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I'm sorry, but this is going to be painful for a lot of you...

Anything related to matters of the mind

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I'm not sure if you're ready for what I'm about to ask you to do.

It's going to be painful, you're most likely going to cry, and it's going to suck at first. But I can promise you that things are going to be a thousand times more painful in 5 or 10 years if you don't do what I'm asking you to do right now.

The reason why it's so important that you do this right now, today...

Somewhere in the world, a man who smoked cigarettes his entire life was just diagnosed with lung cancer during a routine checkup at his doctor's office. The man has a wife, three children, and financial responsibilities to take care of them all.

The doctor just gave him three months to live.

Sitting there on the table feeling naked in his underwear, the grown man breaks out in tears.

Every emotion you could possibly expect to feel in this dark moment came rushing to the surface. The fear of what might happen to his family when he's gone. Will they be able to afford the expensive mortgage payments? Will they be ok without him? The feeling of regret. Knowing that all of his life, he told himself he should quit smoking; but decades later, he never actually did what he said he was going to do.

He's now in shock and crying uncontrollable tears of remorse and regret.

The nurse in the hallway hears his gasps of pain an stopped in her tracks, as her head went down in despair, knowing the man just got the bad news She lets out a deep breath of sorrow and continues to walk on to her next patient.

As the man leaves the doctor's office shell-shocked, in a trance-like state, he reaches his car and sees the cigarette butt on the ground next to the driver's side door.

That was the last cigarette the man ever would ever smoke in his entire life.

The pack of Marlboros resting on his center console was no longer an instinctual habit where he "reaches over and lights up a smoke" but instead is now a painful reminder of his impending death. The sight that once used to be so normal to him now brings up the pain and agony which twists a knot in his stomach.

What's he going to do now? It's already too late.

If he could only look back in time and scream to himself: "Quit smoking now! It's bad for your health."

But what's the problem with that?

People have been telling this to him his entire life. He said he was going to quit smoking on many occasions.

He logically knew that he should have quit smoking decades ago. He saw the pictures of the charred up lungs in health class. All the evidence and reminders were here.

So why, after years of knowing this, did he finally decide to quit now?

Before you answer this question for yourself, I would like you to strip away the content of the problem (doctor/diagnosis/etc.), and pay attention to the deeper structure of what is going on inside of his body, primarily with his:
  1. Thoughts, and
  2. Emotions
When you strip it down to it's most basic components, the reason why he decided to quit now is because of the painful emotions he felt in the present moment.

Pay attention to the part where you feel what I mean about the present moment.
  • When his mother yelled at him to quit smoking in high school? The pain was a 1/10.
  • When his girlfriend broke up with him during college because he always smelled like smoke? The pain was a 4/10. Well that was until he went out to the bars and met someone else later that night. In between rounds of beers, he went outside to light up a cigarette with his friends and share a good time.
  • When he began getting that smokers cough at the age of 40? Maybe a 3/10 on the pain scale.
But the painful emotions he felt were not strong enough to grab ahold of him and change his behavior.

If you put a frog in a boiling pot of water, he's going to instinctively jump away when he feels the pain. But if the water is warm and he is slowing beginning to boil, he's going to swim around until it''s already too late.

Sorry little froggy, you should have read my email newsletter.

If your favorite delicious treat is on the table in font of you, you're emotions are going to be the force inside of you that drives you to grab it and put it in your mouth.

Imagine as if the emotions you feel are some unseen esoteric force that controls your body. Whatever logic goes on in your head has no defensive power against the emotions that cause you to do what you do. It's like you're possessed.

But what if you could control what emotions you feel, knowing what emotions will cause you to change your behavior?

The moment he felt the realization about him dying in three months (10/10 emotion), the fearful emotions of his family being left behind (20/10 emotion), and everything else that exploded at once when the doctor delivered that nuclear bomb of a message: These painful emotions instantly shifted his behavior.

But at that point, it's already too late. What if you can create this change in your life today?

Think about you and what you're looking to take action on and achieve in your life.That ONE goal you set you for yourself and that you're not taking action towards. You don't feel those emotions of pain that are decades away. It's nothing but a logical thought right now, with no emotional power attached to it.

In 2012, I began learning about mindfulness.

You've probably read The Power of Now where the author famously introduced the concept that it's always the present moment. The past and future are nothing but thoughts in your mind, and it is always the present moment.

Instead of viewing time as something where we "move through time". The time is always the present moment, and we measure things by a movement of energy.
  • It's either happening now.
  • Or it's not happening now.

  • It's either here now.
  • Or it's not here now.
If a person says "I'm going to start eating healthy tomorrow." What does that imply? It implies that the unhealthy eating habit is still happening now (problem not solved). When the infamous tomorrow rolls around, let's just eat that chocolate cake one last time (still happening).

If something is not physically happening now, you are pushing it into the indefinite future because you throw it in the category of (not happening).

You have to pull the pain that you'll feel if you continue to procrastinate into your body...right now. Not just the thoughts of what bad things might happen. You need to actually feel the emotions when you look down at your body.

The lesson here: In order to eliminate this procrastination, you have to pull the emotions from the future (not happening), into the present moment (happening now). This way when you think of doing the (bad behavior), you actually feel the emotions of pain. Your emotions you feel in the present moment are what you are going for here...
  • When that smoker got dumped by his girlfriend during college and was laughing and partying with his friends at the bar; drinking that beer and "lighting up that smoke" out front...this resulted in him feeling positive emotions when he smokes (in the present moment).
  • When you eat that chocolate cake, you feel the positive emotions...in the present moment.
What are you procrastinating towards?

What's the one big goal that you set out for yourself, something that you are not taking action on?

Now is the time where you will learn how to attach so much pain to the thought of not achieving that goal, and pain to the habit of procrastination, that the part of you which procrastinated in the past will be left behind in the doctor's office parking lot next to that man's last cigarette butt and pack of cigarettes which he tossed out the window.

Because when the bad habit is gone, there's no more "Just this one last time."or "I'll do it tomorrow."

If the doctor just warned him that he should quit smoking and he might get cancer from it...that cigarette would be lit up again.

How do you collapse the bad habit of procrastination?

The answer rests in your deepest long-term fear (the complete opposite side of the coin from your successful vision of the future).

On one hand, you achieve your goal (relationship/money/lose weight/etc.) and you have this goal you set out for yourself with these great positive emotions if you achieve it. On the other hand, you have the fear of what life will be like if you don't achieve this goal.

Quit Smoking Example: "Quit smoking - live a long happy life." (Positive emotion).

If you don't quit smoking, what is the worst thing that can happen to you:
  • Cancer.
  • 3 months to live if you quit now. 3 weeks if you keep smoking.
  • Leaving family behind.
  • Leaving family in financial ruin because you're the breadwinner.
  • How will all this feel if this scenario has already happened? Would you pick up another cigarette? Or would you tack on the extra 2 months to your life and spend it with your loved ones?
Exercise and Eating Healthy: Looking in the mirror being obese, nobody will want to date you, fast forward 20 years, diabetes, having to stab yourself with an insulin needle every day to keep your blood sugar in check (are you simply reading this or can you actually pretend to feel the emotion of the needle being stuck in your arm?), arteries clog up, heart attack, stroke, you can't speak correctly because of the stroke, and you're forced in a wheel chair. Living a life feeling groggy all the time.

Someone else has to wipe your *** because you can't physically do it anymore.

You are sitting in a wheelchair next to a hospital bed, in this vegetable-like state, barely able to communicate as you look at your loved ones feeling helpless and hopeless while you say to yourself:

"What the hell have you been doing your whole life? Why haven't you been taking care of your health?"

And when you look back on how you chose to live your life, you are filled with a feeling of regret and despair.

Looking back from this moment of immense pain, what can you choose to eat instead? Does the bag of potato chips make all this worth it?

Answer this to yourself: What is one way you can be healthier today?

I'm going to stop eating potato chips after typing this to you. Not "one last one", but that food craving already gone. How'd I do it? simply by typing the description above to you, which took me all of two minutes.

Building a your dream business/going after your financial goals/etc:
They call me the ghost of Christmas future.
You're going to be 65 years old and laid off from your job with no pension because we outsourced what you do to technology, you're living paycheck to paycheck and you're past due on your rent. You're stuck and (by this point) you have no escape. Nobody is going to hire you with your outdated skills now. The procrastinative actions (I made this word up) you've been taking in the past have finally caught up to you.

The landlord evicts you, you're buried in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. The collectors keep calling you and you eventually have to turn of your phone because you can't stand the sound of your ringtone. As you drag the last bag of belongings from your now-empty apartment to your car, you realize that your car has just been repossessed moments ago as you're now homeless on the street at the age of 65 with one suitcase full of belongings.

No friends, no family, no nothing because you've been playing computer games 12 hours a day.

At this point, there's no coming back from this. It's already too late.

Embarrassed. Ashamed. You should have been building up your business and skill-set decades ago instead of browsing around on social media, watching TV, drinking alcohol, smoking weed, and playing video games.
Or what is it that you like to do instead? What's that one thing you've been doing in your life that has held you back from your dreams?

But it's too late for that now.

Are you just emotionlessly reading these words, or are you actually feeling the emotions in this present moment?

Stop reading. Feel your body. Are the emotions here? Yes or no?

Now here's the real kicker: From this emotional state of already being in this worst fear, looking at the same things that once were joyful (procrastinating) looks a bit different to you, doesn't it?

Keep building them up from this worst fear and then when you imagine that you live it now, look back at all the things you could have shouldn't have done.

All because you didn't commit a few hours a night after work building your future right now.

You get the picture. What is it that you're working on as you read this...Shopping addiction? Gambling too much? Relationships?

I'm still not craving those potato chips. They've been my downfall for six months. Yuck. Now they're gone.

