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Youth is a period of intense energy. By Directing the energy to utmost useful things will have an enormous advantage. - Sadhguru
Bought Millionaire Fastlane years ago - then recently downloaded Wealth Exposed on KU, then bought UNSCRIPTED. Time to apply this stuff.
Read the 'about' tab if you want to learn about me, what I've done and what I want to achieve.
Odysseus M Jones
Aren't you going to do your intro on insiders? Don't be shy, we all want to how you managed so much so young.
PS who was the Mayor of London then? Please don't say Boris! LOL
@Odysseus M Jones Don't worry, it's coming! All of the clients that held off because of coronavirus seem to be accepting their proposals. I've worked with City Hall twice now, both under Sadiq Khan. Once discussing the reduction of youth knife crime and the other as more direct consultancy on the establishment of teen entrepreneurship initiatives.
Odysseus M Jones
I look forward to reading about your journey.
No doubt you'll be an inspiration to others.
Saw your post Re: Income Store and how you do basically the same thing.... Would like to get some more info about the opportunities you provide.
Michael Shneider
I've got a lot of goals in my head, I'm basically 16 years old. But I've read so many books in addition to milionaire fast lane (which has marked me the most and I'm on page 373) I'm looking for help and mentoring, of course I could do this on my own but I don't want to waste time my goals are too big :)
Hi there,
I saw a post of yours about the cashflow game held in Phoenix. I am from there. Where can i find more info about it and join in the fun?
Interesting how quickly my wife and I went from "doing well" to not so much. This C0VlD-19 thing is likely to impact our primary business by 90% or more this year. I guess that could be described as "sucking." Of all of the things we looked out for, the government shutting us down one day was not one of them. Next business it will be! :)
Hey V8Bill, is it possible you could share your book with me? I've heard a lot about it but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Hi there all you lovely kindreds with an entrepreneurial spirit! Here’s to you MJ’s exceptional community and for making this all possible being here, one thanks you bountiful.
Hi Bekit, how is everything going?
I truly like your advice and how detailed you are
I am considering different platforms in order to understand which is the best, simpler, and not extremely expensive website I can get. Do you have any recommendations about it?
And do you have any reading recommendations about how to fully start and operate an online business?
Hi everyone, I am totally new to this and trying to find my way around on the forum. I am in the process of massive self-development and am reading pretty much every self-development book I can. I have been attending virtual training summits due to the times we have been facing and they have totally changed my mindset with regards to entrepreneurship.
Hi Alvintanto,

It's a pleasure meeting you. I am interesting about your chemical company story, especially because I want to start a business in chemical as well in south east asia. I am wondering if you are open to discuss and to brainstorm different ideas in order to be successful together.

Let' me know, I am at your disposal.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my post! Hope you found it useful!
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Hello MJ, I’m actually listening to your book “the millionaire fastlane right now” for the second time. I’m sorry, I’m just learning the ins and outs of this forum. Have a good day.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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