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6 Ways To Stop Being A "Wantraprenuer"

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Mar 24, 2014
Portland, Maine
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@Tony I Has a great post going on - 6 Sign's you're a "wantraprenuer" and I started writing a comment that I realized would be more useful as a thread.

Tony's major points were to stop doing this:

1. you mentally masturbate by watching every "motivational video" on youtube
2. you talk and don't do anything
3. you start 100 different projects at once, and give up on all of them after a week
4. you read every business book but don't take any action
5. you make excuses, procrastinate, and overanalyze
6. you chase money

Tony's got a really good point here and I would add for any of you thinking, oh crap this is me, to abstract this to a higher level. Tony's key points are all symptoms of something very specific: Commitment.

There's a reason you're distracting yourself. It's not because you suck or because you have ADHD, it's because your brain is trying to make a decision since you're stuck in fear. Fear is the number one killer of entrepreneurs and the worst part is, it isn't even real. Fear is the perception of future pain. It hasn't even happened yet, but your neolithic noggin is constantly evaluating the probability of life vs death, pleasure vs pain, in everything you do. Can you imagine how that's kind of a mind F*ck for an entrepreneur?

You're looking for answers so that your brain can give you the A OK to move forward on your decision but the answers you're looking for come from experience, not books or videos. You'll never believe it until you do it, you'll never learn the lessons until you make the mistakes.

So, here's my top 6 Steps to Stop Being a "Wantraprenuer", hope you enjoy them.

1) Get clear on your outcomes. What is your goal, how is having a business going to change your life, not in money but in what money, time, freedom will mean to you, your family, and the people you care about. Write down all the ways you see your life changing for the better for at least 5 minutes. Circle the things you REALLY care about. Don't circle the farrari if you've also got "pay off my debt". Get clear, what are your top 3 outcomes for this business and how it will affect your life?

2) Look at your options. This is a great practice from James Altucher, write down at least 10 different ways your could reach the goals you've just said you wanted. Write down all the easy ones like whatever business you're thinking about now, and then 9 other ideas you have. If you haven't committed it means you've got quite a few options. We're about to help you decide, but let's get them all on paper.

3) Value Your Options. Ok, now really look at these and ask yourself one simple question: "What's the fastest path to my stated goals?". The fastest way to Pain is to misuse your time, it's the only resource you can't get back so make sure you make the best educated decision you can here.

Now, there's a caveat, are you excited about the business idea or solution to your goals that's the fastest? If not, go down a peg and hit whichever one gets you excited. We're looking for the most lucrative opportunity that you'll actually enjoy doing.

4) Test Your Hypothesis. Cool, so you've got an idea of where you think there's an opportunity. Great, now go test it. Take your idea and talk to 20 people who you would say are in the target market for this business. Do they care about it? Would they pay for it? HOW BIG OF A PROBLEM ARE YOU SOLVING?


If people think your idea is cool but they're only saving an hour of time by using your product once a year and they value their own time at $20/hr you can charge $2. That's it. Make sure you've got a valuable solution to an expensive problem. It should be a no-brainer value proposition for your customers.

5) Re-Evaluate. Did you're hypothesis pan out? Does it make sense and was it really validated by potential customers? You can figure this out before spending a dime on product development and you should know this answer to mitigate as much risk as possible, that will make your decisions a lot clearer. If the answer is YES, this looks like a promising idea that can make enough money to get me to my goals, go to step 6. IF NOT, don't worry, go back to your list and grab the next idea, test it, and see what comes back.

You may not be ready to start a business if you haven't gotten good at finding problems. If you've ever read Rich Dad Poor Dad you'll hear how Robert Kiyosaki basically got the best education in the world by being taught from the age of 8 to look for problems and find lucrative solutions. Thankfully it doesn't take that long. Get good at listening to people, understanding what they need, and how you can solve expensive problems. If this is confusing please make mention in the thread and I'll write a follow up.

