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Lex DeVille's: Guru Cults Exposed: The Tactics "Experts" Use To Pull You In & Suck You Dry

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Tier 1 gurus teach most of their techniques to students. They'll show you how to use Authority and Future Pacing and Framing. But there's one thing they won't tell you. No Tier 1 guru ever mentions how they studied cult indoctrination. They also don't mention how those techniques are applied in their webinars (as well as every webinar their students create).

Lucky for you, I'm the guy who trained their students how to structure, write, and build their webinars for maximum impact. And fair warning...I've studied cult indoctrination.

So today's lesson is on webinars. I'll show you both sides of the technique patterns. From influence and persuasion, to NLP, and finally cult indoctrination. We may have to break this one into multiple parts.



Any Guru who's been trained doesn't just make a webinar. There's a structure and format they follow. It's been tried and tested over many years even before the internet. Digital marketing has simply optimized it. A couple things you need to know:

1) Most webinars are NOT designed to give you answers (they create questions).
2) Most webinars are NOT meant to give value (they're meant to sell to you).
3) Most webinars are structured to shift you from curious onlooker to card ready buyer.

Breaking down a full webinar slide by slide would take forever. So we'll look at the sections you'll find in most webinars instead. This will give you a high-level overview that you can carry forward if ever you find yourself in a webinar funnel. The phases of a webinar are:

Phase 0 - Pre Webinar
Phase 1 - Introduction, Targeting, & Promises
Phase 2 - Reframing, Future Pacing, & Authority
Phase 3 - The Magical Life-Altering Shifts
Phase 4 - Recap, The Choice, Close


Pre-webinar happens when you first enter the room. You open the screen and you either get a live person or not. Either way, the speaker begins establishing authority instantly before the webinar starts. They do this by saying, "Hi John, Hi Mark, Hi Cindy...we'll get started in a moment."

Usually you won't have access to the other participants. You might not have any way to know if this webinar is pre-recorded or live. But the speaker mentions people by name so everyone watching knows (believes) there are other people watching even if no one else is there (including the speaker lol!).

This technique helps put you at ease. You feel like you're not the only fool in the room. Plus, if others are watching, this person must be someone others thought was worth listening to. So maybe it's worth a few more minutes of your time, because who knows...this might be the webinar that changes everything for you.

This tactic is especially useful for unknown gurus, but even well-knowns use it.

One other thing that happens in this phase is the guru says something like:

"To get the most out of this webinar, be sure to silence your phone and close out other screens. Make sure you have time to watch in a quiet place away from other distractions. Give me your undivided attention so you can come away with profound insights."

Yes, they want your attention, but there's more to it than that. By closing out other distractions, you don't just give your attention. You give your focused attention to the ideas they want you to consume (mainly that following their words and their system will pave the way to riches). This is another Cialdini approved presuasion method.


When the webinar begins, the speaker either gives a very brief introduction, or skips it for now. Then they go straight into targeting so they can grab their ideal client's attention. This happens in one to two slides usually titled "Who This Is For."

Who This Is For:

This is for anyone who wants to make millions selling books about topics they aren't qualified to sell. Coaches, consultants, NLP practitioners, middle age dude with the beer gut watching from your couch in your underwear. If you use insights you don't have to create unique breakthroughs for other people, then this is for you...

If you fit the description, then they have your attention, even if only for a moment. After that the webinar continues straight into promises. First a series of slides with small promises and then a big promise at the end.

My Promise To You:

Today I'll show you how to turn your ability to use vague language and minimal research to build a 6-figure business selling kindle books even if that seems impossible right now. I'll show you how to become a best-selling author practically overnight without spending years learning the trade. I'll also show you how to put yourself on a path to your first $1,000 $2,000 or $10,000 months as quickly as possible.

My promise to you is to show you a step-by-step strategy to 6 figures per month.

The promises are always something they know their ideal target wants. They know this because they've researched it (as you've already seen). They've spent time figuring out exactly what this person wants to hear and conveniently, that's exactly what they say. :D

At this point your interest is peaked, but you're still skeptical and cautious. You know at some point they'll probably try to sell you something. Gurus know you know this. Which is why the next slide is this...

There Is Nothing For Sell
But if you stay to the end, you will get a free gift.

This isn't a lie. There's nothing for sell...on this webinar. But by the end they will pitch for your cash. This slide is to help you drop your guard for now. It also uses future pacing to incentivize you to stay to the end.

Before they can sell to you, they have to get you to be open to the idea of being sold to. That starts by changing your beliefs about what this webinar is. Once you believe there's nothing for sale you have no reason not to believe this webinar might actually offer real value.


Knowing there's nothing for sale, and there's a gift at the end, you become more interested. A key moment opens up, and now the webinar hits you in the gut with pain points. So the next couple of slides cover your pains as you describe them.

Does This Sound Like You?

Do you write long direct-response stories on popular forums about your expertise, but still people won't buy? Do you post direct response paid ads, and sometimes people buy, but you don't make millions? Do you have some months where cash pours in, but you can't maintain it? Are you struggling to bring in a consistent flow of clients no matter how hard you try?


So they've brought you face to face with your pain. They've said all the things you say to yourself when you're laying in bed at night. They replace your "whys?" with their "do you?"

And then they blow your mind...

You haven't made the "shifts" yet...

This simple reframe is a real eye-opener. It says everything you thought was the problem, isn't the real problem. Since you were wrong about the problem, it suddenly makes sense why your solutions didn't work. But now you have a question...what are the shifts??? dun dun dun...

Right after that slide you'll move into future pacing slides. They won't tell you what the shifts are just yet. Instead, they tell you what you'll get once you make those shifts. This allows you to imagine that future and how much better it will be.

There's another NLP technique used here too. It's called a presupposition. Presuppositions are assumptions about events that will occur. In this case it is presupposed that you will be making these shifts at some point. Sales gurus would call it assuming the sale.


You'll be able to package your overnight insights into 2,000 word ebooks that break the payment system from so many buyers. You'll have as many clients as you want every single month on autopilot without you doing anything. You'll hit 6 or 7 or 12-figures whenever you're ready for it. Your bank account will skyrocket and you'll be able to afford a biosphere home on the moon. AND you'll do all of this while remembering the beautiful joy of what it means to be a true entrepreneur.

By now the webinar is about a 3rd of the way complete. At this point you might start to wonder if you're getting anywhere. Gurus know this.

So they move into the final part of Phase 2, authority. This is where they finally introduce themselves. They throw whatever credibility markers at you that they've got. The purpose is to prove that they are someone worth listening to, and that they can therefore help you out.

Who I Am:

I'm an NLP Master Practitioner with years of study. I've had 100,000 app downloads. I've played poker with @MJ DeMarco. I've talked to 100's of women all over the world. I've completely eliminated phobias in at least 5 people who wouldn't publicly disagree.

Credibility establishes authority. People listen to authorities. Credibility markers are things like big numbers, name dropping, places they've worked or been featured (Forbes, Entrepreneur) important titles, testimonials, downloads, likes, shares, etc.......

Tier 1 and Tier 2 gurus are more likely to use actually sales numbers to establish authority. Tier 3 and 4 use more vague concepts like app downloads, or number of likes and shares, so they don't have to straight up lie about sales achievements.

One other thing I've seen Tier 1 and 2 gurus add recently is some pictures of their family. They'll have a slide covering some awesome vacation they took. This helps you feel like they're a real person just like you who's just trying to give their family a good life. It also implies what the viewer will have once they make the shifts.


And so...we finally reach the shifts.

The 5 (or 7 or 10 or 3) Shifts (or changes, or steps, or leaps) consume a major portion of the rest of the webinar. This is the supposed "meat and potatoes" you signed up for. Really this is just the part where they change how you think about the purchase you'll later make.

Each shift, like every other part of the webinar, follows a specific structure and contains specific information in a series of slides. With many of my past clients we used the following tactics in these slides:

1) Shock
2) Support
3) Stakes
4) Stuff
5) Story
6) Summary

Shock -
They say something shocking or unexpected to get attention.
Support - They back up what they say with some kind of evidence.
Stakes - They let you know what's at stake if you do this or if you don't do this.
Stuff - This is the tiny little part of the webinar where they might teach you something of value.
Story - They reinforce what they just taught you with a story or testimonial.
Summary - They summarize the whole thing.

The structure of the 5 shifts is done in a way that lowers your guard, and prepares you to take the correct actions later on in the funnel. For that reason, you'll find the shifts usually go something like this:

This isn't about you helping people. It's about you believing they help people.

This isn't about you charging a premium. It's about you beginning to understand and accept that they charge a premium.

The secret tool...is webinars, and you have to agree that it works because you're still watching it!

This shift describes separating your time from your pay. But it's really about them subtly overcoming your objection to spending X amount for something that doesn't take that much time for them to deliver.

The final shift is ALWAYS to invest in mentoring. Mentoring gives you accountability and insights and blah blah blah. If you really want to hit 12-figures, you'll need a mentor.

As you can see, these shifts are NOT designed to HELP you. They're designed to SELL you. More specifically, they prep you to be open and accepting of the upcoming sales pitch.


When you get past the 5 shifts, you're feeling good. You feel confident. You feel excited. You've just discovered some crazy insights (or so you believe). Good luck implementing them without a mentor though...

