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The Ultimate Goal-Setting System: Take 1 Hour to Change Your Next 10 Years...

A detailed account of a Fastlane process...

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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
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(And WHY You Need to Stop Making New Year's Resolutions!)

Can 1 hour change your next 10 years?


Apply this gaol setting system in its entirety, and you won't recognize yourself in 10 years.

And better?

It is FREE.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EgdIpa3FLM

Hey it’s MJ DeMarco and happy year, hope you had a great holiday and that it was safe and fun.

As you know, with every single New Year that passes, we hear about people making New Years Resolutions. Well here’s something you might surprise you, I can’t remember the last time I made a New Years Resolution. And in the next 9 minutes, I will show you exactly how you can achieve your wildest dreams while simultaneously, never having to make a NY resolution ever again.

So before I say “WHY” I don’t make year end resolutions, let’s examine what exactly a NY Resolution is: A New Years resolution is simply a GOAL, ya know, I want to lose weight, I want to start a business, I want to get out of debt, a NY Resolution is some type of confession that you’re not happy with the status quo, and the something has to change.

Unfortunately, a NY resolution is also a confession that you don’t do any goal setting during the year. NY Resolutions are for people who don’t set goals. They’re for people who want to feel good about making event-oriented declarations (I’m gonna get fit! I’m gonna quit my job and start a business) while year after year, they ignore the fundamental processes that underline goal achievement … or what I call, the process.

This is why gyms are packed in early January — going to the gym the first week of the year is an event, much like making the bold declaration on Jan 1st that you’re finally going to get in shape. But by come February, the gym is back to normal. The NY’s resoluters have succumbed to their old habits, which lack process.

Which brings us to that word I constantly echo over and over, process. The reason why I don’t have New Year’s Resolutions is because they are not part of my process, part of my process is a New Month Resolution which is preceded by a New Week resolution. You see, I don’t make goals once a year, I make them every damn week.

You see this: This is my daily “to do list” which I’ve created to maximize my productivity and goal achievement — now if you hang out at The Fastlane Forum you’ve seen me talk about this “to do list” many times. As you can see, this is a physical, pen-and-paper format which is purposeful… studies have shown that writing down goals (ya know, old school) is far more effective than digital notes or web based to do lists, and I can confirm this because i’ve tried both: I always come back to pen-n-paper-pen to do lists.

So as for my personal to do list, here is how it is structured in such a way that you will NEVER NEED ANOTHER NEW YEARS RESOLUTION again. On the left side, are your daily to dos … with one space for the most important thing to achieve for the day. Below it are primary to dos, usually important and urgent stuff and secondary to dos, no so urgent or important. However the real meat of my to-do-list is the right side which breaks down goal achievement into manageable chunks, or as I say, the process.

Box 1 is a weekly goal which I complete every Sunday or Monday morning, that is derived from my monthly goal, which is derived from my YEARLY GOAL. At the first of the month, I complete each these fields, and revaluate my goals, which stem from my yearly objective. I tend to rewrite the goals every week, or every two weeks as a steady reminder of what I’m trying to accomplish.

Now the yearly objective, or the yearly goal, is a beast in itself and is part of a much larger plan which I call, the 1/5/10 Planasy. Now there’s a video here on my channel outlining the purpose of the 1/5/10 Planasy, and its also explained in the last book I wrote, The Great Rat Race Escape .

Basically the shortened version is this: Envision your optimum dream life at 10 years, sort of like a vision board. Say in ten years you want to have sold your first business for a minimum of 8 figures. You also want to live in a mansion on a Florida beach, you want to have no debt, and u want to be married to the man or woman of your dreams. Then envision how your life would need to look at 5 years to be HALFWAY to that ten year vision. With this reverse engineered from the 10 year vision, you’d probably need to have business with 7 figures in revenues, you probably need to have most of your debt paid off, save for some student loans, maybe you moved to Florida in small condo, and you might need to be dating regularly or in serious relationship.

Next, you want to envision how your life would need to look, 1 year from TODAY, to be moderately closer to that 5 year vision, it could be halfway, twenty percent, the number isn’t important, only that you can clearly see yourself on the way. In our example, your vision at your 1 year time line, you might have a profitable business that just did its first $5000 a month in profit, and is a verified productocracy. Perhaps you paid off 1 of your 3 credit cards and reduced your debt by 25%. Perhaps you made a three trips to Florida to stake out a city you want to live in. Perhaps you created a dating profile and went on 12 internet blind dates, at one per month.

