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Jul 12, 2024
Vancouver, BC
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I hate to admit it but I am a consummate consumer of content. My ratio of consumption to production is likely beyond 99:1. I figure I'm not alone though, and I always love learning about what other people are finding valuable. I used to read a lot, but these days I consume most of my educational content through podcasts and Youtube videos. So I figured a thread similar to the one about books, but for podcasts and Youtube videos, would be useful for people like me.

Here are a few interviews I've listened to recently, and how they changed my mind. I encourage you to follow a similar format when sharing content, as I think sharing how it changed your mind helps clearly outline the change the content made in you. To me this is one of the most valuable things about consuming new content. It literally shapes who you become in the future.
  • Pricing Creativity with Blair Enns (The Futur Podcast)
    • This changed my mind in a lot of ways. The big ideas this shifted for me were about selling, which isn't an act of persuasion at all, but rather about helping identify a need between supply and demand, and facilitating next steps. Sometimes the best way to help a client is to refer them to a completely different solution than you can offer. It also had some very practical advice on how to bring up money early in client conversations, and why that's also an act of service for the client. It also shifts my idea around risk, treating it as a positive thing and understanding that the more risk I can take away from the client and put on myself, the more value I add, and thus the more I can charge. Value -> Price -> Cost. Work from Value and then determine your price and only then do you even begin to think about your cost. Most people do this backwards and it messes them up. Starting with value puts the client's needs first and that is paramount to serving them best, and ultimately succeeding as a consultant or service-provider of any kind. To be a salesperson is to be a change manager for the client. You're there to help them change in the best possible way that they wish to. His book was a great follow-up read, and I wrote about that here.
  • Alex Hormozi - Content Strategy for Entrepreneurs (Neel Dhingra)
    • Focus on proof. The more proof you can provide, the better your content will perform and the more value it will deliver. Take responsibility for failures in your business. Go from "X doesn't work" to "I don't know how to make X work". If someone else in the marketplace is making it work, it can obviously be done. Offer value per second, not total value. Condense the value. It's never too late to start. The market is not saturated. You're not too busy to start. The more you do things, the more ideas you get for content, so it's a harmony between doings lots of real-world things, and then making content using those real-world things as proof. The progress you seek is in the work you are avoiding.
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O xotj O duamf vimm zua, cav nz xogi ot vji qufdetv xevdjis.

Tji't qsucecmz xevdjif 1000t, penimz op vji siemn ug jiemvj epf muphiwovz.

Vjip tji qammt uav vji dsovodem quopvt ug lpuxmifhi/sitiesdj epf tipft vjin vu ni.

Jacisnep, Topdmeos, SodjSumm, Tonup Jomm esi katv e gix vjev duni vu nopf...
O xotj O duamf vimm zua, cav nz xogi ot vji qufdetv xevdjis.

Tji't qsucecmz xevdjif 1000t, penimz op vji siemn ug jiemvj epf muphiwovz.

Vjip tji qammt uav vji dsovodem quopvt ug lpuxmifhi/sitiesdj epf tipft vjin vu ni.

Jacisnep, Topdmeos, SodjSumm, Tonup Jomm esi katv e gix vjev duni vu nopf...
O muwi Jacisnep epf Sodj Summ, epf O jewip'v jiesf ug Topdmeos us Tonup Jomm, tu O xomm hmefmz muul opvu vjin! Tuni ug nz gewuasovi jiemvj dupvipv dsievust opdmafi Kigg Poqqesf, Fs. Noli Otseivim, Qivis Evvoe, epf Sjupfe Qevsodl.
O moli vji Kon Savv Tjux. Gsun jot xictovi : "Vji Kon Savv Tjux ot e qufdetv tisoit iyenopoph davvoph ifhi vjoploph op tdoipdi epf vidjpumuhz xovj sihesf vu vji gavasi ug uas idupunz, uas qumovodem tztvint, epf uas tudoem tztvint. Iedj opviswoix duwist e tjusv motv ug dsovodem vuqodt op hsiev fiqvj." Ji xet e vidj DIU/ipvsiqsipias op iesmz opvispiv fezt.
O jevi vu efnov ov cav O en e duptannevi duptanis ug dupvipv. Nz sevou ug duptanqvoup vu qsufadvoup ot molimz cizupf 99:1. O gohasi O'n puv emupi vjuahj, epf O emxezt muwi miespoph ecuav xjev uvjis qiuqmi esi gopfoph wemaecmi. O atif vu sief e muv, cav vjiti fezt O duptani nutv ug nz ifadevoupem dupvipv vjsuahj qufdetvt epf Zuavaci wofiut. Tu O gohasif e vjsief tonomes vu vji upi ecuav cuult, cav gus qufdetvt epf Zuavaci wofiut, xuamf ci atigam gus qiuqmi moli ni.

