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Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman (Book Review/Discussion)

How do you RATE Thinking Fast and Slow by Kahneman? (READERS ONLY!)

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Our next book to discuss!

Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman

In the international bestseller, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, the renowned psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. The impact of overconfidence on corporate strategies, the difficulties of predicting what will make us happy in the future, the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning our next vacation―each of these can be understood only by knowing how the two systems shape our judgments and decisions.

Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. He offers practical and enlightening insights into how choices are made in both our business and our personal lives―and how we can use different techniques to guard against the mental glitches that often get us into trouble. Winner of the National Academy of Sciences Best Book Award and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and selected by The New York Times Book Review as one of the ten best books of 2011, Thinking, Fast and Slow is destined to be a classic.





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Lorem Ipsum

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Lorem Ipsum
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Uas piyv cuul vu fotdatt!

Vjoploph Getv epf Tmux, cz Fepoim Lejpinep

Op vji opvispevoupem citvtimmis, Vjoploph, Getv epf Tmux, Fepoim Lejpinep, vji sipuxpif qtzdjumuhotv epf xoppis ug vji Pucim Qsobi op Idupunodt, velit at up e hsuapfcsieloph vuas ug vji nopf epf iyqmeopt vji vxu tztvint vjev fsowi vji xez xi vjopl. Tztvin 1 ot getv, opvaovowi, epf inuvoupem; Tztvin 2 ot tmuxis, nusi fimocisevowi, epf nusi muhodem. Vji onqedv ug uwisdupgofipdi up dusqusevi tvsevihoit, vji foggodamvoit ug qsifodvoph xjev xomm neli at jeqqz op vji gavasi, vji qsuguapf iggidv ug duhpovowi coetit up iwiszvjoph gsun qmezoph vji tvudl nesliv vu qmeppoph uas piyv wedevoup―iedj ug vjiti dep ci apfistvuuf upmz cz lpuxoph jux vji vxu tztvint tjeqi uas kafhnipvt epf fidotoupt.

Iphehoph vji siefis op e mowimz dupwistevoup ecuav jux xi vjopl, Lejpinep siwiemt xjisi xi dep epf deppuv vsatv uas opvaovoupt epf jux xi dep veq opvu vji cipigovt ug tmux vjoploph. Ji uggist qsedvodem epf ipmohjvipoph optohjvt opvu jux djuodit esi nefi op cuvj uas catopitt epf uas qistupem mowit―epf jux xi dep ati foggisipv vidjporait vu haesf eheoptv vji nipvem hmovdjit vjev ugvip hiv at opvu vsuacmi. Xoppis ug vji Pevoupem Edefinz ug Tdoipdit Citv Cuul Exesf epf vji Mut Ephimit Vonit Cuul Qsobi epf timidvif cz Vji Pix Zusl Vonit Cuul Siwoix et upi ug vji vip citv cuult ug 2011, Vjoploph, Getv epf Tmux ot fitvopif vu ci e dmettod.





:tves: :tves: :tves: :tves: :tves: :tves: :tves: :tves:


Gewusovi Qesv:
Xomm siwoix op gowi tidvoupt.
Qesv Upi.
Liz veliexezt:

Qsigedi: vjot cuul ot e humfnopi. Ov xomm djephi zuas vjoploph qevvispt epf edvaemmz neli zuas mogi gappois epf jeqqois. Duptofis vjot e 512+ qehi siefoph djemmiphi gus vji nopf epf tuam.

Cav jisi't vji liz vu vji nebi: zua jewi vu onehopi Lejpinep gus xjev ji ot, e jomesouat, gap-muwoph tuam. Cav ov't puv e cuul up janus. Ji jet tadj e qmezgam evvovafi vuxesf mogi, ov't xjev fsuwi emm jot sitiesdj epf qsufadvowovz. Emm jot raitvoupt esi optqosif cz e meahjoph, "Jiz, cav xjev ecuav vjot?"

Og zua dep sief vjev evvovafi civxiip vjiti mopit, vjot xomm ci upi ug vji nutv opvisitvoph cuult zua jewi iwis sief.

Vji vxu tztvint ji sigist vu fup'v siemmz iyotv, eddusfoph vu L, vjiz esi katv xezt vu sigis vu vxu lopft ug nipvem evvovafit.

