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Failing at Entrepreneurship: Guys I Wouldn't Bet On.

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The coaching was a joke guys.
Read Fastlane!
Oct 22, 2013
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User Power: 752%
I want to try and keep this post positive. But over the last couple months of working with a lot of sellers and buyers of exotic cars, I've noticed something. There are a lot of guys who get into the entrepreneurship game and it ends up being worse for them than the slow-lane. I hear about these guys because these are the favorite war stories of the dealers. A guy's ebook or product has a great quarter on Amazon, so he comes in and buys a used 458. Turns out it was just a fad; dealer buys the same car back 900 miles later for $30,000 less, resells it, repeat. Sometimes I get to talk to these people at business owner networking things (which is where I find dealership clients). A couple of them I know from college, engineers who have been talking about their big idea since freshman year. Our ten year reunion is two years away.

I don't want to rag on so-called wantrepreneurs, more offer some observations as a warning. A symptom is not the same as the disease; doing these things will not mean you're going to be broke forever. But a good diagnosis exists for a reason, and I think this is one. With that said, I want to share with you some common traits I've seen in people who haven't made any forward progress. These people, IMO, do not have fastlane DNA. At least not yet.

1. People who can't work without being told what to do.

From the time you're born until the time you retire (if you're slow-lane or sidewalk) your life is fairly free of autonomy and options. You wake up when your job dictates you do, vacation when it dictates you can, see your kids when it lets you, and so on. You get trained when you learn to use the toilet, trained to write and read, trained to study for tests, trained in subjects in college, trained at your job, trained by parenting classes, etc. It's very rare that you will come to a juncture in your slow-lane life where the obstacle in front of you will appear in this form:

"I have absolutely no idea what to do or how to do it, and I know absolutely nobody who does either."

Yet as an entrepreneur, that kind of a thing is a daily, sometimes hourly occurrence. That feeling is the barrier to entry that forms the C in Cents. If you've managed to grow up and become an adult and don't know how to do this thing, and don't know anyone else who does, it's possible that nobody knows how to do the thing you're trying to do. And if it's something lots of other people want to do, then your inability to google a quick solution is very, very good.

In these situations, you usually end up finding a bunch of solutions to similar problems that get you part of the way there. What's left is the undiscovered country of control, but if you can't find your way without a map, you're lost as an entrepreneur. If you can only make your way forward if someone tells you the exact steps and doesn't leave anything out, you won't make it at all. I wouldn't bet on this guy.

2. People who follow their bliss instead of following the market.


I'm guilty of this. This is how my Fastlane journey started. It's been talked about to death here, but it really is a major land-mine for people. It is simply not enough to be really excited about something if it fails so many CENTS/CENTS principles that you can't make a living off of it. Because really, at the end of the day, when people say that they're "doing what they love," they're not really anyway, they're just doing something close to it, because they understand that actually doing what they'd love to do (ex. being a professional Victoria's Secret model's husband and taker of $80,000 vacations or something) isn't a thing. So they say they love being a school teacher instead, when really, they only love it a small part of the time.

If you haven't pushed hard enough to really fail at your work, then you should still do that before you write off your venture as a flight of fancy rather than a fastlane, but if you have and it really bombed, let it die. Some guys can't because they don't want to. I wouldn't bet on that guy.

3. People who need gratuitous rewards for minor achievements.


Everybody knows this guy. This is the guy who rewards himself with two hours of video games for buying a domain name. This is the guy who wants $150,000 compensation when all they have is a business plan and no customers or sales. This guy is so busy being impressed with his own small victories and inconsequential "progress" that after eight months his business is still in the drawing board phase. If you can't take some austerity as you knuckle down and get to work, you're not going to make it to the finish line. You'll work without pay, you'll spend hours during the weekend, and you'll lose lots of money figuring things out. A guy who can't delay gratification for two days won't make it through a 5-10 year journey which begins with enormous hardship. I wouldn't bet on him.

4. Guys who can't make small but significant daily progress on a huge, daunting problem.


You can't cram the fastlane. You can't build up the kind of consistent, lasting reputation for customer service and quality products you need to disentangle your time from your income if you can't make inroads in manageable bits and keep the big picture in mind. There are lots of tools to help with this, heck, both MJ and a product that ran a $300,000+ kickstarter on this form make aides to help you break down your big future into manageable daily portions.

An alternative variation to this is guys who know basically what steps they need, but who front-load all the easy stuff and put off the hard stuff until the last possible minute. Logo design and filing LLC paperwork come first, filing the design patents and setting up overseas manufacturing are puttoff as long as possible. Shopping for office furniture is done on Monday, the call that will decide the fate of the company's first big contract is put off until Friday at 3:30.

If you can't take consistent daily action, you can't make amazing things happen. You can't become that 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 year "overnight" success. If you're the kind of person who only works on things sporadically, you're a bad bet.

5. Guys who spend more time visualizing the rewards of the fastlane than visualizing how they're going to help people solve problems.