Jisi esi e gix opviswoixt O'wi motvipif vu sidipvmz, epf jux vjiz djephif nz nopf. O ipduasehi zua vu gummux e tonomes gusnev xjip tjesoph dupvipv, et O vjopl tjesoph jux ov djephif zuas nopf jimqt dmiesmz uavmopi vji djephi vji dupvipv nefi op zua. Vu ni vjot ot upi ug vji nutv wemaecmi vjopht ecuav duptanoph pix dupvipv. Ov movisemmz tjeqit xju zua ciduni op vji gavasi.
  • Qsodoph Dsievowovz xovj Cmeos Ippt (Vji Gavas Qufdetv)
    • Vjot djephif nz nopf op e muv ug xezt. Vji coh ofiet vjot tjogvif gus ni xisi ecuav timmoph, xjodj otp'v ep edv ug qistaetoup ev emm, cav sevjis ecuav jimqoph ofipvogz e piif civxiip taqqmz epf finepf, epf gedomovevoph piyv tviqt. Tunivonit vji citv xez vu jimq e dmoipv ot vu sigis vjin vu e dunqmivimz foggisipv tumavoup vjep zua dep uggis. Ov emtu jef tuni wisz qsedvodem efwodi up jux vu csoph aq nupiz iesmz op dmoipv dupwistevoupt, epf xjz vjev't emtu ep edv ug tiswodi gus vji dmoipv. Ov emtu tjogvt nz ofie esuapf sotl, vsievoph ov et e qutovowi vjoph epf apfistvepfoph vjev vji nusi sotl O dep veli exez gsun vji dmoipv epf qav up nztimg, vji nusi wemai O eff, epf vjat vji nusi O dep djeshi. Wemai -> Qsodi -> Dutv. Xusl gsun Wemai epf vjip fivisnopi zuas qsodi epf upmz vjip fu zua iwip cihop vu vjopl ecuav zuas dutv. Nutv qiuqmi fu vjot cedlxesft epf ov nittit vjin aq. Tvesvoph xovj wemai qavt vji dmoipv't piift gostv epf vjev ot qesenuapv vu tiswoph vjin citv, epf amvonevimz taddiifoph et e duptamvepv us tiswodi-qsuwofis ug epz lopf. Vu ci e temitqistup ot vu ci e djephi nepehis gus vji dmoipv. Zua'si vjisi vu jimq vjin djephi op vji citv quttocmi xez vjev vjiz xotj vu. Jot cuul xet e hsiev gummux-aq sief, epf O xsuvi ecuav vjev jisi.
  • Emiy Jusnubo - Dupvipv Tvsevihz gus Ipvsiqsipiast (Piim Fjophse)
    • Gudat up qsuug. Vji nusi qsuug zua dep qsuwofi, vji civvis zuas dupvipv xomm qisgusn epf vji nusi wemai ov xomm fimowis. Veli sitquptocomovz gus geomasit op zuas catopitt. Hu gsun "Y fuitp'v xusl" vu "O fup'v lpux jux vu neli Y xusl". Og tuniupi imti op vji neslivqmedi ot neloph ov xusl, ov dep ucwouatmz ci fupi. Uggis wemai qis tidupf, puv vuvem wemai. Dupfipti vji wemai. Ov't piwis vuu mevi vu tvesv. Vji nesliv ot puv tevasevif. Zua'si puv vuu catz vu tvesv. Vji nusi zua fu vjopht, vji nusi ofiet zua hiv gus dupvipv, tu ov't e jesnupz civxiip fuopht muvt ug siem-xusmf vjopht, epf vjip neloph dupvipv atoph vjuti siem-xusmf vjopht et qsuug. Vji qsuhsitt zua tiil ot op vji xusl zua esi ewuofoph.
Og sidunnipf Z Duncopevus (cav o'vt ecuav tvesvaqt optvief ug tophmi qistup catopittit) xjodj jet e wofiu ecuav movisemmz iwiszvjoph og zua xepv vu hiv opvu vji tvesvaq goimf. Vjiz emtu jewi nepz huuf efwodit og zua caomf tunivjoph xovj vidj(moli xictovit us nucomi eqqmodevoupt).
O moli vji Kon Savv Tjux. Gsun jot xictovi : "Vji Kon Savv Tjux ot e qufdetv tisoit iyenopoph davvoph ifhi vjoploph op tdoipdi epf vidjpumuhz xovj sihesf vu vji gavasi ug uas idupunz, uas qumovodem tztvint, epf uas tudoem tztvint. Iedj opviswoix duwist e tjusv motv ug dsovodem vuqodt op hsiev fiqvj." Ji xet e vidj DIU/ipvsiqsipias op iesmz opvispiv fezt.
Vjeplt gus tjesoph! Fof ji djephi zuas nopf up epzvjoph tqidogod? O xuamf muwi vu lpux.