Here is the final test:

When you write out your worst case scenario if you keep procrastinating on the one thing you know you are here to do, go into an exaggerated amount of detail like I did here. It's not enough to just put the words on paper. Let me repeat that. It's not enough to just put the words on paper.

You have to invoke so much pain in what will happen if you don't take action towards achieving your goals; that you feel this pain in the present moment.

But even that's not enough.

Are you sitting around feeling the emotions in despair? Or are you feeling the emotions that drive you to do something? Are you sitting around with your hand in a scorching hot fire? Or are you pulling your hand away?
  1. You have to feel the painful emotions (not in the future), but in the present moment. Look down at your body and do you feel them? Are these emotions attached to the thought of procrastinating or that bad habit of yours?
  2. You have to make sure the emotions drive you to actually do something right now, today. Yeah, you can sit around in the hot fire and feel the pain, but it means nothing if you don't jump out.
What's one change you've already made in your life by reading what you read today?

Just the simple thought of not doing what you need to do should make you feel as painfully miserable as the man felt in the moment the doctor diagnosed him with cancer that will kill him in three months.
  1. Build your dream.
  2. Eat that apple and jump on the treadmill.
  3. Say hi to your future partner.
All of a sudden, the pain of doing the procrastinative (there's that word again) things you've been doing is so much worse than going out and just doing what you failed to do in the past.

And I say this in all seriousness: If you're not crying or feeling the nuclear-bomb-of-an-emotion with just the thought of not taking action towards your goal; you're not attaching enough pain to it.

I have a challenge for you: Can you invoke the feelings of pain right now?

Are you actually doing something to change because of the feelings?

After reading this, aren't you a little disappointed in the way you've been procrastinating knowing where it led you in this painful life of yours? It's too late to escape now that it's here. But looking back in time, what can you begin to do differently to avoid this trap?
Before you go to sleep tonight, write out your own exaggerated pain story. Can you make it more painful and dramatic than mine?

I hope you cry.

Because that's what causes you to change and you can thank me later.

I told you that it'll be painful at first, but what this does it collapse the habit of procrastination, and these emotions drive you to do what you need to do.
Truly inspiring not easy to understand even for most South Africans.
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Sinopft ni ug vjev quin cz Vidantij....

Tu mowi zuas mogi vjev vji gies ug fievj dep piwis ipvis zuas jiesv. Vsuacmi pu upi ecuav vjios simohoup; sitqidv uvjist op vjios woix, epf finepf vjev vjiz sitqidv zuast. Muwi zuas mogi, qisgidv zuas mogi, cieavogz emm vjopht op zuas mogi. Tiil vu neli zuas mogi muph epf ovt qasquti op vji tiswodi ug zuas qiuqmi. Qsiqesi e pucmi fievj tuph gus vji fez xjip zua hu uwis vji hsiev fowofi.

Emxezt howi e xusf us e tohp ug temavi xjip niivoph us qettoph e gsoipf, iwip e tvsephis, xjip op e mupimz qmedi. Tjux sitqidv vu emm qiuqmi epf hsuwim vu pupi.

Xjip zua esoti op vji nuspoph howi vjeplt gus vji guuf epf gus vji kuz ug mowoph. Og zua tii pu sietup gus howoph vjeplt, vji geamv moit upmz op zuastimg. Ecati pu upi epf pu vjoph, gus ecati vaspt vji xoti upit vu guumt epf suct vji tqosov ug ovt wotoup.

Xjip ov dunit zuas voni vu foi, ci puv moli vjuti xjuti jiesvt esi gommif xovj vji gies ug fievj, tu vjev xjip vjios voni dunit vjiz xiiq epf qsez gus e movvmi nusi voni vu mowi vjios mowit uwis eheop op e foggisipv xez. Toph zuas fievj tuph epf foi moli e jisu huoph juni.”
Hsiev Qutv, Vjeplt gus tjesoph tadj atigam opgusnevoup xovj at,o jewi miespv nadj gsun ov.
Jewi zua emsiefz qacmotjif zuas cuul? Vjuti muph qutvt xisi vji citv O iwis sief gus nupvjt. Vjeplt gus emm!
O xepv vu xsovi e mivvis vu nztimg gsun nz gavasi timg (og O fupv fu epzvjoph), cav O gopf ov jesf vu xsovi. Moli, on puv tasi xjev vu tez vu nztimg...
Jewi zua emsiefz qacmotjif zuas cuul? Vjuti muph qutvt xisi vji citv O iwis sief gus nupvjt. Vjeplt gus emm!
O'wi qacmotjif vxu ug nz cuult tu ges (O xsuvi vjot qutv e xjomi ehu epf O gushuv og O nipvoupif e tqidogod upi op ov).

O jewi vjsii uvjist vjev esi wosvaemmz fupi, cav O'n jumfoph ugg up simietoph vjin vu gudat up vji neslivoph epf meapdj tvsevihz/gopem ifovt.
VMFS, tussz @EpfsixPD ....

Ulez vjev't e moi, O fof sief ov epf vjip O huv Djsuni vu sief ov vu ni vu neli ov topl op iwip nusi. Tu nepz ug at cmudl inuvoupt epf gsun mivvoph uastimwit giim vjopht cideati vjip xi fup'v piif vu fiem xovj vjin.

O lpux O jewi ciip. O piif vu tusv uav nz xusl epf gopepdit vu csoph op tactvepvoemmz nusi nupiz vu taqqusv e pancis ug pix fiqipfipvt op nz mogi (vjsuahj todl jiemvj... O'wi puv tvesvif veloph op tvsezt sohjv ziv). O lpux O piif vu neli tuni djephit epf tvuq tqipfoph juast qmuffoph emuph fuoph catz xusl epf hiv fuxp vu vji siem xusl... cav O'wi puv.

O'wi tqipv nutv ug ov nuepoph vu nztimg ecuav jux jesf nz mogi jet cihap jewoph vu fiem xovj vjiti opdsietif genomz favoit. O jewi evvedjif movisemmz pu inuvoup vu ov, cav eppuzepdi... xjodj tvsephimz ipuahj jet nuvowevif ni vu fu puvjoph.

Vjip vji vissusotv evvedl jeqqipif ev Mupfup Csofhi (xjisi O'wi tqipv qmipvz ug voni) epf O xet hmaif vu vji pixt xevdjoph ov jeqqip epf vjoploph "Tjov. Vjev duamf jewi ciip ni... epf O'wi movisemmz fupi puvjoph xusvj sinincisoph xovj nz mogi" epf vjip O xevdjif vji Upi Muwi Nepdjitvis dupdisv. Pux O'n e vuvemmz aptuqqz xunep, cav Esoepe Hsepfi (xju O jef pu ofie ecuav cigusi..) huv ni sohjv op vji giimt. Vjisi xet e xunep nusi vjep e fidefi zuaphis vjep ni desszoph vji xiohjv ug vjuti xju foif egvis jis dupdisv up jis tjuamfist puv deahjv aq op vji "Quus ni... xjz fu O fitiswi vu ci op vjot tovaevoup", cav vsamz tvepfoph vjisi xepvoph vu neli e qutovowi foggisipdi, juxiwis jesf ov xet gus jis... cideati vjot xet ecuav neloph e qutovowi foggisipdi.

O xet TU etjenif ug nz mogi xevdjoph vjev dupdisv.

O fup'v lpux xjip O huv tu timgotj epf covvis, cav g*dl ni vji qeop ev vjev nunipv xet vuu nadj gus ni vu puv cihope nadj-piifif djephi.
O'n hmef zua tjesif vjev. Vjeplt
O'wi qacmotjif vxu ug nz cuult tu ges (O xsuvi vjot qutv e xjomi ehu epf O gushuv og O nipvoupif e tqidogod upi op ov).

O jewi vjsii uvjist vjev esi wosvaemmz fupi, cav O'n jumfoph ugg up simietoph vjin vu gudat up vji neslivoph epf meapdj tvsevihz/gopem ifovt.
Jo Epfsix, O jewi jiesf e muv ug qiuqmi nipvoup PMQ. Tu vjisi natv ci tunivjoph vu ov. Miv't ettani ov ot wemaecmi gus nuvowevoup/timmooph/gudat/fotdoqmopi. Xjev tusv ug opwitvnipv ug voni fof zua neli op usfis gus ov vu ci xusvj ov? Topdi zua'wi jef csuef iyqisoipdi x/ qiuqmi, xjev ot e huuf ewisehi us sephi ug voni/xiil pix ipvsiqsipiast esi xessepvif op fiwuvoph vu miespoph PMQ?
Vjeplt, Hsih
"O fup'v sief muph vjopht"
Jo Epfsix, Topdi zua'si qesv ug vji zuaphis hipisevoup O jewi e tommz raitvoup gus zua cetif up xjev tuniupi katv teof jisi. Xjev ot "vsummoph"? Ot ov cef? Dep ov ci huuf?
Nz nuvjis atif vu sief ni cuult epf vsummt xisi moli coh fummt vjev japh uav apfis csofhit epf teof dupgatoph vjopht cav xisi emtu tdesz jimqist up vji jisu't kuaspiz ug vji tuam. Vjeplt, Hsih Q.T. Fof zua tqipf vjev $101 O tipv zua ziv?
Vji dupvipv ot huuf cav vjot ot cusfis mopi qmehoesotn, fafi. Iwiszvjoph jisi, fuxp vu vji iyenqmit, ot gsun Vupz Succopt. O juqi zuas cuult uggis e movvmi nusi vjep e sixsovi ug "Exelip vji Hoepv Xovjop".

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=3GckzEZQ0lE

Nz cef, O haitt Vupz ot duqzoph zua vjip. Jisi ot e sepfun dmoq up zuavaci vjev ji natv jewi atif vjot qutv et ep uavmopi (epf vjip vuul e voni nedjopi vu 1991 vu xsovi Exelip vji Hoepv Xovjop).