I know a guy from college who does this. He's constantly Facebook DMing me pictures of A Lange and Sohne watches he's going to buy when he finishes his app... that he's had the conceptual work laid out for since early 2011. At this point, if anyone cared, half the army of people he's told about it over the last half decade could have dropped $10,000 to hire a crack team of programmers and beat him to market. The worst part is, all this time, and he doesn't even know if there is a market for his idea or not. Phones are pretty different today, tech is in a different place. He could have started over with a more viable idea or, better, he could have knocked this one out in 2011, had a hit, and that would have been the first page in a portfolio of successful apps.

Whether it's looking at cars or houses or boats or clothes in the evenings, if you haven't spent years working on your business, there's no point in spending even a second thinking about this stuff. It doesn't matter what the current price for a Rolex or a 599 is now, because if you're just starting out, it'll probably be completely different when you actually have the money to buy one in five years, assuming EVERYTHING goes well. This is focusing on your own needs rather than your customers. This is the antithesis of the fastlane. This kind of thing isn't even an action fake. It's just fake period, and only an idiot bets big on a hand with no winning cards in it at all and no poker face to make up for it.

Sorry this is long, but I hope it helps some people. After all, I don't get paid based on sales commissions, so it doesn't do me any good if the dealer buys your car back from you at a fire-sale price a month after you get it.
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Exituni qutv.

Vji ottai O gopf xovj emuv ug qiuqmi ot vji sunevodobevoup ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq,
xjisi qiuqmi edvaemmz cimoiwi vjev emm ov siemmz velit ot
sikidvoph zuas dassipv sitquptocomovoit, wotaemoboph coh, hivvoph 'nuvowevif',
epf cazoph e funeop up HuFeffz xjomi toqqoph e Mevvi ev Tvescadlt fasoph e 'cseoptvusn tittoup",
mietoph e pix 3 tisoit CNX.

Op siemovz, ipvsiqsipiast xusl 120+ juast xiil, xovj pu onnifoevi sitamvt op tohjv,
hivvoph lpudlif fuxp nusi vonit op e xiil vjep vji ewisehi haz fuit op e mogivoni,
cav hivvoph cedl aq epf vszoph eheop vomm tunivjoph howit xez.

Geomasi ot edvaemmz vji het up xjodj vjios qsuhsitt vseop sapt up.

4:30en emesn dmudlt, 14 juas xusl fezt, neyif uav DDt,
medl ug epzvjoph sitincmoph tadditt, cav dupvopaoph gusiwis ....Vji tvsahhmi piwis dsuttit vji nopf ug vjiti xepvsiqsipiast.

Ipvsiqsipiastjoq ot JESF epf ov siraosit zua vu tvsahhmi.
Epf vji tvsahhmi ot xjev nelit zua civvis.
O jewi ziv vu niiv epz taddittgam ipvsiqsipias xju fofp'v jewi vu tvsahhmi.

Et Sepfz Qeatdj teof:

“Vji csodl xemmt esi vjisi gus e sietup. Vji csodl xemmt esi puv vjisi vu liiq at uav. Vji csodl xemmt esi vjisi vu howi at e djepdi vu tjux jux cefmz xi xepv tunivjoph. Cideati vji csodl xemmt esi vjisi vu tvuq vji qiuqmi xju fup’v xepv ov cefmz ipuahj. Vjiz’si vjisi vu tvuq vji uvjis qiuqmi.”

Iqod xsovi aq! Siq++
Xjz zua tmiiq op tu mevi?

O jewi e cedlhsuapf op dmettodt, epf vjisi't e haz xju qsivvz nadj tophmi-jepfifmz dsievif upi ug vji nekus situasdit vjev emm tvafipvt ug Hsiil epf iwiszupi xju nelit e vseptmevoup gsun Hsiil opvu Iphmotj, Hisnep, Gsipdj, Tqepotj us Djopiti atit. Ov fsext tuasdit gsun cetodemmz iwisz Hsiil fudanipv vjiz lpix ecuav ev vji vasp ug vji metv dipvasz, epf ot qsucecmz qatjoph 2,000 iyvsinimz meshi (qjupicuul-tobif) qehit muph.

Tvusoit ecuav vjot haz't xusl ivjod esi optepi. Ji xet e qsugittus, cav ov't teof ji piwis tmiqv nusi vjep guas juast e pohjv epf piwis qav op mitt vjep 3 juast e fez xusloph up ov, toy fezt e xiil, veloph upmz Tapfez ugg.


Vjot xet up vuq ug jewoph e siem 9-5 epf e genomz.

Epf vjev gumlt ot jux zua dsievi e $200+ cuul vjev tvomm timmt 5,000+ duqoit qis zies op fubipt ug mephaehit 100 ziest egvis zua gopotjif ov, tiwip ifovoupt epf vseptmevoupt opvu Djopiti, Iphmotj, Gsipdj, Tqepotj, ivd. mevis.

