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  1. J

    If you were starting over, what would you do and why?

    If you were to start over and learn a new skill to start a business around, what would it be and why?
  2. E

    13 Year Old Entrepreneur Asking For Advice

    Hey guys, I'm a 13-year-old entrepreneur who mowed lawns this summer. I'm learning about digital marketing right know. I've read Unscripted and The Great Rat Race Escape both awesome books. I'm looking to start now my CENTS business. I just still can't get business ideas. I've applied the stuff...
  3. D

    Feedback needed on idea

    Hi everyone I need your help in evaluating my business idea. My idea meets CENTS so it has potential. However, I would like to see what the market thinks about it first. My idea is aimed at small and medium sized businesses so this forum is perfect to see if my idea is worth pursuing. Well, I...
  4. Navkun

    Stop stuttering on your zoom calls with ScriptOn - Concept Feedback

    Hi everyone, I've thought of this new SAAS idea and would love to get some feedback. It's called ScriptOn. A web app that would help people get through online meetings with ease. Its main goal/problem it's solving is removing the need to remember scripts and helping people in those times when...
  5. Johnny boy

    The great way of testing any idea!

    The success of a business is based on variables. IF you can buy an item for $0.50, spend $0.20 more and sell it for $2, you have a GREAT BUSINESS. IF you can only buy that item for $2, spend $0.50, and can only sell it for $2.30, you have a TERRIBLE BUSINESS. Better to just donate your money...
  6. J

    How would you build a city on top/under the water?

    Building houses on top/under the water would solve the housing problem, and if I won't be the one to build this company, then someone else will. In the next 30 years, it will probably be done. But where do you start if you have nothing but the idea, not even knowledge? I'm thinking MAYBE, I...
  7. J

    $1 000, 50 days, what business?

    Hi, I got a job offer, but it's in October, so now I got 40 days and $1 000. But nothing to do. I've always wanted to start a business. My goal is to start a Startup in a couple of years where we build homes/communities/cities under and on water. There are no such things yet, and it's destined...
  8. Ela

    Thinking of making a Natural skill care products shop

    Hi, I recently found a domain name that gave me an idea to work on natural care products like lip balm, aloe vera skin care products..etc. Domin name: Truthcosmetics.com I see this is a highly competitive place but it can grow once I can give high quality at a low price. Also thinking of...
  9. E

    Feedback and Wisdom needed

    I have decided to build a parking app that tracks which parking spots are open and would allow you to reserve them for a small price. In case anyone is wondering, I did get this idea from an idea dump on this forum. I am a homebody and when I do go out it is camping or to friends house. I am...
  10. Asap_Luca

    New bag for the beach

    Hello there! How are you all? So, I will try to be quickly. 2 weeks ago I was at the sea with a friend of mine, and I noticed that everybody was leaving their bags on their sunbed ( with all the important things in it, like keys of the flat, phone ecc…) when they were swimming, hoping nobody...
  11. K

    Teaching foreign languages the Fastlane way

    Greeting folks. First and foremost, I want to thank Mr. MJ. Demarco for his endeavor and dedicated efforts to enlighten many on how to achieve financial freedom fast without waiting for retirement pension fees after toiling on insane jobs throughout our lives. Mr. Demarco for sure is freeing...
  12. yashdutt

    What Fastlane Business/Brand should I build?

    Hey. I'm 18 years old and I read in TMF that the execution matters more than the idea, but I need a base to start the execution. Can you all please present some of the options which you think are good?
  13. Reynante Alvarez

    Help in choosing a business idea...

    Hey business people, I need your help if you may. Since I quitted social media and college two years ago, I had been working at my sister's bakery as an all-around graphic designer. It was a need and not a choice. My basics are covered here (shelter, food, wi-fi, electricity, etc.) in exchange...
  14. A

    Porn Blocker potential idea ?

    Hi ! I recently watched a company called WonderShare from what I see it's a company that builds software and I scrolled toward some porn blocker on internet and famiSafe which is a porn blocker from their company seems to be a great bet for parents who need to control children from internet...
  15. Asap_Luca

    Private post office

    Hello there! How are you all? So, i have had an idea that i really would like to bring here. In Italy people ALWAYS hate go to the post office, surely go to the post office isn't spectacular for anybody, but here there always are people that have to waste their day of work, or at least half of...
  16. Stan_

    Do most brochures suck? And would I be able to fix it?

    I've struggled to find a business idea for over 2 months now and I've ended up jokingly searching "Brochure design" through Keyword Planner (recommended by Demarco in his book, thank you) thinking "I'll just make some little brochures to make a living". In my surprise I found out that MANY...
  17. L

    Having to many ideas

    Hey, A fictional scenario: You have found 3 ideas to meet all the aspects of CENTS. What other criteria would you choose to make a decision for one idea (and thus against the 2 others)? (To implement all of them is not possible in this scenario) My Problem is that i have many ideas and i cant...
  18. J

    Let's come up with some ideas! Entrepreneur Startup Discussion

    Hopefully this will help other aspiring entrepreneurs as much as it will myself. This should be a good brainstorming session and hopefully we can work off each other. Let's extract some ideas As we all know one of the hardest things when it comes to becoming successful is coming up with an idea...
  19. A

    Is MJ DeMarco making money with this forum?

    Hi ! So I'm on my way to build my fastlane business and semester soon finishing so I'm going to bust my a$$ on my website this summer. I would be curious to ask a question to MJ DeMarco or author of TMF or any other members here does he make any money with his forum because I see he's using...
  20. NeoDialectic

    Idea Generation To Execution: Fastlane Millionaire's Step By Step Guide

    After posting my general advice post here , I realized that one of the most burning questions that people struggle with is "how do I come up with an idea that isn't already done?" and "how do I test whether I can successfully sell this product without a huge investment?". This is the first time...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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