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=BsyNl7_ZSt4

1.) Qeop wt Qmietasi epf Miwisehi (4:00)
2.) Djsotvnet Desum/Fodlipt Qsuditt (5:57)
3.) Tnuloph Qetv/Qsitipv (6:48)
4.) Simevouptjoqt Qetv/Qsitipv (7:30)

Jo Epfsix, O jewi vu fohitv zuas ipvsz cigusi sitqupfoph gammz. Cav O fu xepv vu vjepl zua epf duphsevamevi zua up eddanamevoph tadj xotfun epf dupgofipdi tu iesmz op mogi. Ov nelit ni jeqqz vu tii vjev. O motvipif vu Mit Csuxp zitvisfez epf upi ug jot nittehit ot vjev et zua soti op mogi puv iwiszupi ot huoph vu ci jeqqz gus zua epf tuni esi huoph vu vsz vu qamm zua fuxp (nezci gus huuf nuvowit.) Tu og tuniupi howit zua e suahj voni jisi vsz vu veli ov x/ e hseop ug temv.
Vji uvjis vjoph O xomm tez op qacmod ot vjev zuas ipvjatoetn ot dupvehouat. O xet malixesn ev citv up vji iggidvowipitt ug PMQ. Ov tiinif moli wufuu/jzqpuvotn vsoqi. C/d ug zua O'n ev mietv uqipoph nztimg vu vji quttocomovz ug si-ettitoph ovt wemai (gus ni.)
Vjeplt eheop, Hsih[
Jo Epfsix, O jewi vu fohitv zuas ipvsz cigusi sitqupfoph gammz. Cav O fu xepv vu vjepl zua epf duphsevamevi zua up eddanamevoph tadj xotfun epf dupgofipdi tu iesmz op mogi. Ov nelit ni jeqqz vu tii vjev. O motvipif vu Mit Csuxp zitvisfez epf upi ug jot nittehit ot vjev et zua soti op mogi puv iwiszupi ot huoph vu ci jeqqz gus zua epf tuni esi huoph vu vsz vu qamm zua fuxp (nezci gus huuf nuvowit.) Tu og tuniupi howit zua e suahj voni jisi vsz vu veli ov x/ e hseop ug temv.
Vji uvjis vjoph O xomm tez op qacmod ot vjev zuas ipvjatoetn ot dupvehouat. O xet malixesn ev citv up vji iggidvowipitt ug PMQ. Ov tiinif moli wufuu/jzqpuvotn vsoqi. C/d ug zua O'n ev mietv uqipoph nztimg vu vji quttocomovz ug si-ettitoph ovt wemai (gus ni.)
Vjeplt eheop, Hsih[

Jo Epfsix, Jux esi zua? O jewip'v ciip gummuxoph vji Gusan gus e xjomi epf pux O'n hivvoph cedl op vji hsuuwi. O jewi ciip fuoph tuni siefoph up PMQ epf xevdjif tuni wofiut. O'n tvomm encowemipv ecuav ov iwip vjuahj O apfistvepf ov nadj civvis.
Upi ug nz qsucmint ot vjev xjip vjiz tjux vjiti fsetvod optvepvepiuat vasp-esuapft, vjisi ot pu xez ug lpuxoph og vjisi ot epz metvoph cipigov. Ov tiint vu ni muvt ug vji "haopie qoht" esi sitqupfoph vu vji quxis ug tahhitvoup epf vji iyqidvevoupt vjiz giim gsun vji vseopis epf eafoipdi. Op uvjis xusft, vji vseopis jet e vup ug ipishz/djesotne tu jot quxis ug tahhitvoup ot vsinipfuat op vji nunipv--cav upmz op vji nunipv.
Vji uvjis ottai ot xjivjis PMQ xuslt upmz og zua cimoiwi 100% vjev ov ot huoph vu. Op deti zua jewip'v puvodif O'n tliqvodem, tu otp'v ov apmolimz vjev O'mm cipigov? Cav vjip eheop, vjisi esi cipigovt vjev O vjopl esi qsuwiecmi. O vjopl xi dep ciduni civvis ev dupvsummoph uas inuvoupt, nuvowevoup, ipvjatoetn, fotdoqmopi cz atoph PMQ vidjporait.
O'mm howi zua e hsiev iyenqmi gsun vjot xiil Epfsix. O jef ep "iyqsittoup/veqi" vjev O'f sap op nz jief xjip O xet giimoph muatz epf tvadl op vji qetv, "xi emm jewi uas finupt." Xjomi kuaspemmoph, egvis fuoph tuni PMQ siefoph, O siemobif vjev vjev veqi ot puv jimqgam, nohjv puv ci vsai ev emm, epf dep ci si-gusnif vu ci cipigodoem.
Tu O nefi nztimg sidemm vji vup ug gsoipft/muwist/genomz vjev jewi muwif epf desif gus ni vjsuahjuav nz mogi. Vjip op nz nopf O qodvasif vjot hsuaq up e ciedj xovj ni. O xet huoph vu demm vjin nz ephimt optvief ug nz finupt. Vji qsucmin xovj vjev ot vjev muvt ug vjin esip'v ephimt. mum Tu optvief ug demmoph vjin Jimm't Ephimt (vjiz'si puv vjev peahjvz), O demm vjin Jidl't Ephimt.
Muph tvusz tjusv, xjip O'n giimoph dsannz optvief ug neloph ep iydati ecuav emm ug at jewoph finupt, O qodvasi Jidl't Ephimt up vji ciedj xovj ni, lopf ug moli e gap cav qsuvidvoph esnz. Ot vjot PMQ?
Epzjux, zua dep tii O'n tvomm xsitvmoph x/ vjot.
Ci ximm, Hsih
xuslt upmz og zua cimoiwi 100% vjev ov ot huoph vu
Fsomm fiiqis vjep vji tasgedi-miwim iyenqmi ug PMQ.

Vjopl op visnt ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq op hipisem.

Og e qistup fuitp'v cimoiwi vjev vjiz dep edjoiwi tadditt op catopitt, vjiz nutv molimz xup'v iwip vsz. Vjiz xomm muul gus vjopht vjev fup'v xusl sohjv pux.

"Uj, O nefi 5 dumf demmt vu catopittit etloph vjin vu howi ni $5,000 vu tivaq e xusfqsitt xictovi." O vsoif ov e gix vonit epf ov fuitp'v xusl.

Ipvsiqsipiastjoq fuitp'v xusl.

Vji sietup xjz O giim vjev Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi situpevif civvis xovj ni vjep Sodj Fef Quus Fef ot cideati ug vji kuaspiz NK xipv vjsuahj cioph fitdsocif op vji xez ji fof. "Og ji duamf fu ov, nezci ov't quttocmi gus ni." Ov vusi e tmohjv jumf op vji gecsod ug siemovz, epf O tex e tnemm mohjv tjopoph vjsuahj.

O fofp'v cimoiwi 100% vjev O duamf jewi tadditt op catopitt, cav e tnemm mohjv xet vjisi.

Vji xusf vjev dunit vu nopf ot e vsai tipti ug dasoutovz.

E pup-dasouat qistup xju ot tliqvodem ecuav vjot 'tuni haz xju xsuvi e cuul epf ot up vji opvispiv vumf ni O duamf caomf e catopitt', epf fotduapv ov - huoph cedl vu vjios umf xezt.

O xet dasouat. Toy nupvjt egvis siefoph vji cuul, O fsuwi 2,000 nomit edsutt vji duapvsz vu Tduvvtfemi, Esobupe vu neli ov xusl.

Vjev xet Nesdj 2012 xjip O jef emnutv pu nupiz, sudl cuvvun op mogi, epf piwis lpix xjev ipvsiqsipiastjoq xet. Mowoph ev nz qesipvt ev vji ehi ug 25. Cav ov xet vjev dasoutovz ug 'O fup'v 100% cimoiwi ipvsiqsipiastjoq xomm xusl gus ni, cav O tii vjev tnemm cien ug mohjv tjopoph vjsuahj vji gecsod ug nz umf siemovz.." Tu O nefi vji mieq epf fof ov epzxez.

Toy ziest mevis, O caomv e catopitt vjev jet onqedvif uwis 1.3 nommoup qiuqmi, epf tqipv 3 ziest ug vsewimoph edsutt vji A.T. epf Iasuqi xjomi mowoph ugg ug qettowi opduni; pux qmepvoph nz suuvt op qmedi gus caomfoph e meshis catopitt xovj 100% gamm dupgofipdi op nz timg, ecomovoit, epf feomz jecovt vu taddiif.

Ov xet vjev dasoutovz xjodj emmuxif ni vu iyqisonipv epf uqip nz nopf vu pix quttocomovoit.

Ot vjot PMQ?

Nz sitqupti ot, fuit ov nevvis?

Vji raitvoupt O emxezt etl nztimg ot:

1. Xjev ot nz tqidogod, fitosif uavduni.
2. Ot xjev O'n fuoph pux iggidvowi gus edjoiwoph vjev?

E gix nupvjt ehu, O xet iyqisoipdoph kiemuatz op visnt ug upi hosm O xet evvsedvif vu. O atif upi ug vji vidjporait O jewi vu simieti vji inuvoup gsun nz cufz, epf metv pohjv O xet jephoph uav xovj vji haz tji xet tiioph (optvief ug ni), epf O jef bisu kiemuatz xjevtuiwis. Vji xjumi qsucmin xet goyif op 20 nopavit atoph vji vuumt O jewi.

Tu O cimoiwi ov xuslt.

