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  1. Mohammad Asal

    Developing my website

    Hello everyone, I'm Mohamad Asal, 16 yo lebanese. I'm really glad @MJ DeMarco decided to write his book Fast lane Millionaire! As it changed my mindset! Ever since i read it (5 mon. ago). I searched for "needs" like a cat chasing a mouse. Before reading the book, I was a programmer and a...
  2. R

    Questions about talking about Ideas.

    Question. Since I am dealing with Entrepreneurship the questions that I heared the most amount of conflicting answers was around if, when and to whom you should talk about your product ideas. On the one side it is better to get early feedback about your ideas from others, since it is really...
  3. deeptib

    Business Idea: A turn-key system that anyone can use to design, develop and release high quality websites?

    Hello! I've been a full stack web developer for many years. I have developed and released websites designed for clients of all sizes. Small businesses, and large 9k person operations. What I observed at all these locations is that the website products we released are highly inconsistent. They...
  4. D

    How do you generate ideas?

    Hi Everyone, I'm on a mission to become an idea machine and I'm challenging myself to come up with 10 ideas everyday. I'm curious to see how you might come up with ideas. Here's how I do it so far: Idea sex: mix two random products together = ?'s Problem based: Either through my own...
  5. S

    Thoughts and feedback on 'startup' idea

    Hi TFF First post after my introduction , where i said i've pretty much just been driving down the road of fake action. But after reading a lot of threads on the forum, i realised that after almost a year of trying to come up the perfect business idea/way of helping people, it's alsmost...
  6. D

    Fastlane story time: underwear

    Hey, I'd like to share a fastlane story coming directly from my country. It embodies all of the CENTS Commandments with process and execution, and shows that a fastlane business doesn't have to be "sexy". Or does it? Upon buying clothes in a second-hand shop, two Belgians (the founders)...
  7. Sandy Dives

    Validating an idea

    This is my third post on the forum so far and I have to say that I never thought the forum would be this helpful. I should've joined sooner! So thank you to everyone that's helping out! I have kind of decided that I'm going to start branding myself as I'm a self taught programmer and think I...
  8. behappy1300

    New idea/general advice

    Hello all, This is my first post. Just want to say MJ has opened my mind so much. I have been so unhappy in every job I ever had. Even when I was making $2k to $3k a week, and I realized it's because I have never been free the way I want to. I'm sick and tired of being a time prostitute. I'm...
  9. Juanix

    Adult social web app

    Hello everyone, I´m thinking to do a social web application to adults, I´m from Mexico, so... I´m going to do my best with this little project, I work as a software developer, so... I have concepts about designing, programming and deploying a web site to a server, I have worked as de developer...
  10. K

    Funnels / ways to test feedback from potential clients

    Hello! What are your tested funnels to test your ideas? I have a very simple concept - people would be able to buy let's say "cartoon portraits" of themselves. Thought about some kind of survey with questions like: [examplery portrait] [x] It is really nice image...
  11. A

    online food ordering system, please share your opinion

    Hey guys! I am from germany and over the last few months I learned how to build websites throughout a udemy curse. You all know for example UberEats. Here in germany the top player is lieferando, which bought all competitors and now increased fees for generating a lead to 14%. In my home...
  12. B

    What when you find a big income idea every day, but can’t work it out...

    Hi everyone, I hope everyone is still healthy and also the family and friends are staying healthy in this weird time. Last couple of months I got a lot of inspirations all of a sudden because of reading a lot lately and seeing things now I didn’t see before. I started a lot of businesses, but...
  13. Tomipiccoli99


    Hi everyone Reading an article in an Italian newspaper, he said that there is a shortage of supplies referring to the venturi valves (elemental and vital medical equipment to mechanically assist patients with more complications and acute respiratory failure). These prostheses are made with 3D...
  14. W

    (C0VlD-19 idea) Fake moustache that scratches your face for you

    So I was on the bus in to work today, trying not to scratch my face, and that's when it hit me: An app-controlled, fake moustache that scratches your face for you, to minimise risk of self-infection with Coronavirus. The technology is already there(ish). Prestige models with increased range...
  15. Morethan1

    Getting paid for waiting...

    I've been on and off the forum these past couple of years. Trying various different businesses and ideas. I'm back in the job market and while waiting on someone for a meeting I had an idea, what if the late guy paid me for making me wait for him? I figured I'm not the only one waiting on...
  16. L

    Video surveillance AI Idea feedback

    Hello, I my idea is to create some kind of app or site that will analyse a video via AI that can find weather or not a given object is withing that video. I think this would be applicable to homes of other locations to find lost items. For example, if you lost your keys in or around your home...
  17. SirVladimir

    Rate me like a paper sheet. [FEEDBACK]

    Today, I'll set the record straight about my situation. If you are serious about giving me a feedback, please read first my introduction thread here. There are lines about who I am, what my strengths are etc. While I have 1,5 years of high school left (IT and programming -- though I lost...
  18. ZZZ

    Dashcam installation business / service idea

    My idea is this— Put flyers/business cards on peoples cars in parking lots offering dash cam installation & setup. I would go the client's house or car while they work and install a dash cam for them. Different levels & prices available, I'm only charging for the installation & whatever the...
  19. Choices

    What If You Got Paid For Your Forum Posts?

    There are many useful posts around the forum and some of these posts really changed people's lives. What if people could say "Thank You" to the poster by sending him/her a $ amount. Each post would have a "$ay Thanks" button -> PayPal. Something like: Benefits: Posters get rewarded and...
  20. RazorCut

    Failure is almost guaranteed if you ignore this one simple truth

    A thought struck me whilst coming back from a walk in the forest this morning. I was thinking on how potential success can be derailed for an article I am writing when, all of a sudden, I remembered a thread that I had contributed to, and had this thought that new entrepreneurs might...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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