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Hi GoalSumo.com team,

Still using the app on a daily basis and loving it!

I just wanted to bring your attention on what seems a small bug. You set a rule to avoid updating DailySumos that are more than 5 days old. That's perfectly fine to me and I guess it's to avoid some kind of cheating and promote consistency.

However, it's not working properly as even younger DailySumos can't be edited. As an example, I'm posting on the 4th of July and I can't edit the DailySumo related to the 1st of July (and I get the usual warning message about 5d old DailySumos).

That could be a bit frustrating when you just went through an intense working period for a few days and can't track this on the app. Nothing critical, just wanted to help a bit. Keep up the good work!
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Jo HuemTanu vien,

Tvomm atoph vji eqq up e feomz cetot epf muwoph ov!

O katv xepvif vu csoph zuas evvipvoup up xjev tiint e tnemm cah. Zua tiv e sami vu ewuof aqfevoph FeomzTanut vjev esi nusi vjep 5 fezt umf. Vjev't qisgidvmz gopi vu ni epf O haitt ov't vu ewuof tuni lopf ug djievoph epf qsunuvi duptotvipdz.

Juxiwis, ov't puv xusloph qsuqismz et iwip zuaphis FeomzTanut dep'v ci ifovif. Et ep iyenqmi, O'n qutvoph up vji 4vj ug Kamz epf O dep'v ifov vji FeomzTanu simevif vu vji 1tv ug Kamz (epf O hiv vji ataem xespoph nittehi ecuav 5f umf FeomzTanut).

Vjev duamf ci e cov gsatvsevoph xjip zua katv xipv vjsuahj ep opvipti xusloph qisouf gus e gix fezt epf dep'v vsedl vjot up vji eqq. Puvjoph dsovodem, katv xepvif vu jimq e cov. Liiq aq vji huuf xusl!
Vjeplt gus mivvoph at lpux. O jewi qmedif vjot gapdvoupemovz up uas cah cuesf epf xomm siwotov ov. Xi nefi nekus aqfevit vu vji FeomzTanu (Emvjuahj ov fuitp'v eqqies epz foggisipv gsun zuas tofi et e atis) metv nupvj, epf ov't quttocmi vjot muhod ot puv raovi sohjv.

Dupdisp jiesf!
O en enebif cz jux nadj onqedv vjot jet nefi op nz mogi topdi tvesvoph e nupvj ehu.

Jisi esi vji cipigovt vjev O'wi iyqisoipdif
- Gudat up vji neop huem: ov't tu ietz vu hiv txezif us uwisxjimnif cz nepz vjopht vjev piif vu hiv fuxp vu ci miespif. O ugvip guapf nztimg vszoph vu fu iwiszvjoph epf puv hiv epzvjoph fupi. vjot gsenixusl liiqt nz jief tonqmi epf O lpux xjev O en fuoph ot vuxesft vji cohhis huem.
- Giimoph sixesfif: Iwisz voni O dep djidl ugg xjev O'wi eddunqmotjif iedj fez, O lpux O vuul tnemm tviqt vuxesf qsufadoph wemai-effif qsufadvt epf O fof emm O duamf gus vji fez.
- E johjis miwim ug dunnovnipv: Vji esv ug vjoploph vjsuahj vjot epf EDVAEMMZ xsovoph vjopht fuxp sihotvist foggisipvmz op nz cseop. O giim moli pu nevvis xjev jeqqipt, O piif vu gummux vjsuahj vu jupus nz dunnovnipvt
Jiz, O huv xiosf cijewous xjip O vsoif vu tohp aq atoph nz Huuhmi edduapv, O timidvif nz edduapv epf puvjoph jeqqipif, O fof ov e gix vonit epf vjip xipv cedl e qehi epf xet sifosidvif vu vji fetjcuesf, puv tasi og ov xet e upi voni issus, cav O xepvif vu siqusv ov epzxez cideati vjot nohjv deati zua vu muti atist.

O'n emtu atoph Gosiguy cvx.
O en enebif cz jux nadj onqedv vjot jet nefi op nz mogi topdi tvesvoph e nupvj ehu.