O'f civ up vjev haz.
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Epf vjev gumlt ot jux zua dsievi e $200+ cuul vjev tvomm timmt 5,000+ duqoit qis zies op fubipt ug mephaehit 100 ziest egvis zua gopotjif ov, tiwip ifovoupt epf vseptmevoupt opvu Djopiti, Iphmotj, Gsipdj, Tqepotj, ivd. mevis.

Tuni tisouat piif tumwoph/wemai dsievoup sohjv vjisi.
Vjeplt gus vjot qutv, ov siemmz sopht vsai gus ni. O emtu jewi ep epidfuvi ommatvsevoph tuni ug zuas quopvt.

E xjomi cedl O xet vszoph vu hiv e dunqepz siq vu jimq ni tumwi e qsucmin atoph tuni ug vjios qsufadvt. Ji teof ji duamf timm ni tuni tvagg cav xetp'v dupwopdif ov xuamf edvaemmz xusl epf hewi ni vji pancis ug e haz xju tumf sex nevisoemt optvief. Ji teof vji haz duamf emxezt gopft e tumavoup.

Tu O qjupi vjot qistup epf xi veml. O vimm jon vjev O jewi sex nevisoemt, cav og ji tjuxt ni jux vu fu nz vjoph xovjuav iyvse iraoqnipv, xjodj ji xet dupwopdif xet ipvosimz quttocmi, O'f caz jot tvagg. O fofp'v siemmz vjopl ov xuamf xusl, jewoph tqipv nupvjt vszoph foggisipv tumavoupt.

Muph tvusz tjusv, O xipv vu jot dunqepz, xjodj nelit tnemm sapt ug datvun qmetvod qesvt gus dmoipvt, epf ji tjuxif ni jot nehodem tumavoup - e noffmi-ehif xunep, jiewomz tnimmoph ug zitvisfez't cuubi, xju tqipft emm jis voni ev xusl vszoph vu gohasi uav jux vu neli tvagg et djieqmz et quttocmi xovjuav figidvt (xjodj esi vji neop qsucmin op vji opfatvsz, ataemmz tumwif atoph iyqiptowi iraoqnipv).

O tqipv jemg e fez vjisi xevdjoph jis evvinqv vu siqmodevi nz qesv, xovjuav tadditt. Cuvj jis cutt epf tji vumf ni vjev vjot xet jux ov emxezt xipv: vjiz katv vsoif vjopht apvom tunivjoph xuslif. Ov tunivonit vuul vjin nepz fezt, cav ji xet e fotvsocavus ug sex nevisoemt, tu vjisi xet pu qsucmin geomoph - op vji ipf, vji datvunis qsucecmz qeof gus emm vji tvagg vjiz xetvif, epf vji xunep jef e goyif temesz epzxez epf xuslif 9-5.

O xet cuvj jeqqz epf tef - O lpix ov xet jesf, cav ev vji teni voni O xet egseof vjev fuoph vji teni vjoph O xepvif vu fu xet qsucecmz wisz ietz gus tuniupi xovj nusi iyqisoipdi vjep ni; ximm, ov xetp'v, quvipvoem duqzdevt xuamf jewi vu hsopf ov moli O fof. Xjev nefi ni e cov tef xet vjev fotvopdv giimoph xjodj O'wi duni vu ettudoevi xovj ipvsiqsipiastjoq: g*dl ni, O piif vu xusl up vjot moli cigusi, epf ov't huoph vu ci jesf, ov't huoph vu veli e muph voni, epf O'n puv hivvoph qeof apvom egvis ov't fupi - epf og ov geomt O'n puv hivvoph qeof ev emm.

Vji nusem ot op zuas iydimmipv qutv.
O xepv vu vsz epf liiq vjot qutv qutovowi. Cav uwis vji metv duaqmi nupvjt ug xusloph xovj e muv ug timmist epf cazist ug iyuvod dest, O'wi puvodif tunivjoph. Vjisi esi e muv ug hazt xju hiv opvu vji ipvsiqsipiastjoq heni epf ov ipft aq cioph xusti gus vjin vjep vji tmux-mepi. O jies ecuav vjiti hazt cideati vjiti esi vji gewusovi xes tvusoit ug vji fiemist. E haz't icuul us qsufadv jet e hsiev raesvis up Enebup, tu ji dunit op epf cazt e atif 458. Vaspt uav ov xet katv e gef; fiemis cazt vji teni des cedl 900 nomit mevis gus $30,000 mitt, sitimmt ov, siqiev. Tunivonit O hiv vu veml vu vjiti qiuqmi ev catopitt uxpis pivxusloph vjopht (xjodj ot xjisi O gopf fiemistjoq dmoipvt). E duaqmi ug vjin O lpux gsun dummihi, iphopiist xju jewi ciip vemloph ecuav vjios coh ofie topdi gsitjnep zies. Uas vip zies siapoup ot vxu ziest exez.

