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  1. Lex DeVille

    Lex DeVille's: How to Build a Kickass 4-Step Brand

    There are a lot of places to learn brand building. You can spend a lot of time and money on it if you're not careful. I spent five figures having brand materials created that I never used. My most successful branding attempts were created 100% by me for free. You can create effective brands...
  2. E

    Is paying for brand name rights a stupid idea?

    I have been looking for a good brand name for a few days and I finally found something today but it is selling for $5895, which includes a logo design and domain registration. What do y'all say to this? Is it dumb to pay that much for a name you really like? The business is online and needs to...
  3. A

    Foil Label Printing

    Hi All, I am looking for a reliable company to print foil labels in gradient color for my supplement bottles. Does anyone have any experience with this and can recommend a source? Thanks!
  4. Anakalypsi

    Advice needed on naming my WebApp regarding SEO

    Looking back at my Q1 this year I was sick that I still didn't pursue a business idea. I was action faking as hard as Elon Musk trolls the internet. For example, I was reading a lot of books which added even more stuff on my To Do list of other books to read. I read tons of articles which...
  5. Dreamify

    Digital agency helping entrepreneurs and startups succeed

    Hi guys! We've just launched a rebrand of our digital agency with the aim of specifically helping entrepreneurs and startups realizing their digital business dreams. What we believe we do a little different than many other agencies, is that we start with the client's business vision, let it...
  6. Chris25

    A Website About Digital Branding

    Hey guys! This year I've been working on a new website that I'd like some feedback on. Here is a short Intro: The Digital Brand Blueprint website is a place where you can learn more about branding, marketing, social media, and other digital topics. I created this website with the goal to build...
  7. U

    Brand Identity will help you succeed

    As a brand designer I often hear from people how they don't care about logo, website design, etc; they just wan to sell. Many of those people end up selling nothing because they don't look legit and someone buyers can trust. This could be applied on any kind of business! How Important is...
  8. RazorCut

    Fascinating - The Best 15 Global Brands Ranking Video in Time Lapse

    This video traces company brand value in $m over a 18 year period (2000 to 2018). It is almost hypnotic. To see how dominate a traditional company like Coco-Cola was for so long then the internet arrives, matures and produces such a huge paradigm shift in such a short space of time. Keep an...
  9. U

    Test Your LOGO for Free

    I get so many messages on different online platforms to review business logos. You dont have to be a brand expert to do it yourself. This is not a full test but it will help you A LOT! Two tests: 1. Logo should work no matter how you resize it 2. It should work just in black color on white...
  10. U

    Free Work To Get New Clients

    Hello, As many of you already know, I do logo design and branding for companies. I decided to try a new way of finding leads and clients which will include a free work. There are many good Instagram accounts from 150k - 1M followers. I reached out to couple of them to make a logo for them in...
  11. U

    Selling an eBook

    I offer logo design and branding service and I was thinking to create something that will give me passive income (doesn't have to be a lot). Probably it wont be a 100 pages, it will be more of a short guideline or list of really solide advices (couple of pages). I have to ideas for ebook: 1...
  12. Nelow

    The perfect place to donate all excess ideas

    Greetings thanks for taking the time to follow my brand consulting business execution. Along my journey I have picked up a few skills necessary in building a presentable business brand, Skills such as graphic design, videography, Web design, Content creation, and more recently digital...
  13. jb5150

    Branding related question (2 services, 1 company)

    I'll cut to the chase: I am a psychotherapist with 2 niches: 1) relationships (individual & couple) - those feeling "stuck" in their relationships, or those who are single recognizing they keep making the same mistakes and want change. 2) Car accident related trauma - with this 'nozzle' my...
  14. S

    How to scale a life coaching business? 6 years doing 1 on 1.

    Hey ladies and gentleman, i'm glad i've come across this forum, i've been watching alot of Demarco's videos and reading alot on the forum, i know of the C.E.N.T.S checklist, but am struggling to figure out which way to scale my life coaching business. till this point i have done pretty well...
  15. Chris McCarron

    3 Tips to Grow an ICONIC Billion Dollar Franchise! ...And How to Destroy it Overnight

    You might not know this, but in 1977 Charles Lippincott completely changed the way the movies are marketed to audiences when he got his big break marketing Star Wars. The success of the film (and eventually the franchise) is largely in part to him. Here's three golden tips to grow your own...
  16. MakeMoreMoves

    Branding so good that it's stupid?

    About the title of this thread: Stupid in the sense it becomes at the very far end of emotion, zero logic applies. I know that all or most buying is emotional though. So I am very curious to how these brands do it. Supreme, Balenciaga, Anti Social Social Club, maybe Anthropologie It becomes...
  17. Argue

    The Ultimate Guide On What Books To Read

    Contagious: Why Things Catch On Fascinate: How to Make Your Brand Impossible to Resist Hooked: How to Build Habit Forming Products Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Revised Edition Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade Thinking, Fast and Slow Cashvertising The...
  18. wpendleb

    What's the best way to learn how to create a brand for a business?

    Hey fellow fastlaners, As the title suggests, I am interested in ways to learn about branding from every bodies previous experiences. I have heard bits and pieces about trying to connect with the customers identity among other things and really want to hone in on the best way to learn about...
  19. R

    If my business says "crooked" - am I?

    I have over 15 years in home renovation experience and am branching out on my own. I cannot use my last name as the business name that seemingly every other contractor does because my last name is already used by a very large design build contractor in town (and across the country). I was not...
  20. RisingStars

    Does a physical products business has to have a specific target audience?

    Since my last thread, my fear that not beeing part of my target audience would be bad in some way got crushed. Special thanks to @MTF and @Andy Black As said in my other thread I have currently two physical products which solve a need for people with fish tanks but also fall into a certain...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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