If you're operating at the highest level, you need the "edge".
...whether you're a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, top level athlete, or expert coach, consultant, or info product creator trying to make your mark in the world.
You need this "edge" to out-compete in now a global competition.
Every little things count.
ONE idea.
ONE technique.
ONE execution.
Difference between whether you have the "edge" or not is ENORMOUS.
==> 1 good idea means the difference between launching a multi-million dollar business or a 100K.
==> 0.01 second difference means living the rest of your life as Gold medalist or a Silver.
==> 1 good technique means the difference between a world-class expert or a "hobbyist".
As long as I can remember, I had a massive "gold-nugget collector" mentality.
I tried to collect these "gold nuggets" or "secrets" wherever I go, whoever I meet, whatever book I pick up whether it be learning from value-dense materials like Euclid's Elements (which Alexander the Great used to study with Aristotle) to value-sparse materials like like a tabloid magazine.
Because fact of the matter is, you can learn from almost EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Even nature.
I did this because I knew that it just takes ONE good idea to change your life.
==> I'm not saying it in a "buzz-word" way.
It literally REVOLUTIONIZES you because what you repeatedly do becomes habits.
And according to the great thinker Aristotle,
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but an habit."
I used to hold onto these nuggets and shared it only with my top-level students and employees because I didn't want to lose my "edge" and constantly wanted to perform at the peak but I think I have come to a point in my life where I have more than enough "good ideas" to share with all and hopefully you'll find it valuable.
If not, no worries. I won't do it again. But I do sincerely hope you find this valuable.
Which leads into the FIRST nugget I want to talk about.
==> I named it "IMPULSIVE TESTING".
Because that's exactly what it is.
And this habit has led me to MORE breakthroughs and new discoveries than probably any other habit.
What does it mean?
Well I have a history of being impulsive.
One day I went to a doctor's office and he looked at my brain scans and he with a serious face he said, "you have ADD".
And I struggled with that for a LONG TIME.
Because what happens to your emotions when you feel like you can't trust your own brain??!!
Little did I know these "crutch" or what people say is a "disorder" became my SUPERPOWER.
==> Because I get ideas ALL THE TIME. And when I get it don't call me biased but it's pretty awesome.
But the frustration was I thought I was wasting most of it because I have so many!
And one day I had a simple idea.
And this simple idea changed my life FOREVER.
I began to ACCEPT that's how I'm built and began to structure my life around it so it optimizes my "superpower".
And here's the simple change I made that literally REVOLUTIONIZED my life.
==> I began to TEST my ideas as it comes up. <==
As it comes up. Impulsively.
1) If an idea pop ups how to increase my conversion, I'd do it right away. Impulsively.
2) If an idea pops up how to get more traffic, I'd test it right then and there.
3) If an idea pops up how to increase the lifetime value of customer, I'd do it with MAD IMPULSE.
And the cool thing about this is, I'd get feedback right away. Often within minutes.
==> If it works, I'd automate it by either making it a habit if it's a self-optimizing idea, or delegate it to my workers if it's a structural idea.
After I made this simple change, productivity went through the ROOF!
Think about it.
How fast you progress is how fast you execute an idea.
If it takes you 2 weeks to execute your idea and get feedback and I execute it right then and there and get feedback in minutes, I am 2 weeks ahead of you.
And is a PROVEN habit utilized by most successful people:
==> Tony Robbins repeatedly says that he doesn't leave the day without applying what he have learned.
==> There was a Harvard Study which surveyed salespeople who made over $250,000 a year in sales. And they said they had one trait in common: they didn't sit around and debate on an idea, they implemented it QUICKLY.
But I take it step further and HYPER-test. I try to do it on the spot if possible.
I do this to almost every idea I come across.
When I'm at a seminar or a workshop and I get hit with a "NUGGET" - I'll find a way to test it right away.
Heck, even if I'm reading an ebook PDF, I am testing AS I'm reading.
==> But why do I say "test" and not "implement"?
Because you don't want to implement what doesn't work.
You will want to TEST first and see if it works first. And only when you find it working, I'll implement it making it into a habit or part of my automation.
Formula is simple:
==> Test, Get Feedback, Test, Get Feedback, Test.... <==
*oh, and it creates a nice "positive side effect":
Most people don't try anything new because they're afraid of failure.
But if you think of it as a "test", the action no longer becomes a "success/fail". It becomes "just a test" so it removes the fear, meaning FASTER progress!
...speaking of which, this post is an "impulse-test" also
I don't know if you guys will like reading something like this or not because I've never done it before.
But if you guys enjoyed this, let me know by either liking this post and/or putting a comment.
If I see positive feedback, I'll continue posting with more productivity hacks like this (I breathe productivity). If not, I won't
It's just a test.
...whether you're a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, top level athlete, or expert coach, consultant, or info product creator trying to make your mark in the world.
You need this "edge" to out-compete in now a global competition.
Every little things count.
ONE idea.
ONE technique.
ONE execution.
Difference between whether you have the "edge" or not is ENORMOUS.
==> 1 good idea means the difference between launching a multi-million dollar business or a 100K.
==> 0.01 second difference means living the rest of your life as Gold medalist or a Silver.
==> 1 good technique means the difference between a world-class expert or a "hobbyist".
As long as I can remember, I had a massive "gold-nugget collector" mentality.
I tried to collect these "gold nuggets" or "secrets" wherever I go, whoever I meet, whatever book I pick up whether it be learning from value-dense materials like Euclid's Elements (which Alexander the Great used to study with Aristotle) to value-sparse materials like like a tabloid magazine.
Because fact of the matter is, you can learn from almost EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Even nature.
I did this because I knew that it just takes ONE good idea to change your life.
==> I'm not saying it in a "buzz-word" way.
It literally REVOLUTIONIZES you because what you repeatedly do becomes habits.
And according to the great thinker Aristotle,
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but an habit."
I used to hold onto these nuggets and shared it only with my top-level students and employees because I didn't want to lose my "edge" and constantly wanted to perform at the peak but I think I have come to a point in my life where I have more than enough "good ideas" to share with all and hopefully you'll find it valuable.
If not, no worries. I won't do it again. But I do sincerely hope you find this valuable.
Which leads into the FIRST nugget I want to talk about.
==> I named it "IMPULSIVE TESTING".
Because that's exactly what it is.
And this habit has led me to MORE breakthroughs and new discoveries than probably any other habit.
What does it mean?
Well I have a history of being impulsive.
One day I went to a doctor's office and he looked at my brain scans and he with a serious face he said, "you have ADD".
And I struggled with that for a LONG TIME.
Because what happens to your emotions when you feel like you can't trust your own brain??!!
Little did I know these "crutch" or what people say is a "disorder" became my SUPERPOWER.
==> Because I get ideas ALL THE TIME. And when I get it don't call me biased but it's pretty awesome.

