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  1. Jackson S.

    Niche Research. Need Help!

    Hello everybody! My name is Jackson Steltmann. I am looking to start my own consulting business and I want to do some market research into two different "industries." I want to help solve problems that are more dear to myself than just doing it for whatever other reason. I have always been very...
  2. Marley T

    Any advice ?

    Hello, I started reading the fast lane book last year and the best way I can explain what it did for me is that it just put everything into prospective. I already had that fast lane mind set from the age of 15 but never knew how to actually Pursue it or wasn't sure if I was just bieng a Naive...
  3. 4symmetry

    Scientist - How do I get out of the slowlane while still doing what I love?

    Hi all, so I read TMF and almost finished Unscripted (Audiobook), but I need a bit of advice on how to get started. First of all, a short intro: I'm a 28-year old trained PhD-level scientist in biomedical research, currently on a Postdoc contract, in Germany. While I love what I do and hope...
  4. Sascha Venus

    Can I turn my slowlane into a fastlane this way?

    Hi to all the forum members! I quickly wanted to share my story and ask for advice on my mindset & thinking. I'm a social media influencer with many thousands of followers throughout my channels. This is what I do for a few years now and since a few months as a business/job. I collaborate with...
  5. andrewthomas

    Anyone Help me?

    Hello Friends I want to know that what is the best process to promote b2b business?? Help Me.
  6. Danweebly

    What should I do at 17? I've Read MJ's Books

    I'm a 17 year old entrepreneurial and web savvy kid. I first read the Millionaire Fastlane in 2015 and later acquired Unscripted last month. Since i read those two books, i've vowed never to cripple my dreams in life by living a life of servitude. I totally understand every concept MJ Demarco...
  7. D

    Ex-med school student

    Hi, my name’s Dan! I read Fast Lane Millionaire and I’m almost done with Unscripted. I’m the first in my family to venture into entrepreneurship, and as expected, I keep getting pressured (with love) to pursue security through mediocre jobs in which I’ll be making someone else rich while my life...
  8. Josh Harmsen

    Someone Help?

    I'm looking for a way to easily find new websites on the internet. Not newly-designed, but have been up and running on the internet for about a couple weeks to a couple months. I've been searching online and can't find a successful way to just target new websites. Any ideas?
  9. A

    Saints X Saviors

    Hi Fastlaners, I am trying to start a brand and my ecommerce PoD store has been open for about 6 months. I tried fb ads and understand that I need more testing to see my real target audience and winning product. Here is a link to my site. Saints X Saviors I am posting to ask for advice...
  10. Spicymemer45

    Finding Very Specific Information About People.

    Hey Fastlane! Some of you who have been following me know that I run a small lawn care business and it's been going really well. In fact it's been going so good I have the need to write this post. From the customers I have acquired I have noticed these explicit things about them all. 1.)...
  11. ThirtyOne

    Thoughts on competing against big box?

    EDIT: "big box" is misnomer, I forgot to edit the title before posting. whoops. "supplier" is more appropriate. I've researched a category dominated by one major supplier and the distant second place goes to a smaller niche supplier in that category. However, I've found that this category...
  12. S

    Foundation Laid, where to go from here.

    Hi Everybody, First post here so bare with me - this is a long one. I've put a tldr at the bottom if you want to skip my story. In short I left my $2-4k week job to pursue entrepreneurship. Aiming to build this into a progress thread so the other forum members can see my progress from sub...
  13. mathnkrayon

    Help: Should I give up?

    Its been two months since my TMFL encounter. At first I was filled with excitement and passion. I felt like I can make it, that I will be able to provide value then I can be a Millionaire. My idea is to create an awesome android app that will acquire gazillion of downloads . Yes, android app...
  14. windchaser

    Small batch manufacturers in the US

    Hi Fastlaners, I already have some prototypes of my product and I am currently looking for small batch manufacturers in the US. I am having a lot of trouble identifying the relevant ones and I was wondering the process that others in the same situation have followed to find the right...
  15. MonicaG43

    Hi everyone

    Hello everyone. I'm very pleased to have joined this forum. I've been reading some very interesting topics here which I know will be of great help. I would like to ask you all a question. I've recently started my interior design business and can't quite afford to hire an assistant. I've heard...
  16. SouthernGuy

    What am I doing wrong??

    Hey everyone, first post here! So I have recently gotten into affiliate marketing, and to test the waters I set up an amazon affiliate account because it seemed to be noob-friendly. My first product I am marketing is the book Rework by Jason Fried and David Hansson. I found the search analytics...
  17. windchaser

    Shall I buy my freedom or delay my dream?

    Hi guys, I am committed to switching to the fast lane, already have the idea and I am on track with the execution but a decision I made in the recent past is preventing me from taking action now and I need to make a crucial decision and would like to hear some opinions and advice. Long story...
  18. N

    6 Ways I'm Holding Myself Back — and a call for mentors

    Hello, I enjoyed reading the top posts so much that I had to create an account an introduce myself. I'm a 26 year old entrepreneur / child of the tech age. I started a few "easy" startups that aren't going anywhere. I've been independent from my parents since 18, but most of my adult years I...
  19. N

    Im on a wild ride

    Hi guys, Firstly i want to thank anyone for taking the time to read this as i can ramble a bit at times. Basically i have been interested in business for about 3/4 years (im 22 now, please don't tell me i have plenty of time :) ); I read some stuff and got involved in my community and looked...
  20. UncleIroh

    Would you do this deal? Need the opinion of fellow entrepreneurs

    Hello guys. How are you? Would like your opinion on this deal I have been considering. My family and I own a pretty succesful business in Europe. They have been doing this for over 20 years so they know the business. Lately, we have been considering expanding. At first, we wanted to set up...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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