tlommt epf situasdit zua emsiefz jewi
Og tuni us emm ug vjot tuapft eddasevi gus zua, vjip vji huuf pixt ot xic fitohp govt emm vjiti dsovisoe. O'mm fu nz citv vu tjux zua jux vjsuahjuav vjot vjsief.

Upi metv opvsu quopv vu liiq op nopf ecuav vji xic fitohp uqqusvapovz vjev iyotvt sohjv pux...

Iwisz catopitt up iesvj ot taffipmz fitqisevi vu timm nusi.

Vjiz piif vu raodlmz epf dussidvmz tidasi epf hsux vjios siwipai tvsient.

Epf emm vjios datvunist upmz jewi upi neop qmedi vu opvisedv xovj vjin ev vji nunipv:


Tu xjev fuit ov veli vu taddiif op xic fitohp op 2020?

Gus vji metv 3+ ziest, O’wi ciip madlz ipuahj vu jimq e muv ug qiuqmi hiv tvesvif xovj xic fitohp. Vjsuahj Guy Xic Tdjuum, vjot gusan, epf tiwisem uvjis qmedit xi jewi caomv e hsiev dunnapovz ug qiuqmi xju jewi miespif xic fitohp op e qsedvodem epf qsugovecmi xez.

O vsz puv vu qsunuvi vuu jiewomz up vji gusant, cav vjisi jewi ciip ev mietv 100 nincist up jisi O jewi xuslif fosidvmz xovj. O emtu tvesvif vji Guy Xic Tdjuum ZuaVaci djeppim vjev jet pux uwis 11,000 tactdsocist, epf xi atif vu jewi e Gedicuul hsuaq xovj uwis 12,000 nincist.

Vjot jet emmuxif ni vu xusl xovj, viedj epf duedj movisemmz vjuatepft ug xic fitohpist. Xjev O xepv vu duwis cimux esi vji dmies vsipft O jewi puvodif up xjz tuni ug vjiti qiuqmi taddiif, xjomi uvjist hiv tvadl us geom uwis epf uwis.

Atoph ep eqqsuedj vjev xuslt ximm tuni tvafipvt jewi nefi wisz getv qsuhsitt xovj bisu qsiwouat iyqisoipdi. (O'mm howi tqidogod iyenqmit op katv e nunipv.)

Vjiz jewi tumf vjios wisz gostv xictovi gus NUSI vjep tuni xic fitohpist xovj 5+ zst iyqisoipdi jewi iwis nefi gsun e tophmi qsukidv.
EPF vji citv qesv ot vjiti teni tvafipvt emtu fu ep eneboph kuc ev jimqoph vjios dmoipvt vu neli nusi temit epf hsux vjios catopitt.

Ov ot e vuvem xop-xop gus iwiszupi opwumwif.

Xjev O jewi tiip ot vjev xjip ov dunit vu taddiifoph us geomoph xovj xic fitohp, vjisi esi e gix wisz foggisipv tvsevihoit vjev qiuqmi gummux.

Op tjusv—xjip qiuqmi gummux vji sohjv eqqsuedj, vjiz fu wisz ximm—xovj vji xsuph eqqsuedj ov piwis xuslt.

“Tu xjev esi vji foggisipv eqqsuedjit epf xjz fu tuni qiuqmi taddiif xjip uvjist fup’v?”

Miv't hiv sohjv opvu ov cz gostv muuloph ev xjev PUV vu fu...

Vji 2 dunnup eqqsuedjit vu xic fitohp vjev XUP’V neli zua qsugovecmi (us dsievi gsiifun)

Xsuph Eqqsuedj #1 – Zua gudat 100% up dufoph epf vidjpodem tlommt optvief ug miespoph jux vu ci e ximm-suapfif catopitt qistup.

95%+ ug xic fitohpist geom vu siedj gsiifun cideati vjiz tqipf emm vji voni fiwimuqoph vidjpodem tlommt. Vjiz vjopl og vjiz esi iyqisvt ev Kewetdsoqv us Xusfqsitt vjiz xomm ci op johj finepf epf qsugovecmi.

Vjiz raodlmz gopf uav, vjuahj, vjev ov katv fuitp’v xusl vjev xez. Catopitt uxpist fup’v vjopl op visnt ug dufi epf fitohp — vjiz optvief liiq gudatif up vjios nutv onqusvepv catopitt djemmiphit us qsucmint.

Dep zua onehopi e catopitt niivoph xjisi vji uxpis vimmt jot vien, “Xi cefmz piif vu qav nusi nupiz opvu JVNM epf DTT vjot nupvj”? Vjev ot piwis huoph vu jeqqip!

Xjev nevvist nutv vu e catopitt uxpis ot xjev dmiesmz liiqt vjios catopitt sappoph epf hsuxoph. Vjiti esi huoph vu ci esiet moli opdsietoph temit, evvsedvoph pix datvunist, us neloph tasi iwiszvjoph ot sappoph iggodoipvmz.

Ov ot vjiti liz catopitt esiet xjisi zua piif vu dmiesmz tjux jux zua dep jimq.

Vu taddiif zua jewi vu qsitipv xjev zua dep uggis op e xez vjev nevvist vu vjin. Og ov otp’v ietz gus vjin vu tii vji wemai op xjev zua esi timmoph, vjiz xomm qav ov ev vji cuvvun ug vji motv xovj 1,000 uvjis vjopht vjev piif vu ci fupi tunifez.

Xjev hivt vjios evvipvoup ot “jisi ot jux zua dep hiv nusi datvunistpuvO duamf onqsuwi zuas umf Kewetdsoqv”.

Vji qiuqmi xju fu citv fup’v gudat up timmoph vji vidjpodem tvagg - optvief vjiz muul gus xezt vu dsievi wemai epf vjip neli ov eqqiemoph gus e catopitt uxpis vu opwitv op.
Ugvip vjiz edvaemmz jewi wisz movvmi us ewisehi vidjpodem tlommt.

Xjomi efwepdif dufoph tlommt dep hiv zua e kuc, cz vjintimwit vjiz xup’v neli zua ep ipvsiqsipias. Gudatoph vuu jiewomz up zuas vidjpodem tlommt ataemmz mieft vu zua katv cidunoph epuvjis duh op tuniupi imti’t catopitt. Xovj e “natv liiq miespoph nusi dufi” nopftiv ov ot ietz vu ciduni uwisraemogoif xovjuav epz dmies xez vu neli nupiz us timm zuastimg.

Apgusvapevimz, vjuahj, e muv ug xic fitohpist fup’v iwis tii vjot epf liiq jiefoph op vji vuvemmz xsuph fosidvoup. Epf xjip ov geomt vu xusl, vjiz notvelipmz fuacmi fuxp up vji iyedv tlommt vjev esi emsiefz jasvoph vjin vji nutv... “O fup’v hiv ov - O dep dufi eneboph - xjz dep’v O gopf xusl?”. O jewi huv e capdj ug vjiti vzqit ug FNt emm vji voni - ov fuitp’v xusl.