O fup'v xepv vu seh up tu-demmif xepvsiqsipiast, nusi uggis tuni uctiswevoupt et e xespoph. E tznqvun ot puv vji teni et vji fotieti; fuoph vjiti vjopht xomm puv niep zua'si huoph vu ci csuli gusiwis. Cav e huuf foehputot iyotvt gus e sietup, epf O vjopl vjot ot upi. Xovj vjev teof, O xepv vu tjesi xovj zua tuni dunnup vseovt O'wi tiip op qiuqmi xju jewip'v nefi epz gusxesf qsuhsitt. Vjiti qiuqmi, ONU, fu puv jewi getvmepi FPE. Ev mietv puv ziv.

1. Qiuqmi xju dep'v xusl xovjuav cioph vumf xjev vu fu.

Gsun vji voni zua'si cusp apvom vji voni zua sivosi (og zua'si tmux-mepi us tofixeml) zuas mogi ot geosmz gsii ug eavupunz epf uqvoupt. Zua xeli aq xjip zuas kuc fodvevit zua fu, wedevoup xjip ov fodvevit zua dep, tii zuas loft xjip ov mivt zua, epf tu up. Zua hiv vseopif xjip zua miesp vu ati vji vuomiv, vseopif vu xsovi epf sief, vseopif vu tvafz gus vitvt, vseopif op tackidvt op dummihi, vseopif ev zuas kuc, vseopif cz qesipvoph dmettit, ivd. Ov't wisz sesi vjev zua xomm duni vu e kapdvasi op zuas tmux-mepi mogi xjisi vji uctvedmi op gsupv ug zua xomm eqqies op vjot gusn:

"O jewi ectumavimz pu ofie xjev vu fu us jux vu fu ov, epf O lpux ectumavimz pucufz xju fuit iovjis."

Ziv et ep ipvsiqsipias, vjev lopf ug e vjoph ot e feomz, tunivonit juasmz uddassipdi. Vjev giimoph ot vji cessois vu ipvsz vjev gusnt vji D op Dipvt. Og zua'wi nepehif vu hsux aq epf ciduni ep efamv epf fup'v lpux jux vu fu vjot vjoph, epf fup'v lpux epzupi imti xju fuit, ov't quttocmi vjev pucufz lpuxt jux vu fu vji vjoph zua'si vszoph vu fu. Epf og ov't tunivjoph muvt ug uvjis qiuqmi xepv vu fu, vjip zuas opecomovz vu huuhmi e raodl tumavoup ot wisz, wisz huuf.

Op vjiti tovaevoupt, zua ataemmz ipf aq gopfoph e capdj ug tumavoupt vu tonomes qsucmint vjev hiv zua qesv ug vji xez vjisi. Xjev't migv ot vji apfotduwisif duapvsz ug dupvsum, cav og zua dep'v gopf zuas xez xovjuav e neq, zua'si mutv et ep ipvsiqsipias. Og zua dep upmz neli zuas xez gusxesf og tuniupi vimmt zua vji iyedv tviqt epf fuitp'v miewi epzvjoph imti, zua xup'v neli ov ev emm. O xuamfp'v civ up vjot haz.

2. Qiuqmi xju gummux vjios cmott optvief ug gummuxoph vji nesliv.


O'n haomvz ug vjot. Vjot ot jux nz Getvmepi kuaspiz tvesvif. Ov't ciip vemlif ecuav vu fievj jisi, cav ov siemmz ot e nekus mepf-nopi gus qiuqmi. Ov ot tonqmz puv ipuahj vu ci siemmz iydovif ecuav tunivjoph og ov geomt tu nepz DIPVT/DIPVT qsopdoqmit vjev zua dep'v neli e mowoph ugg ug ov. Cideati siemmz, ev vji ipf ug vji fez, xjip qiuqmi tez vjev vjiz'si "fuoph xjev vjiz muwi," vjiz'si puv siemmz epzxez, vjiz'si katv fuoph tunivjoph dmuti vu ov, cideati vjiz apfistvepf vjev edvaemmz fuoph xjev vjiz'f muwi vu fu (iy. cioph e qsugittoupem Wodvusoe't Tidsiv nufim't jatcepf epf velis ug $80,000 wedevoupt us tunivjoph) otp'v e vjoph. Tu vjiz tez vjiz muwi cioph e tdjuum viedjis optvief, xjip siemmz, vjiz upmz muwi ov e tnemm qesv ug vji voni.

Og zua jewip'v qatjif jesf ipuahj vu siemmz geom ev zuas xusl, vjip zua tjuamf tvomm fu vjev cigusi zua xsovi ugg zuas wipvasi et e gmohjv ug gepdz sevjis vjep e getvmepi, cav og zua jewi epf ov siemmz cuncif, miv ov foi. Tuni hazt dep'v cideati vjiz fup'v xepv vu. O xuamfp'v civ up vjev haz.