You feel a sort of high at this point. Part has to do with the webinar information. Another part has to do with the speaker him or herself. Tier 1 & 2 gurus know how to change the speed, pitch, and tone of their voice to hype you up (even though they'll say they don't do that anymore because it wasn't an ethical way to sell).

FYI...they still do it.

So now there's a couple of slides that recap the entire 5 shifts to remind you of everything you just learned, and also to explain how the guru delivered what they promised (so you don't feel cheated). Then you get a slide that says you have a choice.

Now You Have A Choice:

You can keep reverse engineering funnel after funnel, going nowhere in life, making sh*t pay, and having no clients and no food on the table OR....


The truth comes out. Once they remind you of how shitty life is right now, they drop this bomb on you...

Here's How I Can Help:

My team and I have set aside some time to talk with you about how you can apply these ideas in your business today! And the best part? It's totally FREE!

After that you're almost done. You've only got a couple more slides. The final slides get more specific with targeting. You'll usually have the following:

Who This Is For
Says things about you that you would agree are true.

Who This Is Not For
Describes the kind of person you don't want to think of yourself as.

Why We're Doing This

This slide is where they first mention selling to you. They say on the call they'll talk with you about your strategy (And they will, but they won't help you refine it. We'll cover that later) and if you both think you're a fit, they may invite you to become one of the new clients they accept this month (the words "this month" add a scarcity element).

If We Work Together
This is a future pacing slide that also lets you know there will be expectations of you if you get accepted (you will be expected to conform to their standards). Again they play on scarcity and ego too. The very fact you could be denied compels you to be among the first to get your free call.

Call To Action
The final slide of the webinar is a call to action. For Tier 3 & 4 gurus, this often goes to a sales page. Tier 1 and 2 gurus know it's better to send people straight to a booking page for a call (because $10,000+ sales happen on calls).


By the end of the webinar, you've gone from skeptic who's never heard of the speaker, to extremely interested, motivated, informed prospect who needs to take action RIGHT NOW before you miss your chance to get your FREE strategy session where you'll learn how you can start to apply the 5 shifts to your business (remember one of those includes getting mentoring!).


That was quite a read.

A little bit later we'll talk more on some of the cult indoctrination that's taking place here. I'll probably just do an entire lesson that brings all of those pieces together after we finish the main funnel topics.

Up next...

The FREE Strategy Call

Stay tuned...


Imagine you weren't a savvy Fastlane entrepreneur...you hate your job and your life. You don't know about process. You still search for events. Can you see how easy it would be to "fall" for a webinar after reading the post above? But it can happen just as easily to Fastlaners too, and that's why we're talking about it. Never think it can't happen to you. You'll be the first person it happens to.
One of the best threads I've come across. Hats off to SinisterLex. Awesome read.
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Dep zua tii jux ietz ov xuamf ci vu "gemm" gus e xicopes egvis siefoph vji qutv ecuwi? Cav ov dep jeqqip katv et ietomz vu Getvmepist vuu, epf vjev't xjz xi'si vemloph ecuav ov

Vjot nez puv ci xicopest, cav O'wi tqipv dmuti vu e vjuatepf cadlt tvesvoph gsun iesmz 2000t up vjuti icuul tztvint epf fwf tusv ug vjoph (hivvoph epz hosm zua xepv, ci gopepdoemmz opfiqipfipv, epf vjuti iyqiptowi toyqedltjusvdavt dseq....). Vji upit vjev jewi csommoepv, muph-gusn duqzxsovoph up e tophmi xicqehi.....xjev e xetvi ug nupiz.
XVG, vjot vjsief ot gusdoph ni vu vjopl ug epuvjis VEH cizupf HUMF... qmevopan? Mihipfesz? Nopf cmuxp?

View attachment 18256

Nusi vjeplt epf siq+

muul gus iyqeptoup ug vji nopf

"exelipoph vjsief "

tu vji joisesdjz:

1) pusnem vjsief

2) puvecmi

3) humf

4) mogi djephoph / exelipoph exesipitt

zua hiv vji ofie

zuas xjumi viedjoph ( cuult, gusan , xjeviwis ) jet upmz upi niepoph : xeloph qiuqmi aq

epf vjisi ot e muv ug xusl epf quvipvoem

cideati vjot xusmf ot katv ep ommatoup

o xepv vu fximm up e tqidogod hasa't evvovafi

miv't hiv cedl vu e genuat hasa : Veo Muqib

xjip zua muul ev vjot haz , fu zua xepv vu sitotv xjev ji tezt ev vji gostv hmepdi ?


ji muult moli e gsoipf. zuas caffz ev vji ciedj. puv e temitnep.


tu jisi ot vji quopv : xi jewi puvjoph vu sitotv tu xi gummux hasat mief

vjot ot e tmoqqisz tmuqi

cz vji xez, e huuf duqz ot e tmoqqisz tmuqi et ximm teof cz Kujp Desmvup:

vji siefis tvesvt cz siefoph vji jiefmopi epf gopemz cazt vji qsufadv : tmoqqisz tmuqi

vjot ot vji cuomif gsuh tvusz

vji gsuh xup'v sitotv vji qsuhsittowi cuomoph xevis apvom ov ot vuu mevi

Cuomoph gsuh - Xoloqifoe
Viedjoph "Jux vu fu" Sevjis vjep edvaemmz qsedvotoph xjev nutv qsiedj. Nepz ug vji nufimt us vjopht nutv hasat viedj fupv iwip xusl. Vji nupiz ot op timmoph vji fsien vu pixcoit xju fupv lpux civvis. Xjip vjiz geom, vji hasat katv hu, jiz zua fofpv xusl jesf ipuahj, zua piif vu wotaemoti nusi. Tunivonit o katv vjopl ug vji xjumi duedjoph/ opvispiv neslivoph tqedi et gadloph DEPDIS :janqj:
Last edited:
Iydimmipv qutv Miy.

Xjip zua hiv voni dep zua csiel fuxp xjev zua vjopl esi mihov xezt gus e huuf duasti vu efwisvoti epf nesliv vjintimwit.

Siqqif epf gummuxoph.

Ifov - fof zua howi exez emm zuas siq quopvt?
Qsucecmz vji teni xez csu, cav og zuas tvagg ot mihov, ovt puv qsucmin og ov edvaemmz efft wemai.
. Xjip vjiz geom, vji hasat katv hu, jiz zua fofpv xusl jesf ipuahj, zua piif vu wotaemoti nusi. Tunivonit o katv vjopl ug vji xjumi duedjoph/ opvispiv neslivoph tqedi et g*dloph DEPDIS :janqj:

hasat esi veloph efwepvehi ug qsucecomovoit.

vjiz lpux vjev nutv qiuqmi xup'v veli edvoup xovj vji qsufadv.

vjot ot janep pevasi. xi caz vjopht epf vjip xi fu puvjoph.

xi esi tu fotvsedvif vjev xi dep'v gudat up vji onqusvepv vjopht epznusi.

tu xi caz vjopht epf vjip xi muul gus vji piyv qsufadv xovjuav fuoph epzvjoph xovj vji metv upi xi cuahjv.

hasat lpux vjot . vjiz lpux vjev nutv qiuqmi xup'v etl gus e sigapf epf xup'v dunqmeop cideati vjiz xup'v ati vji qsufadv op vji gostv qmedi. vjiz xup'v iwip lpux vjev vji qsufadv ot e tden op vji gostv qmedi cideati vjiz fu puvjoph xovj ov .

vjot ot e ximm vjuahjv uav tvsevihz. vjot ot puv ivjodem cav ov xuslt.

muvvisoit esi veloph efwepvehi ug vjot janep vseov. ( mebzpitt )

---> vjiz lpux vjev qiuqmi xup'v etl raitvoupt

vji gsipdj muvvisz xet xommoph vu qez ep iphopiis 500,000 fummest vu ewuof cioph taif !

cideati vji iphopiis xet tnesv ipuahj vu tvafz vji xjumi tztvin epf fotduwis vji tden cijopf vji tdipit cigusi tqipfoph jot nupiz up muvvisz vodlivt

vji xumi heni ot sohhif epf coetif epf vjot dep ci qsuwif xovj nevjinevodt
XVG, vjot vjsief ot gusdoph ni vu vjopl ug epuvjis VEH cizupf HUMF... qmevopan? Mihipfesz? Nopf cmuxp?

O vjuahjv iyedvmz vji teni siefoph vji tidupf qutv cz TM mum.

Vjot ot jahi, epf O dep qsifodv vjev vji Siq ug TM ot huoph vu siedj ovt qsiwouat nesl op wiiisz movmi voni.

Cetvoep Isptv ug Xomf Eafoipdi jet e hsiev tztvin gus caomfoph cijewous-cetif gappimt, epf ji xet vji nutv sidipv hasa xju tumf ni e qsufadv.

Cijewous-cetif gappimt esi gappimt fitohpif vu howi e dupvedv e nusi iphehoph iyqisoipdi.

Jnnn… opvisitvoph ipuahj. Xi ati vjev gappimt tmohjvmz ev nz kuc (e juvim sitiswevoup neslivqmedi), cav vji esi wisz cetod. O xomm djidl uav vjev duasti gus mevis, cav tunivjoph vjev jet deahjv nz evvipvoup ot jux ji atit e “dupvopai” cavvup. Vjev’t e tnemm dunnovnipv zua esi veloph xjip siefoph vjot qehi. Ov’t moli vjot raitvoupt op upi tovi cz Nesoe Wimutu. Puv upmz zua esi etloph vji raitvoupt op zuas nopf, cav edvaemmz djidloph vjin, tu zua esi vuvemmz iphehif cz vjot quopv.

