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Wealth Trinity - Updated Order and reasoning

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Jan 3, 2024
I have just happily arrived at chapter 6 of The Millionaire Fastlane , titled "Has Your Wealth Been Toxified?" and I have a strong opinion to make.

Firstly, when I read the 3 points of The Wealth Trinity (1. Family, 2. Fitness, 3. Freedom), I was stoked! WHY: Because prior to reading the book (AKA being mentored by Mr. @MJ DeMarco ) and after having developed the anger to take control over my life in 2021, I have made my priority list and it closely resonates to the Wealth Trinity, only with more items listed (take a look at my screenshot attached below, don't mind the mess it's a work in progress).

Now, to the point. I strongly believe that the Wealth Trinity should be in the following order: 1. Fitness (health) 2. Freedom (choice) 3. Family (relationships).
WHY, you may ask. Well, consider this: If you are not Mentally fit would you consider family, creating stable relationships, starting a business,? Most probably not. So, by placing your Fitness (health) first you ensure that you are fit for everything, including family. Moreover, by placing Freedom (choice) second you are essentially saying "I am in control!". And then Family comes next.

That order, I personally found the holy grail to ensuring success in just about anything in Life. Again, My strong opinion.
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Dec 5, 2023
I have just happily arrived at chapter 6 of The Millionaire Fastlane , titled "Has Your Wealth Been Toxified?" and I have a strong opinion to make.

Firstly, when I read the 3 points of The Wealth Trinity (1. Family, 2. Fitness, 3. Freedom), I was stoked! WHY: Because prior to reading the book (AKA being mentored by Mr. @MJ DeMarco ) and after having developed the anger to take control over my life in 2021, I have made my priority list and it closely resonates to the Wealth Trinity, only with more items listed (take a look at my screenshot attached below, don't mind the mess it's a work in progress).

Now, to the point. I strongly believe that the Wealth Trinity should be in the following order: 1. Fitness (health) 2. Freedom (choice) 3. Family (relationships).
WHY, you may ask. Well, consider this: If you are not Mentally fit would you consider family, creating stable relationships, starting a business,? Most probably not. So, by placing your Fitness (health) first you ensure that you are fit for everything, including family. Moreover, by placing Freedom (choice) second you are essentially saying "I am in control!". And then Family comes next.

That order, I personally found the holy grail to ensuring success in just about anything in Life. Again, My strong opinion.

When I decided to finally pursue entrepreneurship, I thought my mental health was right. I was in good shape but had no job, no money, and my relationships were strained. I’ve always been an inventor at heart, a hands on guy, and I know someday soon I will come up with something stellar to offer the world. But it seems in my pursuit of wealth I have lost myself, I stopped doing many of the things I enjoyed and kind of isolated myself from the world. It sounds horrible to say that out loud, but I’m looking to get back out there. I understand it’s not healthy or good for my mental health. I lost my purpose somewhere along the way and the good habits I fortified around it. So I would advise anyone looking to get on this path to set their mental health up right and build consistent habits that align with your life’s mission, then pursue business, but maintain family relationships as well, later you can focus on starting a family if you’re a younger guy.

Just focus on what you can do right now, and be the kind of man you’d want your son to look up to.


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Oct 4, 2017
Why put an "order" to it?

I see this as a three-legged table. Each feeds from the other; each amplifies the other. Your wealth is as strong as the weakest of the three.

- if physically you are not doing well, you wont necessarily have the energy and endurance needed to build your freedom and maintain relationships.
- life is about relationships. Businesses are about people. And heck, without a proper network, you are handicapping yourself. And two, it can impact your fitness too. Loneliness, for example, is as deadly as smoking, if not more.
- freedom. Well, it amplifies the other two areas. It is tough to be fit if you barely make ends meet and have to work thousands of hours to pay the bills.

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