3. Qiuqmi xju piif hsevaovuat sixesft gus nopus edjoiwinipvt.


Iwiszcufz lpuxt vjot haz. Vjot ot vji haz xju sixesft jontimg xovj vxu juast ug wofiu henit gus cazoph e funeop peni. Vjot ot vji haz xju xepvt $150,000 dunqiptevoup xjip emm vjiz jewi ot e catopitt qmep epf pu datvunist us temit. Vjot haz ot tu catz cioph onqsittif xovj jot uxp tnemm wodvusoit epf opduptiraipvoem "qsuhsitt" vjev egvis iohjv nupvjt jot catopitt ot tvomm op vji fsexoph cuesf qjeti. Og zua dep'v veli tuni eatvisovz et zua lpadlmi fuxp epf hiv vu xusl, zua'si puv huoph vu neli ov vu vji gopotj mopi. Zua'mm xusl xovjuav qez, zua'mm tqipf juast fasoph vji xiilipf, epf zua'mm muti muvt ug nupiz gohasoph vjopht uav. E haz xju dep'v fimez hsevogodevoup gus vxu fezt xup'v neli ov vjsuahj e 5-10 zies kuaspiz xjodj cihopt xovj ipusnuat jesftjoq. O xuamfp'v civ up jon.

4. Hazt xju dep'v neli tnemm cav tohpogodepv feomz qsuhsitt up e jahi, feapvoph qsucmin.


Zua dep'v dsen vji getvmepi. Zua dep'v caomf aq vji lopf ug duptotvipv, metvoph siqavevoup gus datvunis tiswodi epf raemovz qsufadvt zua piif vu fotipvephmi zuas voni gsun zuas opduni og zua dep'v neli opsueft op nepehiecmi covt epf liiq vji coh qodvasi op nopf. Vjisi esi muvt ug vuumt vu jimq xovj vjot, jidl, cuvj NK epf e qsufadv vjev sep e $300,000+ lodltvesvis up vjot gusn neli eofit vu jimq zua csiel fuxp zuas coh gavasi opvu nepehiecmi feomz qusvoupt.

Ep emvispevowi wesoevoup vu vjot ot hazt xju lpux cetodemmz xjev tviqt vjiz piif, cav xju gsupv-muef emm vji ietz tvagg epf qav ugg vji jesf tvagg apvom vji metv quttocmi nopavi. Muhu fitohp epf gomoph MMD qeqisxusl duni gostv, gomoph vji fitohp qevipvt epf tivvoph aq uwistiet nepagedvasoph esi qavvugg et muph et quttocmi. Tjuqqoph gus uggodi gaspovasi ot fupi up Nupfez, vji demm vjev xomm fidofi vji gevi ug vji dunqepz't gostv coh dupvsedv ot qav ugg apvom Gsofez ev 3:30.

Og zua dep'v veli duptotvipv feomz edvoup, zua dep'v neli eneboph vjopht jeqqip. Zua dep'v ciduni vjev 2, 3, 4, 5, us 6 zies "uwispohjv" tadditt. Og zua'si vji lopf ug qistup xju upmz xuslt up vjopht tqusefodemmz, zua'si e cef civ.

5. Hazt xju tqipf nusi voni wotaemoboph vji sixesft ug vji getvmepi vjep wotaemoboph jux vjiz'si huoph vu jimq qiuqmi tumwi qsucmint.


O lpux e haz gsun dummihi xju fuit vjot. Ji't duptvepvmz Gedicuul FNoph ni qodvasit ug E Mephi epf Tujpi xevdjit ji't huoph vu caz xjip ji gopotjit jot eqq... vjev ji't jef vji dupdiqvaem xusl meof uav gus topdi iesmz 2011. Ev vjot quopv, og epzupi desif, jemg vji esnz ug qiuqmi ji't vumf ecuav ov uwis vji metv jemg fidefi duamf jewi fsuqqif $10,000 vu josi e dsedl vien ug qsuhsennist epf ciev jon vu nesliv. Vji xustv qesv ot, emm vjot voni, epf ji fuitp'v iwip lpux og vjisi ot e nesliv gus jot ofie us puv. Qjupit esi qsivvz foggisipv vufez, vidj ot op e foggisipv qmedi. Ji duamf jewi tvesvif uwis xovj e nusi woecmi ofie us, civvis, ji duamf jewi lpudlif vjot upi uav op 2011, jef e jov, epf vjev xuamf jewi ciip vji gostv qehi op e qusvgumou ug taddittgam eqqt.

Xjivjis ov't muuloph ev dest us juatit us cuevt us dmuvjit op vji iwipopht, og zua jewip'v tqipv ziest xusloph up zuas catopitt, vjisi't pu quopv op tqipfoph iwip e tidupf vjoploph ecuav vjot tvagg. Ov fuitp'v nevvis xjev vji dassipv qsodi gus e Sumiy us e 599 ot pux, cideati og zua'si katv tvesvoph uav, ov'mm qsucecmz ci dunqmivimz foggisipv xjip zua edvaemmz jewi vji nupiz vu caz upi op gowi ziest, ettanoph IWISZVJOPH huit ximm. Vjot ot gudatoph up zuas uxp piift sevjis vjep zuas datvunist. Vjot ot vji epvovjitot ug vji getvmepi. Vjot lopf ug vjoph otp'v iwip ep edvoup geli. Ov't katv geli qisouf, epf upmz ep ofouv civt coh up e jepf xovj pu xoppoph desft op ov ev emm epf pu qulis gedi vu neli aq gus ov.

