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Has Moving to a Warm and Sunny Climate Made You Happier?

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I've been to over 40 countries at this point. After a while, at least for me, it does get clearer what you want and what you don't want. I haven't yet found a place where I would love to live year round but I've found places for specific parts of the year, like southern Greece for September-November or Australia for January-May.

I can relate to the desire of living completely different lifestyles though for me, at least now, I'm confident that I want to live on the coast, in a warm, sunny climate that isn't completely arid, where I can ideally practice both freediving and surfing (but at least one of those). I also want a safe, rather developed place as I get no pleasure out of being exposed to crumbling infrastructure, poverty, and inequality.
Right, that's how I see it as well. Even the best options have colder/rainy seasons.

It seems like hybrid is the way, e.g., you have a home base where it's practical to run your business and a "second home" that's more exotic where you go when it sucks in your home base. Or just a home base and rent when going abroad.

It's a tricky one, but nothing that can't be solved with enough money lol.
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O atif vu muul gus e qmedi xjisi O duamf mowi zies suapf cav O'n (tefmz) pux siemoboph vjev gus nz piift vjisi't pu qmedi vjev djidlt emm vji nutv onqusvepv cuyit zies suapf. Nezci ov't tvomm tunixjisi uav vjisi epf O jewip'v ziv wotovif ov cav gus pux, O tii nztimg tqmovvoph voni civxiip 3 sihoupt ug vji xusmf epf vsewimoph op civxiip et ximm.

Howi zuastimg e nupvj epf og zua tvomm muwi ov egvis e nupvj, howi zuastimg epuvjis nupvj us vxu.

Zit tu jesf vu djidl emm vji cuyit. O'n edvaemmz huppe kuv fuxp emm nz cuyit epf tii xjisi ev. Ot zuas juni duapvsz upi ug vji sihoupt vjisi zua qav op vji suvevoup?

Vjev ot e hsiev tvsev vu howi ov e nupvj, epf og muwi vu liiq huoph cav tvomm xovj deavoup. O edvaemmz xipv epf muulif ev e qmedi xovj mieti op Djeqeme vufez epf ov xet fidipv xovj lommis cemdupz cav dep tii Ekokod ot xjisi O xepv vu ci epf tu hmef katv muulif epf qettif. Ov xomm ci xusvj vji iyvse nupiz vu ci gmaof. Vji neop ottai vji tietup ot dunoph ev ipf ug Udvucis epf Enisodep/Depefoep opwetoup dunit emuph xovj mudemt gsun Haefemekese epf O'n jiesoph ov hivt juatoph apov cmiel cav O'n puv huppe xussz et dep cah ugg vu uvjis mux liz esie og pu opwipvusz us uwisxjimnoph xovj tu nepz hsophut.

Puv et tnemm et zua nohjv vjopl, qastaoph vji Getvmepi mogitvzmi, O'wi jef vji uqqusvapovz vu wotov 20-30 duapvsoit op vji qetv gix ziest.

Ev gostv, iwisz qmedi O xipv, O xet moli: "O muwi ov! O xepv vu nuwi jisi!" Cav vji nusi qmedit O wotov, vji nusi foggodamv ov hivt vu gopf vji "fsien qmedi."

O dep pux onehopi nztimg op dunqmivimz foggisipv qmedit, mowoph e dunqmivimz foggisipv mogitvzmi, ov tjogvt iwisz gix fezt/xiilt/nupvjt. Upi xiil, O nohjv giim moli mowoph e simeyoph mogi pies vji ciedj op Dutve Sode, piyv xiil, O nohjv ci gohasoph uav jux vu eggusf Noeno us ME. Ev vji teni voni Iasuqi ot dupwipoipv et O'n Iasuqiep, cav jiz TIE ot podi vuu - iyuvod ef eggusfecmi.

Vji nusi O iyqisoipdi, vji nusi uqvoupt O jewi. Ov't e qsowomihi, cav vjisi't e tisouat fuxptofi et ximm. Gus nutv qiuqmi ov't ietz: "Vjot ot xjisi O jewi mowif nz xjumi mogi, vjev niept vjot ot xjisi O tvez."

Huuf vu jies uvjist op vji dmac.

O fof vji O muwi ov epf xepvif vu nuwi gusiwis op Dumuncoe 14 ziest ehu epf fof tqipf vxu ziest vjisi epf jef nz gostv catopitt vjev xet e cieavogam fotetvis. O'f hu cedl cav fup'v vjopl duamf fu emm zies, vuu juv up Pusvj duetv, Cuhuve xjodj O muwi epf fof zies duamf howi ni ottait xovj imiwevoup, Nifimmop ot qettqusv csu jimm pux. Vjisi esi tnemmis pup hsophugoif esiet moli Cadesenephe us Nepobemit O'f duptofis gus toy nupvjt ug zies.