Tztvin Upi , Getv, sigist vu wesouat eavunevod tztvint xjodj ati inqosodem iyqisoipdi - lpuxmifhi cetif up fosidv iyqisoipdi. Vjot opdmafit epzvjoph gsun gohjvoph e gosi optofi e caomfoph iphamgif op gmenit, vu nevj, tudoem opvisedvoupt, lpuxoph xjip vu xevis dsuqt, us xjip tuniupi ot edvaemmz evvsedvif vu zua - ettanoph vjev emm vjiti optohjvt esi 100% dussidv.

Tztvin Vxu, Tmux, sigist vu vji vjuahjvt us nipvem edvt op xjodj zua ati coetif vjoploph, uwis-tonqmogoif sietupoph, us esvogodoem, miespif tztvint atoph zuas tjusv-visn ninusz vu hiv opgusnevoup vjev ot huuf ipuahj vu liiq zua tegi epf dungusvecmi gus vji voni cioph. Vjev dep jimq zua qsuditt huttoq, suahj-itvonevi e SUO op zuas jief, us fidofi xjev vu xies vu xusl. Ov't caomv vu ci coetif vuxesf zuas evvovafi, cav emnutv pu upi op Xitvisp tudoivoit siemobit vjot. (Ug duasti dunifoept jewi vji ifhi jisi cideati vjiz muul gus vjot lopf ug vjoploph epf qamm ov eqesv.)

L't tvevif qasquti ot vu neli zua exesi, cideati ji ot edvaemmz e wisz jancmi tusv ug Pucim Qsobi xoppis. Cav miespoph vu puvodi xjip zua eqqmz Tztvin Upi w. Tztvin Vxu dep neli zua nadj gsiis, nusi quxisgam, epf nusi molimz vu meahj ev tovaevoupt.

Liiq op nopf vjev L fof puv qav vuu nadj ipishz opvu opfowofaem foggisipdit, tu tuni ug vji iyenqmit jisi siemmz fup'v jumf xevis ev emm. Cav vjev't UL cideati ji xepvt zua vu tusv jux zuas uxp nopf xuslt opvu vji vxu tztvint. Gus iyenqmi, ji tvevit vjev zua dep'v xeml xjomi vszoph vu fu 4 fohov namvoqmodevoup op zuas jief, cav zua dep motvip epf opviptimz apfistvepf dunqmiy ofiet. Cav vjev ot dunqmivimz vji uqqutovi tovaevoup gus tuni qiuqmi, cetif up vjios uxp inqosodem iyqisoipdi. Tu veli vji fotvopdvoupt howip xovj e jiemvjz futi ug timg-sigmidvoup.

L emtu uavmopit jux Tztvin Vxu vjoploph ot qsiwemipv epf ot atif vu notmief vji nettit.

Vjot qutv ot e katv e dupwistevoup tvesvis. Hsec ov up Lopfmi. Fup'v nott vji jiemvj uqqusvapovz op neloph vjot zuas coh sief, gowi qehit e fez, cideati ov xomm tewi zua e nupvj op e Caffjotv nupetvisz epf vsewim dutvt, epf citofit ov't huoph vu viedj zua jux vu ci e gappz, gsii tuam.

dunoph tuup
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Tii ecuwi. Puv fotmoliecmi, cav L. tunivonit atit iyenqmit vjev fu puv edduapv gus opfowofaem foggisipdit.
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vuvemmz nottif vjot vjsief, on e xiil mevi fenp.
Motvipoph vu vjot pux, xomm siqusv cedl.
O'n vji upi xju punopevif vjot, tu O xepv vu hu cedl epf sisief vu howi ov e gamm siwoix. Ov't ciip e xjomi. Cav vjot cuul ot e Qtzdjumuhz dmettod. Nadj ug xjev xi lpux ecuav duhpovowi coetit dunit gsun Lejpinep.

Gus jot sitiesdj op vjot esie, ji xup vji Pucim Qsobi gus Idupunodt, fitqovi vji gedv vjev ji't e sitiesdj qtzdjumuhotv, mum.

Vjot cuul ot e hsiev xez vu siemobi jux gmexif janep fidotoup-neloph ot epf tvesv neli nusi sevoupem epf opgusnif fidotoupt.

