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  1. MexicanCreator48

    Idea feedback: Inventory Management System

    Hi everyone, I have been working on an idea which is creating a better inventory management system for all kinds of businesses, but it will benefit smaller businesses more and here's why it will work: * It is easy to use * It takes less time to get the right information * Allows better...
  2. Hunday

    I found a business idea, now what?

    I recently joined Black_Dragon43's Agency Ascendancy Group. What I'm getting is that I need a website for my business, and they would help get it advertised (I'm not exactly sure how much info I can give out). The problem is that I've got an idea, just not the website yet. Almost everybody...
  3. MexicanCreator48

    Trouble finding the right information inside a company/business

    Hello everyone, I have been experiencing an issue with finding the right inventory information in the company I have been working for since it takes me days to find the right information needed to present to managers/executives. And here's the problem/need I'm planning to solve: I want to...
  4. confuser

    possible business idea?

    i had a business idea which is similar to this website Art of Play is a Modern Wonder Emporium, a Place to Discover Magic basically the website just sells stuff that people make like individual small time artists or youtubers or whatever else, it raises attention to those peoples stuff and if...
  5. G

    Farmer turned Software Engineer Ideas

    Hi Guys! I grew up farming and ended up teaching myself to code on youtube and got a software engineer job that is my current 9 to 5. I have a passive income in a POD Etsy business (I know this isn't fastlane but it covers my grocery bills). I also freelance as a software engineer on the side...
  6. Stefan Mladic

    Discussion: Future of the car industry and the opportunities in the shift.

    Hello I am currently 17 and in my weekly cycles of deciding what I want to start doing in order to provide immense value I always come back to mechanical engineering. More specifically cars. I love everything about cars. Everyone is saying that in the near future we are going to shift to...
  7. Badboy

    Just finished college

    Hi this is my first post in here I've read the millionaire fastlane half year ago. and tomorrow is my final exam in collage and I've collected some skills along the way to here. I have a major in communication and completed CCNA course i know a little bit about adobe xd and Photoshop and 9...
  8. Nizzy

    Million Dollar Idea? : Auto-Generated Quizzes & Essay Score Predictor For Students

    Hey guys, anyone have some input on if this saas idea is worth attacking. I've been stuck on this idea for some time. I recently graduated college with a undergrad in law and have always wanted some form of tool / platform that could generate quizzes/test me just through my notes while also...
  9. SofianeMessaoudi

    Business Model

    To all accomplished entrepreneurs, I kindly request your insights regarding the most effective business model that has contributed to the successful launch of your career, along with the sequential steps you undertook to achieve your current position. Your valuable expertise will greatly...
  10. Y4P

    Getting started at the fitness industry.

    Dear fastlaners, I was wondering to myself: “Why even when people have all the info they need in order to lose fat/gain muscle mass, many still claim they don’t know how to do it?” I thought to myself if I could just fix that simple problem, I could help millions which naturally transforms to...
  11. ZackerySprague

    Feedback Request from Fellow Fastlaners :D!

    Happy Sunday Fellow Fastlaners! For those who don't know, I am Zackery, nice to meet ya! Little backstory, back in December of 2022, I have purchased an INE from the Insiders Section and was working on the project for a bit of time. Now here's were I have to admit my faults, I have dropped the...
  12. Jrjohnny

    I need help and feedback

    I have a few ideas and I need feedback, I want to start restaurants as entrepreneurship but when i google profit of restaurants owners, it says not very profitable, and I want to start 1 fancy restaurant and eventually branch to like 7. Are restaurants profitable??
  13. MJ DeMarco

    Opportunity is everywhere. You just aren't looking hard enough...

    For those of you guys trying to hustle up some cash in local services, NextDoor is a great venue (at least here in the USA). I found this post there, screenshotted below. Check out the demand. Basically, this guy rented an aerating machine from HomeDepot, lined up projects all day, and will...
  14. N

    Did you start a business that you liked, loved, knew about?

    Did you start a business that you liked, loved, knew about? Or just one you thought would work and make you a millionaire. There are hundreds of ideas and businesses that one can start however one thing that I always thought and heard of is that it would be easier to start a business that you...
  15. L

    Idea for any landscape/related business owners

    Don't know if there's anyone in this realm on here but if there is, I hope this idea could help you. Try to contact engineering/construction/even land surveying firms to clear brush for them. Dig stuff out by hand, etc. On a smaller scale, i.e. areas they can't stake clearing limits and nuke...
  16. M

    Dreams and no money...

    Hi, my name is Michal, I'm from Poland, I have a huge dream of buying my dream car and taking my most wonderful girlfriend on her dream vacation, but currently I don't know what to do in life, and I would like to earn a lot of money at a young age. I dream of being rich and currently have...
  17. fold

    How do I get a physical product up and running? I have two "blockbuster" ideas ready and primed for execution.

    Hey. I'm thirteen with a limited budget (~$300) and I have a great product idea. Two, actually. I'll start talking about the first idea now. I don't know how to get the idea off the ground. The idea ticks all the boxes: • Social proof • Demand • And a couple others I forgot (Sorry MJ)...
  18. rafalstepien

    Exploring the needs - brainstorm

    Hi all, This post is my first real interaction with the forum, so it feels kind of exciting to make the first step. I'm living in a small town in European country. Some time ago our town started to develop very fast, got a huge investment from Chinese companies and opened multiple...
  19. D

    I want to know what you think about it

    Hello guys I guess I've found a pretty nice business opportunity, and now I am in a part of testing my idea. Recently I found a website which business model was PPC. I checked, and that company made few millions per year in revenu e. This company operates basically in US and few other...
  20. One Jeffrey

    Are you a perfectionist? STOP THAT COPE RIGHT NOW!!!

    The idea of being a perfectionist might seem like a desirable trait. However, you have no idea how much it could be holding you back. From personal experience, wanting to be "a perfectionist" is anxiety-inducing and self-sabotaging. Wanting to produce perfect work is the perfect recipe for...

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