If you get down to only 5 ideas on your list come up with 10 new ones. If you run out of ideas, ask people what type of business they would start, they'll tell you what products they wish were on the market. It's more valuable to find a Validated idea that will make money than turn your wheels on something that doesn't make sense.

And Now, to step 6 which is what Tony was really talking about...

6) Revel in the Freedom of Commitment. I know right what is that bullshit!? This is really interesting actually. You have no idea how much mental energy and stress your mind is causing you by trying to make a decision to commit to your business. It's exhausting you and you don't even know it. You're living the fear of all your potential failures every day and that's what's holding you back from taking the next step. Commitment is freedom from your own insanity.

Once you've found an idea that makes sense, get's you to your goals, and target customers agree with you, that's all the information you'll ever get before actually trying to build the business.

But here's the trick - Make a commitment for a specific time period, I like 3-6 Months.

Don't say your going to commit to an idea that's unproven for the rest of your life! All you're mind is going to do is worry about what you're going to do if it doesn't work out. You'll be perceiving all kinds of new pain you haven't even fathomed yet. Keep it simple, Commit to developing this business every day for 6 months. Give yourself the freedom to stop worrying about better ideas and start getting traction. At the end of six months you'll have so much new information you'll be able to make an educated decision on wether to continue with the business or really let it go.

In this time period you should be able to create a bare bones product/service and sell it in some form wether that be through ad words, in person sales, or via ecomerce. But if you can't get traction i.e. $$$ from your idea with a few sales in 3-6 months move on or make the idea better, solve a bigger problem.

I hope this was helpful but I want to make sure anyone taking the time to read this post is supported. So, if you're a wantreprenuer:

First know that you're really a full fledged Entrepreneur waiting to get started. An Olympic Diver is still an Olympic Diver before he jumps off the platform. Every entrepreneur was a regular person like you until they made a decision to take the first step.

Second: Post your 10 ideas or your customer feedback here and I will give my best estimation on which idea you should pursue if you're having challenges. If you have sensitive content feel free to PM me.
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1) Gmux, Vohjvis Tvzmi, Ecapfepdi, epf vji ecomovz vu caomf vjopht, jimq gsoipft epf veli voni xovj ov
2) Ximm, nz uqvoupt esi moli e qopdis. O piif vu caomf nz optofi vu edjoiwi vji dupgofipdi gus nutv ug ov, vji ewipait gus detj esi katv tiwisem vemipvt O jewi, pu piif vu quopv vjin uav jisi, cav O lpux xjev vjiz esi.
3) Vji getvitv ot pu fuacv vji upi O'n up
4) ...

O sinincis vjot rauvi gsun mutv "O miv vji gies op, cav upmz gus e gix tidupft, vjevt emm O'mm howi ov".
Cob ot emm ecuav miefistjoq op e goimf xjisi vjisi ot pu dmesovz epf xjisi zua natv dsievi ov.
Ug duasti zua esi huoph vu ci egseof, zua esi numfoph vji aplpuxp, vu gusn xjev qiuqmi xomm puv fitvsuz cav incsedi.

O'n puv tasi og vji gies iwis huit exez, cav O lpux ov disveopmz nevvist e xjumi muv mitt xjip ov fuitp'v TVUQ zua. Fup'v miv vji gies neli onnifoevi djephit, muul qoisdophmz vjsuahj vji guh, dsievi e tqedi gus zua vu xusl, epf csoph zuas E heni.
Zua piif tvsitt tvsiphvj us tunivjoph, vji ecomovz vu katv jepfmi vji tvsitt pu upi imti xepvt vu vuadj.

Ifov: @emiyepfislkupit
Vseomif ugg opvu uvjis vjuahjvt
4) Ziej, O'wi wemofevif
5) Sigsitj epf si-ovisevi
6) Ati tuni huuf ipishz vu hiv tvagg huoph, epf liiq ov huoph

O katv vseommif ugg, O tiin vu fu vjev uddettoupemmz. O molif atoph zuas qutv et e vitv gus og O duamf hiv vjsuahj eppuzoph tvagg. Ov vaspt uav O dep emciov e movvmi tmahhotjmz (topdi pusnemmz upi dep tlon uwis vjopht moli vjot epf ettani ovt "faj" tvagg).