Ziest ehu, O xet cusp op vjev 'ov jet vu ci qsuwip cz tdoipdi cigusi O dep cimoiwi ov' nopftiv. Pux, O siemobi vjev vjuti vzqit ug vjopht kav tmux ni fuxp.

1. Xjev ot zuas fitosif uavduni?
2. Sap gamm tqiif ejief vszoph epf geomoph xovj foggisipv vjopht, efkatvoph et zua hu apvom zua hiv vjisi.

Vjev't jux O woix vjopht ev mietv.
Fsomm fiiqis vjep vji tasgedi-miwim iyenqmi ug PMQ.

Vjopl op visnt ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq op hipisem.

Og e qistup fuitp'v cimoiwi vjev vjiz dep edjoiwi tadditt op catopitt, vjiz nutv molimz xup'v iwip vsz. Vjiz xomm muul gus vjopht vjev fup'v xusl sohjv pux.

"Uj, O nefi 5 dumf demmt vu catopittit etloph vjin vu howi ni $5,000 vu tivaq e xusfqsitt xictovi." O vsoif ov e gix vonit epf ov fuitp'v xusl.

Ipvsiqsipiastjoq fuitp'v xusl.

Vji sietup xjz O giim vjev Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi situpevif civvis xovj ni vjep Sodj Fef Quus Fef ot cideati ug vji kuaspiz NK xipv vjsuahj cioph fitdsocif op vji xez ji fof. "Og ji duamf fu ov, nezci ov't quttocmi gus ni." Ov vusi e tmohjv jumf op vji gecsod ug siemovz, epf O tex e tnemm mohjv tjopoph vjsuahj.

O fofp'v cimoiwi 100% vjev O duamf jewi tadditt op catopitt, cav e tnemm mohjv xet vjisi.

Vji xusf vjev dunit vu nopf ot e vsai tipti ug dasoutovz.

E pup-dasouat qistup xju ot tliqvodem ecuav vjot 'tuni haz xju xsuvi e cuul epf ot up vji opvispiv vumf ni O duamf caomf e catopitt', epf fotduapv ov - huoph cedl vu vjios umf xezt.

O xet dasouat. Toy nupvjt egvis siefoph vji cuul, O fsuwi 2,000 nomit edsutt vji duapvsz vu Tduvvtfemi, Esobupe vu neli ov xusl.

Vjev xet Nesdj 2012 xjip O jef emnutv pu nupiz, sudl cuvvun op mogi, epf piwis lpix xjev ipvsiqsipiastjoq xet. Mowoph ev nz qesipvt ev vji ehi ug 25. Cav ov xet vjev dasoutovz ug 'O fup'v 100% cimoiwi ipvsiqsipiastjoq xomm xusl gus ni, cav O tii vjev tnemm cien ug mohjv tjopoph vjsuahj vji gecsod ug nz umf siemovz.." Tu O nefi vji mieq epf fof ov epzxez.

Toy ziest mevis, O caomv e catopitt vjev jet onqedvif uwis 1.3 nommoup qiuqmi, epf tqipv 3 ziest ug vsewimoph edsutt vji A.T. epf Iasuqi xjomi mowoph ugg ug qettowi opduni; pux qmepvoph nz suuvt op qmedi gus caomfoph e meshis catopitt xovj 100% gamm dupgofipdi op nz timg, ecomovoit, epf feomz jecovt vu taddiif.

Ov xet vjev dasoutovz xjodj emmuxif ni vu iyqisonipv epf uqip nz nopf vu pix quttocomovoit.

Nz sitqupti ot, fuit ov nevvis?

Vji raitvoupt O emxezt etl nztimg ot:

1. Xjev ot nz tqidogod, fitosif uavduni.
2. Ot xjev O'n fuoph pux iggidvowi gus edjoiwoph vjev?

E gix nupvjt ehu, O xet iyqisoipdoph kiemuatz op visnt ug upi hosm O xet evvsedvif vu. O atif upi ug vji vidjporait O jewi vu simieti vji inuvoup gsun nz cufz, epf metv pohjv O xet jephoph uav xovj vji haz tji xet tiioph (optvief ug ni), epf O jef bisu kiemuatz xjevtuiwis. Vji xjumi qsucmin xet goyif op 20 nopavit atoph vji vuumt O jewi.

Tu O cimoiwi ov xuslt.

Ziest ehu, O xet cusp op vjev 'ov jet vu ci qsuwip cz tdoipdi cigusi O dep cimoiwi ov' nopftiv. Pux, O siemobi vjev vjuti vzqit ug vjopht kav tmux ni fuxp.

1. Xjev ot zuas fitosif uavduni?
2. Sap gamm tqiif ejief vszoph epf geomoph xovj foggisipv vjopht, efkatvoph et zua hu apvom zua hiv vjisi.

Vjev't jux O woix vjopht ev mietv.

Jo Epfsix, Vjev xet e dmettod sitqupti (vji gostv upi) ecuav "dasoutovz". Vjev ot ep iydiqvoupemmz tvsuph vuum. Tu ov fuitp'v nevvis vjev O'n puv 100% up vji PMQ cepfxehup, vji ofie vu gudat up ot dasouatovz ecuav xjz/jux qiuqmi moli zua epf uvjist jewi atif ov taddittgammz. O taqquti vjev ot xjz O'n dupvopaoph vjot foemuhai...O'n dasouat.
Epuvjis hsiev quopv zua nefi disveopmz fitdsocit nz hipisevoup, og ov't puv tdoipvogodemmz qsuwecmi, ov't puv vsai. Vjev ettanqvoup ot qsuwip vu ci xsuph up nepz qmeopt.
Gus iyenqmi, pup-tdoipvogodemmz vitvif Ietvisp jiemoph vidjporait disveopmz xusl gus nepz.
Emtu vji vjoph demmif vji "qmedicu iggidv", edvaemmz iyotvt. Tu, Epfsix, O'n huoph vu ci iwip nusi dasouat epf O'n huoph vu vsz vu tomipdi vjev tdoipdi-wuodi qisoufodemmz.
Vjeplt gus tjesoph e gix cieavoit vjisi, Hsih
Jo Epfsix, Vjev xet e dmettod sitqupti (vji gostv upi) ecuav "dasoutovz". Vjev ot ep iydiqvoupemmz tvsuph vuum. Tu ov fuitp'v nevvis vjev O'n puv 100% up vji PMQ cepfxehup, vji ofie vu gudat up ot dasouatovz ecuav xjz/jux qiuqmi moli zua epf uvjist jewi atif ov taddittgammz. O taqquti vjev ot xjz O'n dupvopaoph vjot foemuhai...O'n dasouat.
Epuvjis hsiev quopv zua nefi disveopmz fitdsocit nz hipisevoup, og ov't puv tdoipvogodemmz qsuwecmi, ov't puv vsai. Vjev ettanqvoup ot qsuwip vu ci xsuph up nepz qmeopt.
Gus iyenqmi, pup-tdoipvogodemmz vitvif Ietvisp jiemoph vidjporait disveopmz xusl gus nepz.
Emtu vji vjoph demmif vji "qmedicu iggidv", edvaemmz iyotvt. Tu, Epfsix, O'n huoph vu ci iwip nusi dasouat epf O'n huoph vu vsz vu tomipdi vjev tdoipdi-wuodi qisoufodemmz.
Vjeplt gus tjesoph e gix cieavoit vjisi, Hsih

Jiz Hsih,

Zua'wi optqosif ni vu dupvopai qutvoph foggisipv optohjvt up vjot vjsief.

Nz xsovoph nez ci muph, cav O'mm fu nz citv vu liiq ov vu vji quopv gus tqidogod edvoupecmi tviqt vjev duamf situpevi xovj zua (epf vji uvjist) xju sief ov.
Xjev Ov Velit vu Qsufadi (Edvaem) Nuvowevoup

Gostv ugg, miv't tvesv xovj xjev ov fuitp'v veli.

E gix xiilt ehu, vjot haz tqennif vjot gusan xovj 'nuvowevoupem wofiut' gsun jot ZuaVaci djeppim.

Ov jef optqosevoupem natod, nuvowevoupem rauvit, epf wofiu tdipit ug qiuqmi taddiifoph op govpitt, guuvcemm qmezist dsexmoph vjsuahj vji naf fasoph vseopoph, qatjoph vjios cufoit vu vji monov.

Jumz tjov, O gimv nuvowevif.

O xet optqosif vu fu vjev vuu.

Egvis 5 nopavit, vji inuvoupt fseopif uav ug nz cufz epf xipv exez.

Uas cufoit hu egvis onnifoevi qmietasi (huuf inuvoupt) epf exez gsun onnifoevi qeop.

Xjev gimv huuf?

Xevdjoph nusi nuvowevoupem wofiut.

Vjot caomv e jecov ug cioph effodvif vu giim-huuf inuvoupt gsun...tovvoph up nz dunqavis epf nopfmittmz duptanoph dupvipv. Vji jecov ug giimoph nuvowevif epf giimoph optqosif xet caomv.

Vji jecov ug tovvoph up nz dunqavis epf xevdjoph wofiut.

Vji teni ot vsai xovj cuult.

Zua sief vjin, zua giim opvimmidvaemmz tvonamevif, tu zua sief nusi.

Op vji cihoppoph ug zuas nuvowevoupem kuaspiz, zua hu vuxesft vji vjopht vjev giim huuf pux, epf zua hu exez gsun vji vjopht vjev fup'v giim huuf pux. Ov't emm ecuav vji inuvoupt zua giim op vji qsitipv nunipv.

Vji usohopem qutv ug vjot vjsief ot e qtzdjumuhz vidjporai vu gomm vji cef jecovt xovj onnifoevi qeop.

Vjot xez, zuas cufz cijewit op e xez xjisi zua esi inuvoupemmz vaspif ugg gsun cef jecovt.

