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who I am, and what I think of doing next .

abdelaziz chatit

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Jun 23, 2024
My name is Abdelaziz Chatit I am 18 years old, I was born and raised in Morocco, I spent my childhood in a village in the Atlas mountains, I was a bright student always ranking first in my class. My family at the time wasn't very well of so if I ever wanted to buy a toy or a something that picked my interest I would earn the money by myself selling plastic bottles/objects, or metal objects. but when we moved to the city my family's situation gotten better and I found my self surrounded by not so competitive people I lost my competitive nature and survival instinct that drove me to move and take action. after that I tried so many things like blogging, E-commerce but I was always quitting midway, I learned about the fast lane in a video I came across in youtube so I decided to take the first step which is joining this community.
The thing I am thinking of doing next is creating a digital marketing agency because it's scalable and I don't need a lot of money to start it, I am going to focus on creating virtual presence (websites, social media accounts) for local businesses, and then advertise them using Email marketing, SEO and Facebook ads.​

My questions are:
  • how can I go about landing my first client?
  • do I need to create an official business right now or not ?
  • what do I need to know about contracts ?
  • do I need to specialize in a certain industry or it's better to have more choices ?
  • what is your opinion about my initial draft of the service I described earlier?
I hope you can accept me as a part of this community, and I hope you can help me in any way you can .
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Jun 8, 2024
1- how can I go about landing my first client?
I recomoned that you find a startup community and offer your service for free (or with 100% refund guarantee if they don't like your service with a condition they give you feedback) by doing that you have your first customer and you will learn a lot by provide your service to 1 customer

2- do I need to create an official business right now or not ?
No, just start do some sales get some customers

3- what do I need to know about contracts ?
I recommend as I answer i the first question (focus on execution now) then after prove this idea is good you start thinking about other thing (focus on the bottle neck problem / critical path as in MJ books)

4- do I need to specialize in a certain industry or it's better to have more choices ?
Same as the 3rd question

5- what is your opinion about my initial draft of the service I described earlier?
You need to see your self every market, founder, idea, customer,case is different (there is many variables), the best way is to try and see (3As -> Act, Assest, Adjust)

abdelaziz chatit

New Contributor
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Jun 23, 2024
1- how can I go about landing my first client?
I recomoned that you find a startup community and offer your service for free (or with 100% refund guarantee if they don't like your service with a condition they give you feedback) by doing that you have your first customer and you will learn a lot by provide your service to 1 customer

2- do I need to create an official business right now or not ?
No, just start do some sales get some customers

3- what do I need to know about contracts ?
I recommend as I answer i the first question (focus on execution now) then after prove this idea is good you start thinking about other thing (focus on the bottle neck problem / critical path as in MJ books)

4- do I need to specialize in a certain industry or it's better to have more choices ?
Same as the 3rd question

5- what is your opinion about my initial draft of the service I described earlier?
You need to see your self every market, founder, idea, customer,case is different (there is many variables), the best way is to try and see (3As -> Act, Assest, Adjust)
thank you so much for allocating some of your time to respond to my questions , I will try to follow what you said to the best of my abilities.
I noticed that I am ignorant of so many principles in MJ's book, I think watching a book review isn't enough. I will definitely give it a read.
thank you again for your time Mr.Mohammed Jouza.

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