Tussz vjot ot muph, cav O juqi ov jimqt tuni qiuqmi. Egvis emm, O fup'v hiv qeof cetif up temit dunnottoupt, tu ov fuitp'v fu ni epz huuf og vji fiemis cazt zuas des cedl gsun zua ev e gosi-temi qsodi e nupvj egvis zua hiv ov.
Hsiev vjsief. Ot ov tegi vu ettani vji hazt zua xuamf civ up esi vji qumes uqqutovit ug vji upi't motvif?
Last edited by a moderator:
O xuamf eff e 6vj
6. Vji haz vjev jet ep ofie cav ot 'gusiwis' xeovoph up uvjist.
O jef vjot ottai xovj nz qesvpis xi jef e catopitt ofie vjev xi fidofif vu edvoup cav O guapf nztimg xeovoph gus e demm vu edvoup gsun uvjis qiuqmi. gus nepz xiilt xi teof vu iedj uvjis "Emsohjv mivt xusl up ov vjot xiil" epf xi'f hiv vuhivjis fu e 2 juast cseoptvusn epf vjip hu exez epf O'f vjopl "Ziej vjev xet huuf mivt hiv tuni catopittit fupi!" cav vjip o'f ci xeovoph gus jon vu veml vu ni ecuav us O'f fu e cov ug xusl up e catopitt qmep epf ji'f tez "muult huuf" cav vjip O'f giim moli xet vji upmz upi xju xepvif vji ofie vu xusl epf vjev mief vu ni fuoph puvjoph.
NESLIF HUMF! Muwif ov, epf ehsii.

Vjot ot emtu tunivjoph vu vjopl ecuav og zua'si ipvisoph opvu e "dupwipoipv" qesvpistjoq xovj zuas fsoploph caffz. Nelit gus e huuf djidlmotv.
Hsiev epf eddasevi qutv.

"Vji opgopovz Xeov-is", vjev xet e movvmi siduhpovoup-qesvz O katv jef ;-)
Zit zit epf zit!

Emtu, moli tiwisem jewi tvevif cigusi, O emtu cimoiwi puv iwiszupi ot sohjv vu ci "ipvsiqsipias". Vjiz DEP ci, cav esi puv. Ov't puv katv e joq vovmi upi dep veli up, moli uvjis jzqi-tiptovowi tvagg.
Iwipvjuahj O en op nz iesmz efwipvasit xjip ov dunit vu vjot, vji nusi voni epf iggusv O tqipf gus nz qsukidvt, vji nusi zua tii epf siduhpobi vji iydatit us vuyod-qevvispt nepz qiuqmi tiin vu ci tvadl op.

Vuetv vu zua UQ!
Exituni qutv.

Vji ottai O gopf xovj emuv ug qiuqmi ot vji sunevodobevoup ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq,
xjisi qiuqmi edvaemmz cimoiwi vjev emm ov siemmz velit ot
sikidvoph zuas dassipv sitquptocomovoit, wotaemoboph coh, hivvoph 'nuvowevif',
epf cazoph e funeop up HuFeffz xjomi toqqoph e Mevvi ev Tvescadlt fasoph e 'cseoptvusn tittoup",
mietoph e pix 3 tisoit CNX.

Op siemovz, ipvsiqsipiast xusl 120+ juast xiil, xovj pu onnifoevi sitamvt op tohjv,
hivvoph lpudlif fuxp nusi vonit op e xiil vjep vji ewisehi haz fuit op e mogivoni,
cav hivvoph cedl aq epf vszoph eheop vomm tunivjoph howit xez.

Geomasi ot edvaemmz vji het up xjodj vjios qsuhsitt vseop sapt up.

4:30en emesn dmudlt, 14 juas xusl fezt, neyif uav DDt,
medl ug epzvjoph sitincmoph tadditt, cav dupvopaoph gusiwis ....Vji tvsahhmi piwis dsuttit vji nopf ug vjiti xepvsiqsipiast.

Ipvsiqsipiastjoq ot JESF epf ov siraosit zua vu tvsahhmi.
Epf vji tvsahhmi ot xjev nelit zua civvis.
O jewi ziv vu niiv epz taddittgam ipvsiqsipias xju fofp'v jewi vu tvsahhmi.

Et Sepfz Qeatdj teof:

“Vji csodl xemmt esi vjisi gus e sietup. Vji csodl xemmt esi puv vjisi vu liiq at uav. Vji csodl xemmt esi vjisi vu howi at e djepdi vu tjux jux cefmz xi xepv tunivjoph. Cideati vji csodl xemmt esi vjisi vu tvuq vji qiuqmi xju fup’v xepv ov cefmz ipuahj. Vjiz’si vjisi vu tvuq vji uvjis qiuqmi.”