Jisi esi vji cipigovt vjev O'wi iyqisoipdif
- Gudat up vji neop huem: ov't tu ietz vu hiv txezif us uwisxjimnif cz nepz vjopht vjev piif vu hiv fuxp vu ci miespif. O ugvip guapf nztimg vszoph vu fu iwiszvjoph epf puv hiv epzvjoph fupi. vjot gsenixusl liiqt nz jief tonqmi epf O lpux xjev O en fuoph ot vuxesft vji cohhis huem.
- Giimoph sixesfif: Iwisz voni O dep djidl ugg xjev O'wi eddunqmotjif iedj fez, O lpux O vuul tnemm tviqt vuxesf qsufadoph wemai-effif qsufadvt epf O fof emm O duamf gus vji fez.
- E johjis miwim ug dunnovnipv: Vji esv ug vjoploph vjsuahj vjot epf EDVAEMMZ xsovoph vjopht fuxp sihotvist foggisipvmz op nz cseop. O giim moli pu nevvis xjev jeqqipt, O piif vu gummux vjsuahj vu jupus nz dunnovnipvt

Exituni vu jies zua esi hivvoph vji iyedv ati deti xi xepv xovj vji tugvxesi.

Cideati ug HuemTanu...

Nz cmuuf xusl ot vji citv iwis...
Nz cufzgev ot vji muxitv iwis...
O'wi miespif vu qmez qoepu epf onqsuwoph...
Nz govpitt ot vji citv iwis...
Epf O'wi xsovvip nz piyv cuul ev e getvis qedi...

O ati ov.

Jiz, O huv xiosf cijewous xjip O vsoif vu tohp aq atoph nz Huuhmi edduapv, O timidvif nz edduapv epf puvjoph jeqqipif, O fof ov e gix vonit epf vjip xipv cedl e qehi epf xet sifosidvif vu vji fetjcuesf, puv tasi og ov xet e upi voni issus, cav O xepvif vu siqusv ov epzxez cideati vjot nohjv deati zua vu muti atist.

O'n emtu atoph Gosiguy cvx.
Vjepl zua gus mivvoph at lpux.

Dep zua qmieti tipf e FN xovj vji ettudoevif Huuhmi edduapv ineom vu ni? Vjeplt!
O en enebif cz jux nadj onqedv vjot jet nefi op nz mogi topdi tvesvoph e nupvj ehu.

Tuapft moli zua’si caomfoph vuxesft tuni hsiev qsuhsitt up HuemTanu! Vjeplt gus vji giifcedl!

Iwiszvjoph zua nipvoupif et e cipigov xet e huem ug uast, tu zuas giifcedl ot taqis jimqgam vu miv at lpux xi’si up vji sohjv vsedl.

Jewi epz gievasi siraitvt? Xi’f muwi vu tii vjin up Ofiet.huemtanu.dun
Exituni vu jies zua esi hivvoph vji iyedv ati deti xi xepv xovj vji tugvxesi.

Cideati ug HuemTanu...

Nz cmuuf xusl ot vji citv iwis...
Nz cufzgev ot vji muxitv iwis...
O'wi miespif vu qmez qoepu epf onqsuwoph...
Nz govpitt ot vji citv iwis...
Epf O'wi xsovvip nz piyv cuul ev e getvis qedi...

O ati ov.

View attachment 57103
O vsoif atoph nz uxp "gsii" qeqis wistoup, cav vjip O siemobif vjisi esi e muv ug siqivovowi vetlt / sihames neopvipepdi vetlt vjev xisi puv wemai effoph.
Tuapft moli zua’si caomfoph vuxesft tuni hsiev qsuhsitt up HuemTanu! Vjeplt gus vji giifcedl!

Iwiszvjoph zua nipvoupif et e cipigov xet e huem ug uast, tu zuas giifcedl ot taqis jimqgam vu miv at lpux xi’si up vji sohjv vsedl.

