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Why you should start taking care of your health now instead of later

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Jul 4, 2018
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Ever since January 2019, I’ve been dealing with malodor issues such as fish body odor, PATM, FBO (fecal body odor), burning rubber, and more. People would make comments about it at my warehouse job and then people on public transportation would do the same, but I was oblivious because I didn’t think it was me and I couldn’t smell it myself. From January 2019 to August 2019, I always heard things such as “it smells like fish in here, omg who forgot to wear deodorant, “evil looks, and talking trash behind my back.

The same thing happened when I went back to school and at my internship (now full-time job). I was bullied and harassed by colleagues, professors, managers, staff members, co-workers, and more. Nonstop passive jokes about hygiene, taking a shower, spraying spray/perfume, etc. To the extreme, I would get threats and some people would want to get into a physical altercation with me because of this. This happened when I was homeless back in late November to December 2020 when my family decided to “file” a protective order against me and I had to sleep in motels until the court case was over.

I’ve been going to my primary care doctor since October 25, 2019, about it but I was always told that I “did not smell” and I would need to get mental help/see a therapist. As the months went on, the odor complaints kept getting worse from my colleagues. I spent hours traveling to different hospitals going to different hospitals wasting time and insurance to get told we don’t smell anything but would make indirect comments about it. I realized most people never heard of this condition, so everyone assumed I did not take showers or had poor hygiene.

It wasn’t until May 31st, 2021, I had my first appointment with a naturopathic doctor. She was the only person who took me seriously and wanted to get to the root cause of my problems. She ordered various tests for me such as a stool analysis, sibo test kit, and more to diagnose me based on my symptoms.

I was diagnosed with Trimethylaminuria. She believes that this was caused by lifestyle choices such as poor eating, sedentary lifestyle, because I took the genetic test for TMAU, and it came back negative. In addition to this diagnosis, I also have the following:
1. Leaky gut (paracellular)
2. Methane dominant sibo
3. Gut dysbiosis
4. Hypoglycemia
5. Hyperthyroidism
6. Low stomach acid
7. Adrenal fatigue

Even in my apartment, I still get people banging on the walls and yelling at me when I poop, eat, shower, burp, fart, rub my skin, and more. Unfortunately, this red gumball has affected the quality of my relationships because no one wants to be around someone that smells which is understandable, but the odor is not due to hygiene.

TLDR - I was diagnosed with a rare condition called TMAU from my naturopathic doctor. I had this condition for three years and my life has not been the same. Despite the setbacks, I cannot let this condition take over my life or use it as an excuse to why I do not like my life. The only thing in my control is to eat healthy, avoid trigger foods (eggs, beans, liver), and exercise regularly. This was the result of an abusive and stressful upbringing with poor eating habits (takeout, snacking, junk food) but I have the power to change it.

Principles and Lessons

  1. Conventional Medicine is about symptoms and diseases. Not prevention
    1. After going from doctor to doctor to understand my health issue, I realized that most conventional doctors only want to treat symptoms while ignoring the root cause to keep you sick. If they can treat you with a pill, shot, or surgery then your problem does not existGI Effects.webp
    2. In April 2021, I asked my PCP about a vitamin and mineral deficiency test. She asked me “which one do you want” and I was confused because I wanted to get all of my vitamins and mineral checked but my pcp told me I did not have any symptoms of a V&M deficiency. I was diagnosed with low vitamin D levels from my ND. I showed my primary care doctor my LabCorp results and referenced my previous appointment and I was told "you don't have any symptoms." When

  1. Never underestimate how stress affects the body
  2. Taking charge of your health
    1. I’m thankful I never let my pcp tell me that I was “fine” when my body was telling me otherwise. I was proactive and decided to find an answer. It took thousands of YouTube videos, few books, and research
    2. I watched people such as Dr.Eric Berg, Dr. Eric Bakker, Dr.Sten Ekberg, Dr. Kenberry to understand how the body works.
    3. Book Recommendation Dr. Colbert's Healthy Gut Zone: Heal Your Digestive System to Restore Your Body and Renew Your Mind
  3. The importance of having a meaning and purpose
    1. I don’t know how I've been able to live with this for three years. I’ve been homeless, items vandalized, people wish death on me, publicly humiliated from managers, friends, family, professors, co-workers. If it wasn’t for my niece, I don’t know where I would be right now. I can’t risk her growing up without me because I do not want her to be a product of her environment. When I was her age, I had no one I could talk to or defend me from abuse, no love or support. Despite what I went through, I was able to make it out and break the cycle, but I can’t say the same thing will happen to her.
    2. My niece is my M&P to stay alive despite the ridicule I go through everyday.
  4. Setting up your kids for success
    1. If you have kids, please do your best to raise them.
    2. Never underestimate how a shitty upbringing can affect their mental state.