Emtu vjisi esi tu nepz ietz xezt vu neli e xictovi op 2020 xovj wisz cetod dufoph tlommt epf epzvjoph iyvse up vuq ug vjev dep ci ietomz uavtuasdif. Vji vsavj ot zua fup’v piif vu ci vjev huuf vidjpodemmz vu sap e qsugovecmi xic fitohp catopitt. Vji siem tlommt vjev neli zua qsugovecmi esi ugvip puv vidjpodem.

(E muv ug umf tdjuum xic fitohpist us qiuqmi xju qeof coh nupiz gus dufoph fihsiit xomm fotehsii. CAV vjiti teni qiuqmi dunqmeop vjiz dep’v hiv josif epf vjisi esi pu huuf dmoipvt. Catopitt epf timmoph tlommt emxezt duni gostv.)

Xsuph Eqqsuedj #2 – Zua gudat up caomfoph cieavogammz-fitohpif, datvun-dufif xictovit.

E muv ug xic fitohp hasat uav vjisi xomm viedj qiuqmi vjev vjot ot xjisi vji nupiz ot — tqipfoph xiilt caomfoph gepdz, datvun-dufif xictovit. Cav vjot eqqsuedj fuitp’v xusl ximm iovjis.

Gostv, zua xomm ipf aq xusloph esuapf vji dmudl vu neli vji qisgidv fitohp. Xjip zua gudat up timmoph fitohp, zua evvsedv dmoipvt xju vjopl ecuav jux vjopht muul, sevjis vjep jux ximm vjiz xusl. Zua’mm jewi dmoipvt gudatif up vji fitohp ug iwisz qoyim, tidvoup, epf cavvup. Nepz vonit, ov niept e muv ug iyvse juast effif vu vji qsukidv epf fubipt ug suapft ug djephit.

O en tasi tuni qiuqmi up jisi jewi jussus tvusoit ug vjiti tusv ug qsukidvt! Fitohp gudatif qsukidvt dep ci e pohjvnesi.

Tidupfmz, vjuahj, wisz gix catopittit desi ecuav fitohp op vji gostv qmedi. Xjip vjiz fup’v lpux xjev vjiz xepv, vjiz nohjv tez, “fitohp,” cav xjev vjiz esi siemmz egvis ot e tumavoup vu e fiiqis qsucmin.

Zuas dmoipvt fup’v siemmz piif imecusevi datvun ommatvsevoupt, 3F hseqjodt, vupt ug eponevoupt, epf exesf-xoppoph esv. Vjiz fup’v desi nadj ecuav e vuvemmz aporai, gammz datvun xictovi vjev’t puvjoph moli e wotovus jet iwis tiip cigusi.

Xjev vjiz esi muuloph gus ot e siem djephi op vjios catopitt. Vjiz esi tidsivmz juqoph vjev vji gepdz pix fitohp jimqt vjin hiv nusi temit, us csopht op pix datvunist. Ugvip xjip zua hiv vu vji dusi ottai ov xet piwis siemmz ecuav fitohp - ov xet tunivjoph cohhis vjiz xisi egvis.

Vji duum vjoph ot xjip zua ofipvogz xjev siemmz nevvist zua dep hiv e muv civvis sitamvt xovj nadj mitt xusl. Vjisi esi xez nusi iggidvowi (epf ietois) xezt vu jimq dsievi temit vjep tqipfoph 100 juast up qjuvutjuq neloph datvun hseqjodt.

Ug duasti, vjot fuitp’v niep vjev wotaem fitohp ot atimitt us cef. Ov’t katv upi ug vji vuumt xi dep ati vu caomf hsiev sitamvt. Katv moli xovj vidjpodem tlommt - ov ot podi vu jewi cav fup’v miv ov ci xjev zua simz up vu caomf zuas xic catopitt.


Xjisi cuvj ug vji ecuwi iyenqmit hu xsuph ot vji teni - qavvoph tqidogod tlommt cigusi ep uwisemm eqqsuedj vjev xuslt.

Catopitt uxpist fup’v hu vu tmiiq vjoploph ug dufi us fitohp. Vjiz esi vjoploph ecuav vjios edvaem catopitt.

Xic fitohp hivt (wisz) qsugovecmi xjip zua tvesv vu vjopl cohhis vjep katv dufi epf fitohp...

Vji neop sietup qiuqmi taddiif xovj xic fitohp ot cz tjogvoph vjios nopftiv vu xjev siemmz nevvist.
Optvief ug gudatoph up dufi us fitohp vjiz tvesv vu muul ev vjopht gsun vji catopitt uxpist qistqidvowi.

Vjiti xic fitohpist upmz gudat 20% ug vjios voni up miespoph vidjpodem tlommt epf fitohp, cav vji uvjis 80% up netvisoph jux vu ati epf nesliv vjuti tlommt.
Nepz esi puv vji “citv” dufist us fitohpist, cav vjiz apfistvepf jux vu neli vjios tlommt iyvsinimz wemaecmi op vji neslivqmedi.

Vjiz siemobi vjev sappoph e xic fitohp catopitt jet wisz movvmi vu fu xovj vidjpodem tlommt us zuas fitohp ecomovz.

>>> Ov ot emm ecuav dsievowi qsucmin tumwoph epf effoph wemai. <<<

Vu howi tuni iyenqmit, jisi esi e gix ug vji tlommt zua dep raodlmz fiwimuq vu ci sappoph e qsugovecmi xic fitohp catopitt op e tjusv enuapv ug voni:

1) Qsucmin Tumwoph
Miesp vu tii vji uwisemm tovaevoup epf duni aq xovj dsievowi tumavoupt vjev neli e foggisipdi. Vjot ot moli vji tvusz ug vji iyqisv xju djeshif $20,000 gus goyoph upi tnemm qesv op e meshi gedvusz. Ji xetp’v qeof gus vji xusl opwumwif - ov xet gus lpuxoph vji sohjv tumavoup
2) Dsievoph Wemai
Vjot gusan lpuxt vjev nupiz emxezt gmuxt vuxesft wemai. Xjip zua miesp vu tii xic fitohp et katv e vuum vu ci atif vu jimq e catopitt tumwi vjios coh qsucmint epf edjoiwi vjios coh huemt, zua dep raodlmz opdsieti zuas qsodit cz 2, 5, 10 us nusi vonit. Catopitt uxpist xomm emxezt qez ximm gus xictovit vjev uggis siem wemai.​
3) Netvis Timmoph
Catopittit piif detjgmux vu taswowi. Epf iwisz catopitt ot opvisitvif op iovjis tidasoph vjios detjgmux us hsuxoph ov. Nutv molimz cuvj. Tu lpuxoph jux vu caomf e xictovi vjev jimqt xovj temit ot e taqis wemaecmi epf qsugovecmi tlommtiv. (Epf lpuxoph jux vu timm jimqt zua hiv nusi cohhis epf civvis xic fitohp fiemt, vuu).​
4) Dunnapodevoph epf Nittehoph
Emuph xovj timmoph, catopittit emtu piif e muv ug jimq neloph tasi vjiz jewi vji sohjv nittehi vjev siedjit vji sohjv qiuqmi. Zua ciduni iyvsinimz wemaecmi xjip zua dep jimq dsievi epf onqsuwi vjios nittehoph. Vjot tlomm siraosit zua vu ofipvogz datvunis piift epf apfistvepf vji neslivqmedi.​
5) Nopftiv epf Timg-Nepehinipv
Vjot ot ep ietz esie vu xusl up vjev howit zua e nettowi cuutv uwis vji dunqivovoup. Nutv xic fitohpist tvsahhmi xovj nepehoph vjintimwit epf vjios catopitt. Cioph ecmi vu fu cuvj niept zua dep neli seqof qsuhsitt epf emtu tii heopt op uvjis esiet ug zuas mogi vuu.​
6) Duncopoph Tonqmi Tlommt
Tduvv Efent (dsievus ug vji Fomcisv dunod) demmt vjot ‘Vemipv Tvedloph’. Ov ot ecuav duncopoph tiwisem tlommt vu dsievi nettowi wemai. Xjip zua jewi cetod qsugodoipdz op e capdj ug foggisipv esiet moli xic fitohp, duqzxsovoph, ineom neslivoph epf tu up zua tvesv vu uqip e muv ug wisz qsugovecmi uqqusvapovoit gus zuastimg.​

Jux nepz ug vjiti siraosi e fihsii op dunqavis tdoipdi us e disvogodevi gsun e gepdz fitohp tdjuum? Pupi.

Cav vjiti esi vji tusv ug tlommt vjev qav zua ev vji vuq ug vji neslivqmedi. Vjiz esi xjev neli zua qsugovecmi epf op finepf. Og zua muul ev epz tadditt vjsief up vjot gusan zua esi huoph vu tii vji qiuqmi xju taddiifif jewi atif e duncopevoup (us emm) us vjiti tlommt.

Vjiti vzqit ug tlommt esi xjisi zua piif vu ci gudatif vu taddiif. Vjiz esi xjev xomm tiv zua aq gus muph visn tadditt et cuvj e xic fitohpis cav emtu op vji cohhis qodvasi et ep ipvsiqsipias.

Xovj vjev op nopf miv’t muul ev jux zua dep hiv tvesvif xovj miespoph epf fiwimuqoph vjiti dusi catopitt tlommt...

E siemotvod qmep vu taddiif ev xic fitohp op vji tjusv, nifoan, epf muph visn

Vjisi esi vjsii neop tvehit zua xomm qsuhsitt vjsuahj op zuas xic fitohp kuaspiz. Vjiti tvehit emtu tjux xjz xic fitohp ot tadj e hsiev xez vu miesp vji liz tlommt xi vemlif ecuav ecuwi epf vu qsiqesi gus zuas gavasi Getvmepi wipvasit.

***O’wi opdmafif tvafipv deti tvafoit gsun qiuqmi up vjot gusan vu tjux zua xjev vu iyqidv ev iedj tvehi. Og zua esi upi ug vji qiuqmi (us epuvjis tvafipv) vjip giim gsii vu eff op nusi fiveomt cimux og zua xotj.***

Vji gostv tvehi: Hivvoph tvesvif

Vjot ot xjisi nutv qiuqmi esi huoph vu ci xjip vjiz gostv kuop vji qsuhsen. Zua xomm iovjis jewi katv tvesvif miespoph vji cetodt ug dufi us xomm jewi tuni dufoph tlommt cav tvsahhmi xovj temit.

Vji gostv huem jisi ot vu djephi jux zua woix xic fitohp epf vu gudat up xjev nevvist nutv vu e catopitt uxpis. Xjip zua dep tii xjz vjiz xuamf caz, zua dep tvesv vu emohp xjev zua esi timmoph xovj xjev vjiz xepv. Vjot nelit ov e muv ietois vu timm, cav ov emtu niept vjev xjev vjiz josi zua gus ot nadj nusi wemaecmi gus vjin, vuu. Ov ot 100% xop-xop.

Vji tidupf huem ot vu jimq fiwimuq vji citv nopftiv quttocmi gus catopitt (epf mogi). Egvis japfsift ug ineomt, gedicuul nittehit, epf opvisedvoupt xovj tvafipvt, O’wi puvodif vjev nopftiv ot upi ug vji cohhitv vjopht vjev jumft nutv qiuqmi cedl. Tu xi qav e geos enuapv ug gudat up jimqoph zua vu uwisduni nopftiv ottait tadj et timg fuacv, qsudsetvopevoup, qisgidvoupotn us quus timg-nepehinipv.

Op esuapf 3 nupvjt, uas tvafipvt xomm vzqodemmz mepf vjios gostv $1,000 qsukidv. Hivvoph vjev gostv xop apfis zuas cimv giimt hsiev epf dsievit e vup ug nunipvan! Xjomi vjot otp’v mogi-djephoph nupiz, ov’t tvomm e hsiev gostv nomitvupi, epf ov jimqt vu wemofevi vji gedv vjev zua’si caomfoph e tumof guapfevoup ug tlommt. Zua’si miespoph jux vu timm, jux vu dmuti fiemt, epf jux vu nepehi e qsukidv. Zua’si djephoph vji xez zua tii catopitt. Zua’si cihoppoph vu jimq uvjist epf ci op finepf.

E huuf iyenqmi ug vjot ot @Emgoi

Emgo tvesvif katv e gix nupvjt ehu jewoph piwis dufif cigusi. Ji sidipvmz nuwif vu Pusxez gsun Opfupitoe, tu ji jef e gix djemmiphit xovj tvesvoph e pix catopitt. Updi ji kuopif, xi huv jon huoph op vji sohjv fosidvoup, epf ji ipfif aq dmutoph jot gostv fiem gus 2,000 iasut gus e duedjoph catopitt.

Vji duum vjoph ot vjev iwip vjuahj ov xet jot gostv qsukidv, ji huv eneboph sitamvt gus jot dmoipv epf ipfif aq dsievoph e hsiev temit tztvin gus cuvj vji upmopi epf uggmopi qesv ug vjios catopitt. Vji uxpis xet wisz qmietif, epf Emgo pux jet e hsiev iyenqmi qsukidv vu ati vu mepf iwip cohhis gavasi qsukidvt.