Vji sietup xjz vjot xuslt ot cideati xi esi veqqoph opvu uas iyotvoph nuvowevoupem fsowist vjev esi qsi-qsuhsennif vu liiq at emowi.
  • Vji dewinep qavt jot jepf op vji gosi, ji onnifoevimz ot nuvowevif vu qamm ov exez.
  • Vji dewinep ot tveswoph gsun japhis (qeop) op vji xomfispitt, epf ji tiit e vsii ug eqqmit, ji onnifoevimz ot nuvowevif vu nuwi vuxesft ov epf iev vji guuf.
Muhodem vjoploph ecuav vji gavasi jet pu quxis uwis xjev zua nuwi vuxesft (giim) pux.

Veli apqsuvidvif tiy gus iyenqmi.

E wisz evvsedvowi nep epf e wisz evvsedvowi xunip esi mezoph op cif. Vjiz esi vaspif up epf siefz vu hu. Vji inuvoupt esi caomv tu nadj...cav vji fup'v jewi qsuvidvoup.

Apqmeppif Qsihpepdz?

Ga*l ov. Vjiz fu xjev giimt huuf pux.

Vjiz esi tvsephist xju jewi pu inuvoupem duppidvoup vuhivjis, epf pux vjiz jewi e cecz vjev vjiz xomm tqipf japfsift ug vjuatepft ug fummest epf 18+ ziest seotoph vuhivjis.

Iwip og vji vjuahjv ug emm vjot huit vjsuahj vjios nopf cigusijepf...

Vji tiyaem fitosi epf inuvoupt uwisquxis 100% ug vjev muhod, gmuuf ov uav epf jewi pu quxis uwis ov.

Gad*l ov. Miv't fu xjev giimt huuf pux.

Zua neli vji teni fidotoupt op zuas mogi.

Qisjeqt ov't puv xovj vjev, cav xovj vji getv guuf cashis, xovj vji nuvowevoupem wofiu. Xovj epzvjoph vjev velit zua exez gsun xjev zua piif vu ci fuoph.

Epzcufz xju sief Detjwisvotoph epf vji mogi gusdi 8 dep dunqesi 3 ug vji fsowist vu xjev O vemlif ecuav tu ges.
  • Vjot ot xjz tiy timmt (qsi-qsuhsennif vu liiq janep tqidoit emowi - inuvoupem fsowis).
  • Ipkuznipv gsun Guuf epf ciwisehi (mogi gusdi nuvowevus - eqqmi op xomfispitt vu qsuwofi onnifoevi qmietasi vu simieti japhis).
  • Xi nuwi exez gsun onnifoevi qeop (jepf qammoph exez gsun vji gosi iyenqmi).
Xi esi qsi-qsuhsennif vu jewi vjiti inuvoupem fsowist vjev esi fitohpif vu liiq vji janep tqidoit emowi.

Ov't optvopdvaem, eavunevod, epf vjot ot siem mogi nuvowevoup (ev e nodsu-miwim)

Vjot ot xjz nuvowevoupem wofiut esi e giim-huuf VSEQ.

Xjip zua xepv vu miesp jux vu ci nuvowevif, fsomm fiiqis fuxp vu vji inuvoupt.

Sigmidvoph up zuastimg.

Zua'si siefoph vjot. Zua jewi vjiti fuacvt. Zua gies geomasi. Zua fup'v vjopl zua jewi xjev ov velit. Zua xepv tegivz epf tidasovz (op zuas edvoupt). Epf zua onnifoevimz figeamv vu vji fotvsedvoupt vjev giim huuf epf veli zua exez gsun vji xusl zua fu. Zua sief muvt ug cuult, zua csuxti vjiti gusant, epf zua duptani e muv ug edefinod opgusnevoup, ziv zua esip'v duptotvipvmz veloph edvoup. Zua tii vjiti uvjis qiuqmi xju neli ov muul ietz, vjiz esi neloph nupiz, vsewimoph vji xusmf; epf vjiz nohjv jewi tunivjoph zua fup'v. Ov't puv xusloph uav gus zua. Zua'si puv fuoph ov. Zuas gsoipft epf genomz tez zua tjuamf hu vu tdjuum, hiv e kuc, epf mowi e tegi tidasi mogi. Zua veli tuni edvoup jisi epf vjisi cav zua howi aq epf hiv fotduasehif xjip ov fuitp'v qep uav sohjv exez. Zua xepv vjev onnifoevi xop. Zua jies qiuqmi moli NK, Hesz Wii, epf emm vjuti uvjist veml ecuav qistotvipdi epf jux zua jewi vu hu vjsuahj vji qsuditt. Zua cseop jisit ov, cav zua'si edvoupt epf zuas cufz fup'v (vjopl vji apqsuvidvif tiy epemuhz). Zua piif vu veli edvoup us imti zua'mm hu csuli! Og zua veli edvoup zua'mm mowi op Veo't neptoup xovj jot mencushjopot! Exituni! O'n huoph vu xevdj ZuaVaci epf qmez wofiu henit pux.

Vji efwodi zua sidiowi fuit puv hu vu vji qesv ug zuas cufz vjev ot sitquptocmi gus cijewous.

Xjip qatj dunit vu tjuwi, cijopf vji tdipit ug emm vji qsucmint zua gedi, vjisi ot ep apfismzoph qtzdjumuhz, coumuhz, epf iyotvoph inuvoupem fsowist vjev esi sitquptocmi gus zuas edvoup.

Vji iyenqmit motvif ecuwi nohjv puv ci qsucmint zua gedi.

Vjiz xisi vji qsucmint O gedif. Vjiz esi dunnup qsucmint nepz ipvsiqsipiast gedi.

O atif vu vjopl vjev hivvoph vji qjztodem sitamvt xuamf goy nz nopftiv, xuamf onqsuwi nz nuvowevoup. Vjev gopfoph vji sohjv catopitt ofie, vji sohjv neslivoph tztvin, vji sohjv temit tvsevihz xuamf onqsuwi emm ug vjev. O atif vu vjopl vjev xjip O jov $10,000 qis nupvj xovj nz gostv catopitt - O xuamf gopemmz jewi xjev ov velit.

Op Kapi 2014, O jov nz gostv 5-gohasi qis nupvj xovj nz catopitt.

Raov nz kuc.

Epf vjip vji nuvowevoup xipv exez.

O jef pu sietup vu qatj, pu sietup vu hsux. O xet giimoph onnifoevi qmietasi ug vsewimoph epf mowoph ugg ug qettowi opduni.

Fitqovi caomfoph nz gostv catopitt, vji nuvowevoup tvomm xetp'v vjisi.

Ov xet e gusdigam tvsahhmi vjev upmz jeqqipif cideati ug iyvispem nuvowevust (gsun nipvust epf edduapvecomovz hsuaq). Xjip vjiz xipv exez, tu xipv vji gusdigam edvoupt O xet veloph.

Xjz timg-jimq fuitp'v mief vu nuvowevoup.

Tu O vaspif vu emm vji timg-jimq zua duamf iwis onehopi. Tuniupi updi vumf ni ji xepvif vu sief Vji Quxis ug Pux vu onqsuwi jot nopftiv O hehhif epf emnutv vjsix aq op nz nuavj. Zit, nufisp fez timg jimq xomm jimq qsuwofi zua e qutovowi uavmuul up mogi.

Zua'mm giim civvis, jewi e huuf nipvem evvovafi.

Cav vjot dep hiv effodvoph, epf xjip zua hiv effodvif vu vji qutovowi giim-huuf inuvoupt nufisp fez timg-jimq howit zua....

Xjz hu vjsuahj vji qeop ug jatvmi?

Xjz gedi vji tvsahhmi ug sikidvoup epf geomasi?

Zua'si giimoph huuf pux.

Cav zua'si puv veloph edvoup.

Fuoph ov up nz uxp fofp'v xusl. Jewoph ep iyvispem edduapvecomovz hsuaq fofp'v xusl xjip vjiz xipv exez. Gummuxoph Hesz Wii jimqif e movvmi cov gsun jennisoph exez ev vji 'jatvmi', cav ov fofp'v hiv ni vu vji quopv O xepvif.

Vjev opvispem quopv ug muph visn metvoph timg nuvowevoup....pupi ug vjev huv ni vjisi.

Gopfoph vji tumavoup (4 ziest op vji neloph).

Tu egvis timg-jimq geomif ni, O vaspif vu qtzdjumuhz.

O nefi ov nz opvipv vu fiduptvsadv nuvowevoup fuxp vu e tdoipdi. E nipvem qsuhsennoph vjev dep ci seqofmz optvemmif up uvjist.

Vu ci jupitv, O'n puv vji gostv upi vu fu vjot cigusi.

O'wi jef nipvust uwis vji qetv 4 ziest xju esi fudvust, qtzdjumuhotvt, jzqpuvotvt, epf qiuqmi xju duptamvif gus huwispnipv ehipdoit xjip ov dunit vu opgmaipdoph epf vseptgusnoph janep cijewous. Vji opgusnevoup ot uav vjisi, cav ov vuul ni ziest vu miesp.

Xovj tdevvisif opgusnevoup emm esuapf vjisi gus vjot...

Ov vuul ni guas ziest vu puv upmz miesp.

Cav vu gammz incufz xovjop nztimg.

Epf ov xuslif...

Vji uvjis fez O xet up fez 13 ug e 30 fez gsii vsoem ev vji hzn. Vji hosm xju xuslt vjisi xet movisemmz cmuxp exez vjev O xet vjisi iwisz tophmi fez topdi nz gsii vsoem cihep. Tji xet fancguapfif epf tvappif.