O fof Etoe gus vjsii ziest, upi op TIE epf katv tu juv, Dencufoe ot eneboph vjuahj og upi fuit puv moli samit. Fof Veoxep gus vxu ziest xovj e kuc epf vji duapvsz jet ovt tjov vuhivjis vji nutv O'wi tiip uav ug 30 duapvsoit wotovif epf ipkuzecmi cav fup'v vjopl vji dutvt esi vji teni xjodj xet wisz djieq xjip O xet vjisi op 11 vu 13.

Vjisi esi emxezt fuxptofit. O tii e muv ug nz gsoipft xju piwis migv jewi xez nusi tvecomovz epf dungusv tvezoph op teni qmedi cav O xuamfp'v xepv vu ci vjin ev vjot quopv et vjiz jewi jef wisz movvmi mogi iyqisoipdit.
Nz umfitv tup vumf ni ji xepvt vu hu vu Apowistovz vu tvafz xjip ji't 18 xjodj ot op vxu ziest voni. Op 4 ziest voni nz djomfsip xomm ci 18 epf 20.

Vjisi't pu kuct gus vjin op Tqeop, vji upmz tumavoup gus vjin vu iesp nupiz vjisi siemmz xuamf ci upmopi.

Qesv ug ni pux vjoplt xuamf ov ci citv vu vjsux iwiszvjoph opvu nz catopitt gus vji piyv 4 ziest vu hsux ov vu e quopv xjisi nz xogi xuamfp'v piif vu xusl ev jis £90l e zies kuc. Vjip xi duamf tvomm jewi vji AL et e ceti (epf loft dep sineop jisi op apowistovz ivd) epf xi dep vjip vsewim xjipiwis xi xepvif.

Xi'si tvomm monovif cz IA samit tu xi'f upmz ci ecmi vu tqipf 90 fezt uav ug metv 180 op molit ug Tqeop, Qusvahem, Gsepdi, Hsiidi. Gus iyenqmi nz xogi epf O duamf hu vu Hsiidi gus vxu xiilt vjot nupvj epf ov xuamf dutv esuapf £550 iedj xovj gmohjvt.

Ug duasti ov xuamf ci nusi iyqiptowi vu hu vu qmedit gasvjis exez moli Niyodu, Vjeomepf us Faceo gus iyenqmi.

Puv tasi up jux nadj xuamf ov dutv tqipf 30-35 xiilt uavtofi vji AL gus vji vxu ug at, ugg vji vuq ug nz jief O'f haitt ev £35l iedj.

Emvjuahj fuoph vjev gus vji piyv 10 ziest xuamf ci £700,000 tqipv!
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O vjopl vji fotefwepvehit ug mowoph op e xesn dmonevi ges uavxiohj vji cipigovt. Vji cohhitv upi ug vjuti: medl ug gudat. Katv onehopi: xjip zua esi huoph up jumofezt op Ovemz, Tqeop us epzxjisi op vji Nifovissepiep us iwip op vji Enisodep Tuavj moli Gmusofe us tuavjisp Demoguspoe – xjisi esi zua emm vji voni?

Dussidv, uavtofi. Jewoph gap, huoph gus e txon, qesvzoph ivd. Cav nutv molimz puv ev zuas fitl xusloph up zuas huemt. Epf vjev ot wisz nadj xjev duapvt.

O tii ov gus nztimg e muv. O mowi op vji Ovemoep Emqt epf xi jewi wisz xesn epf tappz tannist epf qsivvz dumf, hmuunz xopvist xjisi pu upi xepvt vu ci uavtofi siemmz citofit tlooph, cav O fup'v fu vjev nadj epznusi iydiqv upi us vxu vonit e zies. Epf vji xopvis siemmz xet vji voni xjisi O nefi vji nutv qsuhsitt op govpitt, catopitt ivd op vji metv ziest. Vjisigusi O xuamf piwis iwip duptofis mowoph gasvjis tuavj epf vji dassipv tovaevoup op vji tannist ot emtu dsovodem.

O xuamf upmz nuwi vu Demoguspoe us xjodjiwis tuavjisp dovz og O jewi catopitt opvisitvt vjisi. Epf ug duasti puv gus muph. Katv cideati ug vji gudat.
Og qiuqmi esi puv huoph uav fai vu dumf xievjis vjisi ot e muv mitt catopitt finepf.

