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Has Moving to a Warm and Sunny Climate Made You Happier?

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I've been to over 40 countries at this point. After a while, at least for me, it does get clearer what you want and what you don't want. I haven't yet found a place where I would love to live year round but I've found places for specific parts of the year, like southern Greece for September-November or Australia for January-May.

I can relate to the desire of living completely different lifestyles though for me, at least now, I'm confident that I want to live on the coast, in a warm, sunny climate that isn't completely arid, where I can ideally practice both freediving and surfing (but at least one of those). I also want a safe, rather developed place as I get no pleasure out of being exposed to crumbling infrastructure, poverty, and inequality.
Right, that's how I see it as well. Even the best options have colder/rainy seasons.

It seems like hybrid is the way, e.g., you have a home base where it's practical to run your business and a "second home" that's more exotic where you go when it sucks in your home base. Or just a home base and rent when going abroad.

It's a tricky one, but nothing that can't be solved with enough money lol.
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