But the frustration was I thought I was wasting most of it because I have so many!
And one day I had a simple idea.
And this simple idea changed my life FOREVER.
I began to ACCEPT that's how I'm built and began to structure my life around it so it optimizes my "superpower".
And here's the simple change I made that literally REVOLUTIONIZED my life.
==> I began to TEST my ideas as it comes up. <==
As it comes up. Impulsively.
1) If an idea pop ups how to increase my conversion, I'd do it right away. Impulsively.
2) If an idea pops up how to get more traffic, I'd test it right then and there.
3) If an idea pops up how to increase the lifetime value of customer, I'd do it with MAD IMPULSE.
And the cool thing about this is, I'd get feedback right away. Often within minutes.
==> If it works, I'd automate it by either making it a habit if it's a self-optimizing idea, or delegate it to my workers if it's a structural idea.
After I made this simple change, productivity went through the ROOF!
Think about it.
How fast you progress is how fast you execute an idea.
If it takes you 2 weeks to execute your idea and get feedback and I execute it right then and there and get feedback in minutes, I am 2 weeks ahead of you.
And is a PROVEN habit utilized by most successful people:
==> Tony Robbins repeatedly says that he doesn't leave the day without applying what he have learned.
==> There was a Harvard Study which surveyed salespeople who made over $250,000 a year in sales. And they said they had one trait in common: they didn't sit around and debate on an idea, they implemented it QUICKLY.
But I take it step further and HYPER-test. I try to do it on the spot if possible.
I do this to almost every idea I come across.
When I'm at a seminar or a workshop and I get hit with a "NUGGET" - I'll find a way to test it right away.
Heck, even if I'm reading an ebook PDF, I am testing AS I'm reading.
==> But why do I say "test" and not "implement"?
Because you don't want to implement what doesn't work.
You will want to TEST first and see if it works first. And only when you find it working, I'll implement it making it into a habit or part of my automation.
Formula is simple:
==> Test, Get Feedback, Test, Get Feedback, Test.... <==
*oh, and it creates a nice "positive side effect":
Most people don't try anything new because they're afraid of failure.
But if you think of it as a "test", the action no longer becomes a "success/fail". It becomes "just a test" so it removes the fear, meaning FASTER progress!

...speaking of which, this post is an "impulse-test" also

I don't know if you guys will like reading something like this or not because I've never done it before.
But if you guys enjoyed this, let me know by either liking this post and/or putting a comment.
If I see positive feedback, I'll continue posting with more productivity hacks like this (I breathe productivity). If not, I won't
It's just a test.

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