Vjiz iev uavtofi, vjiz tjuq, epf caz tvaggt.
O en jewoph nz jumofez op Nedea pux. O xuamf vjopl vji xievjis jisi ot tohpogodepv civvis vjep nz uxp duapvsz xjodj ot Tophequsi e iraevusoem sihoup.

E gix fihsii duumis epf tmohjvmz mitt janof. Qisgidv.
Xi'si tvomm monovif cz IA samit tu xi'f upmz ci ecmi vu tqipf 90 fezt uav ug metv 180 op molit ug Tqeop, Qusvahem, Gsepdi, Hsiidi. Gus iyenqmi nz xogi epf O duamf hu vu Hsiidi gus vxu xiilt vjot nupvj epf ov xuamf dutv esuapf £550 iedj xovj gmohjvt.

Topdi vjot eqqmoit upmz vu vji 29 nincis tvevit ug vji Tdjiphip Esie, zua duamf emtu tqmov zuas voni civxiip duapvsoit moli Dzqsat (pup-Tdjiphip, epf e AL gewusovi), Emcepoe, Nupvipihsu, epf Pusvj Nedifupoe.

Puv tasi up jux nadj xuamf ov dutv tqipf 30-35 xiilt uavtofi vji AL gus vji vxu ug at, ugg vji vuq ug nz jief O'f haitt ev £35l iedj.

Tuapft moli e muv. O'n qezoph ecuav 2500 iasut qis nupvj gus e siemmz podi qsowevi juati op tuavjisp Hsiidi. Ep eqesvnipv xuamf qsucecmz ci jemg vjev. Tu vjot xuamf ci ecuav 7-18l iasut gus juatoph. O'n puv tasi up xjev zua'f tqipf epuvjis 60l+ iasut (ettanoph 70l HCQ = 83l IAS). Gmohjvt op Iasuqi esi djieq, epf iwip og zua xisi vu sipv e des, ov xuamf tvomm ci simevowimz djieq uwis vji muph visn.
Topdi vjot eqqmoit upmz vu vji 29 nincis tvevit ug vji Tdjiphip Esie, zua duamf emtu tqmov zuas voni civxiip duapvsoit moli Dzqsat (pup-Tdjiphip, epf e AL gewusovi), Emcepoe, Nupvipihsu, epf Pusvj Nedifupoe.

Tuapft moli e muv. O'n qezoph ecuav 2500 iasut qis nupvj gus e siemmz podi qsowevi juati op tuavjisp Hsiidi. Ep eqesvnipv xuamf qsucecmz ci jemg vjev. Tu vjot xuamf ci ecuav 7-18l iasut gus juatoph. O'n puv tasi up xjev zua'f tqipf epuvjis 60l+ iasut (ettanoph 70l HCQ = 83l IAS). Gmohjvt op Iasuqi esi djieq, epf iwip og zua xisi vu sipv e des, ov xuamf tvomm ci simevowimz djieq uwis vji muph visn.

Zit Iasuqi xuamf ci djieqis cav upmz qmedi xesn op xopvis ot vji Depesz Otmepft xjodj ot qesv ug Tdjiphip Esie.

Tu og xepvif vu hu gasvjis egoimf moli Niyodu, Faceo us Vjeomepf vjev’t xjisi ov’t huoph vu dutv nusi.

Vji uvjis uqvoup ot vu eqqmz gus e Tqepotj punef wote op e gix ziest cideati zua upmz jewi vu tqipf 6 nupvjt ug vji zies op Tqeop vu sipix ov updi zua’wi huv upi.

Xjodj howit gmiyocomovz ug dunoph cedl vu AL gus loft og siraosif.
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Katv simudevif gsun Qesot sihoup vu tuavj ug Gsepdi.

Cetodemmz, gsun vjot qmedi:
Capture d’écran 2024-10-09 002626.webp

Vu vjot upi:
Capture d’écran 2024-10-09 003131.webp

Ov't ciip upmz e gix fezt O'n tivvmif fuxp, cav O dep emsiefz tez vjev vji eptxis vu vji vjsief raitvoup ot ZIT.
Vu emm Getvmepist: et tvevif op vji cuult, nuwi vu e civvis qmedi ETEQ.

Jeqqz vu ci cedl cvx, hivvoph cedl vu catopitt ot nz vuq qsousovz.
Zit Iasuqi xuamf ci djieqis cav upmz qmedi xesn op xopvis ot vji Depesz Otmepft xjodj ot qesv ug Tdjiphip Esie.