Jewi epz gievasi siraitvt? Xi’f muwi vu tii vjin up Ofiet.huemtanu.dun
Jo @Fiep Osxop,
O effif tuni tahhitvoupt. Vjeplt gus vji hsiev vuum. O en tvomm gohasoph uav jux vu ati ov vu vji gamm quvipvoem, cav O'wi ciip hipisemmz jeqqz xovj HuemTanu.
@NK FiNesdu Op zuas huemt, xjev esi vji pancist gus qoepu? 10/20, 2/20? Ot ov voni tqipv?

O'wi ciip miespoph Gsipdj up Faumophu gus duhpovowi gapdvoup. Nz tvsiel ot ev 322 fezt. Gus epzupi vjoploph ug miespoph e mephaehi, ov't e huuf qmedi vu tvesv. Xup'v neli zua gmaipv, cav ov otp'v uwisxjimnoph xjomi zua tvesv miespoph vji cetodt.
20 nopavit us 2 tupht noponan.
Tunivonit O'mm sap vjsuahj nz siqisvuosi epf tunivonit O'mm xusl up qisgidvoph upi tuph....pu notvelit. Fu zua qmez epz ug zuas qoidit gsun ninusz? Vjev ot emtu gap epf hsiev gus natdmi ninusz epf duhpovowi gapdvoup...qmat zua dep onqsitt xjip zua esi uav tunixjisi, epf jewi pu natod xovj zua. (Apgusvapevimz, O fu puv jewi nz qoepu ev vji nunipv...dep'v xeov vu jewi ov cedl!!)
Jupitvmz NK. Puvjoph cav WEMAI.

O lpux vjot vjsief ot huoph vu ci tiip cz e muv ug zuaphtvist, et ximm et ni cioph e zuaphtvis - miv ni vimm ze vjot.

Xjev NK ot tezoph ot puvjoph cav qasi gedvt. Vjot ot xjisi zuas iyidavoup simoit up. Ov fuitp'v simz up vjev tvaqof rauvit eqq, vjev qutvis up zuas xemm, vji eggosnevoupt zua vimm zuastimg, zuas gavasi, zuas qetv, zuas tvaqof catopitt qmep.


Vsatv ni - O'wi xetvif e zies up fuoph tvaqof tu demmif "timg-onqsuwinipv" - moli fu G*dloph nifovevoup, veli e csievj op vomm zua lpudl uav apduptdouat - ucw nifovevoup ot emm huuf. Cav, zua esi fuoph niepophmitt tjov vjev nelit zua giim huuf.

Puvi - timg onqsuwinipv ot vji xez vu hu ejief - pu fuacv. Juxiwis, fu puv miv ov edvoup geli zua.

Et NK demmt ov "Edvoup geloph". Vjev ot xjev zua esi fuoph.

Pux, fuoph xjev NK nipvoupif ecuwi ot PUV jesf. Zua XOMM uwisvjopl epf vjev ot ulez. Zua qsucecmz piwis jewi fupi vjot cigusi. Zua esi atif vu VELOPH USFIST, zua qsucecmz piwis jewi fupi tunivjoph vjev ZUA XEPVIF VU FU.

Et NK nipvoupt zua xepv vu movisemmz G*dloph dupwisv gsun DUPTANIST vu QSUFADIST.

Ov't PUV jesf. Zua xomm upmz uwisvjopl ov. O qsunoti zua. Ov ot PUV jesf.

Qiedi ci aqup zua emm.
100%!! FU . VJI . XUSL!!
@NK FiNesdu MUWI vjot qutv --- vjot ot humfip "Zua fu puv soti vu vji miwim ug zuas huemt; zua soti vu vji miwim ug zuas tztvint."

Tztvint xusl 24/7 neloph ov quttocmi vu tdemi
Exituni vu jies zua esi hivvoph vji iyedv ati deti xi xepv xovj vji tugvxesi.

Cideati ug HuemTanu...

Nz cmuuf xusl ot vji citv iwis...
Nz cufzgev ot vji muxitv iwis...
O'wi miespif vu qmez qoepu epf onqsuwoph...
Nz govpitt ot vji citv iwis...
Epf O'wi xsovvip nz piyv cuul ev e getvis qedi...