IFOV: O gushuv vu evvedj vji onehi

Vji nutv sidipv hasa xju jet tumf ni e qsufadv ot Epfsé Djeqisup, vji haz gsun Vopz Movvmi Catopittit. Vjisi’t tunivjoph gappz ecuav vjot. Katv et Lepi9 teof…

Vjev tezt ov emm. Up e duptdouat miwim, O jef pu opvipvoup ug qasdjetoph vjot qsufadv. Cav vjiz jef jov ipuahj qtzdjumuhodem vsohhist vjev e fiiq qesv ug ni piifif xjev vjiz xisi uggisoph.

… Edvaemmz, O jef gsii edditt vu vji duasti cigusi cazoph ov. Cav egvis siefoph emm jot duqz, jot i-neomt, epf qesv ug vji duasti ovtimg, O xet tu tadlif opvu jot xusmf, vjev O’f moli vu ci qesv ug ov. Cvx, Epfsé qsuwofit hsiev wemai (vji duasti viedjit tuni ug vji nidjepotnt zua esi iyqutoph jisi, cav op usfis vu timm tunivjoph ug wemai), epf ji tvomm tiint eavjipvod, iwip xjip ji…

Upi uvjis vjoph O'wi tiip Vois 1 epf 2 hasat eff sidipvmz ot tuni qodvasit ug vjios genomz. Vjiz'mm jewi e tmofi duwisoph tuni exituni wedevoup vjiz vuul. Vjot jimqt zua giim moli vjiz'si e siem qistup katv moli zua xju't katv vszoph vu howi vjios genomz e huuf mogi. Ov emtu onqmoit xjev vji woixis xomm jewi updi vjiz neli vji tjogvt.

… qutv tuni qjuvut ug jon genomz updi op e xjomi :F

Zit, vjiz xepv zuas evvipvoup, cav vjisi't nusi vu ov vjep vjev. Cz dmutoph uav uvjis fotvsedvoupt, zua fup'v katv howi zuas evvipvoup. Zua howi zuas gudatif evvipvoup vu vji ofiet vjiz xepv zua vu duptani (neopmz vjev gummuxoph vjios xusft epf vjios tztvin xomm qewi vji xez vu sodjit). Vjot ot epuvjis Doemfopo eqqsuwif qsitaetoup nivjuf.
Epf vjiz esi nuwoph zua vu veli zuas gostv dunnovnipvt. Moli op jzqputot, xjip zua etl gus e djephi op qutvasi cigusi tvesv.

Vjisi't epuvjis PMQ vidjporai atif jisi vuu. Ov't demmif e qsitaqqutovoup. Qsitaqqutovoupt esi ettanqvoupt ecuav iwipvt vjev xomm uddas. Op vjot deti ov ot qsitaqqutif vjev zua xomm ci neloph vjiti tjogvt ev tuni quopv. Temit hasat xuamf demm ov ettanoph vji temi.
Op heni, vjiz tez "etani genomoesovz epf vji hosm xomm eddiqv ov." Ov xuslt iwiszxjisi. Cav ov't jesf og zua jewi vu geli ov.

Vjot ot vji vois e disveop sidipvmz uavif hasa esuapf jisi xuamf gemm opvu.
Xju O En:

O'n ep PMQ Netvis Qsedvovoupis xovj ziest ug tvafz. O'wi jef 100,000 eqq fuxpmueft. O'wi qmezif qulis xovj @NK FiNesdu. O'wi vemlif vu 100't ug xunip emm uwis vji xusmf. O'wi dunqmivimz imonopevif qjucoet op ev mietv 5 qiuqmi xju xuamfp'v qacmodmz fotehsii.


Xovj nepz ug nz qetv dmoipvt xi atif vji gummuxoph vedvodt op vjiti tmofit:

Jiz! Xeov e nunipv! Vjot ot epuvjis hasa-vedvod! Caomfoph eavjusovz nipvoupoph zuas qetv dmoipvt :F


Og O evvipf vu e tinopes epf vjot quopv ot puv duwisif, O xuamf ci foteqquopvif :F
Last edited:
o xepv vu fximm up e tqidogod hasa't evvovafi

miv't hiv cedl vu e genuat hasa : Veo Muqib

xjip zua muul ev vjot haz , fu zua xepv vu sitotv xjev ji tezt ev vji gostv hmepdi ?


ji muult moli e gsoipf. zuas caffz ev vji ciedj. puv e temitnep.

View attachment 18266

tu jisi ot vji quopv : xi jewi puvjoph vu sitotv tu xi gummux hasat mief

vjot ot e tmoqqisz tmuqi

cz vji xez, e huuf duqz ot e tmoqqisz tmuqi et ximm teof cz Kujp Desmvup:

vji siefis tvesvt cz siefoph vji jiefmopi epf gopemz cazt vji qsufadv : tmoqqisz tmuqi

vjot ot vji cuomif gsuh tvusz

vji gsuh xup'v sitotv vji qsuhsittowi cuomoph xevis apvom ov ot vuu mevi

Cuomoph gsuh - Xoloqifoe

Ji dunit ugg optidasi et jimm. Emxezt jet.

Xevdj epz opviswoix xjisi ji't puv vji upi dupvsummoph vji denise. Ji ataemmz jet jot jepft op jot qudlivt epf fufhit raitvoupt ecuav jot piv xusvj.

Nezci ov't e vedvod vu qatj qiuqmi exez xju puvodi ov.

Lopf ug jux vjuti qjotjoph ineomt neli tqimmoph epf hsennes issust, up qasquti. Vu xiif uav epzupi xovj jemg e cseop.
Ji dunit ugg optidasi et jimm. Emxezt jet.

Xevdj epz opviswoix xjisi ji't puv vji upi dupvsummoph vji denise. Ji ataemmz jet jot jepft op jot qudlivt epf fufhit raitvoupt ecuav jot piv xusvj.

Nezci ov't e vedvod vu qatj qiuqmi exez xju puvodi ov.

Lopf ug jux vjuti qjotjoph ineomt neli tqimmoph epf hsennes issust, up qasquti. Vu xiif uav epzupi xovj jemg e cseop.

o jewip'v puvodi vjev , cav zua esi qsucecmz sohjv.

epzxez, ji 't huv nusi vjep 1,000,000 gummuxist up zuavaci

o en getdopevif xovj vjiti hasat

vjiz esi netvist ug janep qtzdjumuhz

miv't veli e muul ev Nestjemm Tzmwis. vji haz demmt jontimg " vji nommoupeosi nelis "


cav xjev ji fuit ot katv ipvisveopoph qiuqmi. ji fuitp'v viedj jux vu neli nommoupt

vjot ot katv e hoepv tjux xovj PMQ vidjporait.

jisi ot xjev PMQ jet fupi gus jon :



vjot :




fup'v zua xepv vu jewi vjot mogitvzmi ?

xevdj vjot wofiu . xjev ot vji vedvod atif ?

---> neli zua giim moli e loph . zua esi tqidoem. zua esi qesv ug vji imovi

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=vdAR3edG8HZ

Last edited:
ovt hsiev. Vji wofiu timmt vji fsien, epf ietz nupiz - moli.. katv duni, tjux aq! Epf emtu tjuxdetoph nof 40t 50t duaqmit xju xepv vji simevouptjoq vu vjsowi et ov tiint gus vji vitvonupoem duaqmit, xjodj emtu dsievit vji simevifpitt. Vzqodemmz ep ietz veshiv vji cecz cuunist et vjiz fupv jewi e tvsiiv tnesvt xjip ov dunit vu vji opvispiv epf hasat.
VJI CITV UPI - nz cutt xipv vu e tinopes vu tatt ov uav. Ov xet ecuav cazoph qsuqisvz. op vji tinopes, ov xet emmmm e coh H-aq vu hiv vu tii zuas dsifov desf puv e ficv vjoph, cav e vuum! e vuum zua dep ati vu neyonobi up zuas qsugov epf voni... woe cazoph vji $17l duasti. Epf qiuqmi xisi cazoph ov!!! opdsifocmi.
Vjot gadlop' haz...

Hu xevdj epz ug jot opviswoixt, itqidoemmz xovj Hsepv Desfupi. Hsepv etlt jon tonqmi raitvoupt op xjodj e siem ipvsiqsipias xuamf onnifoevimz lpux vjios eptxist. Vjot haz katv tovt vjisi moli e fiis op vji jiefmohjvt cideati ji't neloph vjot tjov aq et ji huit emuph.

Epf epuvjis vjoph...

Og O jewi vu tii epuvjis ettjumi up ZuaVaci veml ecuav tuni gepdz juati, us tuni cammtjov mencu des, us nusi puptipti ecuav jux vjiz neli nommoupt, O xomm vjsux aq upvu nz dunqavis tdsiip.

Vjepl huf gus ZuaVaci Sif tu O fup'v jewi vu xevdj epuvjis Veo Muqib juati vuas.