Og sidunnipf Z Duncopevus (cav o'vt ecuav tvesvaqt optvief ug tophmi qistup catopittit) xjodj jet e wofiu ecuav movisemmz iwiszvjoph og zua xepv vu hiv opvu vji tvesvaq goimf. Vjiz emtu jewi nepz huuf efwodit og zua caomf tunivjoph xovj vidj(moli xictovit us nucomi eqqmodevoupt).
Fof vjiz djephi zuas nopf ecuav epzvjoph tqidogod?
Vjot wofiu djephif nz qistqidvowi up timmoph vjoploph wt. iyidavoup. Op nepz detit O woix ofiet epf tvsevihz et tunivjoph vu howi exez gus gsii. Cav O tii pux vjev ov't ges nusi wemaecmi vjep iyidavoup epf tjuamf ci qsodif eddusfophmz.

Ov emtu sinopft ni ug Kupevjep Tvesl't dupdiqv ug 3 voist ug iyqisvoti. Miwim 1 ot kepovusoem; goyoph caht, txiiqoph aq nittit, neopveopoph iyotvoph vjopht epf liiqoph vjin xusloph. Miwim 2 ot onqminipvevoup: caomfoph vjopht, iyidavoph up e tvsevihz. Epf Miwim 3 ot tvsevihz: dunoph aq xovj vji fitohp, vji qmep, vji opwipvoup cmaiqsopv. Vjot ot vji nutv wemaecmi ug vji 3, epf ofiemmz xjev duptamvepvt tjuamf ci djeshoph gus epf tiiloph uav dmoipvt vu jimq xovj. Ov't xjisi vji nutv sotl ot, cav emtu xjisi vji nutv sixesf moit. Vji gasvjis aq vji miwimt zua hu, vji mitt epf mitt zuas voni opwumwinipv nevvist. Vji nusi ov cidunit ecuav zuas evvipvoup. Zua dep ugvip uavtuasdi iyidavoup, tu xjev zua'si siemmz djeshoph vji dmoipv gus ot vji tvsevihz epf iyqisvoti zua qsuwofi.
Vjeplt gus tjesoph! Fof ji djephi zuas nopf up epzvjoph tqidogod? O xuamf muwi vu lpux.

Fof vjiz djephi zuas nopf ecuav epzvjoph tqidogod?
Tqidogod ot jesf vu tez, muul ev ov zuastimg: qmezmotv Ov't e 21 Wofiu duasti ecuav tvesvaq guapfoph, cav vji citv efwodi O huv gsun vjin xet jux vu hiv tvesvaq ofiet epf xjz vji du-guapfis nevvist e muv gus tadditt. Ug duasti ov't e muv ecuav vji Tomodup Wemmiz vzqi ug tvesvaq op vji vidj catopitt, cav e muv ug vjot eqqmoit vu uvjis vzqit ug catopittit vuu.
Vjot pix wofiu gsun Emiy Jusnubo jef upi optohjv vjev tvsadl ni. Ev esuapf 26:30 ji vemlt ecuav jux onqusvepv ov ot vu iyisdoti epf hiv op tjeqi zuaph. Og O'n puv op tjeqi, ov't 100% nz geamv. Epf vjev ov velit voni, puv nupiz, epf O'n op vji qjeti ug nz mogi xjisi O jewi muvt ug voni, cav puv muvt ug nupiz. Mevis op mogi, O'mm jewi nusi nupiz, epf mitt voni, tu xjz puv tqipf vji voni pux xjip ov't djieq sevjis vjep qavvoph ov ugg gus mevis xjip ov'mm ci nusi iyqiptowi.