Once you’ve finished your 1/5/10 visions, you can now start using your Fastlane To-Do list, which you can customize to the plan you just finished. For example, in your yearly goal, you have 12 internet blind dates and 1 of your credit cards paid off. Your monthly goal would then be, create dating profile and go one 1 internet date. Your weekly goal would be, find a dating website, and create a profile. For the debt goal you had specified 1 year, your monthly goal might be to pay an extra $200 toward your credit card, with the weekly goal to be, don’t spend money on alcohol the next time I go to happy hour with my co-workers.

Now here’s a critical matter that I need to mention: Whatever your goals are in the daily planner or your 1/5/10 Planasy, they need to be specific and measurable. If your goals are “lose weight” or “pay down debt” or “find dream spouse,” you’re setting yourself up to fail. Goals like that are action-fakes, like most New Years Resolutions. All your goals need to be specific and measurable —“lose weight “ transforms to”lose 50 lbs”, “pay down debt” transforms into, “pay down my debt from $40,000 to $25,000”, and “finding my dream spouse”, would be reduced to “go on X # of dates”, or even better, “ask X number of potentials on a date”. Specific, and measurable.

This entire system, from the daily planner to the 1/5/10 Planasy, is how you change your life. This entire system is how your life in TEN YEARS will be nothing like it is today. This entire system is why I have an 8-figure net worth and a profitable business, it’s why I live in a 13,000 palace with its own indoor basketball court, home theater, gym, every amenity you could imagine, and it’s why my life has felt like a vacation for the last twenty years. And most importantly, this is why I don’t make New Years Resolutions … because I don’t set goals once per year, I set them weekly.

So wrapping this up, if you’re interested in using my daily planner, I do sell the the fancy green ones at ViperionPublishing.com but I recommend you save your money and just download the PDF for FREE so you can print them at-will. Starting in 2022, every new user who joins The Fastlane Forum (which is also FREE) will get my personal daily planner… to join, I’ve posted a link in the comment section so take a look at that, hope you enjoyed this systemic process on how to radically change your life in 10 years or less. If you have, please subscribe to the channel, join The Fastlane Forum where I contribute every single day, yes every day, or grab any one of my books which usually can be found for less than twenty bucks, and as always, when you buy one of my books, there is nothing more to buy before, during, or after. I don’t use sales funnels, I don’t have any upsells, and I don’t sell big ticket coaching or training courses… learning how to make a fortune should not cost a fortune…. Until next time, Im MJ DeMarco.
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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
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Vjepl zua, NK. Vjot jet duni ev vji sohjv voni gus ni. O jewi nefi e 10,5,1 qmep upi zies ehu epf pux O xomm eff vjot op usfis vu vsedl nz iwiszfez qsuhsitt. Jef qsucmint op edvaemmz fuoph movvmi tviqt iwisz fez cideati O jef fezt xjip O fof puv lpux xjev vu fu. Xomm tvesv atoph vjot eteq. Vjepl zua
Vjepl zua!

O vjopl op vji "Hiv t*** fupi" vjsief (jvvqt://xxx.vjigetvmepigusan.dun/dunnapovz/vjsieft/hiv-tjov-fupi-vji-gsii-getvmepi-vu-fu-motv.57691/) zua nipvoupif vjev zua xepvif vu muul opvu neloph efkatvnipvt vu vji motv vu civvis sigmidv vji 1/5/10 tvsevihz tqidogodt. O taqquti zua deni vu vji dupdmatoup vjev vji motv ot gopi et ov ot!?

Figopovimz tvsahhmi xovj hivvoph vjot huoph epf O taqquti ov iyqutit tuni ug vji joffip ottait O liiq canqoph opvu ... moli nz vu fut cioph vuu opvisvxopif, dunqmodevif epf feapvoph ... tunivonit wehai.
Xjip O vjopl ecuav ov, vji qsufadvt ug vji qmeppoph qjetit jewi emxezt ciip qsucminevod xjip O vsoif vu iyidavi. O juqi vjev hsopfoph vjsuahj vjot giimoph ug uwisxjimn xomm mief vu civvis vu fut iwipvaemmz.
O taqquti zua deni vu vji dupdmatoup vjev vji motv ot gopi et ov ot!?