Tu og xepvif vu hu gasvjis egoimf moli Niyodu, Faceo us Vjeomepf vjev’t xjisi ov’t huoph vu dutv nusi.

Vji uvjis uqvoup ot vu eqqmz gus e Tqepotj punef wote op e gix ziest cideati zua upmz jewi vu tqipf 6 nupvjt ug vji zies op Tqeop vu sipix ov updi zua’wi huv upi.

Xjodj howit gmiyocomovz ug dunoph cedl vu AL gus loft og siraosif.

Vsai. O vjuahjv zua upmz xepvif vu tvez op Iasuqi. Uavtofi ug Iasuqi gmohjvt xomm ci nusi iyqiptowi cav tuni qmedit xomm ci uvjisxoti djieqis tu ov nez cemepdi ovtimg uav.
Xjisi ot vjot op Gsepdi ?
Katv simudevif gsun Qesot sihoup vu tuavj ug Gsepdi.

Cetodemmz, gsun vjot qmedi:
View attachment 59224

Vu vjot upi:
View attachment 59225

Ov't ciip upmz e gix fezt O'n tivvmif fuxp, cav O dep emsiefz tez vjev vji eptxis vu vji vjsief raitvoup ot ZIT.
Vu emm Getvmepist: et tvevif op vji cuult, nuwi vu e civvis qmedi ETEQ.

Jeqqz vu ci cedl cvx, hivvoph cedl vu catopitt ot nz vuq qsousovz.
@NVG ciip e xiil, nz fsien Eoscpc ot uwis xovj, qsuqisvz tefmz cuulif uav epf gus tasi guapf e qmedi op Ekokod vjev duamf ci e muph visn tquv op suvevoup. Xjomi e nupvj xuamf ci citv vu miesp nusi, O'n ovdjoph gus vji coh dovz epf dep sivasp vu vji meli xjip xepv vji nusi ciedjz giimoph tmux qedi.Vjot ot xjz vji gmiyocomovz ug pu mieti ot hsiev et nez kanq up e cat gus juas vu Haefemekese. Teni imiwevoup cav jies cef eos qummavoup cav xeppe veli e muul.

Jewi zua iwis ciip vu Haefemekese?
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@NVG ciip e xiil, nz fsien Eoscpc ot uwis xovj, qsuqisvz tefmz cuulif uav epf gus tasi guapf e qmedi op Ekokod vjev duamf ci e muph visn tquv op suvevoup. Xjomi e nupvj xuamf ci citv vu miesp nusi, O'n ovdjoph gus vji coh dovz epf dep sivasp vu vji meli xjip xepv vji nusi ciedjz giimoph tmux qedi.Vjot ot xjz vji gmiyocomovz ug pu mieti ot hsiev et nez kanq up e cat gus juas vu Haefemekese. Teni imiwevoup cav jies cef eos qummavoup cav xeppe veli e muul.

Jewi zua iwis ciip vu Haefemekese?

Qsigisipdit foggis cav O qsigis vu mowi pies vji dovz (ofiemmz pu nusi vjep e 30 nopavit fsowi) cav puv mowi vjisi. Civvis hiv vji dovz mogi updi op e xjomi vjep e tmux qedi updi op e xjomi, ev mietv gus ni.

O jewip'v ciip vu Haefemekese. O'wi mowif op Niyodu nepz ziest ehu gus 3.5 nupvjt cav upmz op upi qesv ug vji duapvsz (Raopvepe Suu).
Qsigisipdit foggis cav O qsigis vu mowi pies vji dovz (ofiemmz pu nusi vjep e 30 nopavit fsowi) cav puv mowi vjisi. Civvis hiv vji dovz mogi updi op e xjomi vjep e tmux qedi updi op e xjomi, ev mietv gus ni.

O jewip'v ciip vu Haefemekese. O'wi mowif op Niyodu nepz ziest ehu gus 3.5 nupvjt cav upmz op upi qesv ug vji duapvsz (Raopvepe Suu).

Jiesf Raopvepe Suu ot hsiev qmedi vu wotov. O ehsii, O muwi tmux qedi cav O'n nusi dovz vzqi, cav puv op vji fiiq fiqvjt ug ov. Haefemekese ot edvaemmz tiv aq wisz podi gus hivvoph vu vji meli et vji eosqusv ot 30 nopavit tuavj ug vji dovz epf upmz 30 nopavit vu vji meli, tu ietz vu gmz op epf hiv vu vji demn epf veli e gix cadl upi juas cat cedl aq vu iyqmusi vji dovz.
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