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[Accountability] DFY AI/Automations Business

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Jul 17, 2017
Cluj Napoca
Last time I created an execution/accountability post here in 2017 magic happened. I helped a huge amount of people, and made lots of money, so I hope the magic will happen again

So last week I started a DFY AI/Automation business for entrepreneurs looking to save time & money inside their businesses.
My last business was a coaching business, but I'm more passionate about the technical side + I want to work with a more educated audience. Moreover, with all the advancements in AI, I can now build amazing things that would greatly benefit other businesses as well. I've already built lots of automations for my coaching business so I know I can offer huge value.

The general things I can help with are:
  • Improving call show rates and closing ratios by integrating AI agents to engage with prospects and warm up leads.
  • Aggregating marketing data and automating data collection to aid in marketing and business decision-making processes.
  • Reducing VA costs by automating repetitive tasks such as invoicing, meeting reminders, and information sharing.

But since I'm a programmer at heart I can build pretty much anything.

My first goal is to help 3 clients for free and get some testimonials, and then start charging for my services.
The long term goal is to find some common problems among entrepreneurs and build a software that solves them.

Here is what I did so far:
  • Reached to people in my network and managed to get my first "free" client. There are 2 other people whom I sent the link, but now they ghosted me
  • Started doing organic posts on LinkedIn and X:
  • Set up a LinkedIn messaging automation that got 10+ replies, but I'm terrible at talking to people via messages, so I procrastinated with this. If you have any materials on how I can improve in this area it would help me a lot.
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Jul 17, 2017
Cluj Napoca
New week, new post until my business becomes successful.

So the biggest win is that I implemented what I agreed with my "free" client pretty quickly, and it will be a big win for his business, and we'll be ready to do the phase 2 of his project. If my estimations are correct, that will bring a big boost in sales for him, and an awesome testimonial for me.

On the not so great side, I still procrastinated in replying to linkedin messages. I now have 16 unread ones. It feels weird because it seems that the others also try to sell things to me, and I don't know how to approach the conversations.

Also people in my network still haven't replied, but I'll find some more creative ways to follow up with them because there is no reason on earth why they wouldn't work with me given the huge benefits that I bring.

So, for this week here are my goals:
  • Follow up with people in my network (in a creative way)
  • Reply to all the linkedin connections daily
  • Create a 2nd linkedin list and approach those people
  • Get the 2nd "free" client

Gypsy Soul

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Jun 27, 2024
San Antonio, TX
Hello Fiola my fellow automator. I've been implementing automation specifically RPA. Sounds like you are working some fun VA automation projects. Feel free to message me directly when you have time. I would like to connect with you.

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