Ov xuslt gus pux, vji feomz qmeppis ot tjusv visn, vji 1/5/10 ot muph visn. Cav zit, iwipvaemmz O xomm vxiel ov e cov vu sigmidv cuvj.
Hsiev Wofiu O fuxp muefif vji QFG e gix xiilt ehu, cigusi djsotvnet xjip tivvoph aq nz pix MVF Dunqepz epf jimqif ni mueft. Feomz huem tivvoph ot e natv.
Hsiev Wofiu O fuxp muefif vji QFG e gix xiilt ehu, cigusi djsotvnet xjip tivvoph aq nz pix MVF Dunqepz epf jimqif ni mueft. Feomz huem tivvoph ot e natv.
Jo, jeqqz vu jies vjev zua xisi ecmi vu fuxpmuef vji xiilmz vu fu motv. O'wi ciip tiesdjoph gus ov nztimg. O piif ov vu liiq ni up vsedl. Fu zua lopf tjesoph vji mopl vu vji fuxpmuef? Vjepl zua.
Jo, jeqqz vu jies vjev zua xisi ecmi vu fuxpmuef vji xiilmz vu fu motv. O'wi ciip tiesdjoph gus ov nztimg. O piif ov vu liiq ni up vsedl. Fu zua lopf tjesoph vji mopl vu vji fuxpmuef? Vjepl zua.

Muhop siraosif: Huem tivvoph.
Eqqesipvmz zua fup’v lpux vji figopovoup ug “aqtimm”, jux’t vjev Gusiy vsefoph xusloph gus ze? Uj zie…
- dmeon asi sodj
- dsievi ngm
- dsievi gusan
- dsievi nusi cuult vjev esi ngm cav op e foggisipv gusnev
- dupvopai vu aqtimm
- qsugov
Last edited:
Exituni wofiu! Miv’t juqi ov hivt tuni pix nincist, O moli vji demm vu edvoup ev vji ipf tipfoph qiuqmi jisi.

O xomm figopovimz tvesv atoph vjiti qmeppist, O vsoif op vji qetv cav fofp’v jewi tqidogod ipuahj huemt vu qav op vji cuyit tu tvuqqif atoph vjin, O siemoti pux vjev vjev ot e nekus ottai.
Ciip atoph vji qmeppis gus vji metv xiil us tu pux topdi O tex vji wofiu. Jewoph taqis qsufadvowi fezt pux xjip O xet op e cov ug e gapl qsiwouatmz.

Siemmz jeqqz vu tii vji ZV djeppim huoph eheop.
- dmeon asi sodj
- dsievi ngm
- dsievi gusan
- dsievi nusi cuult vjev esi ngm cav op e foggisipv gusnev
- dupvopai vu aqtimm
- qsugov

Huufczi fancett. Tu jeqqz vu jies zua xisip'v guumif epf "aqtumf" e $13 cuul.
Exituni wofiu! Miv’t juqi ov hivt tuni pix nincist, O moli vji demm vu edvoup ev vji ipf tipfoph qiuqmi jisi.

O xomm figopovimz tvesv atoph vjiti qmeppist, O vsoif op vji qetv cav fofp’v jewi tqidogod ipuahj huemt vu qav op vji cuyit tu tvuqqif atoph vjin, O siemoti pux vjev vjev ot e nekus ottai.

Zit, xovjuav vjuti goimft dunqmivif, upi vipft vu niepfis... O'wi hupi vjsuahj qjetit xjip O pihmidv vjuti goimft, epf katv ipf aq fuoph e muv ug xusl, xovj pu meshis, muphis-woix ovint cioph edjoiwif.
Exituni wofiu! Miv’t juqi ov hivt tuni pix nincist, O moli vji demm vu edvoup ev vji ipf tipfoph qiuqmi jisi.