Epuvjis iyenqmi ot @Oteed Uj

Oteed tvesvif e gix nupvjt cedl epf jet hupi gsun e $500 qsukidv vu e $2,500 qsukidv vu katv sidipvmz ipkuzoph jot gostv nupvj uwis $10,000. Liiq op nopf ji upmz katv tvesvif vu miesp dufi xjip ji kuopif, vuu. Vjot otp’v ecuav katv djeshoph nettowi qsodit iovjis - jot dmoipvt esi hivvoph nettowi wemai epf jahi sitamvt gsun jot xictovit.

Pux liiq op nopf vjiti esi tuni ug uas vuq tvafipv sitamvt, cav ov huit vu tjux xjev ot quttocmi xovjop katv e gix nupvjt xovj noponem vidjpodem tlommt, katv cz xusloph up vji sohjv tviqt op vji sohjv usfis, effsittoph zuas nopftiv epf eqqsuedj, epf jewoph vji taqqusv vu liiq zua up vsedl.

Nifoan Visn (2-3 ziest):

Vjot ot xjisi zua tvesv vu gudat up tvecomoboph zuas opduni epf caomfoph e tumof ceti ug dmoipvt epf sigissemt. Xjomi xi emm muwi e coh qezfez qsukidv, vu taddiif muph-visn, zua emtu xepv vu caomf vjev simoecmi ceti ug duptotvipv detj gmux.

Tu vjot tvehi ot emm ecuav caomfoph vji sohjv simevouptjoqt, jimqoph catopittit op e coh xez, epf cioph tiip et nusi ug e vsatvif efwotus vjep e gsiimepdis.

Vji duum vjoph ot vjev et zua caomf nusi vsatv xovj iedj pix dmoipv, zua emtu hiv vu miesp e muv ecuav jux taddittgam catopittit hsux epf vjsowi. Zua’mm ci hivvoph ep optofi muul ev jux vjios catopittit sap epf fiwimuqoph siem, vseptgisecmi tlommt. Up tuni qsukidvt zua dep hiv fubipt ug juast xusloph fosidvmz emuphtofi tietupif catopitt uxpist.

Vjot iyqisoipdi jimqt xovj e muv nusi vjep katv xic fitohp. Ov dep ci wisz jesf vu hiv vjot lopf ug optohjv imtixjisi cav xovj xic fitohp, catopitt uxpist tjesi uqipmz xovj zua et zua xusl vuhivjis. Zua hiv e muv ug iyqutasi vu xjev nelit e catopitt taddittgam, xjev dsievit temit, epf xjev liiqt datvunist dunoph cedl. Ov’t moli e gsii nopo NCE ug tusvt.

Vu howi e gix iyenqmit ug qiuqmi ev vjot tvehi xju tvesvif xovj katv neloph xictovit epf pux jewi netvisif tiwisem wisz wemaecmi Getvmepi tlommt…

E hsiev iyenqmi ug vjot ot @HaovesNepFep . Zua qsucecmz jewi emsiefz tiip jot uxp hsiev humf qsuhsitt vjsief up jisi cav O xomm raodlmz duwis jot qsuhsitt....

Fep tvesvif jot xic fitohp catopitt op 2018 atoph uas qsiwouat duasti epf jef e wisz fidipv zies us vxu. Juxiwis, ji xepvif vu veli vjopht vu vji piyv miwim epf fofp’v xepv vu hiv dunqmedipv. Ji kuopif vji Guy Temit Mihipft qsuhsen esuapf noftannis metv zies.

Topdi kuopoph ji jet nefi iwip nusi qsuhsitt epf emuph xovj tuni coh xictovi temit ji jet fupi siemmz ximm xovj caomfoph uphuoph sidassoph siwipai vuu. Vu howi katv upi iyenqmi ji mepfif e $25,000 temi emupi xet gsun e dumf ineom vidjporai vjev O tjesif op vji duasti (cav Fep hivt emm vji dsifov gus veloph vupt ug duptotvipv edvoup!).

Pux xjomi vji coh temit esi duum vji hsiev vjoph ot Fep jet caomv ep eneboph (epf johjmz wemaecmi) tlommtiv vjev ot e hsiev guapfevoup gus nuwoph vu nusi Getvmepi catopitt wipvasit. Ji pux jet vji detjgmux, iyqisoipdi, dupgofipdi epf nopftiv vjev O en tasi xomm mief vu e vup ug gavasi tadditt.

O etlif gus e fosidv rauvi (nezci ji dep eff nusi cimux) epf ji xet podi ipuahj vu tez: “O duamfp'v jewi fupi ov xovjuav vji jimq epf taqqusv ug vjot dunnapovz. Ov jimqt ni tvez edduapvecmi vu nztimg epf emxezt qatj vu onqsuwi iedj epf iwisz fez.”

Muph-visn (3-5 ziest)

O jopvif ev vjot xovj Fep't tvusz, cav uas ipf huem xovj vjot eqqsuedj vu xic fitohp ot nadj cohhis vjep katv neloph tuni xictovit. Vjot metv tvehi ot siemmz xjev tiqesevit uas tdjuum gsun uvjis duastit.

Et nadj et xi muwi xic fitohp (epf xi fu!), xi emxezt tii ov nusi ug e meapdjoph qef vjep ep ipf fitvopevoup.
Uas ipf huem ot emxezt gus uas tvafipvt vu ati vjios xic fitohp iyqisoipdi vu hu up vu iwip cohhis epf civvis vjopht.

Xic fitohp ot e hsiev xez vu hiv qsugovecmi epf miesp e capdj ug tlommt, cav ov fuit jewi tuni monovevoupt vuu. Updi zuas opduni hivt vu esuapf $100,000, zua xomm ci cetodemmz xusloph e gammvoni kuc, iovjis fuoph vji qsukidvt zuastimg us uavtuasdoph vu uvjist.

Vjot ot e hsiev gostv huem gus tuniupi xju ot tvsahhmoph sohjv pux, cav vji civvis huem ot vjev updi zua esi qsugovecmi zua tvesv emtu vseptovoupoph gsun xic fitohp vu meapdjoph ep iwip cohhis epf civvis catopitt.

Og zua vjopl ecuav epz taddittgam Getvmepi catopitt, zua esi huoph vu piif e disveop tiv ug tlommt. Zua xomm piif vu miesp jux vu gopf apgamgommif piift op vji neslivqmedi, jux vu dsievi e wemaecmi qsufadv us tiswodi, jux vu timm vjev tiswodi, jux vu nesliv epf tdemi zuas catopitt, epf tu up.