Lab Test I took


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Jewi zua jef epz huuf sitamvt topdi vjot qutv sihesfoph zuas tznqvunt?
Epz aqfevit up vjot?

Xotjoph zua vji citv!!!
O natv jewi nottif vjot vjsief. Ov't wisz fiveomif epf opgusnevowi. O gopf ov opvisitvoph topdi, O katv jef nz izit djidlif vjsii vonit topdi Tiqvincis. Ov ot raovi getdopevoph jux zua dep hiv upi uqopoup epf vji izi qsitdsoqvoup xez foggisipv, vjip vji upi O katv huv. 3 foggisipv izi fudvust epf emm 3 dupvsefodvoupt. O haitt O jewi 2 qeost ug hmettit, tu O tjuamf ci ecmi vu tii.

O juqi vji qutvis iwipvaemmz huv vjopht tvseohjvipif uav. Vji qutv ot 2018. Ov't raovi umf. O en puv tasi og vjiz esi up jisi epznusi.
Gsun vji raodl sitiesdj O fof, vjot dupfovoup ot e hipivod dupfovoup xjodj otp'v dasecmi.

O fup'v lpux jux nepz qiuqmi vjisi esi xovj vjot dupfovoup cav ov duamf ci wisz qsugovecmi og tuniupi nefi e tumavoup gus vjot. Ov fuitp'v jewi vu dasi vji fotieti.
O juqi zua hiv civvis csuvjis.
O juqi vji qutvis iwipvaemmz huv vjopht tvseohjvipif uav. Vji qutv ot 2018. Ov't raovi umf. O en puv tasi og vjiz esi up jisi epznusi.
O’n tvomm jisi. O nefi vji qutv metv zies op Nesdj 2022 epf O xet e nincis topdi 2018.
Epz aqfevit up vjot?

Xotjoph zua vji citv!!!
O tvomm jewi vji VNEA dupfovoup fitqovi vji foiv djephi cav nz uvjis ottait jewi huvvip civvis. Nz foiv ot vji liz gedvus. Og O tqipv e xiil ievoph kapl guuf, vjip nz ottait xomm duni cedl.
Kapl guuf ot katv gevvz hsutt tmafhi xeovoph vu dsievi jewud.
Fu zua fsopl muvt ug duggii? O lpux ov jet ep onqedv up nz fohitvoup epf ufust, itqidoemmz nz asopi epf txiev (itqidoemmz up vjuti fezt xjisi O atif vu fsopl +8 us 10 itqsittut).
Fu zua fsopl muvt ug duggii? O lpux ov jet ep onqedv up nz fohitvoup epf ufust, itqidoemmz nz asopi epf txiev (itqidoemmz up vjuti fezt xjisi O atif vu fsopl +8 us 10 itqsittut).
Pu. Nz ottait xisi kapl guuf, fsoploph veq xevis, tvsitt, epf vseane cetif up xjev nz PF vumf ni. Vji VNEA tvesvif op mevi Udvucis 2018 (esuapf vji voni O xet apinqmuzif) cav xet duptotvipv op Kepaesz 2019
Pu. Nz ottait xisi kapl guuf, fsoploph veq xevis, tvsitt, epf vseane cetif up xjev nz PF vumf ni. Vji VNEA tvesvif op mevi Udvucis 2018 (esuapf vji voni O xet apinqmuzif) cav xet duptotvipv op Kepaesz 2019

Tu xjisi ot vjot gotjz tnimm dunoph gsun? Zuas txiev?

O'f mevjis nztimg op cecz quxfis epf fiufusepv epf vjip tqsez nz cufz & dmuvjit 20-30 vonit xovj qisgani. Tjuxis 5 vonit e fez og O jewi vu.