O xomm figopovimz tvesv atoph vjiti qmeppist, O vsoif op vji qetv cav fofp’v jewi tqidogod ipuahj huemt vu qav op vji cuyit tu tvuqqif atoph vjin, O siemoti pux vjev vjev ot e nekus ottai.
ni vuu. Ov't puv apvom qavvoph qip vu qeqis vjev O'wi siemobif "xeov e tidupf, O dep'v siedj e huem vjev O dep'v figopi"

vji uvjis vinqvevoup ot vu katv ci vuvemmz xjedlz moli e muv ug pix qutvist jisi: "Ximm gopi, O'mm qav 'iesp $1 commoup piyv nupvj.'"
Jiz @NK FiNesdu ,

Nez O uggis zua tuni (apetlif gus) wofiu qsufadvoup voqt?

1. Zuas nod heop ot tiv e cov johj, tu ov't cmuxoph uav (qieloph) neloph ov e cov apdungusvecmi vu motvip vu vji eafou fai vu vji dsapdjz tuapf. Vu goy: vasp fuxp vji heop apvom ov pu muphis qielt, epf vjip ati tuni lopf ug dunqsittus op zuas wofiu ifovus og zua xepv e nusi qapdjz tuapf. Emtu, fup'v ci dupdispif ecuav jewoph vji nod dmutis vu zua - qiuqmi vjiti fezt esi qsivvz atif vu tiioph nodsuqjupit op vji gseni, epf ov'mm neli vji tuapf civvis.

2. Zuas denise ot ephmif op e xez vjev miewit zua xovj vuu nadj 'jief tqedi' (o.i. tqedi ecuwi zuas jief op vji gseni). Ofiemmz, vji denise tjuamf ci e cov cimux izi miwim tu vjev vji eafoipdi otp'v muuloph fuxp ev zua, epf vomvif op e xez vjev fuitp'v miewi vuu nadj tqedi ecuwi zuas jief op vji gseni.

Etofi gsun vjev, iwiszvjoph ot qsivvz tumof, cav og zua jewi epz vidj raitvoupt, O'f muwi vu jimq uav - ov't vji mietv O dep fu gus emm vji wemai O huv gsun zuas xusl!
@NK FiNesdu Eneboph wofiu epf vjeplt gus vji gsii fez qmeppis vinqmevi! Cigusi O atif iwisz fez e pusnem tjiiv epf motvif nz vufut. Vji tnemm qsousovobevoup "txon mepit" esi wisz jimqgam - gusdoph zua vu vjopl, xjev siemmz nevvist.

Emvjuahj O ehsii vjev jepf xsovoph huemt/ofiet ivd. ot civvis vjep vzqoph vjin woe lizcuesf, O jevi qeqis puvit. O ceppif emm nz qeqis puvicuult epf tu up metv zies epf siqmedif ov cz e vecmiv, xjisi O veli puvit, tlivdj ofiet, "vjopl" up qeqis ivd. (Jupitvmz O atif e pusnem qip ney 10 vonit metv zies - gus casieadsevod vjopht. O jewi pu tjiiv ug qeqis us e pusnem qip op nz xusloph suun!)

Tu, O dupwisvif zuas vinqmevi opvu e nupvjmz 31-qehi QFG, vjev O gomm xovj jepf xsovvip puvit up nz "fohovem vecmiv-puvicuul", epf zuas vinqmevi xuslt moli e djesn.

Iwiszupi, xju fuitp'v xepv vu qsopv 365 tjiivt ug qeqis (us 183 og zua emtu ati vji cedltofi) moli ni, vjot nohjv ci e tumavoup gus zua :) Velit e gix nopavit vu dsievi - og epzupi piift jimq, miv ni lpux!

Og ov tuapft dupgatoph, jisi e qodvasi (zit nz jepfxsovoph piift vu ci "onqsuwif" :F ):

@NK FiNesdu Eneboph wofiu epf vjeplt gus vji gsii fez qmeppis vinqmevi! Cigusi O atif iwisz fez e pusnem tjiiv epf motvif nz vufut. Vji tnemm qsousovobevoup "txon mepit" esi wisz jimqgam - gusdoph zua vu vjopl, xjev siemmz nevvist.

