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Update on a Few Ideas (July)

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Bronze Contributor
Apr 19, 2019
Really just writing down an update on my ideas and which I will choose. I like having a place where I can log in my journey. Last time I posted, I had three ideas that I was considering. I'll go through the ones I didn't choose first and why I didn't:

1) Infra red scanner for data entry: This sounds good in theory but in practice, it will be a logistical nightmare to apply. The first hurdle I found was that companies will send their data however they want to send it. Even though data entry is a service they're providing to the client, the client is in no way obligated to change their whole dynamic of sending info. Plus, clients really do not care (and this is from experience) how the job gets done because at the end of the day, the company has to enter the data somehow, anyways. It's no skin off their bones to have this data take an hour or 3 hours to get entered because the service will get done eventually (I hope that made sense). This product would be a lot easier if it was offered to the client itself (not the data entry crew). A way to condense the whole information they send into barcodes and convince them somehow that the time saved by the data entries will make them more money, though, realistically, it really doesn't make much of a difference.

2) An über type service for elders in need of groceries, etc: I almost went with this idea but I decided to keep it in the back burner for now, for a few reasons. One, this is a very hands-on endeavor. Meaning, I'm probably gonna have to go on the road myself, at least at the start, and give out the services myself. I really don't mind this. In fact, I love getting my hands dirty but as of now, I'm paying a few bills with a full time job. So ideally, I should work on my idea from home and be able to get it started from my laptop. Which brings me to the idea I chose.

The Ultra Diet Solution for IBS
Long story short, I have a diet + other stuff that has pretty much cured my IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). It changed my life and considering how bad I had it, I have to think it could work for other people as well. There are about 24 million people in the U.S. who suffer from this. The audience is pretty big.

A few of the reasons I chose this idea: 1. It's a topic that's very close and personal to me, considering IBS was such a nightmare to have in my life. 2. It's the "easiest" out of them all (there are still hurdles, which I'll get to in a minute) in terms of me being able to do it in my free time after work and 3. I have experience in digital marketing and web design, so the part where I test out an audience is not unfamiliar territory for me.

Does it fulfill the CENTS commandments? Let's see:
Control- I would have full control of the websites, ad campaigns and the digital product (up until the point the buyer would have it). The things out of my control are website crashing, FB ad rules and the email marketing tools.
Entry- This one is... odd. Technically, anybody could go to the same exact doctor I went to and spend about $150 dollars in all the treatments + diet, make the trials and errors I had to and have access to it. However, not many people find successes with their diets in terms of IBS. Plus, a lot of mainstream websites promote diets that are atom bombs for people who suffer IBS. So I don't think many people have easy access to this diet.
Need- The need is obvious. IBS is one of those things that can really make life hellish. I think it passes the test.
Time- A digital product can stay up 24/7, so all good.
Scale- The internet and FB ads can help with the scale. Though, IBS is a pretty niche thing, so to speak, in terms of social media presence so it might not be as scaleable as I would like. Let's see.

Phase 0
So as of now, I'm working on the copy for the free giveaway that I will offer as Soft Proof. Total cost might be $99-199 to see how the market reacts. Things I need to get on top of:
1. Landing Page
2. Email List
3. FB ad campaign
4. Copy
5. The Free Offer Itself (I'm still thinking on what it could, I'm actually considering just giving out the diet for free for a time with nothing else).

I've also posted some market research on Reddit, Facebook and IBS support groups. The reaction rate has been pretty low though the few who have responded are extremely curious what the diet is.

As for the product itself, I plan on packing in so much stuff it would be dumb for the prospect to not buy. I plan on making it pretty low cost but chockfull of value. Haven't started any of this but will start immediately if the Soft Proof comes in from Phase 0. Among the stuff I have in mind:
a. Lots of recipes that go with the diet
b. The Diet itself
c. Recommended Supplements
d. Steps on how to make this a lifestyle (the diet is VERY restrictive)
e. Thinking about making some videos to go along with it but dunno if it's necessary
f. Natural Remedies for the symptoms themselves

Maybe I'll add more things, probably will.

The biggest hurdles:
1. Authority: I'm not a doctor or naturopath or anything. I just have my personal life changing experience. Hope that will be enough.
2. Usefulness: IBS is a disease that is very different for each individual. I am very aware that it could be some people have it SO bad that nothing they change in their diet will change it. This is the one where I'm struggling the most because I would feel horrible if the diet worked very minimally.

Any ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated! Is it too much content? How could I go over the hurdles?

Thanks to anyone who tuned in 'til the end!
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