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After listing all the things I want to do, why I want to accomplish them, and some kind of a strategy to do so, I realized that I couldn't possibly get everything done at once and would have to make some tough choices about which ones to focus on. To that end, I will prioritize those with the greatest expected return.
I have to say, this is a lot. I can't begin by trying to do everything well all at once. Here is where I make another file and put goals in it that I think will give me the best return on investment. Then I'll work hard on them for weeks until they become habits and help me become a little more like the person I want to be.
To increase productivity and self-awareness, I decided to start thinking of myself as a company with divisions. It's comparable to MJ's car abstraction. So, I made a folder where each division goes. Each division is about a different part of my life, like how R&D is about my knowledge. And I've put the goals, whys, and plans for each one inside.
One must first know one's destination in order to have a chance of arriving there. So, I've been thinking about the things I've been doing that haven't helped me, and I've been trying to break those patterns. Moreover, I am figuring out where I want to go and what I need to do to get there; I am forming new routines to get the ball rolling — or, as MJ would say, putting more golden gumballs into the gumball machine.
Hello! Since I've seen that You liked my message I was wondering if You're insterested too in building a shopify business, maybe we can unite our effort... whbat do you think?
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sure! how can I help you?
Ciao! Guarda , ti ho scritto prima su whatsapp! Per me possiamo sentirci li!

What can I do to get a copy of the book you mentioned? I saw a thread from 2014 where you had written a book on importing.
Walter Hay
Walter Hay
I first published that book in 2003 and have revised it every year since. The latest edition is ProvenGlobalSourcing and you can buy it at my MARKETPLACE OFFER: Walter Hay's Business Books or at www.WalterHaysBusinessBooks.com. I provide unlimited support if you need help.
Ciao, di dove sei? Anche tu stai cercando di creare un sito web?
Idem, seguendo corso su Udemy di html/css e Javascript
Come ti sembra il mercato? Ti stai facendo qualche idea?
Temo che in Italia i guadagni potrebbero essere minori, ma devo ancora verificare sul campo.
Inoltre, mi sto chiedendo se nel 2022 paghi ancora l'html come ne parla Fox, perché ci sono strumenti molto potenti come Webflow. Credo permetta di lavorare molto meglio e più velocemente. Ora vorrei informarmi un pochino su Webflow. Infine, credo sia imprescindibile il SEO quando si propone la risistemazione di un sito internet. Cosa dici?
Ciao Gabry,

ho visto che hai commentato un paio di volte (un paio di anni fa ormai, vedo anche che non sei più molto attivo qui sul forum) su un thread di Fox riguardo allo sviluppo di siti web. Sto valutando di provare a perseguire quella strada nel nord Italia, dove ti trovavi tu all'epoca.

Hai portato a termine qualche vendita? Come hai trovato il mercato?

Hey, did you make any progress on the battery/solar powered vending machines?
I'm also looking to team up with someone. Something I learned in the past : Starting a tech company alone is suicide.
My user : olivier#6850
i sent a friend request, looking forward to this
Are you an NTP? Send me a message!
I think we'd go well together, considering I'm an INTJ.
The only NTPs I meet irl have the Slowlane mindset, which is okay - but I'm in urgent need of like-minded people.
Working on expanding my online business and offering more value to the world every single day. Currently reading Unscripted after having read The Millionaire Fastlane a few years back. The value in MJ's books is just unreal. Super excited to finish the rest of the book! :bicep:
Reading The Millionaire Fastlane now!!! Even with all the personal development books I've read, I'm still blown away by MJ's insight!!!
I'm right there with you. Currently on CH 25 of the audio book.
Hello Eskil! I am looking to hit the ground running with an idea I have in mind. I see you're also from Arizona and may offer business coaching? Would it be possible to arrange a call to discuss in more detail?
Hey there! Wow, for some reason I never got notification of this message, and I haven't been much in here for a while. Are you still looking for some help? If so, please email me at eskil.nordhaug@gmail.com. Thanks!
Hae Jason I was asking if you know of a good book or books that talks about e-commerce
new here, currently working a minimum wage job, but will switch to the fast lane soon.
Hi All, it's been a bit but I do have an idea that I want to bring to market. I know the alcoholic space is a massive space I also know that it has been getting it's time-in the spotlight recently. So doing some market research as to where the pain points are. So if you have recently enjoyed some alcoholic beverages please share the highlights and lowlights of it. Thanks in advance.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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