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  1. BizyDad

    So Many Ideas, How To Choose? A Simple Guide To Getting Unstuck

    Over in @Antifragile 's thread about scaling up in business, @mikecarlooch and I had an exchange. You can read it yourself starting here. Basically, he was saying he has a bunch of ideas and doesn't know where to start. I've had this chat with several people lately, and thought I could expand...
  2. Mike Stoian

    is my app too controversial? Need help

    Hello everyone! I've been working on an idea for a while and finally launched it in January this year. It's a politician review website. Think IMDB or rotten tomatoes but for politicians. https://vhoice.net After a few posts on reddit, it got about 40k visitors a month for the first 2 months...
  3. D

    Med Student Struggling to find Open Road!

    Dear Fastlaners First post here, I am a 25 year old medical student from a low-income family currently being supported by my family and it burns me to the core how work has taken over the lives of my parents in order for them to fund my tuition and make a living. I am have read TMF over and...
  4. W

    Kill or develop?

    Hi, I recently came up with an interesting business idea that meets the CENTS premise, and I needed a soft proof if my idea would appeal to the market mind. I conducted a survey in which about 60% of the respondents said they would be interested in my product. I wanted to further test the...
  5. WeeksOutstanding

    Why productive people execute poorly, and my simple solution (so far)

    Hi everyone, I hope you're having a good start to the week! As a quick introduction, I've been a lurker on the forum on and off, but decided to take the plunge after reading @Andy Black 's posts - thanks for the encouragement I'm happy to share my background, but I thought as a first post that...
  6. M

    The Real Reason Why You Can't Come Up With A "Good Idea"

    Because you're looking for the perfect idea where the competition is just perfect for you and it doesn't require much to get started and get going. You want to get your first sale tomorrow and not later than that. Seriously. I am right, right? You cannot generate any ideas, when you're only...
  7. Miha99


    I decided to give away an Idea and ispire somebody to actually make it a reality I have no time and to focus on it becouse I already have a Business that i want to Scale, ans as MJ said Monogamy is KING Backstory how I came up with the IDEA: 2021 I spent 6 months living Belgrade. Since my...
  8. Lyzmin

    Ongoing progress thread - Happy to join the Fastlane Family

    Edit: May 2023, After 4 months on the forum I've turned my intro thread to a progress/ execution/ mindset thread. I want to share my steps taken and lessons learned here with the goal to provide value to other readers :) Have an idea, question or what else? You can hit me up via conversation...
  9. W

    Mastermind groups platform idea

    Hi, recently in the shower - the place where the best ideas come, I got the idea of creating a platform for mastermind groups. The biggest issue with this type of group is finding the right people with a similar level of business acumen and moderating such a group. Many people offer to...
  10. mrudskyi

    Share your opinion about mentorship

    Hey, y'all, I am currently looking for things to solve and markets to approach. I've recently discovered that there might be a need for a service that helps people connect mentors with mentees. Please share your opinion and feedback about mentorship and idea of manually connecting mentor with...
  11. MexicanCreator48

    Made my first prototype of a new business idea, feedback appreciated!

    I have been prototyping a business idea that I had for a week and after doing some research, I concluded that this idea could help students find tutors according to the subjects they don't understand well. There is a strong market right now amongst students who want to find a tutor for the...
  12. mirumiru

    The first job - Today I will search for my first job... advices?, ideas?, experiences?

    Hello to everyone. In this new post I want to make an actualization about how things are going for me, and also, start a small discussion about "the first job". First of all, my goal is the Fastlane, right? So, searching a job may sound a little bit strange... but, naturally, it is not. The...
  13. J

    What should i sell? I have to get business idea.

    What should I sell? Hello, I am 14 years old. What I'm curious about is how to get business ideas. Also, I'm a beginner who doesn't know what to sell. But one idea I had is to sell my brand of T-shirts. I'll give it to 10 random neighbors in my neighborhood for free. I'll see if they like it or...
  14. fanlokk

    I'm about to launch a website selling my Amazon PPC bot tomorrow. How can I get more traffics?

    I'm building an Amazon PPC bot that can help Amazon Sellers to optimize their bid and find relevant keywords for their product automatically. What are some best marketing methods that I could apply on my product?
  15. Stepan

    To distribute or to make it yourself

    Hi! So I've read enough of the threads for now and with a lot of help from @fastlane_dad @NeoDialectic , many other great contributors and especially @Andy Black that tells, that you better start doing it NOW :), I stopped action-faking and stared taking actions. I've found the product that I...
  16. I

    The end of asking for new ideas?

    I was reading the latest post of MJ about the new ChatGPT and got some impressive results in a vary different subjects. But there is one thing that new people are always asking for and posting about in this forum, which are business ideias. Maybe this can help you guys in finding something...
  17. RayanMargham

    Dating app for teens... Feedback on this idea?

    So I was just on Reddit and there was this guy using the magic "I wish" word 'I wish there was a dating app for teens' and I thought hmm? that could be a really good idea so I went ahead and looked anywhere for any kind of dating app for teens and turns out there is none! so we have a gap in the...
  18. Joker_P5R

    How to hack an industry? I’m working in logistics/international forwarding and I’m searching for an idea on how to build a side-hustle.

    Hi guys, I want to have your advice/confrontation about an hyper-specific and very particular industry: logistics / freight forwarding. I’ve been working into this industry for 16 years and I’d like to create something about it as a side hustle. First and faster idea is to build an...
  19. wiktorg5

    Pet buying/adopting app

    Basically, my concept is to make an app to buy/sell/adopt pets. Pet shelters, private owners, and professional breeders could post their pets on the app. There could be a section with nearby veterinaries and a "social network" for pet owners. To monetize it I could take a percentage from every...
  20. MJ DeMarco

    Idea-Regret: That Great Idea You Had, But Never Followed Up On...

    Via the Unscripted Text Network... BEWARE OF IDEA REGRET I recently received an email from a reader who had a great idea for a simplistic game back in 2017. He never did anything about it. To his dismay, he just saw his game idea on the AppStore with millions of downloads. It left him quite...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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