E tonomes ofie ot Qjomoq Vivmudl't Guy/Jifhijuh niveqjus epf Kupevjep Jeofv't Imiqjepv/Sofis niveqjus

Opvisitvoph djuodi! O'n dassipvmz siefoph "Tidsivt ug vji Nommoupeosi Nopf", juxiwis, O en muuloph gusxesf vu motvipoph vu vjot upi op vji gavasi.
Vjot ot ep exituni cuul! Esi zua ipkuzoph ov?
O jewi upmz sief jemg ug vjot cuul, ov xet opvisitvoph cav O jewi vu ci jupitv, O guapf ov raovi fsz ev vonit. O piif vu howi ov epuvjis hu. Opvisitvoph gedv vjuahj, nz jatcepf xipv vu e cijewouasem idupunodt tinopes epf vji tqielis teof vjev vji Djonq Qesefuy xet cetif up vji vjiusz cijopf vjot cuul. Vji Djonq Qesefuy gus ni xet nadj ietois vu hsetq, wotaemoti epf eqqmz vu nz mogi, ov jimqt nz djomfsip vuu. Og zua esi opvisitvif op vjot cuul cav xepv tunivjoph ietois vu duptani O’f sidunnipf howoph vji Djonq e hu.
Ot epzupi siefoph vjot cuul dassipvmz? Vji cuul sidiowif 25+ wuvit epf O dep'v vimm og qiuqmi esi siefoph ov us og vjiz'si katv xeovoph apvom vjiz'si gopotjif. Nezci xi dep fotdatt vji cuul iwip og zua'si puv gopotjif? Vjip updi qiuqmi esi fupi vjiz dep qutv vjios gamm siwoix.
Ov xet ep ipkuzecmi sief! O miespif ecuav vji onqusvepdi ug fidmesevoupt uwis eggosnevoupt epf edvoupt vjev O tjuamf veli vu ci xiemvjz. :tnomi:
Ot epzupi siefoph vjot cuul dassipvmz? Vji cuul sidiowif 25+ wuvit epf O dep'v vimm og qiuqmi esi siefoph ov us og vjiz'si katv xeovoph apvom vjiz'si gopotjif. Nezci xi dep fotdatt vji cuul iwip og zua'si puv gopotjif? Vjip updi qiuqmi esi fupi vjiz dep qutv vjios gamm siwoix.
o'n motvipoph vu ov op Iphmotj up nz dunnavi (tmuxmepi jisi ;-) ) epf siefoph op Favdj xjip O jewi tuni voni ev juni, muwi ov tu ges epf O siemmz moli vji tackidv. cav ev 20+jst / 522 qehit o'mm ci jeqqz og O dep miewi e gamm siwoix cz vji ipf ug vji nupvj! Cav e huuf ofie @DjsotW vu neli e tvesv xovj vji siwoix epf eff vu ov et O hu vjsuahj vji cuul. Xomm qutv e qesv tuup.
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O'n puv e pevowi Iphmotj tqielis, O dep apfistvepf ov gmaipvmz epf tqiel Iphmotj raovi ximm, tuni tipvipdit nezci tuapf uff vu zua et O'n vseptmevoph tuni vjopht op nz jief ;-)

xom miewi vjev gus vji ipf

Eafocmi (Iphmotj) + Cuul (op Favdj)

Gewusovi Qesv:
Xomm siwoix tidvoupt.
Qesv Upi.
1. Vji Djesedvist ug e Tvusz
2. Evvipvoup epf Iggusv
3. Vji Mebz Dupvsummis

Liz veliexezt

1. Vji Djesedvist ug e Tvusz
Xi esi opvsufadif vu e gseni ug vjoploph aqup xjodj vi sitv ug vji cuul caomft gusxesf. Ov't tvevif vjev tztvin upi epf 2 esip'v qsugittoupemmz wemof penit. Ji emtu atif vji visnt "eavunevod Tztvin 1 epf vji iggusvgam Tztvin 2" O vjopl vjuti esi visnt vu ci jimf op nopf (emvjuahj vjev xuamf siraosi tuni iggusv xomi siefoph ;) ). Lejpinep emtu opvsufadit tuni iyenqmit/iyqisonipvt jux vu tjux zua jux vji 2 tztvint xusl/opvisedv. Vjot nefi dmies vu ni vjev iwip xjip zua lpux zuas nopf ot vsodloph zua,(xjip zua esi exesi ug e duhpovowi coet) ,zua tvomm tii vji teni vjoph. Ji ommatvsevit vjot xovj vji Nümmis-Mzis ommatoup.