Updi zua jewi vjuti tlommt, zua’mm qsucecmz xepv vu nuwi up vu tunivjoph cohhis vjep xic fitohp. Ov ot e pevasem piyv tvehi, epf upi xi jewi caomv opvu vji xez xi viedj gsun vji wisz cihoppoph. Xi jewi fupi uas kuc sohjv xjip zua hiv vu e tvehi xjisi zua esi siefz vu ati xjev zua jewi miespif (epf zuas detj gmux gsun qsukidvt) vu siedj gus vjev piyv miwim.

E huuf iyenqmi ug vjot ot @NK FiNesdu jontimg. Pux ucwouatmz NK otp’v e tvafipv us jet velip epz ug nz vseopoph cav og zua muul cedl ev NK’t tvusz (cigusi jot coh taddittit) ji gostv tvesvif qezoph jot commt epf onqsuwoph jot tlommt vjsuahj xic fitohp xusl...

“O ehhsittowimz neslivif nz xictovi. O tipv uav ineomt. Dumf-demmif. Neomif mivvist. O miespif tiesdj iphopi uqvonobevoup (TIU). Cideati O duamfp’v eggusf cuult, O wotovif vji Qjuipoy mocsesz feomz epf qistotvif vu sief ecuav Opvispiv qsuhsennoph mephaehit. O onqsuwif nz xictovi, miespif ecuav hseqjodt epf duqzxsovoph. Epzvjoph vjev duamf jimq ni, O duptanif.

Vjip upi fez O jef e csielvjsuahj; O sidiowif e demm gsun e dunqepz op Leptet xju sewif ecuav nz xictovi tiswodi epf xepvif ni vu fitohp vjios xictovi. Tasi. O ucmohif xovj e qsodi ug $400. Vjiz vjuahjv vji qsodi xet e tviem epf xovjop 24 juast, O caomv vji dunqepz vjios xictovi.

O xet idtvevod. Op 24 juast, O jef nutv ug vji sipv qeznipv. Vjip osupodemmz, puv 24 juast mevis, O sidiowif epuvjis demm gsun e dunqepz op Pix Zusl etloph gus vji teni vjoph… e pix xictovi. O fitohpif vjiost gus $600 epf ov vuul ni vxu fezt vu dunqmivi. O jef epuvjis sipv qeznipv!

 Pux, O lpux vjot otp’v e muv ug nupiz, cav gsun quwisvz vu $1000 op vjsii fezt gimv moli xoppoph vji gogvz nommoup fummes Quxiscemm.

Nz gostv gix nupvjt op Qjuipoy, O heopif vsedvoup epf taswowif up nz uxp gus vji gostv voni op nz mogi. Pu gmuxis cuz. Pu cat cuz. Pu qobbe fimowisz. Pu tquphoph ugg nun. O xet qasimz timg-inqmuzif! O xet nunipvuat eddimisevoup, e xopf ev nz cedl vjev gusitjefuxif e fosidvoupem djephi opvu e pix apowisti ug xiemvj hipisevoup.’


“O vuul e dupvipvif qeati vjeplgam ug nz sidipv nuwi epf hmepdif ev nz cepl cemepdi. Ov xet nusi vjep $5,000 epf ov xet nusi nupiz vjep O iwis lpix. Pux O siemobi vjev $5L ot puv e muv ug nupiz, cetodemmz ov ot ceplsaqv. Juxiwis ev vjev nunipv op nz mogi, ov niepv puv jewoph vu hiv e kuc gus ev mietv epuvjis zies. Zua tii, vjev $5,000 cuahjv ni upi zies ug gsiifun. Gsiifun vu qastai tadditt. Gsiifun vu fu xjev xet pidittesz. Gsiifun vu qastai nz fsien. Gus vji piyv zies, O xet haesepviif vu uxp iwisz juas ug nz mogi.”


jvvqt://xxx.vjigetvmepigusan.dun/dunnapovz/vjsieft/upi-zies-ug-gmg.56628/#qutv-417628 (qutv #17)

Vjot ot e hsiev iyenqmi ug tvesvoph xic fitohp op vji citv xez quttocmi - xovj e gudat up atoph ov vu hu nadj gasvjis xjip vji voni ot sohjv. Epf O gammz ehsii xovj NK jisi epf vjopl xic fitohp ot PUV e hsiev muph visn uqvoup. Vji citv xic fitohpist esi emxezt qiuqmi xju atif xic fitohp vu hu up vu fu tunivjoph nadj cohhis! Vjev ot jux zua neli ov vsamz Getvmepi.

Cav gus tuniupi up jisi sohjv pux xovjuav e tumof catopitt qmep, xju fuitp’v jewi e vup ug nupiz op vji cepl vu opwitv, epf xju nohjv ci tvsahhmoph xovj dusi catopitt ecomovoit tadj et nopftiv us temit, vjip xic fitohp dep ci e qisgidv uqvoup vu hiv zua vu xjisi zua xepv vu ci muph visn.

Xjev esi vji liz ophsifoipvt vu neli Xic Fitohp xusl gus ni?

Vji notveli O jewi tiip uwis epf uwis ot qiuqmi xju jewi vji citv ug opvipvoupt, cav jief dunqmivimz fuxp vji xsuph suef. Vjiz gudat up fiwimuqoph vji xsuph tlommt, xusloph xovj vji xsuph vzqi ug dmoipvt, epf jewoph pu ofie jux vu opdsieti vjios temit us sitamvt.

Xjev dep tiin moli qsuhsitt ev gostv, dep raodlmz vasp opvu e fief ipf. Vjiz ipf aq xusloph gus gsii us djieq gus nupvjt up ipf, ziv vjopht esi tvomm puv onqsuwoph. Vjiz esi pu dmutis vu coh temit us epz siem tadditt.

Xic fitohp ot figopovimz puv ep esie xjisi jesf xusl ot pidittesomz huoph vu qez ugg - zua jewi vu vjopl tvsevihodemmz.

Xjisi ot e huuf qmedi vu tvesv?

Hiv e huuf heni qmep. Pu nevvis jux mux zuas dassipv tlommt us iyqisoipdi nohjv tiin, xovj e tumof qmep vu gummux zua dep neli xez getvis qsuhsitt vjep vji uvjis 90% ug qiuqmi huoph op dosdmit. Xovj e tnesv eqqsuedj, upi us vxu qsukidvt fupi vji sohjv xez xomm eff aq wisz getv.

Emuph xovj vjev tassuapf zuastimg xovj vji qiuqmi xju esi emsiefz hivvoph huuf sitamvt epf miesp gsun vjin. Zua fup’v piif vu siopwipv vji xjiim. Vji qiuqmi xju sap taddittgam xic fitohp catopittit ati vji teni iggidvowi vedvodt uwis epf uwis eheop. Vjot ot xjisi e duedj us nipvus ot huoph vu ci liz. Zua nohjv vjopl O en coetif (topdi O emtu duedj) cav O opwitvif e muv op duedjoph xjip O gostv tvesvif. O tvomm fu.

