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  1. Chris McCarron

    Best idea since Handerpants? (1 sale in less than an hour)

    Hey, first of all if you don't know what Handerpants are (undies for your hands) then take a look at this: Almost as handy (pun intended... tough crowd!) as the nipple scarf. Yep they actually exist! Now that we got the chuckling out of the way, I thought I would float this concept by you...
  2. Millennial

    Kessinger / Clothing Brand Idea

    Hello Fastlane Community! As this is my first thread on Fastlane I would like to first address some information about myself. I am an 18 year old wannabe entrepreneur. Still in Grade 12, I struggle to find the time to focus on my true passion for entrepreneurship, in saying this, I need some...
  3. A

    A Few Ideas of Mine

    Hello fastlaners. I did some thinking about things that annoy me in my personal and work life. A few things pipped into my head. Now this might sound strange to you but I HATE HATE HATE umbrellas. One reason is because I want my hands to be free. Also getting my hair a little wet doesn't...
  4. U

    Uber for personal trainers.

    IDEA: A site/app that matches you with a selection of personal trainers from your area and allows you to contract them through the site/app as well as contact each other for planning specifics(location, maybe pricing) QUESTION: Before I make any type of investment on this I want to hear from...
  5. Lisandro

    I want to make a course on how to quit gaming and be more productive

    Hello all My name is Lisandro, i have been playing videogames since i was 12 years old. I'm 23 now and i have quitted videogames, i really don't want to play them anymore. I have been through the feeling of wanting to quit gaming, and not knowing how to. I tried deleting them, i failed. I tried...
  6. L

    Looking for feedback-Developer copywriting

    Context I've been studying various materials on copy-writing to improve my marketing skills, and I came across this little gem, slightly paraphrased Marketing to developers throws out the usual rules, because they don't see "Finger-licking chicken" but "deceased Gallus gallus domesticus...
  7. Victor Cezar

    I got an idea to start. What do you think about it?

    HOT! IDEA 
    Hello Guys. Well, I was thinking to get out from job to start some business after reading the fastlane, but I realized that my workload in my current job these times is very very easy. So I decided to do not leave my job is this right moment and try to create a second income for my financial...
  8. Victor Cezar

    Now you can get money with everything, even with a empty book.

    Hello Guys! I just wrote yesterday a topic about opportunities. At night I went to a party at my friend's house. Was nothing too hard, we just smoke shisha, order pizza and played some video games while our children were playing in another room. I was waiting for my turn because I just had...
  9. Tris

    Need Advice on a Wearable Body camera

    I have a startup idea, "Body cameras for citizens". It's to reduce the incidents of police brutality and capture people who may commit crime against you easier. If you can see a face, the culprit would be easier to catch. So it's like a wearable security camera. My issues are 1. I know nothing...
  10. Brett Beckwith

    Idea needing feedback: keeping people accountable

    Recently, I posted a thread about an idea for providing some sort of course or e-book about how to workout; it would include anything and everything of how to get into the gym and get started, attempting to make it as easy as possible. There is one big issue with this--everyone and their mom...
  11. M

    After reading Unscripted...

    Hello everyone. My name is Michael and I was led here after reading Unscripted. I just finished college with a background in marketing and will be starting my job as strategist for a small startup in Korea. The company I work for has a dating app called Glam and we are trying to go global. The...
  12. maciejmyslinski

    Idea: SAAS that helps to really engage with clients through social media

    Howdy! I just listen to the entire UNSCRIPTED in under a week and it was one of the best books I ever read! Now, I value your time so let's keep it short. I have a business idea that originates from Gary Vaynerchuk's The Thank You Economy concept. Problem: Your company uses social media...
  13. E

    Learn from other people's success and failures.

    I'm thinking about making a app where you can read and learn from other people's success and failures. Do you think there's a need for an app like that? Is app developing getting old or is it still relevant? How would you drive traffic to your app?
  14. E

    Uber of cooking, scale issue

    I'm thinking about starting a company similar to Uber but I have a scaling issue. My idea is to build a platform where people cook and earn some cash and others buy the food from the producers. I need some overall feedback on the idea and I'm wondering how I will get enough cookers to...
  15. T

    I have an original product idea. Which of these pathways to take?

    I have an original idea for a product. The target customers are hobbyists from a very specific and small niche, yet big enough to make this product lucrative. (The Facebook group for this hobby has around 30K members). After a thorough Google and Amazon research session, I've concluded that...
  16. kbratt100

    Need Idea Feedback

    I just finished TMF for the second time. What an amazing book. Just gifted it to my friend. Currently, I am dabbling in two different things. I want to create an online directory/booking system for influencers. Where people/event holders can book these popular people for their events. Each...
  17. Sascha Venus

    This is for founders, entrepreneurs & self-employees

    Hey guys, I quickly wanted to introduce my idea. Throughout my time as a young entrepreneur, I found many things very difficult because they are not taught in school or anywhere else. I found that there are many like-minded people who struggle with the same things. I even found that many of...
  18. Fab89

    Would you pursue an idea even if you don't think it's that great?

    I have an idea that does have value and I think it could make things easier for people. I'm not sure if people and other companies would like to use it as it could be awkward in other ways. There is also a lot of competition in that area of business but I'm offering a slight change that might...
  19. J

    Coming up with new business ideas

    How do you guys come up with new business ideas? Something original. Not looking for usual e-commerce like drop-shipping , or Amazon fba. Currently feel like i'm stuck in a limbo , not knowing what business to start , or what to do in my free-time other than reading, therefore i'm just saving...
  20. Fab89

    Domestic cleaner website Idea - What problems do you see?

    I have an idea of making a website people use to find domestic cleaners in their local area. The cleaners will be self employed and register on the website as a cleaner dictating what they want to charge and any other aspect of their job. I don't like how agencies take most of the money from...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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