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    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Great book MJ - couldn't put it down. Really liked 'part 7'.
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    How do you know when your website is ready?

    ready, fire, aim ... Would you rather be 2 and 0, or 17 and 24?
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    I have NO idea what more to do!

    poitrkrzyzek hit it right on the head. If you're getting traffic, but not success, there must be something wrong with your value proposition. You have to be brutally honest with yourself, and look at your 'perceived' value. (What you think is your 'real' value has very little to do with it)
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    Website Development

    "" is a good training resource. I taught myself several different apps, html, css, etc. Check it out
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    Looking for advice on a distributorship I'm looking at buying

    Thanks a lot. I'll post more info when I get it. My main apprehension at this point is that I'm under-capitalized right now, in both money and time. I realize that I'm going to have to take action to change that, but if I can help it, I'd really rather not make a miss-step and dig myself more...
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    Fastlaners on Pinterest?

    My wife is nutz about pinterest too ... i should have paid closer attention. Now all I need is a product and a store and ... Damn.
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    Looking for advice on a distributorship I'm looking at buying

    We haven't settled on a final price. They offered 10k as a starting point. - Any idea on the US market for these types of mowers? - Are most dealers locked in to exclusivity with their brands? - Are there dealers or types of dealers that would be a good target to adding my mowers? - What do...
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    Looking for advice on a distributorship I'm looking at buying

    - not sure on the deck steel - i've never actually seen one in person - still missing some of this key info obviously - Kohler engines, OHV Kohler 20 HP is the biggest. The seller said that they have caught some flak in the past for not going bigger, but he said the way these mowers are set up...
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    Looking for advice on a distributorship I'm looking at buying

    Thanks for the links. I had looked at xmark a little bit, but hadn't heard of scag. looks like all walk behind mowers? I wouldn't have a walk behind so probably not the same market. The mowers I would be selling would be in direct competition with the xmark and scag...
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    Looking for advice on a distributorship I'm looking at buying

    I am looking at buying the exclusive distribution rights to a commercial lawn mower company. Here are most of the details I have. Advice welcome, especially from anyone in a similar type business. Thanks. - Exclusive rights to eastern side of the US. (everything east of the Mississippi) -...
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    My Fastlane Startup - Website is in the Works

    I like your logo. Good luck!
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    Hello from the slowlane ...

    No, I definitely learned a lot from all of them. I can spot different problems with each experience, but if I had to be blindingly honest with myself, lack of passion, lack of maturity, lack of discipline were my root problems. My so called 4th business has been a little bit more successful...
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    I got a new attitude

    Good post. I'm right there with you. Good luck to you in your adventure.
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    SUCCESS STORY - Cantwait2

    Thanks for sharing the story. Very engaging.
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    Do you Twitter?

    I'm new to this forum but if you feel the sudden urge to ping me I'm on twitter @aarongarn (I know, my coded usernames are so aloof)
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    Hello from the slowlane ...

    Just picked up MJ's book and can't put it down. Truly excited about the future. Introducing myself seems a little weird, but here goes. I am 40, but I feel like I'm 30. Wife and two kids. Live in a small, Michigan town. Attended four years at a state university but didn't graduate. I'm a...

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