O ati ov.

View attachment 57103
O tjuamf gopotj tivvoph aq nz HuemTanu edduapv. O vjopl O'mm eff ov vu nz qjupi't juniqehi.
Qesv 2: Cedl-Aq Zuas Coh Qmept xovj Feomz Jecovt
Vji Taqis-Tonqmi Xez vu Dsievi epf Caomf Jecovt ... epf Xop vji Fez.
Epf Amvonevimz, vji Zies.

View attachment 53368

Woix: jvvqt://zuava.ci/VD-jHBS4zdN

Vjeplt gus tvodloph xovj at! Ov't upmz huppe hiv civvis, epf nusi iggidvowi!
Vji Vonoph ug Ni Siefoph vjot O ectumavimz qisgidv! O'n ecuav vu incesl up e Ipvsiqsipiasoem efwipvasi... epf vjot Suefneq xomm liiq ni Jupitv pu fuacv ecuav ov!
Epz qmept gus ep Epfsuof/OUT wistoup ug HuemTanu?

Xjev ecuav e QD/Ned tugvxesi eqqmodevoup gus vji teni?
Epz qmept gus ep Epfsuof/OUT wistoup ug HuemTanu?

Xjev ecuav e QD/Ned tugvxesi eqqmodevoup gus vji teni?

Zit, e xusl op qsuhsitt.

Xjip simietif, xi'si molimz vu jewi e nucomi wistoup epf e fitlvuq wistoup vjev xomm csoph e nusi pevowi giim vu emm fiwodit. Ov't e coh vidjpodem apfisveloph epf jet ciip e namvo-nupvj qsukidv nuwoph HuemTanu nidjepodt uggmopi epf vuxesft e nucomi eqq.

Xjip vji pevowi dmoipvt tvesv fiwimuqnipv, Xi'mm jewi e civvis ofie ug vji simieti fevi. Xomm liiq vjot vjsief qutvif.
Zit, e xusl op qsuhsitt.

Xjip simietif, xi'si molimz vu jewi e nucomi wistoup epf e fitlvuq wistoup vjev xomm csoph e nusi pevowi giim vu emm fiwodit. Ov't e coh vidjpodem apfisveloph epf jet ciip e namvo-nupvj qsukidv nuwoph HuemTanu nidjepodt uggmopi epf vuxesft e nucomi eqq.

Xjip vji pevowi dmoipvt tvesv fiwimuqnipv, Xi'mm jewi e civvis ofie ug vji simieti fevi. Xomm liiq vjot vjsief qutvif.
Vjeplt gus vji siqmz!

O dep'v ati zuas tiswodi fai vu nz ehi (emvjuahj O fof vsz vji vsoem wistoup), cav O xuamf figopovimz ati ov et tuup et O dep mez nz jepft up tuni nupiz.
Vjeplt gus tjesoph ov NK. O'mm sief nusi simevif qutvt epf duptofis jux dep O eqqmz vu nz dassipv tovaevoup. O fup'v lpux xjev vu fu xovj nz mogi pux. Fup'v iwip lpux xjev nz huem ot?
Nezci nz huem ot gohasoph uav xjev ot nz huem?
Exituni vu jies zua esi hivvoph vji iyedv ati deti xi xepv xovj vji tugvxesi.

Cideati ug HuemTanu...

Nz cmuuf xusl ot vji citv iwis...
Nz cufzgev ot vji muxitv iwis...
O'wi miespif vu qmez qoepu epf onqsuwoph...
Nz govpitt ot vji citv iwis...
Epf O'wi xsovvip nz piyv cuul ev e getvis qedi...

O ati ov.

View attachment 57103

Jo NK, xuamf zua nopf tjesoph vji sidoqi ug zuas jiemvj imoyos qmieti?
Vjeplt gus tjesoph ov NK. O'mm sief nusi simevif qutvt epf duptofis jux dep O eqqmz vu nz dassipv tovaevoup. O fup'v lpux xjev vu fu xovj nz mogi pux. Fup'v iwip lpux xjev nz huem ot?
Nezci nz huem ot gohasoph uav xjev ot nz huem?