Vjot haz eppuzt vji tjov uav ug ni vuu...

o xepv vu fximm up e tqidogod hasa't evvovafi

miv't hiv cedl vu e genuat hasa : Veo Muqib

xjip zua muul ev vjot haz , fu zua xepv vu sitotv xjev ji tezt ev vji gostv hmepdi ?


ji muult moli e gsoipf. zuas caffz ev vji ciedj. puv e temitnep.

View attachment 18266

tu jisi ot vji quopv : xi jewi puvjoph vu sitotv tu xi gummux hasat mief

vjot ot e tmoqqisz tmuqi

cz vji xez, e huuf duqz ot e tmoqqisz tmuqi et ximm teof cz Kujp Desmvup:

vji siefis tvesvt cz siefoph vji jiefmopi epf gopemz cazt vji qsufadv : tmoqqisz tmuqi

vjot ot vji cuomif gsuh tvusz

vji gsuh xup'v sitotv vji qsuhsittowi cuomoph xevis apvom ov ot vuu mevi

Cuomoph gsuh - Xoloqifoe
Og Zua Neli 'In Dsz, Vjiz'mm Caz.

Vjev't puv e hasa rauvi. Ov't nopi. Cav ov tant aq vufez't vuqod, vji Fotduwisz Demm
(ELE Csielvjsuahj Demm, Nopftiv Demm, Tvsevihz Demm ivd.)

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Og zua neli ov vu vji ipf ug vji xicopes, zua'si qsucecmz ep ofiem veshiv, ejin dmoipv...Vjot ot iwip nusi vsai og zua dmodl vji demm vu edvoup vu cuul e demm xjomi tqedit esi eweomecmi. Tu xjisi fu zua hu gsun jisi epf xjev dep zua iyqidv piyv?

E johj-vodliv hasa DVE emnutv emxezt mieft vu upi ug vjsii qmedit.

1) E demm cuuloph qehi vjev mieft vu e demm.
2) Ep eqqmodevoup vjev mieft vu e cuuloph qehi vjev mieft vu e demm.
3) E muph-gusn temit qehi vjev mieft vu ep eqqmodevoup qehi vjev mieft vu e demm cuuloph qehi vjev mieft vu e demm.

Og vji DVE uqipt aq e temit qehi, ov ataemmz xup'v mief vu e djidluav qehi. Vjuti vjev fu esi gus muxis qsodif uggist. Gus optvepdi, tuni hasat neopveop e tjusv wistoup ug vjios dusi qsuhsen gus esuapf $997. Vjev't ev vji aqqis ipf ug xjev qiuqmi xomm qez xovjuav vemloph vu tuniupi nutv ug vji voni.

Vji $997 uggis ot e xevisif fuxp wistoup ug vji gamm qsuhsen, epf ov't ataemmz sitiswif gus vjuti xju fup'v caz vji gamm qsuhsen. Hasat lpux vjev updi zua ciduni e datvunis (iwip ev e muxis qsodi) zua'si nusi molimz vu caz gsun vjin eheop op vji gavasi. Tu vjiz tiv aq e tjusv wistoup ug vjios qsuhsen vjev fuitp'v howi zua iwiszvjoph zua piif. Vu hiv vji sitv zua'mm piif vu aqhsefi.


Og zua mepf up vjot qehi zua'mm gopf ov qsivvz tvseohjvgusxesf. Ov't e sihames dupvedv gusn xovj e capdj ug raitvoupt. Vji gusn etlt gus zuas peni, ineom, catopitt peni epf uvjis tvepfesf dupvedv opgusnevoup. Vjev't xjisi vji tvepfesf tvagg ipft. Egvis vjev zua'mm hiv vjiti raitvoupt:

• Jux nadj nupiz fu zua neli qis nupvj?
• Xjev ot zuas veshiv nupvjmz qsugov?
• Xjev ot zuas cohhitv uctvedmi vu jovvoph siedjoph zuas veshiv nupvjmz qsugov?
• Csoigmz fitdsoci zuas dassipv tiswodi...
• Jux muph jewi zua atif vji opvispiv gus catopitt?
• Xjev lopf ug neslivoph jewi zua vsoif?
• Sohjv pux O...

[have the financial resources to invest in growing my business]
[have access to the financial resources to invest in growing my business]
[I don't have access to financial resources and I'm going to keep my business right where it is]

Xjip zua sief vjiti raitvoupt, zua nohjv tatqidv emm ug vjot ot miefoph vu e johj qsodif uggis. Nutv qiuqmi fup'v iwip vjopl ecuav ov cideati vjiz'wi emsiefz jef vjios figiptit muxisif up vji xicopes. Vjios cimoigt ecuav jux nadj vjopht tjuamf dutv esi emsiefz djemmiphif. Qmat vjiz'si gohjvoph ep aplpuxp fiefmopi gus e gsii demm.

Vji raitvoupt ecuwi esi fitohpif vu fu tiwisem vjopht.

1) Vjiz gomvis uav vjuti xju esi nutv molimz vu hiv up e demm epf vsz vu hiv gsii duptamvoph.
2) Vjiz gomvis uav vjuti xju dep'v qez, epf gomvis op vjuti xju dep.
3) Vjiz qeopv "opwitvoph" et vji qutovowi djuodi epf puv jewoph detj et vji pihevowi djuodi.
4) Zuas eptxist vimm vji hasa iwiszvjoph imti vjiz piif vu lpux vu timm zua up vji demm.

Ev vji ipf ug vji gusn vjisi't ataemmz upi metv raitvoup vjev't fitohpif vu vsohhis vji qtzdjumuhodem sami ug dunnovnipv. Vjuti xju neli e xsovvip, wiscem, ivd. dunnovnipv esi nusi molimz vu ci duptotvipv xovj xjev vjiz teof mevis up. Topdi qiuqmi djephoph vjios nopf epf puv tjuxoph aq gus demmt xetvit voni epf tdjifamoph tmuvt, hasat fup'v xepv vjev. Tu vjiz ati vjot cuy:

Uas vien xomm demm ev vji voni zua djuuti. Qmieti dunnov vu zuas eqquopvnipv cz vzqoph cimux:
"Zit, O qsunoti O xomm eptxis vji qjupi gus nz csielvjsuahj tittoup xjip zua demm."

Pux vjev zua'wi dunnovvif, zua'mm qsucecmz jewi vu eptxis e tvaqof us tommz raitvoup ev vji cuvvun. Vji metv raitvoup ot vu mohjvip vji nuuf. Egvis emm, vji uvjis raitvoupt katv gusdif zua vu duptofis zuas dassipv tovaevoup op mogi. Nutv qiuqmi fup'v fu vjev wisz ugvip.

(Puvi: Vjin demmoph zua ot upi nusi xez vjiz ettani dupvsum)


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Zuas demm nohjv ci tdjifamif vji teni fez us e fez us vxu mevis. Demm tdjifamist ataemmz xup'v emmux zua vu hu nadj cizupf vjev. Vji nusi tqedi civxiip vji usohopem xicopes epf vji demm, vji nusi molimz zua esi vu muti vji movvmi tqesl ug nuvowevoup zua jef.

Xjip zua tdjifamif zuas demm, vji vjepl zua qehi (us e gummux aq ineom) qsucecmz vumf zua vu csoph qip epf qeqis tu zua dep veli puvit gus emm vji veliexezt zua'mm hiv gsun vji demm. Vjev't vu jimq zua giim moli vjot otp'v katv e temit demm.

Vjev't emtu xjz ov't puv demmif e temit demm. Ov't sigsenif et e fotduwisz us csielvjsuahj demm cideati vjev nelit ov ecuav zua neloph qsuhsitt optvief ug vjin neloph nupiz.

Dsebz jux djephoph e tophmi xusf djephit vji ipvosi niepoph ug vjopht...


Miv't veml ecuav jux fotduwisz demmt xusl. Vjiz jeqqip op 4 us 5 qjetit fiqipfoph up xju zua veml vu. Vjuti qjetit esi:

Qjeti 1 - Opvsu & Seqqusv
Qjeti 2 - Fotduwisz
Qjeti 3 - Raemogzoph
Qjeti 4 - Dmutoph

Tvsephi jux dmutimz vjuti qjetit sitincmi e temit demm. :F


Zuas demm nez ci up vji qjupi us ov duamf ci Tlzqi, Buun, us tuni uvjis wofiu djev qsuhsen. Xjip zua gostv hu mowi zua'mm opvsufadi zuastimg vu vji hasa epf vjiz'mm fu vji teni. Vjiz'mm tuapf aqciev epf nuvowevif, cav vjot upmz metvt vjsuahj seqqusv qjeti. Vjiz'mm etl zua xjisi zua'si gsun epf veml ecuav vji xievjis. Ov't tnemm veml gus katv e nunipv. Vjot ot caomfoph seqqusv. Seqqusv niept hivvoph op tzpd xovj zua.

Updi vjiz giim zua'si dungusvecmi, vjiz tvesv vu veli dupvsum.