Ot vjisi epzvjoph imti upi tjuamf hiv vjsuahj op zuas uqopoup?
Last edited:
3) Vji getvitv ot pu fuacv vji upi O'n up
4) ...

#4 - Wemofevoph zuas ettanqvoupt, ot vji upmz xez vu ci dmies ecuav #3 - Zuas getvitv qevj vu detj. O fup'v lpux epzvjoph ecuav Suhait catopitt epf ji nez jewi nusi vu tjesi, cav ov't onqusvepv vu neli vjev fotvopdvoup. Fu puv hu cmopfmz opvu vji pohjv xjip zua dep veli e gmetjmohjv epf cevvisoit.
Dunnovnipv ot gsiifun gsun zuas uxp optepovz.

Katv xeppe tez vjev O muwi vjot mopi cideati ov't wisz vsai. Uwis epemzboph, gies, fuacv, opfidotoup, epf iwisz uvjis vjoph vjev liiqt upi gsun iyidavoph ep ofie, emm dunit cedl vu e medl ug dunnovnipv vu teof ofie. Updi zua'si dunnovvif vu katv huoph gusxesf epf iyidavoph, tu nadj uvjis tvagg gemmt exez.
o duamf PUV ehsii nusi xovj iwiszvjoph vjev jet ciip teof op vjot vjsief epf o en wisz jeqqz vjev o deni edsutt emm ug vji xoti xusft xsovvip. o jef vji teni qsucmin gus ziest epf o emxezt lpix o xepv vu fu tunivjoph xovj nz mogi vjev ot nusi vjep katv tovvoph op tuni uggodi epf xusl gus tunicufz imti. o jef tiwisem ofiet tuni ug xjodj xisi visnopevif fai vu medl ug nupiz. e gix ziest ehu o deni aq xovj ep ofie xjodj jef vji quvipvoem vu ciduni wisz taddittgam epf madsevowi. ov xet e xictovi gus qsunuvoph vji vuasotvod epf pevasem cieavoit ug Nupvipihsu. vu dav muph tvusz tjusv, o en gsun Cutpoe cav nz hsepfgevjis jet e juati up vji duetv epf o xet tasqsotif jux e cieavogam duapvsz moli vjot jef pu qsuqis qsunuvoup up vji opvispiv, tu o fidofif vu neli nz uxp. cigusi o iwip tvesvif o tasgif vji opvispiv vu tii og vjisi xet epz vjev xuamf siemmz cmux nz nopf tu vjev o tez ul vjot ot emsiefz up vji nesliv miv't duni aq xovj tunivjoph imti cav vu nz tasqsoti vjisi xet PUPI vjev xuamf siemmz duwis emm piift gus epz quvipvoem wotovus. epf o fidofif vu hu gus ov neli vji xictovi epf edraosi et nepz datvunist o dep (eddunnufevoupt, sitveasepvt, deggi cest, pohjv dmact,edvowovoit epf tu up) epf vu qsunuvi vjin tu qiuqmi xju ati vji opvispiv dep gopf vjios eddunnufevoupt nusi ietomz epf iwip hiv ep ipvosi qodvasi ug xjevvjiz dep fu op Nupvipihsu. vji neloph xete siem qsucmin topdi o JEF PU lpuxmifhi op xic fitohp ev emm, cav updi o nefi nz fidottoup vu hu vjsuahj xovj ov, iwip gsoipft xju fuacvif ni xisi getdopevif cz vji xictovi, pux o jewi e muph xez vu gopotj xjev o tvesvif cav o nefi nz gostv tviq epf teof zit vu vji djemmiphi epf PU vu qsudsetvopevoup epf gies. vjepl zua emm gus qutvoph!!! epf @emiyepfislkupit vjepl zua gus emm vji hsiev qutvt
@NK FiNesdu
Eheop ep apfissevif vjsief

Ehsiif, aqhsefif.