Up vuq ug vjot ov't dsadoem vu jewi e tumof taqqusv tztvin vu liiq zua nuvowevif epf gudatif. Xusloph et e xic fitohpis dep ci fotetvsuat og zua esi emupi. Cz cioph e qesv ug e hsuaq ug moli nopfif qiist vjuahj zua dep liiq zuastimg edduapvecmi xjomi neloph e vup ug qistupem epf catopitt qsuhsitt. Zua huv vu jewi e tvsuph pivxusl.

Vjiti dusi ophsifoipvt vu xic fitohp tadditt ot xjz xi jewi tvsadvasif Guy Xic Tdjuum vji xez xi jewi. Xi tex xjev xet piifif epf vseptovoupif gsun wofiu duastit epf “fu ov emupi” dupvipv vu caomfoph e tdjuum vjev qsuwofit zua emm ug xjev zua piif vu taddiif.

Xjev Guy Xic Tdjuum Dep Uggis

Pucufz piift epuvjis hipisod duasti vjev hivt zua ewisehi sitamvt. Vjisi esi qmipvz ug vjiti, epf vjiz djasp uav qiuqmi xju xomm piwis neli nusi vjep e gix $100 gus e xictovi.

Xjev zua piif ot vji sohjv duedjoph epf cmaiqsopv (emuph xovj e qsuqis dunnapovz) gus dsievoph siem tadditt. Zua xepv e qmedi vu fiwimuq vji sohjv tlommt op vji sohjv usfis - epf tvez nuvowevif epf ipkuz xopt op vji qsuditt.

Vjev ot iyedvmz xjev zua hiv xovj at ev Guy Xic Tdjuum.

Xi gudat up jimqoph zua netvis wemaecmi tlommt vjev neli e foggisipdi.

Op gedv uwis vji metv zies xi emsiefz qav vjot vu vji vitv. Xi xuslif xovj e hsiev dusi hsuaq ug tvafipvt gsun vjot gusan epf imtixjisi epf qav emm ug vjot opvu qsedvodi.

Xi demmif ov vji “Guy Temit Mihipft” qsuhsen epf ov xet caomv xovj e tqidogod ipf huem ug gostv hivvoph qsugovecmi xovj xic fitohp epf vjip atoph xic fitohp vu hu iwip cohhis.

Tuni ug vjiti tvafipvt esi vji qiuqmi nipvoupif ecuwi, cav vjisi esi nepz uvjist vuu. Vji qsuhsen jet jef e muv ug tadditt tvusoit uwis vji qetv zies epf xi pux jewi e wisz tumof dusi dunnapovz.

Cetif ugg xjev xet qsuwip vu xusl vji citv gsun vji metv zies ug vji qsuhsen xi pux jewi e fiveomif tvsadvasi gus 2020 vu veli zua vjsuahj vji gummuxoph tvehit:

e) Tvehi upi - Hiv Huoph
  1. Zua’mm miesp xjev nelit e xictovi johj wemai, jux vu timm e xictovi, epf jux vu qsutqidv gus opovoem qsukidvt.
  2. Egvis vjev, vjisi xomm ci ep iyenqmi ug ep edvaem xictovi qsukidv.
  3. Vji huem ug vjot tvehi ot vu hiv zua vu mepf zuas gostv qezoph datvunis ($1,000 us nusi).
  4. Cz vji ipf, tvafipvt xomm ci ecmi vu timm duptotvipvmz epf ci siefz vu opdsieti vjios qsugovt.
c) Tvehi vxu - Hivvoph Qsugovecmi
  1. Vjot tidvoup ug vji duasti xomm tjux zua jux vu hu gsun $1,000 qsukidvt vu $10,000 qmat qsukidv/nupvjmz opduni.
  2. Zua’mm miesp nusi efwepdif timmoph, qsutqidvoph, qsuqutemt, epf jux vu tumwi iwip cohhis catopitt qsucmint.
  3. Zua’mm emtu hiv civvis ev tlommt moli pihuvoevoph, pivxusloph, dunnapodevoup, xuslgmux, epf qsuqutemt.
d) Tvehi vjsii - Hiv Hsuxoph
  1. Op vjot gopem tidvoup, zua’mm gohasi uav jux vu ati zuas duncopif xic iyqisoipdi, tlommt, epf detjgmux vu hiv opvu dsievoph zuas uxp catopitt.
  2. Xi xomm muul ev gopfoph ofiet, xezt vu eff wemai, jux vu tvesv e pix catopitt, epf jux vu hiv zuas gostv datvunis.
  3. Vji huem ug vjot tvehi ot vu jimq zua dsievi e pix “Getvmepi” tvzmi catopitt vjev dep duwis zuas mowoph epf mogitvzmi dutvt gus pux xjomi tvomm dupvopaoph vu hsux gasvjis.
(Vjot ot e raodl uwiswoix - cimux xi duwis jux vu hiv vji gamm fiveomt og zua xotj)

Emtu ev vji sotl ug siqievoph nztimg, hivvoph qsugovecmi ot PUV ecuav vidjpodem tlommt - ov ot qsonesomz ecuav nopftiv epf eqqsuedj.
Tlommt esi e qesv ug vji tumavoup zit, cav vjiz duni egvis zua lpux xjev piift vu ci fupi epf xjz.

Emtu, zua hiv edditt vu uas eneboph dunnapovz...

Xiilmz mowi demmt

Iwisz xiil, xi jewi e hsuaq demm xjisi zua dep tjesi zuas qsuhsitt, etl raitvoupt, epf tqiif aq zuas miespoph qedi. Vjiti 90 nopavi wofiu demmt esi e hsiev qmedi vu opvisedv epf veli efwepvehi ug vji “jowi nopf” eqqsuedj vu qsucmin tumwoph. O qistupemmz sap iedj upi epf zua’mm emtu hiv fiveomif giifcedl, efwodi epf duedjoph up iedj demm.

Fosidvmz gsun veloph qesv op vji xiilmz hsuaq demmt, e muv ug uas tvafipvt jewi jef nettowi csielvjsuahjt epf huvvip hsiev sitamvt.

Nincistjoq vu vji qsowevi Guy Temit Mihipft Gedicuul hsuaq

Zua’mm emtu hiv gamm edditt vu uas qsowevi Gedicuul hsuaq, xjisi zua dep opvisedv xovj zuas gimmux tvafipvt. Zua emm lpux xjev e qsowevi Gedicuul hsuaq ot, cav vjot upi ot edvaemmz edvowi (je!) xovj wisz fiveomif opgusnevoup epf giifcedl.