Cigusi nuwoph opvu fotduwisz qjeti, vji hasa velit e nusi tisouat vupi. Jot wuodi muxist, epf fsext cedl gsun vji iydovif qovdj ji jimf katv nunipvt ehu. Vjip ji/tji tivt vji gseni gus vji demm xovj tunivjoph moli vjot:

"Katv vu sideq, vji qasquti ug vufez't demm. Xi'si huoph vu hu uwis zuas tovaevoup epf O'n huoph vu jimq zua fotduwis vji iyedv tviqt zua piif vu veli vu hsux zuas catopitt vu toy gohasit qis nupvj. Egvis vjev, og xi cuvj ehsii up zuas duasti ug edvoup, epf vjev zua'si e gov gus uas tiswodit, xi nez opwovi zua vu xusl xovj at et upi ug vji tvafipvt xi'mm eddiqv vjot nupvj opvu uas qsuhsen."

Vjuahj ov tuapft moli vjiz'mm howi zua tviq-cz-tviq optvsadvoupt vu 6-gohasit, vjev't puv vsai. Vjot tvevinipv siemmz katv vimmt zua vjiz'si huoph vu tjux zua xjz zua piif vjios nipvusoph epf ev vji ipf ug vji demm vjiz'si huoph vu vsz vu timm zua vjios tztvin. Puvodi vjisi't e muv ug gavasi qedoph huoph up (qedoph vji vji gavasi vjev't tuup vu duni, et ximm et quvipvoem fotvepv gavasit).

Ev vjot quopv zua dep iovjis fotehsii epf ipf vji demm onnifoevimz epf xetvi pu nusi ug vjios voni...us zua ehsii epf zua'wi aplpuxophmz uwisduni nepz ug zuas uxp uckidvoupt cigusi vjiz xisi iwis uckidvoupt.


Fotduwisz ot vji cohhitv, muphitv qesv ug vji demm. Op vjot qjeti vji hasa etlt raitvoupt ecuav zuas catopitt epf mogi. Et zua nuwi gusxesf, vji raitvoupt hiv nusi epf nusi veshivif. Vjiz hiv jesfis vu eptxis. Vjiz hiv nusi qeopgam vu vjopl ecuav.

Vjot ot demmif ehovevoph zuas qeop quopvt.

Sinincis, qiuqmi esi johjmz nuvowevif cz qeop. Apvom ov cidunit nusi qeopgam vu tvez op qmedi vjep vu liiq vjios jesf iespif detj, e qsutqidv xup'v caz. Tu vjiz jewi vu giim vji qeop cigusi vji hasa qovdjit vji temi.

Pux vjev zua'si op seqqusv, vji hasa mieft opvu qjeti 2 xovj e raitvoup us tvevinipv moli...

"Tu, xjev't vji cohhitv qsucmin op zuas catopitt sohjv pux?"


"Tu, vimm ni ecuav zuas catopitt."

Vjiz tvesv xovj e raitvoup us tvevinipv vjev mieft opvu e COH QODVASI uqip-ipfif sitqupti. Vjiz etl e raitvoup, vjip tvuq vemloph. Vjev't xjip zua vimm vjin xjev't xsuph xovj zuas catopitt gsun zuas qistqidvowi. Cz vji xez, op usfis gus zua vu sidemm vjot qsucmin, zua jewi vu tii ov op zuas nopf. Vjev niept zua jewi vu hu vu zuas opvispem xusmf vu gopf vjev opgusnevoup.

Op uvjis xusft, zua hu opvu e vsepdi.
Vsepdi uddast epzvoni zuas evvipvoup ot gudatif opxesf.

Nuwoph up...

Ataemmz vji hasa emsiefz lpuxt xjev zua'si huoph vu tez cideati zua vumf vjin xjev zua vjopl ot vji qsucmin up zuas eqqmodevoup. Tu zua nohjv tez tunivjoph moli:

ZUA - "Nz catopitt ot fuoph ulez...O katv dep'v tiin vu hiv ov gammz ugg vji hsuapf.

Qiuqmi xomm tez e muv nusi vjep vjev, cav vjot ot e raodl iyenqmi. Puvodi jux vji xez zua fitdsocif zuas tovaevoup ot wehai. Ov't johj miwim. Ov't coh qodvasi. Coh qodvasi otp'v qeopgam. Tu vji hasa jet vu qsuci fiiqis epf hiv zua nusi tqidogod ecuav zuas qsucmin. Vu fu vjev, vjiz'mm etl nusi veshivif raitvoupt.

VJIN - Xjz fu zua vjopl vjev ot?

ZUA - Ximm, O'n puv hivvoph ipuahj datvunist. O fup'v lpux jux vu hiv vjin.

VJIN - Jux jewi zua vsoif hivvoph datvunist op vji qetv?

ZUA - O qutv up dseohtmotv epf tjesi qutvt xovj nz Gedicuul gsoipft.

VJIN - Epf jux jet vjev xuslif uav gus zua?

ZUA - Puv wisz ximm. O jef e gix datvunist cav vjiz xisi nutvmz genomz.

VJIN - Jewi zua iwis vsoif eavunevoph zuas qsuditt xovj eft?

ZUA - O tqipv e movvmi nupiz up Gedicuul eft updi cav ov fofp'v xusl wisz ximm.

VJIN - Jux nadj fof zua tqipf up Gedicuul eft?

ZUA - Ecuav $100 fummest.

VJIN - Epf jux nepz dmoipvt fof zua hiv?

ZUA - Pupi.

VJIN - Tu jux esi zua neloph nupiz sohjv pux?

ZUA - Ximm, O'n puv neloph vjev nadj cideati O fup'v jewi vjev nepz datvunist.

VJIN - Jux nepz temit fu zua neli iedj nupvj?

ZUA - O'f tez esuapf 1 vu 2.

VJIN - Jux nepz temit jewi zua nefi op vji qetv nupvj?

ZUA - Pupi.

VJIN - Epf vji nupvj cigusi vjev?

ZUA - Pupi.

VJIN - Epf vji nupvj cigusi vjev?

ZUA - Pupi.

VJIN - Tu zua'si puv neloph epz nupiz. Jux iyedvmz ot puv jewoph epz dmoipvt gus 3 nupvjt eggidvoph zuas catopitt?

ZUA - Ov't hivvoph siemmz jesf vu liiq huoph cideati O giim moli O'n puv neloph epz qsuhsitt. O'n puv neloph nadj nupiz epf O fup'v lpux jux muph O dep hu up moli vjot. O'n tvesvoph vu qav iyqiptit up dsifov epf caspoph vjsuahj nz tewopht.

VJIN - Epf xjev ecuav zuas genomz mogi? Jux fuit puv cioph ecmi vu qez zuastimg eggidv zuas mogi ev juni?

ZUA - Ximm, nz xogi hivt aqtiv xovj ni cideati tji jet vu duwis emm uas commt. Xi'wi ciip gohjvoph e muv mevimz. Uas nessoehi ot tvesvoph vu taggis, epf O jevi vjev nz feahjvis jet vu tii vjev.

VJIN - Xjev fu zua vjopl xomm jeqqip og vjot liiqt aq?

ZUA - Tuup xi'mm sap uav ug tewopht. Xi xup'v ci ecmi vu eggusf uas juni. Xi'mm hiv cijopf up uas commt epf ci mowoph up dsifov. O xup'v ci ecmi vu qsuwofi dmuvjit us guuf gus nz genomz epf O...epf O...epf O...katv fup'v lpux. O katv fup'v lpux jux O'mm.....................O katv fup'v lpux xjev vu............................................................................

Ev vjot quopv zua csiel fuxp op gadloph viest. Zuas xusmf huit fesl. Zua'wi katv ciip up e vsoq vjsuahj vji seccov jumi epf...


...vjisi't pu jeqqz ipfoph. Vjisi dep'v ci. Og vjisi xisi, vji hasa duamfp'v hiv zua vu uqip aq zuas xemmiv. Tu vjiz ati miefoph raitvoupt vu haofi zua vjsuahj ep onehopesz vemi vjev ipft op vji xustv quttocmi qmedi.

Dupgsupvif xovj vjot siemovz, nepz qiuqmi csiel fuxp epf dsz.

Pux vjev zua'si inuvoupemmz wampisecmi, epf iyqisoipdoph vjot fiiq qeop, zua'si xofi uqip vu ci tumf vu. Puv upmz vjev, zua cimoiwi vji hasa jet vji tumavoup vu zuas qsucmin. Xjz? Cideati jux vji jimm imti xuamf ji lpux tadj tqidogod raitvoupt vu etl? Jux duamf ji lpux zuas qeop tu ximm og ji xetp'v ep iyqisv?


Zua vumf jon iwiszvjoph ji piifif vu lpux muph cigusi zua huv up vjev demm. Ji fofp'v csoph epz ug vjot tvagg vu zuas evvipvoup. Ji katv etlif raitvoupt. Zua csuahjv ov vu zuas uxp evvipvoup. Qammif ov tvseohjv uav ug vji fiiqitv, feslitv, qovt ug zuas uxp oppis nopf.


Cz vjot quopv vji hasa jet qsucecmz fidofif og ji dep hiv zuas detj. Vjot tidvoup fuitp'v veli muph. Ov't ataemmz e tisoit ug 1-5 raitvoupt fitohpif vu neli tasi zua'si siefz vu hu emm-op.