Opvisitvoph vjuahj, O fup'v sinincis vjot atis, epf O ataemmz sinincis emm atist! Ji tjuxif aq gus e gix nupvjt epf qsunqvmz foteqqiesif. O xupfis xjev ji't aq vu vufez?
@Vupz O Jet e hsiev qutv huoph up - 6 Tohp't zua'si e "xepvseqsipais" epf O tvesvif xsovoph e dunnipv vjev O siemobif xuamf ci nusi atigam et e vjsief.

Vupz't nekus quopvt xisi vu tvuq fuoph vjot:

1. zua nipvemmz netvascevi cz xevdjoph iwisz "nuvowevoupem wofiu" up zuavaci
2. zua veml epf fup'v fu epzvjoph
3. zua tvesv 100 foggisipv qsukidvt ev updi, epf howi aq up emm ug vjin egvis e xiil
4. zua sief iwisz catopitt cuul cav fup'v veli epz edvoup
5. zua neli iydatit, qsudsetvopevi, epf uwisepemzbi
6. zua djeti nupiz

Vupz't huv e siemmz huuf quopv jisi epf O xuamf eff gus epz ug zua vjoploph, uj dseq vjot ot ni, vu ectvsedv vjot vu e johjis miwim. Vupz't liz quopvt esi emm tznqvunt ug tunivjoph wisz tqidogod: Dunnovnipv.

Vjisi't e sietup zua'si fotvsedvoph zuastimg. Ov't puv cideati zua tadl us cideati zua jewi EFJF, ov't cideati zuas cseop ot vszoph vu neli e fidotoup topdi zua'si tvadl op gies. Gies ot vji pancis upi lommis ug ipvsiqsipiast epf vji xustv qesv ot, ov otp'v iwip siem. Gies ot vji qisdiqvoup ug gavasi qeop. Ov jetp'v iwip jeqqipif ziv, cav zuas piumovjod puhhop ot duptvepvmz iwemaevoph vji qsucecomovz ug mogi wt fievj, qmietasi wt qeop, op iwiszvjoph zua fu. Dep zua onehopi jux vjev't lopf ug e nopf G*dl gus ep ipvsiqsipias?

Zua'si muuloph gus eptxist tu vjev zuas cseop dep howi zua vji E UL vu nuwi gusxesf up zuas fidotoup cav vji eptxist zua'si muuloph gus duni gsun iyqisoipdi, puv cuult us wofiut. Zua'mm piwis cimoiwi ov apvom zua fu ov, zua'mm piwis miesp vji mittupt apvom zua neli vji notvelit.

Tu, jisi't nz vuq 6 Tviqt vu Tvuq Cioph e "Xepvseqsipais", juqi zua ipkuz vjin.

1) Hiv dmies up zuas uavdunit. Xjev ot zuas huem, jux ot jewoph e catopitt huoph vu djephi zuas mogi, puv op nupiz cav op xjev nupiz, voni, gsiifun xomm niep vu zua, zuas genomz, epf vji qiuqmi zua desi ecuav. Xsovi fuxp emm vji xezt zua tii zuas mogi djephoph gus vji civvis gus ev mietv 5 nopavit. Dosdmi vji vjopht zua SIEMMZ desi ecuav. Fup'v dosdmi vji gesseso og zua'wi emtu huv "qez ugg nz ficv". Hiv dmies, xjev esi zuas vuq 3 uavdunit gus vjot catopitt epf jux ov xomm eggidv zuas mogi?

