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  1. Niptuck MD

    Wireless charging mat for IPads and IPad pros/tablets

    So as I am reminiscing watching a Udemy course on break at work, my battery on my iPad Pro was getting low. Despite its impressive overall battery capacity, heavy tablet users still have an annoying hindrance in charging utilziing lightning connectors. I was wondering if there were any pitfalls...
  2. wizaster

    This is the life I want

    Good morning fastlaner! I discovered this forum somewhere last year while I was exploring entrepreneurship for the first time. At first the casual vibe, compared to other entrepreneur resources, I got from it was really off-putting so I was lurking on and off. The more I was reading, the more...
  3. AdrianL

    Task Organizer

    Hello everyone, Been having this idea in my head for quite some time, mostly out of pain since I've yet to find anything to help me organize my time, tasks and to-do's in a good fashion, which works properly and efficiently. And since I'm guessing many of us like to keep our plans in order to...
  4. SheikhNaveed

    Are you still confused with SCALE and TIME too?

    While reading forum yesterday I came to read a post by MJ where he was appreciating a non-digital product made by a guy here on forum. From days, I'm confused with the scale and time factors of CENTS. Today, I've tested a market of home-based carwash service using facebook ads. While I was...
  5. Alexx_Entrpnuer

    App Development Idea

    Hi, I have an application idea. I have no knowledge in how to launch a successful and profitable application and zero experience in developing applications. What is the recommended route to take? Would love some input.
  6. threewhitelights

    Web site that allows you to test demand by directly messaging users within your target market

    Here's the idea: Entrepreneurs sign up to a social community. When they sign up, they fill out some mandatory demographic information: Age range, sex, ethnicity, city, state, country, and approximate income range but NO personally identifiable information (No name, address, SSN, etc.). They...
  7. PureA

    10/10 Biz Idea, in 'Soon to Be Gone' (Possibly) Industry? What to Do?

    So I'm in a tough spot here... I could use some wisdom from you wise folk! One of my first ever business ideas has been playing on my mind. (It ranks very high with CENTS) I went at it about 3 years ago. I was 19. At this point, I was a complete beginner. I literally remember not knowing...
  8. CaptainAmerica

    Accessibility Products

    Hey everyone! I just got off the phone with my dad. He's 94, and has lost most of his vision due to macular degeneration. He never calls me, I always call him. The reason is that, believe it or not, there's not a single landline phone on the market with voice-activated dialing capability...
  9. Yoda

    'Pick' Up The Beef Jerky Packaging Industry!

    and add a little pouch of toothpicks. What if every single bag of your favorite beef jerky came with a tiny plastic pouch of 3-4 toothpicks? The cost would be a penny or less per unit addition, and the value of the packaging would instantly create an entirely new benefit which no other brand...
  10. B

    How do you test an idea?

    To become a millionaire you would to have 20,000 people each give you $17 a month for at least 3 months. Now let's say I have an idea that can fulfill that requirement and fulfill a need/desire and provide at least 20,000 people with some value. How would I go about testing it so that I don't...
  11. OnePunchMan

    Can you help give advice for a selfish guy like me ?

    Hi all, I've just read TMF book few month ago. Thanks MJ for your great book ! After finish reading, I think the main thing I need to overcome is I have no passion about helping anyone as MJ asks us to have it (I think I'm a self-centric guy since I was born :playful: ) but I have only one...
  12. I

    Creating Beauty Products

    Hello Fastlaners! , Recently I have stumbled upon a facial recipe which I thought was pretty awesome. I came across the recipe while doing research for a skin care routine for myself. After a few hours learning which ingredients are effective I combined the ones I liked the most and just mixed...
  13. S

    Any suggestions?

    Hello I have 18 yo and live in Poland I read book ''the fastlane millionaire'' but I have trouble because I live in small city and I don't have idea for business.. I just I don't know how product people need.. And I don't have money to employees who make passive income for me I only invest to...
  14. E

    The middleman between creator and consumer

    To preface this, I am not talking about being simply an IT wizard because that is not my specialty nor is it fastlane. I am talking about being the person debuting new and exciting technology and creations in ways that the layman can understand. Many programmers and technicians I have talked to...
  15. Castillo

    Had An Amazing App Idea! Until I Found It Has Been Done...

    I have an idea for an app, found the datasets needed for it, and was going to start on a requirements process for it. I did some deeper digging, and found two apps (only on android) that are exactly what I was thinking of making both with 100-500k downloads each. I was planning on making this...
  16. TheDillon__

    Fastlane Goal Setting

    Hello everyone! I've been reading a great number of threads, posts, and flipping through several books this past week as I try to tackle the beast that is "market research," one of the more daunting tasks involved in the early days of entrepreneurship. I had my goal set - I knew that I want to...
  17. Piotr

    Sharing economy opportunities/experience.

    Does anyone on this forum have any experience in starting sharing economy serivces and would like to exchange few words with me? I would be delighted, because it seems really hard to find anyone who had something to do with it, I thought this might be the place. I would also love to hear any...
  18. D

    How to validate idea if potential market is very small (high ticket)

    So here's the situation: I've identified a problem that is a very large scale (costs companies potentially $xx,xxx,xxx/year), can be partially solved (20-30%, possibly up to 50-60%), I know who my clients would be, and I can solve it (to the % outlined above). It's not easy or simple, but i...
  19. MTF

    Struggling with Business Ideas? Do This One Thing to Never Run Out of Fastlane Opportunities

    aka The Astonishing Secrets That IceCreamKid Never Told You… Exposed! (just kidding man) Dear Insiders, For years I couldn't understand how MJ can so easily spot everywhere opportunities to start a Fastlane business. I was always struggling with business ideas, and MJ's words in his book -...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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