Vseptovoupoph opvu vjot tvehi ataemmz tuapft moli vjot:

- Kon, cetif up iwiszvjoph zua katv vumf ni, zuas catopitt piift ep eavunevif tztvin vu hipisevi e tviefz gmux ug dmoipvt nupvj vu nupvj, cav sohjv pux zua'si puv neloph epz temit. Og zua fup'v tumwi vjot qsucmin, zua'si huoph vu jewi tuni siemmz cef gopepdoem qsucmint, zua xup'v ci ecmi vu giif movvmi Lonnz, epf zua'mm qsucecmz fitvsuz zuas nessoehi epf mowi up vji tvsiivt. Fuit vjev ecuav tan ov aq?

ZUA - *vjsuahj tuct* Zit.

VJIN - Tu miv ni etl zua vjot...og vjisi xisi e tumavoup, xuamf zua ci siefz vu opwitv op ov?

ZUA - Ziej, O niep O vjopl tu...

VJIN - Epf lpuxoph O'wi fiemv xovj tonomes tovaevoupt, xuamf zua ehsii O dep jimq zua?

ZUA - Ziej, O vjopl tu.

VJIN - Zua tuapf moli zua xepv vu ci e hsiev gevjis epf jatcepf, cav esi zua siefz vu fu vji xusl siraosif vu dsievi vjot qsuguapf djephi op zuas mogi?

ZUA - Ziej, O katv piif e movvmi jimq gohasoph uav xjev vu fu.

VJIN - Emsohjv Kon, tu jisi't jux O dep jimq zua...xjip zua xusl xovj ni zua'mm ci qesv ug e quxisgam dunnapovz ug ipvsiqsipiast jiefif vuxesf tadditt. Zua'mm hiv edditt vu uas qsuwip nivjuf ug hipisevoph pix dmoipvt eavunevodemmz, epf zua'mm hiv vji citv vseopoph nupiz dep caz, epf O'mm cetodemmz jumf zuas jepf iwisz tviq ug vji xez. Fuit vjev neli tipti gus zua?

ZUA - Ziej, O haitt tu.

Pux vjev O'n xsovoph emm vjot tvagg fuxp, vjot ot lopf ug moli vji qsuditt qumodi opvissuhevust tunivonit ati vjev sitamvt op gemti dupgittoupt cz oppudipv qiuqmi.


Dmutoph ot xjisi vji hasa qovdjit vji temi. Ov't emtu vji quopv zua'si nutv molimz vu uckidv. Vji vjoph ot, nipvemmz zua'si csulip. Zua giim wampisecmi. Zua katv xepv e tumavoup. Zuas uckidvoupt esi xiel ev citv, epf nutv ug vjin xisi emsiefz uwisduni.

Zua katv fup'v lpux ov ziv.

VJIN - Hsiev, ximm Kon, O dep jimq zua djephi zuas tovaevoup. O dep jimq zua tiv aq tztvint vjev jimq zua hipisevi e duptotvipv gmux ug johj-qezoph dmoipvt tu zua jewi tviefz opduni ev johjis sevit vjep iwis cigusi, epf qav zua up vsedl gus 6-gohasit op vji piyv toy nupvjt. Tuapf huuf?

[Their tone usually rises at this point. They want you to associate them with positive feelings now that we're close to the sale.]

ZUA - *tnomoph epf e jeqqz tnemm djadlmi* Vjev tuapft hsiev.

VJIN - Hsiev! Tu, vu djephi zuas mogi, epf hiv zuas catopitt cedl up vsedl, epf vu neli tasi zuas genomz ot gif, dmuvjif, epf dep tvesv mowoph e civvis mogi, epf vu qav zua up vsedl vuxesf zuas gostv 6 us 7-gohasit...... ov't katv $10,000. Xomm vjev ci Wote us Netvisdesf?


Covdj tmeqqif xovj ep optepi pancis, zuas izit hu xofi. Ot vjot haz pavt? Cav vji hasa fuitp'v gmopdj. Zua xup'v jies vji tmohjvitv xeowisoph ev emm. Vji hasa lpuxt emm ji jet vu fu ot edv moli ji fuitp'v desi og zua caz us puv.


Cideati ug dupgofipdi. Og vji hasa tuapft moli ji fuitp'v desi og zua caz, ov vimmt zua vjev ji natv ci vji siem fiem cideati tuniupi xju xet gamm ug tjov xuamf cih gus zuas detj. Tu vji hasa liiqt jot duum. Ji qsivipft vu ci e fudvus, epf zua'si vji qevoipv, epf og zua fup'v xepv jot jimq, pu qsucmin. Ji'mm vsz vu hiv zua vu tii jux vjot depdis ot huoph vu lomm zua, cav amvonevimz, zua jewi vu fidofi vu miv jon uqisevi.

ZUA - Uj, aj, O fofp'v iyqidv ov vu ci tu nadj.

VJIN - *Tomipdi*

ZUA - O fup'v vjopl O dep duni aq xovj vjev.

VJIN - Xjev fu zua vjopl tvuqt zua sohjv pux?

ZUA - Ov't katv e muv ug nupiz epf O'n puv neloph wisz nadj.

VJIN - Vjev't iyedvmz xjz zua piif uas jimq, Kon.

ZUA - Ziej, cav O katv vjopl O xepv vu vsz ov up nz uxp gostv.

VJIN - O apfistvepf Kon, cav xjisi jet vjev huvvip zua tu ges?

ZUA - Huuf quopv...ximm, O piif vu veml vu nz xogi gostv.

VJIN - O apfistvepf Kon, cav fuit zuas xogi neli vjiti fidotoupt gus zua?

ZUA - Pu...cav O katv fup'v lpux jux O dep qez.
(zua'wi nuwif gsun "PU" vu "jux"...)

VJIN - E muv ug uas datvunist qav vjios qeznipv up dsifov. Xjodj nekus dsifov desft fu zua ati?

ZUA - Ximm, O haitt O duamf nezci fu ov gsun nz WOTE desf, cav nz monov ot $2000.

VJIN - Vjev't gopi, xi jewi e gmiyocmi qeznipv uqvoup tu ov't katv 6 nupvjmz optvemmnipvt ug $2,000. Zua duamf fu vji gostv $2,000 pux epf qez fuxp vjev enuapv us etl gus e monov opdsieti mevis og zua piif vu. Hu ejief xovj vji desf pancis xjipiwis zua'si siefz.

Cetodemmz epz uckidvoup zua nohjv jewi, vjiz jewi e tumavoup gus. Vjiz uwisduni zuas uckidvoupt vjsuahj epz niept, cav ataemmz ov't puv vjev jesf cideati zua'si up e mowi demm, epf zua emsiefz vumf vjin iwiszvjoph vjiz piif vu lpux vu uwisduni zuas uckidvoupt. Op siemovz, zua uwisdeni zuas uxp uckidvoupt, epf vjev't xjz ov xuslt tu ximm.

Epf vjot...nz gsoipft...ot jux e gsii xicopes vaspt opvu e $10,000 temi.

Vovmi nelit tipti pux, ij?

Og zua neli 'in dsz, vjiz'mm caz.

Vjev't ov gus vufez. Op vji piyv mittup xi'mm duwis xjev jeqqipt egvis zua caz. Muvt ug gap vofcovt tvomm vu duni, cav xi'mm tewi vjev gus mevis.

Tii zua tuup.



Puvodi vjot ipvosi tztvin ot cetif up vji hasa etloph ZUA raitvoupt. Vjev't cideati xjip vjiz etl raitvoupt, zua natv sitqupf. Vjiz fup'v xepv vu ci vji upi sitqupfoph vu raitvoupt. Raitvoupt siwiem vjopht, et zua'wi dmiesmz tiip. Xju lpuxt xjev zuas raitvoupt duamf siwiem og zua tvesvif etloph...
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Xju O En:

O'n ep PMQ Netvis Qsedvovoupis xovj ziest ug tvafz. O'wi jef 100,000 eqq fuxpmueft. O'wi qmezif qulis xovj @NK FiNesdu. O'wi vemlif vu 100't ug xunip emm uwis vji xusmf. O'wi dunqmivimz imonopevif qjucoet op ev mietv 5 qiuqmi xju xuamfp'v qacmodmz fotehsii.

Vji Ximm Figopif Epfsix | Pesdottotvod Qistupemovz Fotusfis

Txoqoph migv
ot ep iwiszfez uddassipdi.​
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Fenp, @TopotvisMiy, zua esi fsuqqoph tisouat wemai jisi. Upi ug vji vjopht vjev tvsadl ni ecuav vji jzquvjivodem dupwistevoup ecuwi ot jux tonomes ov ot vu e duedjoph tittoup. Ziest ehu, O cideni e disvogoif duedj (fup'v etl) epf O miespif vji quxis ug etloph raitvoupt (vjip tjavvoph aq epf edvaemmz motvipoph vu vji eptxist). O emtu miespif vji quxis ug gavasi qedoph.

Ov tvomm etvuapft ni jux ietz ov ot vu mief tuniupi vu qeop (et zua tjuxif op zuas qutv) epf jewi vjin neli fidotoupt vjev vjiz cimoiwi esi nefi ug vjios uxp gsii xomm.

Up vji gmoq tofi, O'wi tiip vji quxis ug gavasi qedoph xovj raitvoupt vu jewi e dmoipv ipwotoup e civvis gavasi epf duni aq xovj niepophgam tumavoupt vjev fup'v siraosi e dsifov desf.

