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  1. M

    Learning to code an app / a lesson on taking action

    Thanks @Gypsy Soul for your response. I completely agree! ChatGPT is a very very useful tool for web and app development, but can only create a certain percentage of the end product. This means that learning code is still needed to control and optimize a code made by AI. Can you give some...
  2. M

    Learning to code an app / a lesson on taking action

    Hey there! Last night I came up with an idea for an app. Even though the "building an app" business isn't necessarily hugely profitable, I believe that it can help with building a fastlane life (when build right) over a longer time. (C) With an app you have full control (when you code it...
  3. M

    No network? No money? No idea? No education? NO PROBLEM!

    I love that there are so many fantastic ideas here on the forum. I just read Idea Generation To Execution: Fastlane Millionaire's Step By Step Guide which I would also highly recommend reading. It shows AGAIN that there is no 1 way that leads to Rome (financial freedom), but all have 1 thing in...
  4. M

    Go Fastlane with ChatGPT: Full Guide + Free Prompts (Zero Excuses to Succeed)

    Fantastic! Thanks for the prompts! A good prompt is all that matters for ChatGPT (Garbage in, Garbage out). So thanks for that!
  5. M

    Learning to Program is STUPID! (or SMART?!)

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Very interesting to read this thread. Especially with the rise of AI in the past couple of years. Even though AI is far from perfect, there can be a future where both copywriting and coding can be replaced by AI (for the most part). I'm still in college and for one course we had to build a...
  6. M

    Idea Generation To Execution: Fastlane Millionaire's Step By Step Guide

    Thanks @NeoDialectic , this process is really inspiring. I wrote it down in my idea-journal to start practicing it.
  7. M

    What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

    Almost done with UNSCRIPTED: The great rat race escape, by MJ DeMarco. After that I'm planning on reading Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. Seems like an interesting books concept on finding ideas and find new ways to compete in the market. The fiction book I'm reading at...
  8. M

    How to Build and Grow a Newsletter as a Business Model

    I love this one! Finding people to help ("help millions, earn millions"). Thanks for sharing. Sometimes you can get caught in an infinite loop of trying to find something you love to write about. But what MJ talks about in his books, no one cares what you love, they care what value you create...
  9. M

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Mind blowing. It's so interesting to read about the Sidewalk and Slowlane and literally recognizing their patterns in the people around you (and the people who give you advice). Thanks MJ!
  10. M

    I Just Sold My First Business. Case Study + What To Do Next?

    Super inspiring story! Thanks for sharing! Really interesting that good old Door 2 Door worked best for you.
  11. M

    A business that make CENTS, but perhaps unrealistic

    Thanks for your fast response! I will look into it immediately!
  12. M

    I've Read UNSCRIPTED!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Read it! Recommended by Ali Abdaal, and saw it as the last time I would read a 'how to build a business' book, because I have been disappointed many times. But, when I was on 1/4th of the book, I already bought the other two books. You gave me hope.
  13. M

    A business that make CENTS, but perhaps unrealistic

    Hello everyone! I’ve got a business idea that makes CENTS, but I am afraid that my odds' ratio to succeed is very, very low. So, basically, I am in a WhatsApp group with fellow vegetarians and vegans. I have noticed that a lot of people are struggling to buy products that are in line with their...