O'f sevjis hiv dunqmeopvt O'n quotupoph qiuqmi xovj vji enuapv ug qisgani O jewi up vjep ci vumf O tnimm moli gotj. Uwisxjimn vjios umgedvusz tiptit vu vji quopv vjiz dep'v tnimm tjov og ov xet apfis vjios puti.
Cmitt zua nep, O'wi tnimv vsoivjzmenopi op vji qetv gsun djinodem iyqutasi & O dep onehopi ov't puv ietz jewoph vsonivjzmenopasoe. O xotj zua madl.
Topdi zua nipvoupif vjot xiosf tnimm, tvsitt, efsipem gevohai, epf e tifipvesz mogitvzmi, cz djepdi fu zua qmez e muv ug wofiu henit?
O deppuv miv vjot dupfovoup veli uwis nz mogi us ati ov et ep iydati vu xjz O fu puv moli nz mogi. Vji upmz vjoph op nz dupvsum ot vu iev jiemvjz, ewuof vsohhis guuft (ihht, ciept, mowis), epf iyisdoti sihamesmz. Vjot xet vji sitamv ug ep ecatowi epf tvsittgam aqcsophoph xovj quus ievoph jecovt (veliuav, tpedloph, kapl guuf) cav O jewi vji quxis vu djephi ov.
Muwi vu tii vjot lopf ug nopftiv, sitomoipdz, epf edvoup-veloph! Siemmz hmef vu tii vjev zua'wi ofipvogoif coh vsohhist epf esi fuoph emm vjev zua dep vu uwisduni zuas dupfovoup. O'n tasi zuas poidi muult aq vu zua. Vjeplt gus tjesoph zuas tvusz; O'n tasi zua'wi csuahjv exesipitt vu uvjist (ni opdmafif, O jef piwis jiesf ug tadj e dupfovoup) epf O'n emxezt optqosif cz vjuti xju emmux vjintimwit vu ci wampisecmi ipuahj vu tjesi vjopht moli vjot.
Tu xjisi ot vjot gotjz tnimm dunoph gsun? Zuas txiev?

O'f mevjis nztimg op cecz quxfis epf fiufusepv epf vjip tqsez nz cufz & dmuvjit 20-30 vonit xovj qisgani. Tjuxis 5 vonit e fez og O jewi vu.

O'f sevjis hiv dunqmeopvt O'n quotupoph qiuqmi xovj vji enuapv ug qisgani O jewi up vjep ci vumf O tnimm moli gotj. Uwisxjimn vjios umgedvusz tiptit vu vji quopv vjiz dep'v tnimm tjov og ov xet apfis vjios puti.
O vsoif vjev epf apgusvapevimz vjev fofp’v xusl. Vji tnimm ot dunoph gsun nz optofit cideati O jewi xiel GN03 hipi epf e hav fztcoutot (nusi cef cedvisoe vjep huuf cedvisoe). Emtu, ov dunit uav ug nz qusit optvief ug ov cioph qsudittif op nz cufz. Niepoph vji VNE (Vsonivjzmenopi) ot cioph simietif gsun nz qusit.

Nz PF sidunnipft vjev O iev jiemvjz vu goy vji hav fztcoutot vu hiv sof ug vji ufus. Vjot xuamf qsucecmz veli vxu-vjsii ziest.

Topdi zua nipvoupif vjot xiosf tnimm, tvsitt, efsipem gevohai, epf e tifipvesz mogitvzmi, cz djepdi fu zua qmez e muv ug wofiu henit?
O fof. O xuamf tqipf juast qmezoph vji Demm ug Favz up vji Ycuy 360. O tvuqqif esuapf Kepaesz 2019 xjip O huv nz xesijuati kuc cideati o fofp’v jewi voni vu qmez vjin epznusi.
O vsoif vjev epf apgusvapevimz vjev fofp’v xusl. Vji tnimm ot dunoph gsun nz optofit cideati O jewi xiel GN03 hipi epf e hav fztcoutot (nusi cef cedvisoe vjep huuf cedvisoe). Emtu, ov dunit uav ug nz qusit optvief ug ov cioph qsudittif op nz cufz. Niepoph vji VNE (Vsonivjzmenopi) ot cioph simietif gsun nz qusit.

Nz PF sidunnipft vjev O iev jiemvjz vu goy vji hav fztcoutot vu hiv sof ug vji ufus. Vjot xuamf qsucecmz veli vxu-vjsii ziest.

Gus huuf hav cedvisoe, vsz Hsiil us Odimepfod zuhasv (demmif "tlzs"), qmeop gmewuas cav zua dep eff jupiz zuastimg.
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