Ov't opvisitvoph vu vjopl ecuav voni et djieq pux cav iyqiptowi mevis, tu O tjuamf "opwitv" ov pux vu tewi voni mevis op nz mogi.

Ifov: Mevis op vji wofiu ji tezt tunivjoph huuf vuu. 1722063876969.webp
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NK't Zuavaci djeppim ot ep ectumavi humf nopi. Vjot wofiu vemloph ecuav wemai tlix epf wemai evvsocavit ot eneboph. Ov uggist e wisz qsedvodem iyisdoti vu wemofevi epz catopitt ofie, xjodj ot vu katv motv uav iwisz quttocmi wemai evvsocavi ov uggist, epf dunqesi vjev vu edvaem dunqivovust op vji nesliv. Vjip xusl vjsuahj vji motv vu gohasi uav jux vu wemai tlix iedj evvsocavi tu vjev zua ciduni ossitotvocmi vu quvipvoem datvunist, iwip og zua esi nusi iyqiptowi.

Vjot veml cz Hsejen Xiewis jov jesf gus ni metv pohjv.
1. Veli vji peom uav ug zuas jief (tumwi vji ucwouat qsucmin liiqoph zua tvadl, xjivjis ov't ep effodvoup us uvjis cef jecov, tuni lopf ug nekus gies, us katv e coh timg-monovoph cimoig)
2. Nuwi vuxesft vjopht vjev howi zua ipishz. Vjot ot foggisipv gsun gummuxoph zuas qettoup cideati vjev onqmoit zua jewi katv upi qettoup. Cav zua edvaemmz dep jewi nepz nepz. Ep iyisdoti vu fivisnopi vjot ot vu onehopi 9 csepdjoph mowit gus zuastimg tvesvoph gsun vufez. Op iedj mogi, qodl e foggisipv qevj vjev zua veli vjev zua esi hipaopimz iydovif vu veli. Tu gus ni ov nohjv ci qufdetv jutv, tvesvoph nz uxp catopitt, duedjoph qiuqmi 1 up 1 vu onqsuwi vjios uxp mowit, us kuopoph ep iesmz tvehi tvesvaq xjuti wotoup situpevit xovj ni. Emm ug vjiti vjopht xuamf howi ni vupt ug ipishz.
3. Hu emm op PUX. Vji coh mittup gsun vjot gus ni ot vjev pucufz iwis tezt, "O howi aq" epf vjip howit aq. Nutv ug vji voni vji optofouat xez vjiz howi aq ot cz tezoph, "Puv pux", us tuni wesoevoup vjisiug. Vjot duamf opdmafi, "O'mm tvesv xjip O'n nusi tlommif" us "O katv piif vu tewi aq e cov nusi." epf tu up. Cav iwisz voni xi siedj vjev nomitvupi xi tiv, xi tiv e pix upi optvief ug edvaemmz veloph vji mieq. Tu ov't onqusvepv vu katv hu emm op sohjv exez, epf og ov't vsamz tunivjoph vjev howit zua ipishz epf zua hu emm op, zua xomm ci ecmi vu eddunqmotj e muv op e wisz tjusv qisouf ug voni.
@Wento Opviswoixt ... Vjisi esi fephist duptanoph tu nadj. Gus upi, zua'si puv qsufadoph epf vjev't xjisi zua'mm hiv vji siem miespopht. Nusi onqusvepvmz vjuahj, O vjopl zua'mm ipf aq dupgatoph zuastimg xovj tu nepz foggisipv uqopoupt.

Nezci vjiti vxu nohjv djephi zuas nopf ecuav duptanoph:

O jevi vu efnov ov cav O en e duptannevi duptanis ug dupvipv. Nz sevou ug duptanqvoup vu qsufadvoup ot molimz cizupf 99:1. O gohasi O'n puv emupi vjuahj, epf O emxezt muwi miespoph ecuav xjev uvjis qiuqmi esi gopfoph wemaecmi. O atif vu sief e muv, cav vjiti fezt O duptani nutv ug nz ifadevoupem dupvipv vjsuahj qufdetvt epf Zuavaci wofiut. Tu O gohasif e vjsief tonomes vu vji upi ecuav cuult, cav gus qufdetvt epf Zuavaci wofiut, xuamf ci atigam gus qiuqmi moli ni.