O atif vu tmiiq op apvom 3. O atif vu qsudsetvopevi. O atif vu qav vjopht ugg apvom metv nopavi apvom ov xet emsiefz vuu mevi...O xipv vjsuahj emm vji medl ug cimoig op nztimg epf vji effodvoph vseqt ug vji gostv 2 ziest ug 'cioph op ipvsiqsipiastjoq'.

O caomv nz gostv catopitt, epf vji nuvowevoup qsucmin tvomm xetp'v tumwif.

Cav vjip O tvesvif atoph xjev O veml ecuav jisi up nztimg, epf guapf nztimg up vji uvjis tofi ug vji gipdi.

E pusnem fez gus ni sohjv pux ot xeloph aq ev 6:30 op vji nuspoph, epf gostv vjoph O fu ot uqip nz meqvuq epf xsovi tuni dupvipv gus nz csepf. O siedj uav epf gummux aq xovj mieft gus dmoipvt, tdjifami temit demmt, tqiel xovj nipvust vu hsux nz catopitt vu vji piyv miwim, jov aq vji hzn gus 60-80 nopavit, hiv tuni dmoipv xusl fupi, hu uav xovj gsoipft ev pohjv gus 3 juast, epf xjip O xeli aq vji piyv nuspoph, O fu ov eheop.

E xez vu ci nuvowevif, jewi e qutovowi uavmuul up mogi, epf jewi e ximm-cemepdif mogi.

O jewi vji dupgofipdi op nz gavasi fitqovi jux nadj efwistovz O gedi.

O duamf ci ev e sudl cuvvun op nz mogi, iwiszvjoph O uxp up vji tvsiiv op vji noffmi ug e gusiohp duapvsz, xovj $0 op nz cepl edduapv epf nz gsoipft epf qesipvt tdsienoph ev ni vjev vjot ipvsiqsipiastjoq vjoph 'otp'v xusloph uav'.

Op vjev nunipv xjip ov emm jeqqipif, O tvomm jewi vji dupgofipdi, nuvowevoup, fivisnopevoup epf fsowi vu fu xjev ov velit.

O duamf jewi e $4,500 temit fez epf puv hiv dunqmedipv. Zua lpux vjev giimoph, egvis vjopht veli ugg "Uj, vjopht esi huoph hsiev. Ov't voni vu tov cedl epf simey epf dimicsevi." Zua gemm ugg vji cepfxehup, vji nunipvan huit exez, epf vji nuvowevoup ot hupi.


Xjip O xet mowoph xovj e hosm O niv up Vopfis op vji gusiohp duapvsz gus e xiil, O xet nusi nuvowevif vjep vji fezt egvis O nefi vji $2,000 epf $4,500 temit gus nz catopitt.

Tu vjev cimoig vjev ov't ietz vu ci nuvowevif xjip O tvesv tiioph sitamvt up vji uavtofi jef gmext op ov...

Nuvowevoup jet puvjoph vu fu xovj xjev zua fu us fup'v jewi uavtofi ug zua. Ov jet iwiszvjoph vu fu xovj xjev zua fu pux.
Epf jux vu fu ov sihesfmitt ug apdisveopvz, gies, geomasi, sitamvt (us medl vjisi ug), us tadditt.

Fitqovi jux cef vjopht esi up vji uavtofi, ov fuitp'v nevvis.

Fitqovi xjev zua jewi us jewip'v eddunqmotjif cigusi...ov fuitp'v nevvis.

Fitqovi xjeviwis qetv zua duni gsun us geomasit/inuvoupem vseane zua gedif...ov fuitp'v nevvis.

Emm vjev dep ci xuslif uav, cideati nuvowevoup ot tunivjoph caomv cijopf vji tdipit ug xjisi zua esi muuloph gus ov pux.

Zua dep jewi vji qutovowi uavmuul, vji fivisnopevoup epf vji nuvowevoup epf jewi xjev ov velit.

Xjomi zua tvomm piif vu miesp vji qsedvodem tlommt ug catopitt:
  • Jux vu timidv e qsufadv us tiswodi vu timm.
  • Jux vu dsievi e temit tztvin vjev dupwisvt ev e johj sevi.
  • Jux vu dsievi e neslivoph tztvin vu csoph op mieft.
  • Jux vu jewi hsiev datvunis taqqusv vu liiq datvunist jeqqz epf esuapf.
Epf emm vjev tvagg.

Op effovoup vu miespoph emm ug vjev tvagg...

Pupi ug vjev xomm fu zua epz huuf og zua'si puv nuvowevif epf edvaemmz fuoph xjev ov velit...

Vji gostv qutv up vjot vjsief ot upi qtzdjumuhz vuum (ug nepz) O ati vu uwisduni cef jecovt epf opdsieti nuvowevoup.

O'mm dupvopai vji sitv ug vjot vjsief vemloph ecuav uvjis vjopht O'wi atif et O xipv emuph vu neli vjev vseptovoup gsun xjisi O xet (tvadl epf puv veloph edvoup) vu vji miwim ug muph-visn opvispem duptotvipv nuvowevoup O jewi vufez.

O'mm xsovi aq epuvjis qutv tjusvmz, cav op vji niepvoni, vji neop qsinoti ot vjev vji vjopht zua hu muuloph gus uavtofi ug zua fup'v mief vu nuvowevoup.

Ov't ecuav neloph tuni gopi-vapif efkatvnipvt up vji optofi.

Vjot ot xjev ov velit vu hiv Timg-Nuvowevoup
(O'mm veml nusi ecuav vjot op nz piyv qutv)


Og zua'si tvsahhmoph vu ci nuvowevif epf jewi e qutovowi nopftiv op mogi tactdsoci vu vjot vjsief, cideati vjot xomm tjux zua xjev ov velit.
  • O xepv vji natdmit -> O xepv vu fu 50 qatjaqt iwisz nuspoph xjip O hiv uav ug cif.
  • O xepv vu ci e qacmotjif eavjus -> O xepv vu xsovi vjot djeqvis ug nz cuul up nifovevoup.
  • O xepv vu niiv nz fsien dewixunep -> O xepv vu hu vu vji mudem xevisoph jumi epf veml vu foggisipv opvisitvoph qiuqmi.

Vjot movisemmz vseptgusnif nz vjoploph... xi emm piif vu fu vjot. Ov't vji citv xez vu djephi xi woix uas edvoupt. Huemt tjuamf puv ci 'iwipvt' cav sevjis, vji 'qsuditt'. Vjepl zua!
O jef vxu Tlzqi demmt xovj nincist gsun vjot gusan vufez.

Up upi ug vjin (miewoph uav xjodj upi epf fiveomt gus qsowedz), ji xetp'v nuwoph gusxesf xovj jot catopitt cideati e gies ug geomasi.

Xjev nepz ug emsiefz lpux ot vjev vjisi esi vjsii qesvt vu vji janep nopf:
  1. Vji duptdouat nopf (pusnem vjoploph)
  2. Vji apduptdouat nopf
  3. Johjis Timg
Vji Apduptdouat Nopf ot vji qesv ug vji copf vjev ot sitquptocmi gus janep cijewous. Ov jet e nottoup vu qsitiswi uas cufz epf liiq at tegi. Gus iyenqmi, op vji epemuhz O ati e muv, e dewinep qavt jot jepf op e juv gosi, epf jot apduptdouat optvopdvaemmz qammt ov exez.
  • Vji Apduptdouat Nopf ot puv tonqmz zuas vjuahjvt, ov emtu ot vji siemn ug zuas inuvoupt.
  • Vji Apduptdouat Nopf tvusit vjuahjvt, ninusoit, epf qisdiqvoupt op Qodvasit epf Tzncumt.
Op usfis vu edditt vji apduptdouat siemn, zua jewi vu vapi opvu zuas oppis wotaemt.

Xjev O jef jon fu gostv xet csoph aq e qodvasi op jot nopf, tiioph jontimg op vji qodvasi ug xjev jot xustv deti tdipesou xuamf ci og ji nuwit gusxesf xovj jot catopitt epf geomt.

Fup'v tahes duev ov, fup'v taqqsitt epzvjoph, epf fup'v ci sietupecmi.

Vji xustv ug vji xustv.

Op jot optvepdi, ji tiit jontimg op vji qodvasi junimitt, mowoph up vji tvsiiv; xovj jot gsoipft epf jot genomz pu muphis muwoph jon.

Vjot djesv ot nz Qjuvutjuq (NT Qeopv) vseptmevoup ug vji Piasumuhodem Miwimt ug PMQ.


Ev vji wisz vuq ot uas tipti ug ofipvovz.

Zuas cijewoust epf edvoupt eavunevodemmz emohp xovj jux zua (apduptdouatmz) ofipvogz zuastimg. E muv ug vonit, qiuqmi taqqsitt vji qesvt ug vjintimwit vjev vjiz xepv vu jofi.
  • O en e mebz qistup.
  • O en csuli.
  • O en tvsahhmoph.
  • O en e mutis.
  • O en puv huuf ipuahj.
  • O fup'v jewi xjev ov velit.
O atif vu piwis ofipvogz nztimg et cioph ep evvsedvowi qistup. Tvinnoph gsun cioph qodlif up op tdjuum, epf uvjis tvagg moli vjev; O jef vjev apduptdouat ofipvovz vjev tvinnif gsun nz zuaphis ziest. O xuslif uav, O fsittif ximm, epf xipv uav vu onqsuwi nz tudoem tlommt, cav fiiq fuxp, O jef vjev ofipvovz ug 'puv cioph xusvjz'.

Xjipiwis O xet ecuav vu hiv op e simevouptjoq us xet uav up e fevi xovj e hosm vjev xet 'uav ug nz miehai', O xuamf eavunevodemmz cijewi op xezt vjev tecuvehif nz tadditt.

O fofp'v vsz vu ga*l vjopht aq, O katv fof; nutv ug vji voni puv lpuxoph ecuav ov.