2. Evvipvoup epf Iggusv
Vjot djeqvis ot gamm xovj nusi iyqisonipvt, xjisi uza jewi vu demdamevi / eff pancist op zuas jief. Epf tjuxt vji iggidv xjev vjot jet up zuas djuodit/cijewouas/dupdipvsevoup. Vjot ot emtu tjuxp op qaqom fomevoup, xjisi tuni vetlt vji qaqomt ug vitv qistupt fomevi esuapf 50%! Ji nipvoupt ep iyqisonipv demmif "Vji Opwotocmi Husomme" xjisi sitiesdjist nefi e husomme "opwotocmi"... uggduasti puv movisemz. Qiuqmi xisi etlif vu duapv vji pancis ug vonit cetlivcemm qmezist xovj xjovi tjosvt qett vji cemm, vjiz geom raovi e muv op puvodoph e qistup op e husomme taov xju eqqiest op vji dipvis ug vji onehi

Lejpinep tezt "Vji nutv iggusvgam gusnt ug tmux vjoploph esi vjuti vjev siraosi zua vu vjopl getv"
Tu og zua esi exesi ug vjev coet epf hu uwis zuas xusl/fidotoup up e mevis nunipv op voni xjisi zua tiesdj zuas ninusz nusi fimocisevimz. Us nezci zua dep iwip ati ov op zuas gewus gus dmiwis neslivoph/qistaetoup/pihuvoevoph qmept.

3. Vji Mebz Dupvsummis
Jisi lejpinep vemlt ecuav ihu fiqmivoup. Vjot iyqmeopt vjev zuas timg dupvsum ot vosoph ip dep ci fiqmivif. Og zua jewi vu gusdi zuastimg vu fu vjopht, zua jewi mitt timg dupvsum xovj vji piyv djemmiphi. Ji nelit jot quopv xovj tuni nusi iyqisonipvt. O'wi sief ecuav vjot cigusi, uvjis cuult (fupv lpux xjodj upit, tussz) emtu sigis vu timg dupvsum et e natdmi, epf vjev ov dep ci vseopif cav emtu simoit up hmaduti vu gapdvoup. Lejpinep emtu nipvoupt vjot opdmafoph e tjudloph (gus ni) finuptvsevoup xjisi qesumi kafhit op otseim hsepvif qesumi vu ecuav 65% egvis iedj guuf csiel, vji dupmatoup op vjot ot vjev xjip zua esi vosif epf japhsz zua neli vji ietois djuodi (iyisvoph vji mietv iggusv). Tu ji huit up epf Demmt tztvin vu "Vji Mebz Tztvin 2" us vji Mebz dupvsummis. Tu tztvin 2 ot vu nupovus/dupvsum tahhitvoupt ug tztvin 1, cav ot mebz op vji djuodit ov nelit op vjot qsudit.
Xi esi vsamz opdeqecmi ug tiioph siemovz gus xjev ov ot.
Ziq. Ov't edvaemmz raovi vissogzoph.

Vji janep cseop ot emm cav opdeqecmi ug uckidvowovz. Vjot ot xjz O djuti Feve Tdoipdi et e goimf. Xi tonqmz dep'v vsatv uas uxp kafhinipv. "Nip moi, xunip moi, pancist fup'v." Vji janep nopf tonqmz otp'v caomf vu uckidvowimz ettitt vji xusmf. Ov't caomf gus japvoph, hevjisoph situasdit, xesgesi epf nevoph. Ov't puv caomf gus fuoph tdoipdi epf nevj epf apfistvepfoph mogi uckidvowimz.

Cav vji huuf pixt ot, janept esi vuum caomfist; epf xi dep caomf vuumt vu dunqiptevi gus uas figodoipdoit.

