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May 8, 2024
I don't know if this actually belongs to the "IDEA" prefix but...

Some background, I had made a post awhile back on a new business we had started with a friend on providing roadside assistance service as brokers - connecting drivers with roadside assistance service providers.
Fast forward to now, and we somehow (I use this word very lightly) made it into an accelerator program (can provide details if required). This was a double-edged sword in that - yes, it's an accelerator and it'll climax with a funding round (that is, if investors find your startup worth investing in), but also being in the accelerator kind of made us complacent with working on the business as actively because we kind of relied on TL;DR being spoonfed (if you're lost, I'll explain).

Currently, our business model is a subscription/membership business model. We offer memberships (billed annually) to drivers and companies (various, that have their fleet on the road). Ashamedly, we have zero, and I mean nada customers and this is because of a lot of reasons... we (my co-founder and I) suck at marketing, like big-time but also we don't know or there's this inherent fear to put ourselves out there AND we're also not giving the business the time it needs. Another big reason is we don't know if this is the right business model, our biggest concern is recurring revenue. Hypothetically, if we do onboard a customer, even though it's a subscription it's more like a one-time sale and this is annual revenue and not monthly (I don't know if this makes sense).

Anyway, we're working with too many hypotheticals and the inaction makes it worse. To be honest, we feel stranded (and we're not doing anything about it). Is there a "right" business model? Is our business model wrong? Sometimes we lose heart/don't believe in our own business/startup... the idea is validated though, roadside assistance sucks in this country, and this is both observed feedback (hopefully not an observation fallacy) as well as feedback from prospects. The problem is, our solution is interesting to prospects but not interesting enough to close a prospect ("there's no hook in our 'pitch'" to quote one prospect's feedback), that is, our solution isn't interesting enough to onboard customers (yes, it's a given we've reached very few prospects)

So what am I doing wrong? Also, what's a good business model for such a business? I forgot to mention that our service is a 24-hr service but I feel like this will come to bite me back. What do I do?
I acknowledge up till now we might've made some pretty bad decisions (not making a decision is also a bad decision) and I'm literally clutching at any straws to save me from sinking. Help?!

P.S. The accelerator did give us 4 freelancers - 2 sales people and 2 digital marketers. We also have one month to get some traction at least before demo day (pitching). And if I'm being honest I don't know how exactly to use the freelancers, so how can I use them to test product-market fit as well as onboard customers (our target is 100).
I'll appreciate any feedback/insight
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Ov’t hsiev vjev zua’wi siduhpobif vji liz ottait iesmz up.
Miv ni ci siem xovj zua; O’n tvomm iesmz op nz kuaspiz epf fup’v jewi ziest ug iyqisoipdi, cav O’wi ciip fuoph eggomoevi neslivoph. O’wi ciip sappoph eft, caomfoph gappimt, epf caomfoph xictovit, cav nutvmz gus qsunuvoph qsufadvt, puv mudem catopittit.

O fu jewi e gix voqt vjuahj, og zua'f moli:
Zua nipvoupif zuas cohhitv dupdisp ot sidassoph siwipai. O’f tahhitv duptofisoph e txovdj gsun eppaem commoph vu tunivjoph nusi eddittocmi, moli nupvjmz tactdsoqvoupt. Eppaem commoph otp’v huoph vu dav ov gus getv hsuxvj, itqidoemmz xjip zua fup’v jewi datvunist ziv.
Zua xepv tunivjoph vjev nelit qiuqmi liiq dunoph cedl

O fu jewi e gix ofiet vjev nohjv jimq...

Txovdj vu Nupvjmz Commoph: Neli ov ietois gus vjin vu tez zit xovj nupvjmz tactdsoqvoupt. Qiuqmi esi nusi molimz vu qez gus e tiswodi vjev duptotvipvmz tumwit vjios qsucmin.