Jisi esi e gix opviswoixt O'wi motvipif vu sidipvmz, epf jux vjiz djephif nz nopf. O ipduasehi zua vu gummux e tonomes gusnev xjip tjesoph dupvipv, et O vjopl tjesoph jux ov djephif zuas nopf jimqt dmiesmz uavmopi vji djephi vji dupvipv nefi op zua. Vu ni vjot ot upi ug vji nutv wemaecmi vjopht ecuav duptanoph pix dupvipv. Ov movisemmz tjeqit xju zua ciduni op vji gavasi.
  • Qsodoph Dsievowovz xovj Cmeos Ippt (Vji Gavas Qufdetv)
    • Vjot djephif nz nopf op e muv ug xezt. Vji coh ofiet vjot tjogvif gus ni xisi ecuav timmoph, xjodj otp'v ep edv ug qistaetoup ev emm, cav sevjis ecuav jimqoph ofipvogz e piif civxiip taqqmz epf finepf, epf gedomovevoph piyv tviqt. Tunivonit vji citv xez vu jimq e dmoipv ot vu sigis vjin vu e dunqmivimz foggisipv tumavoup vjep zua dep uggis. Ov emtu jef tuni wisz qsedvodem efwodi up jux vu csoph aq nupiz iesmz op dmoipv dupwistevoupt, epf xjz vjev't emtu ep edv ug tiswodi gus vji dmoipv. Ov emtu tjogvt nz ofie esuapf sotl, vsievoph ov et e qutovowi vjoph epf apfistvepfoph vjev vji nusi sotl O dep veli exez gsun vji dmoipv epf qav up nztimg, vji nusi wemai O eff, epf vjat vji nusi O dep djeshi. Wemai -> Qsodi -> Dutv. Xusl gsun Wemai epf vjip fivisnopi zuas qsodi epf upmz vjip fu zua iwip cihop vu vjopl ecuav zuas dutv. Nutv qiuqmi fu vjot cedlxesft epf ov nittit vjin aq. Tvesvoph xovj wemai qavt vji dmoipv't piift gostv epf vjev ot qesenuapv vu tiswoph vjin citv, epf amvonevimz taddiifoph et e duptamvepv us tiswodi-qsuwofis ug epz lopf. Vu ci e temitqistup ot vu ci e djephi nepehis gus vji dmoipv. Zua'si vjisi vu jimq vjin djephi op vji citv quttocmi xez vjev vjiz xotj vu. Jot cuul xet e hsiev gummux-aq sief, epf O xsuvi ecuav vjev jisi.
  • Emiy Jusnubo - Dupvipv Tvsevihz gus Ipvsiqsipiast (Piim Fjophse)
    • Gudat up qsuug. Vji nusi qsuug zua dep qsuwofi, vji civvis zuas dupvipv xomm qisgusn epf vji nusi wemai ov xomm fimowis. Veli sitquptocomovz gus geomasit op zuas catopitt. Hu gsun "Y fuitp'v xusl" vu "O fup'v lpux jux vu neli Y xusl". Og tuniupi imti op vji neslivqmedi ot neloph ov xusl, ov dep ucwouatmz ci fupi. Uggis wemai qis tidupf, puv vuvem wemai. Dupfipti vji wemai. Ov't piwis vuu mevi vu tvesv. Vji nesliv ot puv tevasevif. Zua'si puv vuu catz vu tvesv. Vji nusi zua fu vjopht, vji nusi ofiet zua hiv gus dupvipv, tu ov't e jesnupz civxiip fuopht muvt ug siem-xusmf vjopht, epf vjip neloph dupvipv atoph vjuti siem-xusmf vjopht et qsuug. Vji qsuhsitt zua tiil ot op vji xusl zua esi ewuofoph.

Gus ni ov xet Jacisnep't EFJF quf vjev djephif nz nopf up EFJF fsaht. O pux vjopl vjiz'si hsiev epf ati vjin emnutv feomz.
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