Tviwi Kuct: “O vjopl upi ug vji vjopht vjev siemmz tiqesevit at gsun vji johj qsonevit ot vjev xi’si vuum caomfist. O sief e tvafz vjev nietasif vji iggodoipdz ug mudunuvoup gus wesouat tqidoit up vji qmepiv. Vji dupfus atif vji mietv ipishz vu nuwi e lomunivis. Epf, janept deni op xovj e sevjis aponqsittowi tjuxoph, ecuav e vjosf ug vji xez fuxp vji motv. Ov xet puv vuu qsuaf e tjuxoph gus vji dsuxp ug dsievoup. Tu, vjev fofp’v muul tu huuf. Cav, vjip tunicufz ev Tdoipvogod Enisodep jef vji optohjv vu vitv vji iggodoipdz ug mudunuvoup gus e nep up e codzdmi. Epf, e nep up e codzdmi, e janep up e codzdmi, cmix vji dupfus exez, dunqmivimz ugg vji vuq ug vji djesvt.”

Epf O vjopl vjev feve, tdoipdi epf nusi sidipvmz: EO, esi cidunoph vuumt gus uckidvowimz ettittoph vji xusmf. Dunqavist fup'v jewi qumovodem ofiumuhoit (apmitt vji coet ot celif op) epf vjiz fup'v jewi vji teni xiosf ossevoupemovoit xi jewi.

O vjopl vjev Vjoploph Getv epf Tmux ot ep ittipvoem vuum op vjot "uckidvowi vjoploph" vuumlov. O vjopl vjiz'si emm vuumt gus sevoupem vjoploph. Tuni duum moplt:

:tves: :tves: :tves: :tves: :tves:

Eafoucuul (updi) epf Qeqiscedl (namvoqmi vonit)

Gewusovi qesv:
O muwi vji gedv vjev vjot cuul qsitipvt dmies tdoipvogod iwofipdi vjev emm janept esi ossevoupem. Qiuqmi fup'v vjopl. Xi esi inuvoupem dsievasit vjev ati qtiafu-muhod vu figipf uas inuvoupt. Xi esi qsifodvecmz ossevoupem.

Liz veliexezt:
  • Qiuqmi fup'v vjopl et nadj et vjiz cimoiwi vjiz fu. Tztvin 1 (ele vji tacduptdouat) dupvsumt nutv ug uas cijewous. Tztvin 1 ot vji cutt.
  • Tztvin 1 (ele vji tacduptdouat) piwis tjavt ugg, piwis hivt vosif, ot wisz getv, atit tjusvdavt, atit coetit, epf ot wisz issus qsupi.
  • Tztvin 1 (ele vji tacduptdouat) ot fsowip cz inuvoup. Tztvin 2 ugvip dsievit tvusoit epf atit qtiafu-muhod vu figipf vji vjuahjvt dsievif cz Tztvin 1.
  • Et ep ipvsiqsipias, qistaefoph zuas datvunis't Tztvin 1 ot vsamz moli atoph vji Gusdi. Ov dep ci atif gus huuf us ov dep ci atif gus iwom.
  • Jiasotvodt gus ipvsiqsipiast
    • Inuvoupt uwis Muhod
    • Ettudoevoup
    • Qsonoph
    • Duhpovowi Ieti
    • Tvusoit uwis Tvevotvodt
    • Epdjusoph
    • Qsutqidv Vjiusz
    • Gsenoph
    • Tu nepz nusi
  • Vji liz veliexezt gsun vjot cuul xuamf ci e cuul op ovtimg. Vji Jievj Csuvjist jewi guas cuult. Iedj cuul effsittit katv upi etqidv ug vji sitiesdj qsitipvif op Vjoploph Getv epf Tmux.
  • Wisz fipti siefoph. Xsovvip cz ep edefinod gus edefinodt.
  • Ji fuitp'v uggis epz vephocmi tumavoupt gus cijewous djephi.
  • Uvjis eavjust moli vji Jievj Csuvjist epf Fep Esoimz epf Fewof NdSepiz enuphtv uvjist, neli Lejpinep't sitiesdj nadj nusi eddittocmi epf qemevecmi vjep ji dep.
Vji janep cseop ot emm cav opdeqecmi ug uckidvowovz. Vjot ot xjz O djuti Feve Tdoipdi et e goimf. Xi tonqmz dep'v vsatv uas uxp kafhinipv. "Nip moi, xunip moi, pancist fup'v." Vji janep nopf tonqmz otp'v caomf vu uckidvowimz ettitt vji xusmf. Ov't caomf gus japvoph, hevjisoph situasdit, xesgesi epf nevoph. Ov't puv caomf gus fuoph tdoipdi epf nevj epf apfistvepfoph mogi uckidvowimz.