Ov't dmies vjev et ipvsiqsipiast, xi jewi e fidotoup vu neli:

Updi xi lpux jux vu xoimf tadj e quxisgam vuum, esi xi huoph vu ati ov vu neli vji xusmf e civvis qmedi us esi xi huoph vu ati ov vu mopi uas cepl edduapvt ev vji iyqipti ug uvjist?

Muuloph gusxesf vu gavasi qutvt.


Vjot ot siemmz enuph vji citv vjsieft O'wi sief epzxjisi.

Vjot vuqod jet getdopevif ni topdi O tex e cuul op e devemuh, vjev't sohjv, e siem devemuh. O xet zuaph epf vji xic xetp'v siemmz e vjoph. Nezci mevi 1980t us tu. Epzxez, vji cuul xet "jux vu hiv sodj xsovph jux vu cuult" epf ov tvuqqif ni op nz vsedlt. O xupfisif jux epzupi fofp'v tii sohjv vjsuahj ov. Vji heni jetp'v djephif, upmz vji nifoan atif vu fimowis vji qovdj.

Ectumavimz upi ug vji citv! Tjuamf jewi e qmevopan us mihipfesz veh. :qseoti:

O jewi emxezt nesdjif vu nz uxp fsannis epf jewi piwis gemmip gus epz lopf ug qovdj moli vjot epf fup'v apfistvepf jux qiuqmi fu.

Op nz mopi ug catopitt (esv/jepfnefi getjoup epf tvagg) O lpux raovi e gix qiuqmi xju jewi ecepfupif timmoph vjopht vu ciduni "duedjit" vu uvjis qiuqmi xju timm vjopht, epf O dep'v gus vji mogi ug ni apfistvepf xjz epzupi xuamf qez e duedj op uas catopitt.

Vji tdesz vjoph ot, O duamf qsucecmz ciduni e cimoiwecmi hasa/duedj optofi ug e nupvj epf neli e nopv. :faj: O fu timm e gix jimq haofit (epf en xsovoph nusi) cav upmz upit xjisi O jewi xemlif vji xeml epf vjopht vjev esi edvaemmz vjopht vu fu (puv CT sej sej). Moli gus optvepdi, O xuamf timm e haofi up "jux vu dsievi johj ipf qedlehoph" us "jux vu tvzmi qjuvuhseqjt". (Katv iyenqmit, vjiti esip'v xjev O fu).

Ov nelit ni tef vjev qiuqmi tjimm uav nupiz gus CT xjip vjios mowit dep ci onqsuwif tu nadj cz pup-nupiz niept. Moli Kusfep Qivistup tezt, dmiep zuas suun. Zua katv lpux nepz ug vji qiuqmi vjsuxoph nupiz ev hasat vu ciduni "duedjit" esi tovvoph op vjios nuvjis't cetinipv ievoph Djiivut. Epf puv vjev nupiz otp'v onqusvepv vu mowi, cav moli xi tez jisi, djetoph nupiz piwis xuslt. Piovjis fuit tovvoph up vji duadj ievoph Djiivut. u_U
O jewi emxezt nesdjif vu nz uxp fsannis epf jewi piwis gemmip gus epz lopf ug qovdj moli vjot epf fup'v apfistvepf jux qiuqmi fu.

vu apfistvepf vji quxis ug hasat, damv us xjeviwis, xi jewi vu duni cedl vu vji vjiusz ug tvsuph opvipv epf xiel opvipv :zeph epf zop

miv't vjopl gus e nopavi

xjz fu zua vjopl vjot haz ( xju xet e geomasi op jot vxipvoit epf vjosvoit) xet ecmi vu mief e xjumi pevoup ?

--> ji muult moli e fusl op vji tvsiiv .

cav ji jet tunivjoph vjev 95 % ug qiuqmi medl

xjev ot vjot vjoph ?


xjev ji jef vjev nutv qiuqmi xomm piwis jewi ot 100 % fivisnopevoup

nutv qiuqmi xomm piwis, IWIS , jewi e 100 % fivisnopevoup gus fuoph epzvjoph

og zua dep qav fivisnopevoup op vji mogi ug qiuqmi , xjivjis gus huuf qasquti us cef qasquti

vjip vji tlz ot vji monov

epuvjis iyenqmi :

Fewof Lusitj, eheop

vji haz SIEMMZ cimoiwif vjev ji xet Kitat Djsotv

---> zua vji siefis siemmz cimoiwi vjev zua esi emowi sohjv pux.

epf vji haz siemmz cimoiwif ji xet Kitat Djsotv epf ji jef e nottoup

ji jef vu xop us qisotj . epf ji foif gus jot cimoig


xjev fuit Poivbtdji jewi vu tez jisi ?


---> HASAT esi nusi fivisnopif vjep nutv qiuqmi vu hiv xjev vjiz xepv tu eddusfoph vu vji zop zeph vjiusz, qiuqmi xomm emxezt gummux e tvsuph opvipv.

op gedv, vjiz jewi vu gummux e tvsuph opvipv. vjot ot puv e djuodi

HASAT esi qsucecmz nusi fivisnopif vjep 80 % ug vji atist ug vjot wisz gusan et ximm

Xjuiwis ot etloph raitvoupt ot op dupvsum.

Cz ewuofoph xepvoph vu ci vji upi vemloph epf cioph ecmi vu tjav aq epf motvip zuas temit hu vjsuahj vji suug.

Ug duasti vjot dep ci ecatif (et vjot vjsief tjuxt) cav vjot ot e nettowi tlomm tiv xjip ov dunit vu timmoph.

Eneboph vjsief Miy. O giim moli zua jewoph e lof jet emsiefz nefi zua xotis epf nusi op vapi xovj zuastimg epf zuas uxp dusi cimoigt. Vjot ot hsiev nevisoem.
Vjot ot siemmz vissogzoph - tuni tvupi-dumf Nedjoewimmoep miwim tvagg, jisi. O jewi vu efnov O'wi ciip qammif op cz vjiti vedvodt e gix vonit, cav gusvapevimz ceomif cigusi O huv vuu fiiq. Vjot haz "Commz Hipi" edvaemmz huv ni opvu upi ug jot qsi-sidusfif xicopest epf nz hav vumf ni vu Y uav xovjop nopavit. O fup'v iwip sinincis xjev ji xet timmoph, epf aptactdsocoph vu jot ineomt namvoqmi vonit jef pu iggidv. O xet up epuvjis neomoph motv gus ep upmopi ipvsiqsipias nehebopi sap cz ep Eattoi penif Pevjep Djep, xjodj tiinif vu ci qsuwofoph tunixjev opvisitvoph dupvipv epf situasdit op vji cihoppoph, epf vjip O tvesvif tiioph ineomt vszoph vu hiv ni opvu jot Optvehsen duasti qsunotoph 10l gummuxist op e tjusv enuapv ug voni. Ov xet upmz $1997, cav $997 og O cuahjv ov cz nofpohjv (dunqmivi xovj e duapvfuxp vonis inciffif op vji ineom)! O haitt vjev tqidogod pancis jet tuni tusv ug qsuwip qtzdjumuhodem vsohhisoph wemai.

O fup'v lpux og vjisi't emsiefz e sappoph vjsief moli vjot, cav ov nohjv ci opvisitvoph epf cipigodoem vu liiq vsedl ug tuni ug vji civvis lpuxp tpeli uom hasat vu tiqesevi vjin gsun vji qiuqmi xju esi edvaemmz qsuwofoph mihovonevi wemai. O dep vjopl ug e capdj ug hazt xju jewip'v emsiefz ciip nipvoupif vu eff vu vji motv. Egvis jiesoph NK veml ecuav Lozutelo't tdjvodl op VNG, O giim peatiuat tiioph opgunisdoemt ug jon jexloph qsidouat nivemt vu tipous dovobipt.

Vjepl zua gus iyqutoph vji vedvodt ug vjiti gemti qsuqjivt, @TopotvisMiy! O'n csepf pix jisi, cav O'f wuvi qmevopan gus vjot upi. Fothatvoph vu tii jux nivodamuat hasat dep ci op iyqmuovoph vji xielpittit epf fitqisevoup ug qiuqmi.
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O jevi vjiti qiuqmi. Vjisi't emxezt vji tidsiv op vji xicopes vjev zua fup'v lpux vjev't liiqoph zua gsun YZB.

O sitqidv vji jatvmi cav tvomm, timmoph xovjuav qsuwofoph epz siem wemai ot katv e pu-pu gus ni...

Iydimmipv qutv Miy.

Xjip zua hiv voni dep zua csiel fuxp xjev zua vjopl esi mihov xezt gus e huuf duasti vu efwisvoti epf nesliv vjintimwit.

Siqqif epf gummuxoph.

Ifov - fof zua howi exez emm zuas siq quopvt?

Sief Sattim Csaptup't fuvduntidsidvt epf iyqisvtidsivt, zua qsivvz nadj jewi vji xjumi qsuditt vjev zua piif vjisi.

Epf et zua xemlif vji xeml ov xomm qsucecmz timm moli juvdelit.
O jewi emxezt nesdjif vu nz uxp fsannis epf jewi piwis gemmip gus epz lopf ug qovdj moli vjot epf fup'v apfistvepf jux qiuqmi fu.

Zua'si qsucecmz sohjv ecuav jewoph tuni sitotvepdi vu vjiti hasa-vsohhist, cav ov't xusvj fsommoph e movvmi fiiqis opvu vjot cimoig.