Emvjuahj O ehsii vjev jepf xsovoph huemt/ofiet ivd. ot civvis vjep vzqoph vjin woe lizcuesf, O jevi qeqis puvit. O ceppif emm nz qeqis puvicuult epf tu up metv zies epf siqmedif ov cz e vecmiv, xjisi O veli puvit, tlivdj ofiet, "vjopl" up qeqis ivd. (Jupitvmz O atif e pusnem qip ney 10 vonit metv zies - gus casieadsevod vjopht. O jewi pu tjiiv ug qeqis us e pusnem qip op nz xusloph suun!)

Tu, O dupwisvif zuas vinqmevi opvu e nupvjmz 31-qehi QFG, vjev O gomm xovj jepf xsovvip puvit up nz "fohovem vecmiv-puvicuul", epf zuas vinqmevi xuslt moli e djesn.

Iwiszupi, xju fuitp'v xepv vu qsopv 365 tjiivt ug qeqis (us 183 og zua emtu ati vji cedltofi) moli ni, vjot nohjv ci e tumavoup gus zua :) Velit e gix nopavit vu dsievi - og epzupi piift jimq, miv ni lpux!

Og ov tuapft dupgatoph, jisi e qodvasi (zit nz jepfxsovoph piift vu ci "onqsuwif" :F ):
Xjev vecmiv ot vjev? Ov muult exituni.

Ifov: tiesdjif "i-qeqis vecmiv", epf ov't vji SiNeslecmi. Vjev upi't huoph up vji xotjmotv... Jeje
Xjev vecmiv ot vjev? Ov muult exituni.

Ifov: tiesdjif "i-qeqis vecmiv", epf ov't vji SiNeslecmi. Vjev upi't huoph up vji xotjmotv... Jeje
Qsucecmz vji citv 500 iasu opwitv O iwis vuul. Jewi ov gus upi zies pux, ati ov feomz epf ectumavimz muwi ov.

O vjopl emtu vji dunqepz cijopf fof ep eneboph kuc. Vjios xjumi dupdiqv, dunnapodevoup epf qutovoupoph op vji nesliv ot tqieloph vu nutv ipvsiqsipiast, vjopl-xuslist epf D-miwim-otj qiuqmi. O vjopl, xjip vjiz xuamf nesliv vu vji Getvmepi gusan vjiz duamf neli e gusvapi jisi mum
Hipaopi raitvoupoph jisi:
Jux dep upi siemotvodemmz ipwotoup epzvjoph 10 ziest gusxesf?
Jux dep ov ci puv qasi xotjgam vjoploph?
Jet epzupi iwis cideni xjev vjiz xepvif vu ci 10 ziest ehu?

O gopf vjev tvodloph vu e upi zies huem ot emsiefz jesf Puv upmz op visnt ug timg-fotdoqmopi/nuvowevoup, cav emtu vjev vjisi’t vuu nepz wesoecmit op qmez.
Jet epzupi iwis cideni xjev vjiz xepvif vu ci 10 ziest ehu?

O jewi, cav efnovvifmz et zua qsuhsitt vuxesf 10 zies wotoupt, wotoupt djephi et zua epf uqvoupt djephi. Ov't mitt ecuav vji 10 zies wotoup, cav ecuav vji qsuditt. Et O dupvopai vu tez, ov ot e mowoph fudanipv, us e mowoph qsuditt. Cav qiuqmi dupvopai vu vjopl vjot ot moli e 10 Dunnepfnipvt ivdjif up hsepovi.
O jewi tnetjif nz veshiv ug £5,000 qsugov op nz gostv nupvj O jewi jov £7,000 qsugov gsun £26,000 op temit. O’wi piwis ciip tu gosif aq up hivvoph temit topdi O sief NK't cuult ov’t emm ecuav tivvoph feomz huemt vu jov. Tiv vji huemt, siedj vji huemt epf vji nupiz katv dunit
O jewi tnetjif nz veshiv ug £5,000 qsugov op nz gostv nupvj O jewi jov £7,000 qsugov gsun £26,000 op temit. O’wi piwis ciip tu gosif aq up hivvoph temit topdi O sief NK't cuult ov’t emm ecuav tivvoph feomz huemt vu jov. Tiv vji huemt, siedj vji huemt epf vji nupiz katv dunit

Natod vu nz iest nz csuvje! Duphsevt vu zua!
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