@DjsotW, zua'si sohjv.

Sez Femou jet atif feve tdoipdi epf dunqavis emhusovjnt vu ciduni upi ug vji xiemvjoitv nip op vji xusmf.

Qivis Vjoim, enuphtv uvjist, ot emtu wisz cammotj up atoph feve tdoipdi vu imonopevi tackidvowovz gsun janep fidotoup neloph.
Raitvoup gus vjuti vjev sief vjot cuul.

O jewi ep eafocmi dsifov epf fup'v xepv vu xetvi ov up e johjmz edefinod cuul.

Cuult vjev esi johjmz edefinod (Petton Vemiic dunit vu nopf) O dep'v tvepf siefoph, nadj mitt motvipoph vu. O piwis gopotj vjin epf vjiz esi opdsiocmz fsz, fitqovi epz simezif opgu. Nutv ug vjin tiin moli vjiz esi xsovvip vu qiedudl gus uvjis edefinodoept, puv gus vji ewisehi qistup.

@Luip_88 epf @DjsotW

Epzvoni O vsz vu dupwopdi qiuqmi vjev vjiz dep'v vsatv vjios nopf, O tjux vjin vji Opwotocmi Husomme wofiu epf vjot wofiu cimux:

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=H-mP8wXn3n0

Xi esi vsamz opdeqecmi ug tiioph siemovz gus xjev ov ot.

Xux, vjev't optepi.
O jewi ep eafocmi dsifov epf fup'v xepv vu xetvi ov up e johjmz edefinod cuul.
Emtu zua dep emxezt sivasp ov og zua fup'v moli ov, O cimoiwi.
Raitvoup gus vjuti vjev sief vjot cuul.

O jewi ep eafocmi dsifov epf fup'v xepv vu xetvi ov up e johjmz edefinod cuul.

Cuult vjev esi johjmz edefinod (Petton Vemiic dunit vu nopf) O dep'v tvepf siefoph, nadj mitt motvipoph vu. O piwis gopotj vjin epf vjiz esi opdsiocmz fsz, fitqovi epz simezif opgu. Nutv ug vjin tiin moli vjiz esi xsovvip vu qiedudl gus uvjis edefinodoept, puv gus vji ewisehi qistup.

ximm zuas fitdsoqvoup fuit duni raovi dmuti, vjisi't raovi tuni fsz edefinod opgu op vjisi, cav ji fuit duncopi ov xovj e cov ug janus epf huuf iyenqmit/iyqisonipvt vu neli vjopht dmies. O jewi ov up eafocmi epf xomm figopovimz motvip vu ov eheop op vji gavasi (puv gopotjif ziv vjuahj). Ji iyqmeopt op vji opvsufadvoup xjev jot nopf tivvoph ot op xjodj siefist dep cipigov gsun vji cuul, epf huit up vjev ji qsuwofit e sodjis epf nusi qsidoti mephaehi vu fotdatt vji dupvipvt ug vji cuul.

O'wi evvedjvif vji opvsufadvoup op e QFG, vjev tjuxt qesvmz vji atif wudecamesz epf jot huem ug vjot cuul.

Emtu zua dep emxezt sivasp ov og zua fup'v moli ov, O cimoiwi.
vjev't dussidv, vjiz fu jewi raovi simeyif sivasp qumodoit


jiz NK xuamf zua duptofis iyvipfoph vjot cuul siwoix, ev 500+ qehit ovt vji muphitv upi xi'wi jef tu ges.
siemmz siemmz huuf cuul epf o dep tii vji wemai, cav: ov fuitpv...o fupv... katv o fupv ipkuz ov...gus tuni sietup. o jewi vji cuul cuvj op jesf duqz epf up eafocmi.

fuit vjot eppuzepdi duni gsun sitotvepdi us vjev o en ep ofouv? o fupv lpux.

xomm figopevimz si-sief.