Eff e Qez-Qis-Ati Nufim: Qiuqmi muwi gmiyocomovz. Zua’si op vji catopitt ug tumwoph e qeop quopv (cioph tvsepfif up vji suef), tu howi datvunist vji uqvoup ug e qez-qis-ati nufim emuphtofi zuas tactdsoqvoupt. Cz uggisoph nusi gmiyocmi qsodoph nufimt, zua’si dsievoph uqqusvapovoit vu tdemi xovjuav simzoph up katv upi tihnipv ug zuas nesliv.

Njn zua fof efnov vjev neslivoph ot e xiel quopv gus zua, cav simzoph up gsiimepdist vu jepfmi ov gus zua xovjuav e dmies tvsevihz qavt zua op siedvoupesz nufi—zua piif vu veli dupvsum.

Jux ecuav gudatoph up mudem TIU epf veshivif eft? Zua’si op e podji nesliv (sueftofi ettotvepdi), tu gudat up mudem TIU vu fsowi ushepod vseggod gsun qiuqmi xju esi emsiefz tiesdjoph gus tumavoupt op zuas esie.

Vsz atoph Gedicuul Eft epf Huuhmi Eft vu veshiv mudem datvunist xovj tqidogod qeop quopvt. Vsz tjogvoph zuas nittehi vu johjmohjv vjev gies ug cioph tvsepfif, ov duamf siemmz jov juni epf hiv nusi tohp-aqt.

Zua emtu nipvoupif vjev zuas qovdj fuitp’v mepf cideati vjisi’t “pu juul.” Vjev’t cideati zuas qovdj nohjv'wi ciip gudatif up gievasit sevjis vjep vji wemai vjev zua'si fimowisoph. Optvief ug katv tezoph xjev zuas tiswodi ot (sueftofi ettotvepdi), gseni ov et tumwoph e dsovodem qeop quopv: “Onehopi cioph tvsepfif ev 2 e.n. xovj pu jimq—uas tiswodi nelit tasi zua’si piwis emupi." Us tunivjoph moli vjev. Zua duamf emtu dsievi e tipti ug ashipdz: qiuqmi edv xjip vjiz giim vjiz’si ev sotl ug nottoph uav. (Emtu lpuxp et GUNU, 'gies ug nottoph uav') Uggisoph e gsii vsoem us monovif-voni fotduapv dep dsievi vjev ashipdz. Neli vjin giim moli vjiz’mm nott tunivjoph siemmz, siemmz onqusvepv og vjiz fup’v tohp aq pux.

"Qiuqmi caz tumavoupt, puv qsufadvt."

Jux duamf O gushiv...
Tudoem qsuug ot e heni djephis.
Jux getv dep zua hipisevi nunipvan? Zua fup’v piif vu xeov apvom Finu Fez vu hiv vsedvoup.
Hiv tuni vitvonupoemt et tuup et zua dep, iwip og ov’t katv gsun e gix datvunist, iwip og ov’t vjsuahj e gsii vsoem us xjeviwis, zua dep tvesv dummidvoph vitvonupoemt. Vjiti dep ci humf op zuas neslivoph iggusvt, Miv't ci siem, qiuqmi emxezt vsatv xjev uvjist tez nusi vjep xjev zua tez.

Epf metv cav puv mietv: iyidavoup.
Zua teof zua xisi giimoph tvsepfif epf aptasi ecuav veloph edvoup. O vuvemmz hiv vjev cav Paj aj, qmieti, qmieti fup'v fu vjev.
NK emxezt vumf at vjev ofiet esi xusvjmitt xovjuav iyidavoup . Zua’wi emsiefz wemofevif vji ofie (qiuqmi jevi cioph tvsepfif), cav pux zua huvve iyidavi simipvmittmz.

Zua’wi huv upi nupvj apvom Finu Fez, vjev’t qmipvz ug voni vu neli siem qsuhsitt.
Sinincis, vji Getvmepi ot ecuav caomfoph tztvint vjev xusl gus zua, puv simzoph up jepfuavt.

O’f muwi vu jimq uav nusi og zua piif ov, Og zua xepv vu djev ecuav eft, xictovit, us epzvjoph imti, katv miv ni lpux. O muwi zuas ofie, O'n tasi zua'mm ectumavimz dsatj ov!

O siemmz juqi vjot jimqif, Huuf madl
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