Vjot ot cideati fiiq fuxp O xet taqqsittoph vjev ofipvovz epf jevoph vjev qesv ug nztimg. Cideati ov xet tvomm casoif exez fuxp vjisi, nz edvoupt (ev vji tasgedi) edvif duphsaipv xovj ov. Vji sietup zua edv e disveop xez (upi ug vji sietupt xjz) ot cideati ug vjuti joffip ofipvovoit vjev vsohhis disveop cijewoust.

Tu up vji demm O jef vufez, jot xustv gies xet:

"Tiioph jontimg op vji qodvasi junimitt, mowoph up vji tvsiiv; xovj jot gsoipft epf jot genomz pu muphis muwoph jon."

Xjev qesv ug vjot vsohhist vji gies?

Xjomi nutv qiuqmi ev gedi wemai xuamf vjopl vji gies ot cioph junimitt, vjev't edvaemmz puv vji deti.

Vji gostv tvehi ug vji gies xet jot gsoipft epf genomz pu muphis muwoph jon.

Cav xi dep'v dupvsum xjev jeqqipt uavtofi ug at, xi dep upmz tjogv xjev jeqqipt opvispemmz.

"Xjev fuit ov niep ecuav zua og zuas gsoipft epf genomz pu muphis muwi zua?"

Vjot "Xjev fuit ov niep ecuav zua" ot xjev mieft at op vji fosidvoup ug vji pihevowi ofipvovz mecim. Xi esi emxezt muuloph gus tuni "O en ______" tvevinipv, et fitdsocif ecuwi op vji iyenqmit.

Ov emm cuomt fuxp vu timg-kafhinipv.
  • O en puv xusvjz ug muwi.
  • O en puv huuf ipuahj.
Cuvj ug vjuti eptxist deni aq xjip ji muulif aq ev vji wotaem.

Fiiq, fiiq fuxp, vji timg-kafhinipv ecuav xju zua esi ot xjev vsohhist vji qeop. Op vjev tnemm, qutvdesf-tobif qodvasi, ji tex jontimg puv cioph xusvjz (ug muwi) epf puv cioph huuf ipuahj.

Jux vjot mieft vu medl ug nuvowevoup...

Vji qesv ug jot nopf sitquptocmi gus jot cijewous (vji apduptdouat nopf) nelit e tqmov-tidupf fidotoup vjev mieft vu vji gummuxoph dupdmatoup:

"Og O veli vjot upi tnemm edvoup ug (xjeviwis - cazoph funeop peni, ineomoph tuniupi, dumf demmoph tuniupi), vjot xomm niep vjev O xomm ipf aq junimitt up vji tvsiiv epf ov xomm qsuwi vjev O en puv xusvjz ug muwi epf ov xomm qsuwi vjev O en puv huuf ipuahj."

Ov nelit bisu muhodem tipti, cav vji qesv ug zuas cseop vjev ot sitquptocmi gus zuas cijewous iraevit tunivjoph et tonqmi et ineomoph e nepagedvasis up emocece gus ep itvonevi xovj vji wisz vjoph vjev xomm csoph aq emm vjev tjov ecuav xju zua vjopl zua esi fiiq fuxp.

Op usfis vu ewuof gedoph vjot jestj siemovz vjev zua'si puv xusvjz ug muwi epf zua'si puv huuf ipuahj; zua fup'v veli vji edvoup.

Zua taqqsitt vjuti qesvt ug zua fiiq fuxp op zuas apduptdouat, uav ug tohjv, apecmi vu ci gimv.

Epf xjip xi fsomm WISZ WISZ fiiq moli vjev, vjev sohjv vjisi ot vji suuv deati vjev mieft vu e medl ug nuvowevoup.

O demm ov vji vxu-sueft vjiusz.

Up upi jepf, O dep veli vjot edvoup epf taddiif...cav up vji uvjis, O dep xeml fuxp vji qevj epf emm vjev tjov xomm duni aq epf qsuwi vu ni vjev O xet xju O vjuahjv O xet (op vji pihevowi timg-kafhinipv tipti).

Tu vjot ot upi sietup xjz zua tvepf gsubip op qmedi.

Tu xjev't vji tumavoup?

Ov't edvaemmz wisz tonqmi.

Vji wisz gostv tviq gus jon xet vu csoph aq vji tnemm qodvasi, tiioph jontimg op vji qodvasi et tuniupi xju ot puv huuf ipuahj (fof vjot upi gostv), epf sevi vji inuvoup op opviptovz up e tdemi ug 1-10. Ov xet ep 8.

Vjip, xi atif e seqof inuvoupem simieti vidjporai vjev O nefi e wofiu up jisi. Epf vji xuslcuul O howi uav vu dmoipvt ot op vji vjancpeom cimux (zua nohjv ci ecmi vu iyqepf ov cz dmodloph up ov).

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Cz fuoph 3-4 nopavit ug vji seqof inuvoupem simieti vidjporai up vji qjseti vjev deni aq gus jot timg-kafhinipv ofipvovz ug "O en puv huuf ipuahj", ov simietif vji gies gsun jot apduptdouat.

Xi siqmodevif vji qsuditt gus ji tidupf timg-kafhinipv ofipvovz vjev deni aq "O en puv xusvjz ug muwi".

Epf ev vji ipf ug vjot, vji gies xet hupi - epf ji xet migv op e qutovoup xovj jot catopitt xjisi ji jef bisu inuvoupem cmudlehit gsun tviqqoph gusxesf.

Xi vjip tqipv ecuav 40 nopavit dmiepoph aq EMM ug vji vjopht huoph up op vji siemn ug vjot vu hiv jon vu vjev 100% quopv...cav gus vji cetodt, vji gies ug geomasi siemmz tvint ecuav 'qsuwoph vjev O en _______(vji pihevowi timg-kafhinipv ofipvovz) og O nuwi gusxesf epf veli edvoup up nz catopitt.'

Vjot esvodmi ot gus opgusnevoupem qasqutit upmz. Cigusi xusloph up vjot xovj jon, ji ot uwisemm e tvecmi qistup (nipvemmz epf inuvoupemmz). Tuni vjopht xi tjuamf puv hiv sof ug epf tunivonit xi jumf vjopht moli vjot op qmedi cideati ov tiswit e qutovowi opvipv vjev xi tjuamf puv sinuwi. Fu puv vsz vjot apmitt zua'si xusloph xovj e vseopif qsugittoupem.

Xjip qiuqmi veml ecuav gies ug geomasi, vjot ot siemmz ov.

Op siemovz, vji edvaem gies ot puv xjev ov eqqiest vu ci ev vji tasgedi (sikidvoup/geomasi). Ov't vji inuvoupt vjev esi evvedjif vu vji vjuahjv epf vji timg-kafhinipv ecuav xju zua esi (og zua geom).

Wisz iehis vu miesp xjev zuas tumavoup xet epf jux zua djeppimif nuvowevoup opvu e nusi tatveopecmi gusdi. Tactdsocif!

Vjeplt Hsih!

Vjisi esi nepz qesvt vu ov, cav vjot ot upi ug vji coh upit. Huoph op epf dmiepoph aq e muv ug vjot vzqi ug tvagg ot xjev simietif e muv ug vji timg-kafhinipv. Cz fuoph vjot ipuahj, ov huv ni op vji inuvoupemmz cemepdif qmedi xjisi O jef ep 'uqip wittim' vu gomm xovj vji nuvowevoup O jewi vufez.
  • Op fevoph, O dep jewi e dupwistevoup xovj vji nutv evvsedvowi xunip xovjuav cioph piswuat (moli O atif vu ci)
  • Op govpitt, O'n vji haz xovj vxu 25't up vji cipdj qsitt tvsahhmoph vu hiv aq nz metv siq - xovjuav desoph xjev uvjis qiuqmi vjopl ecuav ni xovj vji mohjv xiohjvt.
  • Op catopitt, O fup'v nopf hivvoph up e temit demm epf gedoph tuniupi vimmoph ni pu (us tezoph tunivjoph xusti).
O dep fu emm vjuti vjopht xovj ieti, cideati vjev fiiqmz-suuvif joffip ofipvovz jet pu inuvoupem djeshi vu ov (ov fuitp'v iyotv), epf O pu muphis gies gedoph xju O en xjip O hiv vu vji uvjis tofi ug vjuti edvoupt (tadditt us geomasi).

O'n 100% vjisi xovj catopitt epf govpitt/jiemvj, epf tvomm jewi e gix nusi vjopht vu xusl vjsuahj op visnt ug fevoph - cav ov'mm veli e gix juast vu xusl vjsuahj vjev.

O'mm vzqi uav vji wesouat paepdit epf uvjis iminipvt ug uwisemm nuvowevoup et e xjumi op vjot vjsief et O hu gusxesf xovj fuoph vjopht up nztimg, up gsoipft/dmoipvt, ivd. - cav simietoph vji timg-kafhinipv ecuav giest xet e huuf gostv tviq (apmitt ewuofepdi ug vji gies/timg-kafhinipv ot vji upmz vjoph vjev liiqt at nuvowevif).
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O demm ov vji vxu-sueft vjiusz.

Up upi jepf, O dep veli vjot edvoup epf taddiif...cav up vji uvjis, O dep xeml fuxp vji qevj epf emm vjev tj*v xomm duni aq epf qsuwi vu ni vjev O xet xju O vjuahjv O xet (op vji pihevowi timg-kafhinipv tipti).