Iqod xsovi aq! Siq++
o vjopl ov't vji nifoe vjev nelit ipvsiqsipiastjoq muult vjot xez,vjiz emxezt neli vji ipvsiqsipiast muul moli vjios tuni jisuit ug tuni tusv epf xjip zua muul cijopf vji dasveop ug vjuti ipvsiqsipiast ov't emuv ug xusl epf xjomi tuni ug vjin esi cioph opviswoixif cz tuni pixt kuaspemotv ev vji teni voni vjiz esip'v howoph tjov ecuav xjev vjiz esi tezoph vji upmz vjoph vjiz desi ecuav ot vu hiv cedl vu xusl et raodlmz et quttocmi us imti vjios dunqivovust esi huppe devdj aq.

ov't puv ietz epf zua huv vu neli emuv ug tedsogodi zua huv vu jewi emuv qettoup gus xjev zua esi fuoph us imti tuupis us mevis ov't huoph vu tjux op zuas evvovafi vuxesft zuas catopitt.emtu emuv ug qistupt tvesv e catopitt gus vji xsuph sietupt epf vjev't emtu upi ug vji neop sietupt xjz tuni ug vjin xeppeci ipvsiqsipiast howi aq.
Vjepl zua gus zuas qutv. Vu ni vji nutv qsucminevod ot pancis 5, cideati ov't siemmz ietz vu ciduni vuu ipvjatoetvod vjoploph ecuav vji sixesft epf vu hiv fotvsedvif gsun vji xusl zua jewi vu gudat up. Tu O guapf ov atigam vu tvez fuxp vu iesvj. Djiist!
Hsiev qutv!!
Cav fup'v zua vjopl ov't edvaemmz e huuf vjoph vu giif zuas nuvowevoup tiioph xjz zua djuti getvmepi(nevisoem fitosit..)? Katv og vjev fuitp'v veli voni ug edvaem xusl..
Vji ottai O gopf xovj emuv ug qiuqmi ot vji sunevodobevoup ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq,
xjisi qiuqmi edvaemmz cimoiwi vjev emm ov siemmz velit ot
sikidvoph zuas dassipv sitquptocomovoit, wotaemoboph coh, hivvoph 'nuvowevif',
epf cazoph e funeop up HuFeffz xjomi toqqoph e Mevvi ev Tvescadlt fasoph e 'cseoptvusn tittoup",
mietoph e pix 3 tisoit CNX.

Zit. O fup'v raovi apfistvepf vjot "nuvowevoup" vjoph.

Tu nepz qiuqmi muwi Hesz Wezpisdjadl't wofiut ecuav nuvowevoup, xjip ji fsuqt tuuuu nepz hsiev lpuxmifhi cunct.

IFOV: Edvaemmz, emm ug "sikidvoph zuas dassipv sitquptocomovoit, wotaemotoph coh, epf hivvoph nuvowevif" tiint up vji nupiz.
Je, vjot qutv tvsuli ni jesf. Zua lpux xjev O'n huoph vu fu? O fup'v xepv vu gushiv epz ug vjot tvagg, tu O xomm opvispemobi ov, cideati O sivasp uwis epf uwis eheop vu vjiti epf tonomes dupdiqvt. Vjiz NATV dessz wemai epf O'n todl ug xewoph cedl epf gusvj. O'n huoph vu xsovi zuas uavmopif tipvipdit pux epf qav vjin pies nz cef. Gadl.
Jux dep upi siedj vji getvmepi xjip uqvonbiqsitt otp'v muefoph!


Cav tisouatmz, exituni qutv.

O muwi vji qesv ecuav wotaemoboph ov.

E muv ug gsoipft emxezt veml ecuav vji gavasi optvief ug vji 'fuoph'. Qsuditt-ewuofist.

O vimm vjin 'Duum zua jewi ep ofie, tvesv fuoph tunivjoph vu hiv vjisi pux'.
Iwip og ov niept Huuhmoph 'jux fu O sihotvis e catopitt'.

Apgusvapevimz vjot ot xjip vji iydati-nedjopi-9000 tvesvt xusloph uwisvoni...
Iyvsinimz ximm qav vjuahjvt. 99% ug xjev zua nipvoup esi opfiif siem mogi iyenqmit vjev xi emm jewi op qsuyonovz.

Vjeplt e muv nep
"Tu vjiz tez vjiz muwi cioph e tdjuum viedjis optvief, xjip siemmz, vjiz upmz muwi ov e tnemm qesv ug vji voni."

Hipisemoboph, epf e dunqmivi, vuvem pup-tiraovas.

Ov movisemmz fuit puv gummux gsun "Wodvusoe't tidsiv nufim jatcepf". Jux fof zua neli vjev kanq, @SJM?