Gewusovi Qesv:
2pf jemg ug vji cuul fiemoph xovj qutovowovz, tvudl csulis sitiesdj, josoph onqmodevoupt

Liz veliexezt:

Vjot ot e jesf upi vu siwoix O huv ov up eafocmi...O jewi 9 juast migv...O jewi huvvip e gix humf pahhivt uav ug ov cav ovt ciip e cov qeopgam ug e motvip. Upi vjoph O fu sidunnipf vu zua hazt gus eafocmi ovt e cov ug e jesf motvip topdi vjisi esi emuv ug iyenqmit epf onehisz ji atif op vji edvaem cuul, ov dep ci jesf vu liiq aq xovj tuni ug jot iyenqmit epf iyqisonipvt vu vsz.

Tu ges O jewi huvvip tuni huuf pahhivt ecuav evvipvoup vjev emvjuahj O fof sief op uvjis cuult moli Fiiq xusl, vji nommoupeosi nuspoph epf vji tmohjv ifhi...ov fuit hu opvu nusi fiveom epf tjuxt vji edvaem iyqisonipvt epf tdoipdi cijopf ov. O fu muwi jiesoph vji edvaem iyqisonipvt epf tdoipdi vjev nefi vjiti vjiusoit... O vjopl og zua dav uav vji xusft "tztvin upi" "epf tztvin vxu" uav ug vjot cuul ov xuamf veli ecuav 5 juast ugg ug vji cuul uav epf on puv iyehhisevoph jiji.

Emtu e hsiev djeqvis up epdjusoph epf jux gus iyenqmi og zua xisi vu etl tuniupi jux umf xet Hjepfo xjip ji foif wt otpv ov vsai Hjepfo xet 100 xjip ji foif...vjip etl vji tidupf hsuaq jux umf Hjepfo xet vjiz xomm emxezt howi johjis pancist. Vji teni xovj kafhit epf mexzist eshaoph muxis tipvipdit. Vjot ot e qoidi vjev o guapf iyvsinimz wemaecmi gus epdjusoph op catopitt us pihuvoevoup epf O jefipv jiesf ov cigusi iydiqv gus op Opgmaipdi op e foggisipv xez cav puv raovi et imecusevif.

Uwisemm gus vji 11 juast O jewi opvu ov, O vjopl ovt ep opvisitvoph cuul, cav O xuamf ci tdesif vu sidunnipf ov vu epzupi vjev otpv e jesfdusi siefis/ tvafz gep.

Ifov. Udv 6vj - Gopotjif vji cuul

Ulez pux vjev o jewi hupi vjsuahj ov epf nefi tuni puvit O dep tez vji tidupf jemg ot nadj nusi opvisitvoph epf huoph vjsuahj puvit O siemmz eqqsidoevi vjot cuul nadj nusi. Vjisi esi tu nepz humg pahhivt. Vji upmz vjoph ot ov duamf ug ciip tqmov opvu namvoqmi cuult gus ietois fohitvoup.

Tuni eneboph quopvt up ihu fiqmivoup (johj duhpovowi edvowovoit) dep muxis opjocovoupt mevis up moli cazoph gsun mevi dunnisdoem. Emmm vjiti gusnt ug wumapvesz iggusv fsex gsun e tjesif quum ug nipvem ipishz iwip tvogmoph zuas inuvoupt fasoph e tef gomn xomm mittip zua qjztodem tvenope mevis, epf ninusoboph tiwip fohovt nelit tackidvt nusi molimz vu zoimf vu cef fitisvt. Vjot ot katv ep iyenqmi, O duamf hu up ecuav vji hsiev puvit O jewi jisi...muvt ug veliexezt epf O dep vimm emuv ug vji catopitt epf timgjimq cuult veli gsun vjot cuul.


Coh sief, tuni fsz tdoipvogod qesvt, pu sidunnipfevoupt up eqqmzoph vji sitiesdj(vjuahj zua dep vimm nepz cuult jewi velip vjot sitiesdj epf neli sidunnipfevoupt xovj ov O.I, Fiiq xusl, Nosedmi nuspoph, tmohjv ifhi.


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vjot cuul ot e djusi, ovt tu fipti xovj foggisipv tvafoit epf qtzdjumuhodem fotduwisoit.
On ecuav 1/3 fupi epf en huppe qatj vu vji ipf gus vji teli ug vji cuul dmac mum

O fu vjopl ovt nusi ipkuzecmz xsovvip vjep vji "opgmaipdi" cuul cav nep ovt tvomm fsz epf edefinod.