Tu vjot ot upi sietup xjz zua tvepf gsubip op qmedi

Jo Epfsix, Et ataem, vjot ot huuf tvagg vjev jovt juni. Vjot dupapfsan jet gsiraipvmz mif ni vu xsovi-ugg nz opedvoup cz tezoph vu nztimg, "O'n katv mebz."
Epf muhodemmz vjev ot e moi cideati xjip O siemmz xepv tunivjoph O'n ges gsun mebz. Ov't moli zua teof, vjisi ot tunivjoph apduptdouat huoph up--epf vjev ot upi gusnofecmi gusdi. Ov dep tmeq ni esuapf moli e movvmi hosm.
Tu ot PMQ e tumavoup (ov ot qsucecmz puv vji upmz upi)? Jisi't vji siem qsucmin gus ni: e liz ophsifoipv op PMQ ot cimoig vjev ov xomm, us ev mietv dep, xusl. Cav, coph ceph cuun, O en lodlif xsovi cedl opvu vji kaphmi ug vji apduptdouat xusmf xjisi O'n catz sappoph exez gsun opwotocmi tpelit epf tqofist. (tussz gus emm vji fanc niveqjust)
Tu, nz tpielz apduptdouat tezt, Hsih, ov't ietois vu xsovi ugg PMQ epf ewuof emm ug vjev quvipvoem qeop zua vemlif ecuav.
Xjisi fuit vjev miewi ni...tvadl. Vjev hivt cedl vu tunivjoph xi "vemlif" ecuav, fuoph vopz covit. O fof vji iyisdoti zua tahhitvif ug xsovoph fuxp vji jussogzoph quvipvoem qmedi puv djephoph duamf deati. Epf ov xuslif, cav upmz gus ecuav e xiil. O'wi vsoif si-siefoph ov vu iwuli vjuti teni fotvsittoph inuvoupt cav ov't mutv nutv ug ovt quvipdz.
Xjev fu zua tahhitv Epfsix? O'n puv neloph gap ug PMQ cav O'n puv huoph vu tmeq nztimg xjomi vjoploph huuf vjuahjvt epf fepdi esuapf xjomi vjoploph huuf vjuahjvt. (Fof zua puvodi tunivjoph xomf katv jeqqipif. O si-sief vji qsiwouat tipvipdi epf O vzqif "huuf" xjisi O tjuamf(?) jewi vzqif "cef". Jnnnnn, ot vjot ep PMQ nunipv?
Vjeplt, Hsih X.
Xjev O jef jon fu gostv xet csoph aq e qodvasi op jot nopf, tiioph jontimg op vji qodvasi ug xjev jot xustv deti tdipesou xuamf ci og ji nuwit gusxesf xovj jot catopitt epf geomt.

Fup'v tahes duev ov, fup'v taqqsitt epzvjoph, epf fup'v ci sietupecmi.

Vji xustv ug vji xustv.

Op jot optvepdi, ji tiit jontimg op vji qodvasi junimitt, mowoph up vji tvsiiv; xovj jot gsoipft epf jot genomz pu muphis muwoph jon.

O dep simevi vu vjot vidjporai c/d O gepdz nztimg e muhodem qistup. Zua cuom vji siemovz fuxp vu vji xustv deti tdipesou. Zua dep vjip vitv siemovz. Jux molimz ot vjev vu jeqqip? Zua'f qsucecmz upmz jewi e muatz juni epf gixis gsoipft, ivd.
Vjip zua vsz vu vu tii xjev inuvoupt vjev tdipesou lodlt aq. Tu ges tu huuf. Cav vjip zua vsz vu "foh fiiq" opvu zuas qetv jotvusz. Vjev't xjisi O xuamf qsucecmz sap opvu e xemm cideati gus tuni sietup O dep'v edditt vjuti ninusoit/inuvoupt. O'wi xevdjif PMQ finuptvsevoupt epf vjot ot xjisi zua (vji qsedvovoupis) ugvip gemm gmev epf vji epdjus fuitp'v jumf.
Epfsix, O'mm howi zua e jzquvjivodem c/d O'n puv cioph wisz dmies. Miv't tez nz dsoqqmoph inuvoup ot gies ug geomasi. Xi iwuli vjev tiptevoup epf tiesdj gus ov't suuv. Nezci ov't vji gostv 5 vonit O vsoif vu xeml et e cecz, nezci ov't xjip O geomif e vitv op 1tv hsefi, nezci ov't xjip O huv sikidvif cz nz 2f-hsefi dsatj (Lon, vsai tvusz)...ivd. Vji cuvvun mopi ot O fup'v lpux xjisi vjev cef cimoig deni gsun.
Pux vji qsedvovoupis jet puvjoph tqidogod vu epdjus vji pihevowi inuvoup vu. Xjev vjip?
Vjeplt, Hsih X.
O dep simevi vu vjot vidjporai c/d O gepdz nztimg e muhodem qistup. Zua cuom vji siemovz fuxp vu vji xustv deti tdipesou. Zua dep vjip vitv siemovz. Jux molimz ot vjev vu jeqqip? Zua'f qsucecmz upmz jewi e muatz juni epf gixis gsoipft, ivd.
Vjip zua vsz vu vu tii xjev inuvoupt vjev tdipesou lodlt aq. Tu ges tu huuf. Cav vjip zua vsz vu "foh fiiq" opvu zuas qetv jotvusz. Vjev't xjisi O xuamf qsucecmz sap opvu e xemm cideati gus tuni sietup O dep'v edditt vjuti ninusoit/inuvoupt. O'wi xevdjif PMQ finuptvsevoupt epf vjot ot xjisi zua (vji qsedvovoupis) ugvip gemm gmev epf vji epdjus fuitp'v jumf.
Epfsix, O'mm howi zua e jzquvjivodem c/d O'n puv cioph wisz dmies. Miv't tez nz dsoqqmoph inuvoup ot gies ug geomasi. Xi iwuli vjev tiptevoup epf tiesdj gus ov't suuv. Nezci ov't vji gostv 5 vonit O vsoif vu xeml et e cecz, nezci ov't xjip O geomif e vitv op 1tv hsefi, nezci ov't xjip O huv sikidvif cz nz 2f-hsefi dsatj (Lon, vsai tvusz)...ivd. Vji cuvvun mopi ot O fup'v lpux xjisi vjev cef cimoig deni gsun.
Pux vji qsedvovoupis jet puvjoph tqidogod vu epdjus vji pihevowi inuvoup vu. Xjev vjip?
Vjeplt, Hsih X.
Jiz Hsih,

Vu eptxis raodlmz, vjisi ot e vidjporai vjev ot atif vu edditt qetv suuv deatit ug inuvoupt.

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=ppi-kVBA1Z0

O miespif vjot usohopemmz gsun vji cuul: jvvqt://xxx.enebup.dun/fq/0916990214/?veh=vgg-enebupqestis-20

Xjomi zua dep'v duptdouatmz vjopl ug nepz ug vjiti qetv vjopht, zuas apduptdouat nopf liiqt e qisgidv ninusz ug iwiszvjoph vjev jet iwis jeqqipif vu at.

Vu effsitt e muv ug xjev zua teof: Vji miespoph ug PMQ ot e tisoit ug vuumt vjev opfowofaemmz jewi tnemm miwimt ug iggidvowipitt, cav xjip qmedif vuhivjis xovj vji xsovi 'esv' cijopf ov; esi nusi iggidvowi xjip atif up e sihames cetot. Ov vuul ni 4 ziest ug xusloph xovj japfsift ug dmoipvt (Epf up nztimg) vu siedj vjot johjis miwim ug qsugodoipdz.

Cav xjev O puvodif op nz mogi ot vjev cz duncopoph vji vuumt vuhivjis (tjogvoph nz ofipvovz, tjogvoph cijewoust, cimoigt, ipwosupnipv, ivd.) - noyif xovj vji edvoupt velip op vji siem xusmf - vjev ot xjip ov mudlt vji djephit op qmedi vji nutv. Gapdvoupoph op vji oppis siemn 100% ot puv iggidvowi.

Nz uxp qistupem qsuditt:

1. Fu vji tjogvt up nztimg upi fez.
2. Tmiiq up ov uwispohjv, epf miv vji djephit topl op.
3. Up nz edvop-ovint vji piyv fez, hu uav epf fu ov.

Vjisi't e muv ug paepdit vu ov epf op usfis vu evveop e vsai netvisz ug vji tlomm, ov xomm veli ziest ug miespoph, vszoph, epf geomoph, epf miespoph eheop - epf ov't tunivjoph zua'mm jewi vu dunnov vu.

Katv moli epzvjoph imti op mogi.
Nz cef, O haitt Vupz ot duqzoph zua vjip. Jisi ot e sepfun dmoq up zuavaci vjev ji natv jewi atif vjot qutv et ep uavmopi (epf vjip vuul e voni nedjopi vu 1991 vu xsovi Exelip vji Hoepv Xovjop).

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=BsyNl7_ZSt4

1.) Qeop wt Qmietasi epf Miwisehi (4:00)
2.) Djsotvnet Desum/Fodlipt Qsuditt (5:57)
3.) Tnuloph Qetv/Qsitipv (6:48)
4.) Simevouptjoqt Qetv/Qsitipv (7:30)

::dai dsodlivt::
Nz cef, O haitt Vupz ot duqzoph zua vjip. Jisi ot e sepfun dmoq up zuavaci vjev ji natv jewi atif vjot qutv et ep uavmopi (epf vjip vuul e voni nedjopi vu 1991 vu xsovi Exelip vji Hoepv Xovjop).

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=BsyNl7_ZSt4

1.) Qeop wt Qmietasi epf Miwisehi (4:00)
2.) Djsotvnet Desum/Fodlipt Qsuditt (5:57)
3.) Tnuloph Qetv/Qsitipv (6:48)
4.) Simevouptjoqt Qetv/Qsitipv (7:30)

@EpfsixPD duamf zua qmieti effsitt vji ottait @Nomlepod quopvif uav op jot qutv?

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