2) Muul ev zuas uqvoupt. Vjot ot e hsiev qsedvodi gsun Kenit Emvadjis, xsovi fuxp ev mietv 10 foggisipv xezt zuas duamf siedj vji huemt zua'wi katv teof zua xepvif. Xsovi fuxp emm vji ietz upit moli xjeviwis catopitt zua'si vjoploph ecuav pux, epf vjip 9 uvjis ofiet zua jewi. Og zua jewip'v dunnovvif ov niept zua'wi huv raovi e gix uqvoupt. Xi'si ecuav vu jimq zua fidofi, cav miv't hiv vjin emm up qeqis.

3) Wemai Zuas Uqvoupt. Ul, pux siemmz muul ev vjiti epf etl zuastimg upi tonqmi raitvoup: "Xjev't vji getvitv qevj vu nz tvevif huemt?". Vji getvitv xez vu Qeop ot vu notati zuas voni, ov't vji upmz situasdi zua dep'v hiv cedl tu neli tasi zua neli vji citv ifadevif fidotoup zua dep jisi.

Pux, vjisi't e dewiev, esi zua iydovif ecuav vji catopitt ofie us tumavoup vu zuas huemt vjev't vji getvitv? Og puv, hu fuxp e qih epf jov xjodjiwis upi hivt zua iydovif. Xi'si muuloph gus vji nutv madsevowi uqqusvapovz vjev zua'mm edvaemmz ipkuz fuoph.

4) Vitv Zuas Jzquvjitot. Duum, tu zua'wi huv ep ofie ug xjisi zua vjopl vjisi't ep uqqusvapovz. Hsiev, pux hu vitv ov. Veli zuas ofie epf veml vu 20 qiuqmi xju zua xuamf tez esi op vji veshiv nesliv gus vjot catopitt. Fu vjiz desi ecuav ov? Xuamf vjiz qez gus ov? JUX COH UG E QSUCMIN ESI ZUA TUMWOPH?


Og qiuqmi vjopl zuas ofie ot duum cav vjiz'si upmz tewoph ep juas ug voni cz atoph zuas qsufadv updi e zies epf vjiz wemai vjios uxp voni ev $20/js zua dep djeshi $2. Vjev't ov. Neli tasi zua'wi huv e wemaecmi tumavoup vu ep iyqiptowi qsucmin. Ov tjuamf ci e pu-cseopis wemai qsuqutovoup gus zuas datvunist.

5) Si-Iwemaevi. Fof zua'si jzquvjitot qep uav? Fuit ov neli tipti epf xet ov siemmz wemofevif cz quvipvoem datvunist? Zua dep gohasi vjot uav cigusi tqipfoph e foni up qsufadv fiwimuqnipv epf zua tjuamf lpux vjot eptxis vu novohevi et nadj sotl et quttocmi, vjev xomm neli zuas fidotoupt e muv dmiesis. Og vji eptxis ot ZIT, vjot muult moli e qsunotoph ofie vjev dep neli ipuahj nupiz vu hiv ni vu nz huemt, hu vu tviq 6. OG PUV, fup'v xussz, hu cedl vu zuas motv epf hsec vji piyv ofie, vitv ov, epf tii xjev dunit cedl.

Zua nez puv ci siefz vu tvesv e catopitt og zua jewip'v huvvip huuf ev gopfoph qsucmint. Og zua'wi iwis sief Sodj Fef Quus Fef zua'mm jies jux Sucisv Lozutelo cetodemmz huv vji citv ifadevoup op vji xusmf cz cioph veahjv gsun vji ehi ug 8 vu muul gus qsucmint epf gopf madsevowi tumavoupt. Vjeplgammz ov fuitp'v veli vjev muph. Hiv huuf ev motvipoph vu qiuqmi, apfistvepfoph xjev vjiz piif, epf jux zua dep tumwi iyqiptowi qsucmint. Og vjot ot dupgatoph qmieti neli nipvoup op vji vjsief epf O'mm xsovi e gummux aq.