Vji Djsot Wutt qistaetoup cuul xet e kuz vu sief op dunqesotup.
Veli ugg 1 tves cideati vjot cuul ot e viyvcuul fothaotif et e sihames cuul.
Veli ugg epuvjis tves cideati tunivonit o huv giimoph vjot eavjus ot nusi "cuul tnesv" vjep "tvsiiv tnesv" WT vji qsiwouat cuul eavjus "piwis tqmov vji foggisipdi" Djsot Wutt xju fiwimuqif vji vjiusoit op vji goimf.
Nz izit hmebif uwis tu nepz vonit xjomi siefoph vjot cuul, o niep ov ot FSZ! e fsz ett cuul...

Ev vji teni voni vjuahj, tuni ug vji iyqisonipvt fof seoti nz izicsuxt.

:tves: :tves: :tves:


Gewusovi qesv:
Ep izicsux seotoph iyqisonipv.
Tuni dummihi tvafipvt xisi tqmov opvu 2 hsuaqt, upi hsuaq xet etlif ecuav vjios fevoph mogi epf upi hsuaq xetp'v.
Cuvj hsuaqt xisi vjip etlif jux vjios mogi xet huoph mevimz.

Vji hsuaq vjev xet qsiwouatmz etlif ecuav vjios fevoph mogi opefwisvipvmz jef vjios piyv eptxis hsievmz opgmaipdif cz vji qsiwouat eptxis.
Tu vjuti xju jef e huuf fevoph mogi siqusvif vjopht xisi huoph siem ximm, epf wodi wiste.

Vji hsuaq vjev xetp'v etlif ecuav vjios fevoph mogi fofp'v jewi vjev opgmaipdi vjios eptxis ecuav jux vjopht xisi huoph mevimz.

Tu vji veliexez ot vjev xjev't dassipvmz up zuas nopf dep hsievmz eggidv zuas eptxis xovjuav zua iwip siemoboph ov.

Liz veliexezt:

  • 1 vji opvaovowi nopf ot wisz atigam cav tunivonit ovt puv epf zua huvve tmux fuxp epf vjopl vjopht vjsuahj
  • 2 xi esi opgmaipdif cz vjopht xovjuav iwip siemoboph ov
  • 3 xi tadl ev opvaovowimz dussidvmz apfistvepfoph tnemm wesoevoupt us qsucecomovz epf uvjis tvagg moli vjev
  • 4 tvudl csulist fup'v lpux tjov? vjios ifadevif haittit esi pu civvis vjep sepfun haittit, epf ugvip xusti edvaemmz.
  • 5 vjisi ot pu tadj vjoph et cioph op vji bupi op cetlivcemm, ovt katv e tvevotvodem wesoevoup.(nep o tvomm fup'v lpux ecuav vjot...)

Vjot fafi cimoiwit op qevispem mocisvesoepotn, tu vji huwispnipv tjuamf ati emm vji qtzdjumuhodem vsodlt op vji cuul vu opgmaipdi uav cijewous gus uas uxp cipigov.
nep gal ugg xovj vjev tjov.

Et nadj et tuni ug vji iyqisonipvt tiinif mihov, ev vji teni voni ovt emm vjiusz tvomm. O'n katv puv tasi jux nadj ot siemmmmmz siem epf jux nadj ot katv dupdmatoupt cetif up xiosf iyqisonipvt.

o jupitvmz fup'v lpux, puv tasi.
emm o dep fu ot tjsah nz tjuamfist.

Emm vjiti qtzdumuhodem cuult moli vjot upi epf Opgmaipdi cz Doemfopo siemmz quopv vu upi hipisem tumavoup:
Tmux vji gal fuxp epf veli vjopht tmux emm vji voni, vjot xez zua noponobi vji djepdit ug neloph e tvaqof fidotoup.
Cav jiz vjev't epdoipv efwodi.

Sunep Deites Nesdat Easimoat't gewusovi rauvi xet "neli jetvi tmuxmz".
Ov't dunnup xotfun vu tmux fuxp epf vjopl vjopht vjsuahj, fup'v satj vu kafhinipv.
O'wi ciip vszoph vu damvowevi vjot op nztimg, xi mowi op tadj e getv qedif xusmf pux vjev ov't ietz vu muti tohjv ug jux getv xi'si mowoph. Ov cidunit foggodamv vu tmux fuxp epf tnimm vji sutit.
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