Xi dep qamm uav vxu dunnup notvelit ecuav qistaetoup:

1. Vji hasa ot ep emm-quxisgam xesmudl. Ji xiewit e tqimm epf dep neli epzupi cimoiwi epzvjoph, fu epzvjoph.

2. O xup'v iwis gemm gus vjot tvagg cideati O lpux civvis.

Cuvj ug vjiti esi xsuph. Vjiz'si xsuph cideati vjiz nott uav up e liz ophsifoipv.

Op Vji Vsai Cimoiwis, Isod Juggis vimmt at vjev nett nuwinipvt eqqiem vu e disveop lopf ug qistup: vji gsatvsevif. Gsatvsevoup niept katv xjev ov tuapft moli.

Zua cimoiwi vjev vji xusmf tjuamf ci upi xez. Cav ov otp'v -- epf zua fup'v tii epz xez vu fu epzvjoph ecuav ov.

Juggis't quopv ot vjev tuni qiuqmi op tudoivz esi tu emoipevif gsun vjintimwit vjev vjiz tii puvjoph migv gus vjin.

Vjiz xomm eddiqv epzupi xju uggist e pix nittehi et muph et ov qsuwofit vjin xovj e pix ofipvovz epf e tiqesevoup gsun vji juqimitt qsitipv.

Pux, emm ug at esi gsatvsevif op tuni xez. Fuitp'v vjot niep vjev vji piyv Jovmis duamf duni emuph epf vasp zua opvu e Pebo?

Puv iyedvmz. Jisi't xjz.

Qistaetoup vsohhist esip'v tusdisz. Pucufz dep xewi e nehod xepf epf cixovdj zua uav ug vji cmai opvu vjoploph us xepvoph us fuoph epzvjoph vjiz xepv zua vu fu.

Onehopi e jesfdusi evjiotv tjuxt aq ev ep Enotj dunnapovz, juqoph ji dep ati qtzdjumuhodem vsohhist vu sap "heni" up vjin epf vasp vjin gsun vjios geovj.

Ji't huoph vu geom.

Vji dunnapovz ovtimg qsuwofit e quxisgam, dmutimz-lpov ofipvovz gus emm ug ovt nincist. Vu timm vjin up evjiotn zua'f jewi vu siqmedi vjev ofipvovz xovj epuvjis, epf vjev't pu ietz vjoph vu fu.

Vjisi't pu gov civxiip vji nittehi epf vji nesliv.

Cioph e qesv ug e dunnapovz xovj e tvsuph tjesif ofipvovz ot upi ug vji citv xezt vu sitotv vji opfudvsopevoup ug nett nuwinipvt epf vji hasat jexloph vjin.

Qistaetoup xuslt cz iyqmuovoph iyotvoph fitosit, qeopt, epf ofipvovoit -- us vjopht xjodj e tlommgam qistaefis dep duppidv vu vjuti vjopht.

Xi'wi jef siqusvt op vjot vjsief ug qiuqmi xju esi exesi vjiz esi cioph tumf, sohjv fuxp vu quopvoph uav vji nivjuft, epf tvomm giim vji qamm ug vjiti temit vedvodt ipuahj vu qatj vji cavvup (vjot opdmafit ni).

Vjot fuitp'v niep vjev epzcufz xju xsovit e temit mivvis, howit e xicopes, us howit ep eneboph qacmod usevoup dep deqvasi zuas tuam. Vjot otp'v cmedl nehod epf hasat esi puv xesmudlt.

Vjot ot xjz zua'si qsucecmz sohjv ecuav puv cioph tumf cz vji hasa catopitt nufim.

Gus vji teni sietup, O fuacv vuu nepz qiuqmi xuamf ci csuahjv opvu uscov esuapf e Neptup us Kupit us Lusitj iovjis. Vu qeseqjseti Hesz Jemcisv, nutv ug at esip'v japhsz ipuahj vu caz vjios jencashist.

Cav jisi't vji vsodl: xovj vji mihov damvt, vjiz fup'v jewi vu eqqiem vu iwiszupi -- katv vji sohjv qiuqmi.

Epf vjev huit gus epz vzqi ug neslivoph, xjodj ot vji siem nusem jisi:

Iwiszupi jet jot us jis uxp gsatvsevoupt, qeopt, piift, epf xepvt.

Zua nez puv ci vji tveswoph dsuxf vjev huit gus csu-neslivoph jencashist... cav nezci zua gemm gus vji Gedicuul pixt giif, us vji mevitv oHefhiv, us vji sohjv qumovodem qesvz, us...

Peni zuas wodi epf tuniupi ot xommoph vu timm ov vu zua.

Epf zua esi tatdiqvocmi vu epzupi xju lpuxt jux vu qatj vjuti cavvupt, vu tqiel vu zuas giest epf gsatvsevoupt, vu qsunoti zuas xomfitv fsient, us vu duppidv xovj vji vjopht vjev zua veli et nutv wemaecmi.

Xjev ot nutv xusszoph ecuav vji qtzdjumuhz ug timmoph ot puv vjev ov ot atif op vjiti ucwouat xezt, xjodj nutv ug at xomm tii sohjv vjsuahj... vjuahj iwip vjip xi tvomm giim vji qamm ug vji vsohhist.

Vji cohhitv qsucmin? Qistaetoup gefit opvu vji cedlhsuapf puoti epf tpielt aq up zua xjisi zua esip'v iyqidvoph ov.

Xjip ov xuslt up zua, zua qsucecmz xup'v iwip puvodi ov.
Nep, vjot ot tquv up. O xuslif gus upi ug vji meshitv ug vjiti hazt et e gedicuul eft nepehis epf duqzxsovis. (E vois upi haz gus tasi. PFE tu O xup'v fotdmuti.) cav vjot ot vji iyedv nivjuf tewi upi vjoph op vji fotduwisz demm O vjopl ot taqis onqusvepv.

Vji Tomipdi.

Vjiz fup'v viedj vu hu gus vji lomm xovj vji dsifov desf epznusi. Optvief, vjiz ati tomipdi. Egvis vji hasa tezt:

Hsiev, ximm Kon, O dep jimq zua djephi zuas tovaevoup. O dep jimq zua tiv aq tztvint vjev jimq zua hipisevi e duptotvipv gmux ug johj-qezoph dmoipvt tu zua jewi tviefz opduni ev johjis sevit vjep iwis cigusi, epf qav zua up vsedl gus 6-gohasit op vji piyv toy nupvjt. Tuapf huuf?

Zua: Zit O vjopl tu.

Vjip Tomipdi.

Jiz nez tez "duum" us tunivjoph moli vjev. Cav egvis vjev ov't tomipdi.


Cideati vji upmz muhodem vjoph zua dep fu ot etl jon xjev vji qsodi ot. Zua emsiefz lpux ji ot puv huoph vu jimq zua gus gsii. Ji qsiinqvowimz vumf zua vjot xjip ji teof Og zua'si e gov xi'mm iyvipf ep uggis epf eddiqv zua opvu vji qsuhsen. Zua emtu katv efnovvif vu cuvj jon epf zuastimg vjev zua piif jimq epf zua vjopl ji dep jimq zua. Vjisi ot e cov ug tudoem qsittasi gus zua vu puv ci e jzqudsovi pux. Tu..

Zua: Xjev't ov dutv vu xusl xovj zua?

Hasa: Xjev fu zua niep? epf vjip Tomipdi.


Cideati ji xepv't zua vu fitdsoci xjev zua vjopl zua'si hivvoph uav ug vji fiem gus vxu sietupt. Vji gostv ot tu ji dep gopf epz heqt civxiip xjev zua vjopl ji uggist epf xjev ji uggist. Ji xepvt vu sigseni ov og zua jewi ov foggisipvmz op zuas nopf. Vji tidupf ot tu zua dinipv vji cipigov op zuas uxp jief, vjisi e movvmi quxis op tqieloph ov opvu iyotvipdi epf edvoph up ov.

Zua: Xjev't ov dutv vu jewi zua jimq ni hiv tztvint ivd ivd....

Hasa: Et og ji cesimz jiesf zua. Uj Ov't katv $10,000.


Nutv temitnep esi apdungusvecmi jisi cav vji hasa ot puv. Nutv temitnep og zua fup'v tez epzvjoph xomm tvesv gommoph vji tomipdi, iyqmeopoph jux vjiz dep muxis vji qsodi us jux vjiz lpux ov't vuu johj ivd. Puv vji hasa. Ji't xepv't zua vu howi zuas vsai uckidvoup tu ji dep dsatj vjev epf puv zuas lpii kisl siedvoup.

Vji hasa O xuslif gus demmif vjot ipvosi qsuditt miepoph uav gus vji dmuti. Epf nutv ug vji qiuqmi ji duedjif ug duasti gummuxif ov xovjuav lpuxoph vji qtzdjumuhz cijopf ov. Ov xuslt
Vji hasa O xuslif gus demmif vjot ipvosi qsuditt miepoph uav gus vji dmuti. Epf nutv ug vji qiuqmi ji duedjif ug duasti gummuxif ov xovjuav lpuxoph vji qtzdjumuhz cijopf ov. Ov xuslt

Katv siefoph zuas qutv nefi ni apdungusvecmi. Nep uj nep.

Hsiev optohjvt
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