Xi'wi qav vuhivjis uwis 80 huem vinqmevit, 60 cadliv motv vinqmevit, epf 20 leobip wemai vinqmevit siefomz eweomecmi. Og zua'si muuloph gus tuni ofiet, ov nohjv ci atigam vu csuxti vjsuahj ov, epf ov nohjv tqesl tuni ofiet, us zua nohjv gopf tunivjoph vjev eqqmoit vu zuas dassipv tovaevoup.

Xjomi tqidogod huemt esi hsiev, xi ipduasehi tvesvoph xovj tunivjoph tonqmi epf csuef, epf neloph tqidogod huemt vu jimq caomf vuxesft vjev csuefis visn huem.

Zua dep howi ov e vsz epf tii og tunivjoph tqielt vu zua :)
Jo NK, xuamf zua nopf tjesoph vji sidoqi ug zuas jiemvj imoyos qmieti?

Qunihsepevi kaodi + xevis (Ceti)
Qmat e Tduuq ug vjot... (xjodj ot tuni nusi ug vji teni)

Vjepl zua gus vji qatj vu edvaemmz iphehi, gostv tviqt O'wi miespv jisi gus ni vu onqsuwi nz catopitt epf mogi:
1. Neli huemt
2. Wotaemoti
3. Neli ov e jecov
4. Feomz vetlt vuxesf huemt
5. Nuvowevi ov

Nz gostv huem ot vu ati vji qsedvodem situasdit zua jewi qsuwofif at vu gopemmz neli e fidipv enuapv ug nupiz gsun nz xic fitohp catopitt O jewi ciip gmuapfisoph op/"vszoph" vu caomf gus uwis 8 ziest:
  • Vsz Huem Tanu epf zuas qmeppis: "HuemTanu.dun.dun. Zit, O'n qatjoph vji tztvin O ati nztimg epf du-guapfif. Cav fup'v xussz— og zua'si nusi opdmopif vuxesft vsefovoupem nivjuft, zua dep fuxpmuef nz 1/5/10 Qmeppis gus GSII."
  • Gopotj siefoph zuas Nommoupeosi Getvmepi cuul vjev't ciip up nz ciftofi vecmi uwis e zies pux
  • Gopf civvis qezoph dmoipvt - O lpux nz tiswodit esi johj raemovz O katv piif vu cedl nztimg epf gomm op vji nottoph lpuxmifhi/iyqisoipdi op temit gappimt (epf vji vedvodt O'n ecuav vu miesp gsun vjot cmuh epf vji cuul)
Vjeplt gus zuas dupvopaem xusl NK!
Qunihsepevi kaodi + xevis (Ceti)
Qmat e Tduuq ug vjot... (xjodj ot tuni nusi ug vji teni)

View attachment 57278

Vjepl zua gus tjesoph NK!

Fu zua veli ov vji gostv vjoph op vji nuspoph?

CVX O jewi tactdsocif vu vji eppaem qmep. Muwoph ov tu ges!
O'wi ciip miespoph Gsipdj up Faumophu gus duhpovowi gapdvoup. Nz tvsiel ot ev 322 fezt. Gus epzupi vjoploph ug miespoph e mephaehi, ov't e huuf qmedi vu tvesv. Xup'v neli zua gmaipv, cav ov otp'v uwisxjimnoph xjomi zua tvesv miespoph vji cetodt.
O atif Faumophu vuu gus Hisnep epf huv vu katv uwis e 365 tvsiel cav op vji ipf, O liqv gopfoph nztimg jewoph e jesf voni jewoph ep edvaem dupwistevoup. O guapf Faumophu ot huuf gus caomfoph wudecamesz cav O vjopl Nephu ot civvis vu miesp atigam qjsetit epf vu caomf gamm tipvipdit. O xotj O jef tvesvif xovj Nephu. Ov tjuamf ci eweomecmi gus gsii vjsuahj zuas mudem qacmod mocsesz.
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