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  1. Michi49

    'Unsexy' Opportunity: Utilizing Waste Materials in Agriculture

    Hello again Fastlane Forum members, As mentioned in my introductory thread, I work in the field of agriculture and have the pleasure of collaborating daily with numerous agricultural companies. During a recent meeting with one of my clients, an intriguing discussion arose regarding a specific...
  2. yerushalaim

    Fitness plan

    For the past few days I’ve been thinking how I can really help people and provide a real value. Since I don’t have any IT skills or any other that are so valuable nowadays the only thing I really now something about is fitness. I got into shape and think that I could create some kind of product...
  3. Kewal

    Can I get into business directly or do I need to take 1-2 year corporate experience first to make it a success? (Read description for details)

    My background: I'm currently in the final year of my college and will graduate in May 2024. I pursue B-Tech in Information Technology and also specialize in Computer Vision and Generative AI. My family has a business of selling CCTV cameras, security systems and providing its installation and...
  4. C

    Money vs Values

    Hello everybody, How are you? Today I want to address a topic that I believe will be of great value to many. Considering the vastness of the internet, which is like an interesting highway of information, there are countless possibilities at our fingertips. I would like to discuss with you the...
  5. D

    Fired From My Sales Job. Find New One or Freelance and Experiment to Engage the Market?

    Hello Everyone, I hope you are awesome today. Asking kindly about your opinions/guidance here. I was recently fired from my freight brokerage job. Currently sitting in the office savouring the last week and a hlaf of time I have left here. Found out they wont keep me for the next month. I was...
  6. N

    FeedBack on a very uncooked idea

    Hello there. This is a very long, draining post. I had a problem one day where basically I was craving for food but I didn't want to eat anything from the fridge because I just "didnt" feel like eating what we had. At that time, I thought this is a huge opportunity (adrenaline boost). So, I...
  7. rishj

    15 yo Trying To Sell Digital Product!!

    Plan: I have a lot of e-books which have ways to make money. So, basically I'm planning to create a website to sell this as a digital product. I've gathered over 85+ ways to make side income, so I'm planning to record a Facebook ad to market the e-book bundle to people who is interested in...
  8. rishj

    Reselling products to make profit!!

    let me give you a short intro im a 15 year old boy from India. So there's a site which offers cheap product (like alibaba) but their are a lot of people who doesn't know how to market their products and reach out to the right audience via facebook, google, instagram ads. I've some experience in...
  9. rasswanth_lenin

    From Debt to Fastlane: My $1000 Dropshipping Challenge as a 20-Year-Old Entrepreneur

  10. intotheabyss

    Am I the only one who has lots of browser tabs opened? Time to optimize the web browsing experience.

    Hello to the Fastlane Community! I noticed that I always have loooots of tabs opened in my browser and it started to bother me a bit. It happens during both - professional research and personal browsing. My main motivation to leave things in the opened tabs is: "It is interesting, but I don't...
  11. Nikkko

    Ways to sell products on the website.

    Im having a hard time thinking about this, but is using a website to bring buyers to buy from either shoppee(an online shopping app) and lazada(also an online shopping app) is better than using shopify? I thought it would be a pretty interesting approach because shopify has some things that I am...
  12. heman

    I've Got an Idea and I'm getting started on my journey

    Hello, My name is Matt. This past weekend I picked up The Millionaire Fastlane, which subsequently led me to UNSCRIPTED, which subsequently led me to this forum, which subsequently led me to Million Dollar Weekend by @noahkagan (GREAT BOOK, HIGHLY RECOMMEND). First I would like to thank @MJ...
  13. do0n

    A business idea for anyone with the skills, resources and 'know how' that may make you millions

    I'm not sure if any of you have already gave this thought and have concluded if this is a good idea or not but here it is anyway: Car insurance for the newbie/young driver in the UK It is crazy expensive here for us young brokies to drive a car here. I'm not sure what its like in the USA or...
  14. humthesongg

    Recent College Grad (introduction)/ Air travel Calculator idea

    Hey everyone, I finished reading the millionaire fast lane at the end of December 2023. I graduated from university back in May of 2023 after that I relocated from Indiana to Tennessee where I was offered a well paying job in IT. The job isn't bad or anything i get to work remotely most of the...
  15. El1mination

    What is considered action faking? Is what I'm thinking of doing action faking?

    Hello, my goal is to create an e-commerce website where I can sell some sort of AI product. In order to create AI, I have to learn some programming languages like Python and go through some hoops to create it. A few days ago, I created a separate post where I asked if I should code my website or...
  16. Andy Black

    Stop With The Ideas

    One of my biggest red flags is the word "idea". Especially when it's an "idea for an app". Especially when you say you "can't reach an audience to test it". Especially when it'll take a minimum of 6 months to "go live". Having ideas suggests you're in your head theorising, rather than out...
  17. nyitdom

    I have a brilliant business idea, but I just cant execute it.

    I have gotten the idea of building a business around advertising for other businesses altough I cant make it a legal entity because I dont own a residence. A year from now on I will be able to buy a house because I will go to work to get a house, but until then what can I do? Do I have any other...
  18. Fupiks

    My introduction / How to choose the right business venture?

    Hi everyone, First of all, I apologize for my English which is far from perfect (english isn't my native language). I'd like to thank everyone for the amount of value/experience we can find on this forum and to MJ Demarco for creating it, and above all for TMF (read a couple times) and...
  19. Emma__

    Have I joined the fast lane? Or is this another bad move

    Hi could I ask for some advice on a new job decision? I’m an aspiring entrepreneur and have been a PT for 10 years but dropped out and now looking for another industry that can make me money and hopefully lead to freedom. I have applied to be a sales negotiator at an estate agents, I have...
  20. O

    What is 2023-2024's drop-shipping/gold-rush?

    In your opinion, what's today's drop shipping? What is the new trend common people are swarming like they once did drop shipping in 2016-2021? In my opinion it seems to be SMMA agencies and the likes.

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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