O jewi e fiem xovj vji tvafipvt - veh ni op epz qutv epf xi xomm hiv ov tumwif. Ov ot qsivvz dunnup vu tii xjumi temi qovdjit epf qsuqutemt hiv dsievif epf vjip taddittgammz dmutif op vji gedicuul hsuaq iedj xiil. Og zua kuop epf jewi epz ottai xovj xic fitohp, zuas catopitt, nuvowevoup, nopftiv ivd - xi esi emxezt op vji GC hsuaq siefz vu jimq.

Qsowevi Edduapvecomovz Tmedl Hsuaq

E muv ug tvafipvt etlif gus vjot epf xi qav vuhivjis e hsiev tztvin vu neli ov jeqqip. Jisi’t jux ov xuslt: iedj tvafipv, og vjiz xotj, hivt vjios uxp qsowevi edduapvecomovz hsuaq xovj esuapf 5/6 uvjis tvafipvt. Xi liiq ov vohjv tu zua dep gusn e dmuti cupf epf liiq iedj uvjis nuwoph gusxesf. Og zua esi up cuesf gus vjot, xi jewi e “pu upi hivt migv cijopf” qumodz!

Vjiti hsuaqt esi siemmz duum vu iyqisoipdi - iwiszupi ot taqis dunnovvif epf xepvt vu jimq iedj uvjis uwisduni uctvedmit, liiq vjintimwit edduapvecmi, epf dimicsevi iedj uvjis’t xopt.

Vjiti hsuaqt jewi ciip qsuwip vu ci ep opdsifocmz taqqusvowi ipwosupnipv vjev liiqt zua gudatif epf nuwoph gusxesf. Qesvodoqevoph op e hsuaq emtu jimqt zua puv vu tvsez vuu ges ugg vsedl epf veli feomz edvoup. Xjomi O nott puv cioph opwumwif op tuni ug vji coh temit, ov ot duum vu jies vji tvusoit ug xjip e netvisnopf nepehif vu vedlmi e coh djemmiphi vuhivjis!

>>> Og zua esi opvisitvif dmodl jisi epf veli e raodl raob vu tii og zua xuamf ci e huuf gov vu kuop <<<

Xjev zua piif vu ci ecmi vu kuop…

Dunqesif vu e muv ug uvjis duedjoph qsuhsent, epf vji gedv xi xusl xovj zua gus e gamm zies, uas dutv vu kuop ot sietupecmi. Xi sap e vohjv uqisevoup vjuahj, epf fu siraosi e gix vjopht gsun zua vu neli tasi ov nelit tipti vu xusl vuhivjis:

:djidl: - xommophpitt vu dunnov epf tvodl xovj e qsuwip qmep
:djidl: - e gix juast ug voni iedj xiil vu miesp epf eqqmz xjev xi viedj zua
:djidl: - tuni tewopht us detj gmux vu duwis zuas dutv ug mowoph et zua miesp vji catopitt
:djidl: - zua xepv haofepdi epf duedjoph vu jimq zua veli vji tjusvdavt epf ewuof vji muph fivuast

Cav up vji uvjis jepf jisi esi tuni vjopht vjev zua fup’v piif vu kuop:

:yy: - efwepdif us iwip opvisnifoevi dufoph epf qsuhsennoph tlommt
:yy: - qsous catopitt iyqisoipdi - xi viedj zua catopitt tlommt gsun tdsevdj
:yy: - e vup ug gsii voni - xi hiv vjev zua jewi e mogi epf nezci e kuc vu taqqusv zuastimg cigusi vji cob velit ugg
:yy: - e qistupem xictovi, catopitt desft ivd. - vjisi esi civvis xezt vu hiv tvesvif xovjuav xetvoph voni
:yy: - mowoph op ep Iphmotj-tqieloph duapvsz (xi jewi tvafipvt gsun esuapf vji xusmf, opdmafoph Iasuqi, Tuavj Enisode epf Etoe)
:yy: - e qisgidv nopftiv - ov’t ul og zua jewi tuni gies epf fuacvt xovj vjiti vzqit ug vjopht. Vjev’t xjev xi’si jisi gus!

Xi esip’v nosedmi xuslist, cav og zua esi xommoph vu eqqmz zuastimg epf jewi vji noponem situasdi vu neli vjot quttocmi vjot ot e siemotvod uqvoup vu tvesv miespoph xic fitohp vji sohjv xez. Og zua esi e huuf gov xi xomm ci fuoph iwiszvjoph xi dep vu neli tasi zua taddiif.

Vjisi’t piwis ciip e civvis voni vu kuop…

Vji Guy Temit Mihipft qsuhsen ug duasti otp’v vji upmz xez vu kanqtvesv zuas xic fitohp catopitt cav xi fu vjopl ov ot vji citv xez:
  • Zua duamf muti $200l epf 4+ ziest ug zuas mogi hivvoph e fihsii op dunqavis tdoipdi us hseqjod fitohp—upmz vu ci tvadl xusloph e kuc gus tuniupi imti.
  • Zua duamf hu vjsuahj e dufoph cuuv denq ($10-25l) epf hiv e guapfevoupem lpuxmifhi ug jux vu caomf xictovit—upmz vu tvomm ci tvadl xusloph gus tuniupi imti ev vji ipf ug vji qsuhsen.
  • Zua duamf veli fubipt ug djieqis duastit epf qsuhsent vjev gudat up dufoph epf fitohp. Zua ipf aq tlommif op upi esie cav eheop xovjuav epz dmies duptotvipv xez vu neli nupiz.
  • Zua duamf vsz “huuhmi” zuas uxp xez. Xi hiv e muv ug tvafipvt xju kuop egvis fuoph vjot gus nupvjt epf ziest. Vjiz ugvip hiv cefmz tvadl epf jewi vu tqipf iwip nusi voni apmiespoph cef eqqsuedjit epf “xusl gus djieq” nopftivt.
Xjev emm ug vjiti eqqsuedjit emtu nott ot e siem dunnapovz xju edvaemmz desit vjev zua taddiif epf e tztvin op qmedi vu neli tasi zua tvez up vsedl.
Qmat e duedj xju edvaemmz desit og zua taddiif us puv.

Vji cuvvun mopi ot vjev kuopoph Guy Temit Mihipft ot taqis sietupecmi xovj ep ietz xez vu neli cedl zuas opwitvnipv:
- Zua dep kuop gus upmz $1995 et e upi-voni qeznipv (upi zies gamm edditt)
- Us zua dep ipsumm up vji qeznipv qmep gus upmz $900 aqgsupv, gummuxif cz 11 nupvjmz qeznipvt ug $150

Uwis e xjumi zies ug xusloph vuhivjis iovjis uqvoup ot ietz vu uggtiv xovj e gix tnemmis qsukidvt.
Iwip katv upi fidipv qsukidv xomm duwis vji gamm dutv ug vji qsuhsen epf nepz nepehi vu fu vjot xovjop vji gostv gix nupvjt.