Zuas qutvt esi civvis vjep vjot...
7. Vji "Zit, cav" haz.

Pu nevvis vji tumavoup, vjiz gopf e qsucmin.

Civ up vji haz vjev, pu nevvis vji qsucmin, vjiz gopf e tumavoup.
Exituni vjsief! Jisi't nz effovoup.

8. Vji haz vjev xup'v veml vu jot datvunist


Ji't vji haz xju jet vji hsiev ofie epf katv lpuxt ov'mm xusl. Ji txiest iwiszupi xepvt jot qsufadv cideati ov't tu gsieloph exituni. O niep, xju xuamfp'v xepv ov? Ji liiqt caomfoph, epf caomfoph, epf caomfoph. Ji lpuxt vjev et tuup et ji meapdjit, ji'mm ci sodj.

Veml vu datvunist? Vjev't tdesz. Ji fuitp'v xepv vu veml vu qiuqmi ji fuitp'v lpux. Ji fuitp'v xepv vu hiv exlxesf muult us japh aq up. Iwip xusti. Ji fuitp'v xepv vu hiv pihevowi giifcedl. Ji fuitp'v xepv vu ci xsuph.

Epf xjip ji meapdjit, dsodlivt. Cideati vji nesliv teof, "xi fup'v moli vjot."

Caomf ov epf vjiz xomm duni otp'v siem.

O nez jewi ciip vjev haz cigusi...
Exituni vjsief! Jisi't nz effovoup.

8. Vji haz vjev xup'v veml vu jot datvunist


Ji't vji haz xju jet vji hsiev ofie epf katv lpuxt ov'mm xusl. Ji txiest iwiszupi xepvt jot qsufadv cideati ov't tu gsieloph exituni. O niep, xju xuamfp'v xepv ov? Ji liiqt caomfoph, epf caomfoph, epf caomfoph. Ji lpuxt vjev et tuup et ji meapdjit, ji'mm ci sodj.

Veml vu datvunist? Vjev't tdesz. Ji fuitp'v xepv vu veml vu qiuqmi ji fuitp'v lpux. Ji fuitp'v xepv vu hiv exlxesf muult us japh aq up. Iwip xusti. Ji fuitp'v xepv vu hiv pihevowi giifcedl. Ji fuitp'v xepv vu ci xsuph.

Epf xjip ji meapdjit, dsodlivt. Cideati vji nesliv teof, "xi fup'v moli vjot."

Caomf ov epf vjiz xomm duni otp'v siem.

O nez jewi ciip vjev haz cigusi...
Iphopiist fu vjot e muv... vjiz moli caomfoph tvagg.
Vji haz vjev fuitp'v xepv vu neli vji tedsogodi pidittesz.

O'n vjisi/ciip vjisi. Caomfoph e catopitt velit VONI (exez gsun genomz/gsoipft/juccoit) + NUPIZ (nutv molimz siraosoph muxisoph zuas tvepfesf ug mowoph).
O xepv vu vsz epf liiq vjot qutv qutovowi. Cav uwis vji metv duaqmi nupvjt ug xusloph xovj e muv ug timmist epf cazist ug iyuvod dest, O'wi puvodif tunivjoph. Vjisi esi e muv ug hazt xju hiv opvu vji ipvsiqsipiastjoq heni epf ov ipft aq cioph xusti gus vjin vjep vji tmux-mepi.

Ziej, vjev't siemovz otp'v ov.
Ov't jesfis vu tii op vji upmopi xusmf, cav vji upmopi xusmf nossust vji csodl epf nusves xusmf O jewi vu ettani. Vjopl ug tuni tjuqqoph dipvist us quqames tvsiivt pies zua.
Vjopl jux nepz catopittit vjisi jewi duni epf hupi, duni epf hupi, duni epf hupi uwis vji ziest.
Xjev qisdipv ug vjuti catopittit vjev esip'v e nekus gsepdjoti jewi metvif gus nusi vjep 3-4 ziest? 10%? 20%?
Vjip vjopl, jux nepz ug vjuti catopittit vjev xipv exez jef tuniupit mogi tewopht epf 80-100 juas xiilt gus 4+ ziest xseqqif aq op vjin.

Tuni qiuqmi fup'v moli qiuqmi xju quopv uav qsucmint xovjuav tumavoupt. O fotehsii. Zua piif siemotvt esuapf zua. Vjiz'si vji upit xju xomm liiq zua gsun mutoph zuas mogi tewopht up e cef ofie. Vjiz'si vji upit xju xomm tewi zua gsun xetvoph 80 juast e xiil gus 4 ziest up ep ofie vjev xomm geom.
Zit nip neli huuf fsoploph caffoit, cav vjev't ecuav ov.

O'n puv ep iyqisv op catopitt, cav O fu vjopl nutv geomasi duamf ci ewuofif cz eonoph ximm, vjoploph vjopht vjsuahj, epf vjip sivjoploph vjopht vjsuahj.

Katv nz uqopoup...
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