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  1. Andy Black

    Do you know what makes you referable?

    Do you know what makes you referable? 1) You turn up on time. 2) You have manners (say please and thank you). 3) You do what you said you were going to do (or at least let people know if things are slipping). 4) You're competent. (Dan Sullivan) Notice how only one of those is your actual...
  2. Brian A

    Seeking Opinions - Using your prospective brand during market engagement

    I have a product I have developed and packaged. I will be ready this week to do initial trial sales on eBay and Etsy, seeking echos. I have had this product rolling around in my brain for two years, and have developed a pretty comprehensive brand strategy (down to the labels) while I was action...
  3. A

    Building a Brand Identity with Emotions

    I don't understand why people choose to feel depressed. It baffles me. Like, if they can feel anything, why would they want to feel that way? Quite ridiculous actually... In this article, you will learn: How to control the emotions of others so you can, Increase sales of your product or...
  4. Eskil

    Eskil's Mentoring to Accelerate Your Growth

    This is a personal mentor / coaching program meant for anyone who is serious about getting off to a solid start - or to take an existing product based business to the next level. A few years back, I offered coaching in this thread, which was heavily Amazon-focused. I coached several people...
  5. RisingStars

    How do I turn my product into a REAL brand?

    Dear fellow Fastlaners, I would like to keep the introduction as short as possible basically I started into self-employment right out of high school. Always did some part side hustles on the side while in school so it made sense to me to skip college and focus on my own ventures. Thanks, @MJ...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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