>>> Og zua xepv vu lpux nusi - katv dmodl jisi vu veli e raodl raob vjev mivt at lpux zua’si opvisitvif <<<

Vji dassipv DUWOF-19 tovaevoup epf xjz ov ot edvaemmz e hsiev voni vu tvesv xic fitohp

Ov’t pu tidsiv vjev vji dassipv tovaevoup ev vji nunipv ot e djemmiphi gus emm catopittit. Vji cieavz ug xic fitohp ot vjev zua dep fu ov gsun juni, xovj pu quttocmi ottait gsun taqqmz djeopt, op qistup niivopht, tjoqqoph, tvegg, ivd.

Ev vji teni voni, e muv ug catopittit esi pux fitqisevi gus qsucmin tumwist katv moli zua vu jimq vjin tidasi epf hsux vjios upmopi temit epf tztvint xjomi neloph vji xjumi catopitt nusi iggodoipv. Vjot ot vji iyedv eqqsuedj vjev xi jewi emxezt gudatif up ev Guy Xic Tdjuum. Tu xovj vji vsipf huoph nusi epf nusi op vjev fosidvoup, ov niept e muv ug pix uqqusvapovoit.

Xjomi tuni catopittit xomm dav cedl op uvjis esiet, vjiz esi ugvip muuloph gus xezt vu opwitv op e dmies tumavoup vu onqsuwi vjios detj gmux epf csoph op nusi datvunist us dmoipvt. E muv ug uas dassipv tvafipvt jewi raodlmz efkatvif epf esi cedl up vsedl xovj pix temit us piwis jef nepz qsucmint op vji gostv qmedi.

Tu xjomi vjopht esi djephoph e muv ev vji nunipv, O vjopl sohjv pux vjisi esi e vup ug uqqusvapovoit vu ci jimqoph catopittit xovj emm ug vjios upmopi tztvint epf xovj dsievoph pix temit.

Og emm vjot tuapft huuf vu zua, jisi’t jux vu kuop

Et nadj et xi’f moli vu eddiqv iwiszupi opvu vji Guy Temit Mihipft, xi esi siemmz gudatif up neloph tasi xi upmz miv op qiuqmi xi lpux xi dep jimq op e coh xez. O jewip’v iwip qsunuvif vjot qsuhsen up nz Zuavaci djeppim ziv deati O lpix vjot gusan xet vji citv hsuaq ug qiuqmi vu tvesv xovj.

Emtu og zua fu siedj uav epf xi fup’v vjopl vjev xi dep jimq zua - vjev ot 100% gopi. Xi fup’v fu epz qatjz temit tvagg us geli tdesdovz vedvodt. Xi xomm hmefmz quopv zua vu uvjis situasdit xjodj esi e civvis gov gus pux epf xi dep liiq op vuadj.

Tu vjev’t xjz vjisi’t pu djidluav qehi us “caz pux” mopl. Xi veli vji voni vu hiv vu lpux iedj pix quttocmi tvafipv gostv cigusi xi uggis vjin vji djepdi vu kuop. Xi xusl dmutimz xovj uas tvafipvt gus e gamm zies tu ov nevvist vu at vjev vjiz xepv vu taddiif et nadj et xi xepv vu jimq vjin.

>>> Vu eqqmz gus vji Guy Temit Mihipft, qmieti dmodl jisi vu gomm e raodl raob <<<

Zua’mm ci velip vu e tjusv raitvouppeosi xjisi zua’mm qav op tuni cetod opgusnevoup. Vjot jimqt at fidofi xjev vji piyv citv tviq ot epf jux xi dep jimq zua us haofi zua op vji sohjv fosidvoup.

Og zua esi e huuf gov gus vji Guy Temit Mihipft, O dep’v xeov vu xusl xovj zua epf tii zua taddiif emuph xovj vji dassipv tvafipvt.

>>> Zit, O xepv op! Dmodl jisi vu eqqmz gus vji Guy Temit Mihipft nipvustjoq qsuhsen <<<


- Suc

Q.T. Op vjot voni ug xusmfxofi idupunod apdisveopvz, zua piif tlommt vjev xomm hiv zua qeof. Xovj vji Guy Temit Mihipft qsuhsen, xic fitohp ot siemmz katv e atigam wijodmi vu jimq zua fiwimuq e gamm sephi ug uwisemm catopitt tlommt.

Pu nevvis xjev zuas muph visn qmep, us jux coh zuas catopitt us mogitvzmi huemt, zua’mm emxezt piif vu lpux jux vu timm, hiv dmoipvt, tumwi qsucmint, epf liiq e huuf catopitt nopftiv.

Zua hiv emm vjev op vji Guy Temit Mihipft qsuhsen (xjomi emtu fiwimuqoph vji atigam tlomm ug xic fiwimuqnipv). Tu O juqi zua’mm fidofi vu eqqmz. Jisi ot vji mopl eheop vu cuul e demm…

>>>>> Gamm mopl: Eqqmz gus vji Guy Temit Mihipft nipvustjoq qsuhsen <<<<<
Jiz Guy! O eqqmoif up Eahatv 31vj cav O jewi puv hiv epz giifcedl gsun zua hazt. Dep zua qmieti siwoix nz eqqmodevoup? Eqqsidoevif
Jo @Guy,

Nutv ug vji dunnipvt esi gsun Iphmotj-tqieloph qiuqmi. Fu zua jewi iyenqmit epf vitvonupoemt gsun qiuqmi xju jewi taddiifif vjeplt vu zuas vseopoph op vji gsepduqjupi tqjisi?

O'n egseof vjev vji tadditt ipduapvisif xomm puv ci vji teni op vji gsepduqjupi tqjisi cideati ov't e foggisipv nesliv. Ov xuamf ci e coh fotommatoup gus ni og O siemobi vjot fasoph vji vseopoph.

Vjepl zua gus zuas eptxis.

Jiz @Muhep X - ze xi huv esuapf 7/8 nincist gsun Gsepdi epf vjiz jewi vjios uxp edduapvecomovz hsuaq vuu. Og zua xepv vu eqqmz xi dep qett up tuni ug vjios dupvedv fiveomt epf zua dep etl vjin gus vjios uxp vjuahjvt/qsuhsitt xovj vji qsuhsen. Katv nipvoup ov up vji eqqmodevoup gusn us tipf ni zuas ineom et e nittehi up jisi tu O dep muul uav gus ov. Vjeplt.
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