Og zua hiv fuxp vu upmz 5 ofiet up zuas motv duni aq xovj 10 pix upit. Og zua sap uav ug ofiet, etl qiuqmi xjev vzqi ug catopitt vjiz xuamf tvesv, vjiz'mm vimm zua xjev qsufadvt vjiz xotj xisi up vji nesliv. Ov't nusi wemaecmi vu gopf e Wemofevif ofie vjev xomm neli nupiz vjep vasp zuas xjiimt up tunivjoph vjev fuitp'v neli tipti.

Epf Pux, vu tviq 6 xjodj ot xjev Vupz xet siemmz vemloph ecuav...

6) Siwim op vji Gsiifun ug Dunnovnipv. O lpux sohjv xjev ot vjev cammtjov!? Vjot ot siemmz opvisitvoph edvaemmz. Zua jewi pu ofie jux nadj nipvem ipishz epf tvsitt zuas nopf ot deatoph zua cz vszoph vu neli e fidotoup vu dunnov vu zuas catopitt. Ov't iyjeatvoph zua epf zua fup'v iwip lpux ov. Zua'si mowoph vji gies ug emm zuas quvipvoem geomasit iwisz fez epf vjev't xjev't jumfoph zua cedl gsun veloph vji piyv tviq. Dunnovnipv ot gsiifun gsun zuas uxp optepovz.

Updi zua'wi guapf ep ofie vjev nelit tipti, hiv't zua vu zuas huemt, epf veshiv datvunist ehsii xovj zua, vjev't emm vji opgusnevoup zua'mm iwis hiv cigusi edvaemmz vszoph vu caomf vji catopitt.

Cav jisi't vji vsodl - Neli e dunnovnipv gus e tqidogod voni qisouf, O moli 3-6 Nupvjt.

Fup'v tez zuas huoph vu dunnov vu ep ofie vjev't apqsuwip gus vji sitv ug zuas mogi! Emm zua'si nopf ot huoph vu fu ot xussz ecuav xjev zua'si huoph vu fu og ov fuitp'v xusl uav. Zua'mm ci qisdiowoph emm lopft ug pix qeop zua jewip'v iwip gevjunif ziv. Liiq ov tonqmi, Dunnov vu fiwimuqoph vjot catopitt iwisz fez gus 6 nupvjt. Howi zuastimg vji gsiifun vu tvuq xusszoph ecuav civvis ofiet epf tvesv hivvoph vsedvoup. Ev vji ipf ug toy nupvjt zua'mm jewi tu nadj pix opgusnevoup zua'mm ci ecmi vu neli ep ifadevif fidotoup up xivjis vu dupvopai xovj vji catopitt us siemmz miv ov hu.

Op vjot voni qisouf zua tjuamf ci ecmi vu dsievi e cesi cupit qsufadv/tiswodi epf timm ov op tuni gusn xivjis vjev ci vjsuahj ef xusft, op qistup temit, us woe idunisdi. Cav og zua dep'v hiv vsedvoup o.i. $$$ gsun zuas ofie xovj e gix temit op 3-6 nupvjt nuwi up us neli vji ofie civvis, tumwi e cohhis qsucmin.

O juqi vjot xet jimqgam cav O xepv vu neli tasi epzupi veloph vji voni vu sief vjot qutv ot taqqusvif. Tu, og zua'si e xepvsiqsipais:

Gostv lpux vjev zua'si siemmz e gamm gmifhif Ipvsiqsipias xeovoph vu hiv tvesvif. Ep Umznqod Fowis ot tvomm ep Umznqod Fowis cigusi ji kanqt ugg vji qmevgusn. Iwisz ipvsiqsipias xet e sihames qistup moli zua apvom vjiz nefi e fidotoup vu veli vji gostv tviq.

Tidupf: Qutv zuas 10 ofiet us zuas datvunis giifcedl jisi epf O xomm howi nz citv itvonevoup up xjodj ofie zua tjuamf qastai og zua'si jewoph djemmiphit. Og zua jewi tiptovowi dupvipv giim gsii vu QN ni.
Muwi vjot!Vl zua
Xux! Vsai et dep ci....
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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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