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MINDSET My Darkest Days

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@Vigilante asked me in another thread (this one) if I'd like to dive deeper into the story I told in that thread. That's what I want to do now in here.

What follows is a personal story, that I'd like to share with you guys. Vig's comment to my post in the above mentioned thread made me realise that, in his words I got quite a compelling story to tell. And even if I never really thought of it this way, his words made me think that there's at least a handful of lessons that can be learnt from my story. Lessons that I'd love if you could learn without having to go through the same situation that I had to.

I hope that nobody of you will ever experience something similar, because it was a pretty f*cked up time. That's probably the main reason why I think I should tell it. Learn from the mistakes and experiences of others, and your chances of avoiding those mistakes and experiences is a lot higher.

Before I start I'd like to put a little disclaimer here, especially for those who do not know me or some of my posts on here. I'm not running a successful business yet, so please do not expect this story as a success story. Sorry for the spoiler, but this story doesn't end with success, its end is rather a beginning, the beginning of my journey to the Fastlane.


Let me take you back to early February 2014.

It's Monday. Probably around 5:30pm and I was just coming home after a normal day at the job. While parking my car in front of our house I noticed that no one seems to be at home, since not one car was there. That's odd. But never mind, they're probably just at the grocery store or at friends.

I don't know why, but when I entered the house, something seemed off. It was just not like it usually is. I tried to call my mom. Nothing. Then my dad. Nothing. Finally my younger brother (1 year younger). Again, nothing. Ok, that's definitely strange. Then I notice some kind of document laying where we usually store letters and stuff before opening them. I take that piece of paper and see that it's a recipe or some other document from our doctor send to my younger brother.

Not sure how it's in the US, but in Germany the doctor doesn't write the reason for a medicament or for an illness on a recipe, the doctors write some type of code on it for the health insurances. But thanks to Google it's not too hard to find out the meaning of the code.

A bit nervous, but I type that code into Google.

After it loads the page and shows me the first search results my stomach turns. I checked if I typed those letters and numbers correctly into the search engine. Nope, no typos. There it stands.

That code stands for the Aids virus. Shit. That's why no one's at home, they are at the doctor with my brother.

Immediately my memory starts to kick in and it hits me like a wall: my brother made a dumb decision while on vacation last year, and was afraid of being infected with HIV. I knew that he told me, that he's gonna do a test to make sure he's not infected. I remember laughing at him, because his worries were not really serious, based on the story he told (I gonna spare you this story..)

F*ck! I thought to myself. My little brother. Aids. No! That can't be true. Can it?!

Thoughts ran through my mind. How long until he shows the first signs of it? He's finally found a great girlfriend just a month or so earlier, will she stay with him? What effects will it have on his life? How long will he... No! I don't want to believe that! My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar sound. My phone rang. I ran to it, saw my brother's name on the display and without letting him talk asked him if everything's ok?!

My brother said no..

I didn't let him end his sentence and asked him if that Aids test really came out positive?

"My.. Wait, what?" my brother responded. I asked him about the document I found on the table.

"Oh, nah that's just the application to MAKE that test, NOT the results of the test.."

HOLY SHIT. That felt like the weight of an elephant being removed from my stomach. I was relieved.. Until I remembered the beginning of the conversation: "everything ok?" - "no.." I asked where the hell they are, when they're not at the doctor.

My brother started to cry. He told me that it was our house. I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about. I just asked "what?!" He told me that our dad lied, and that it is our house. I still had no idea what he meant. "What the F*ck does that mean?!"

His next sentence gave me chills down my spine.

I feel like I need to make a quick cut here to give you some background information before we jump right back into where we left this story.

My dad owned his own local business. We weren't rich, but also not poor, I would say mediocre describes it pretty good. There were always some bad months income wise, that's probably why no one of us really questioned the reasons behind our internet provider disconnecting our internet every few months, or why my dad always "forgot" to order new pellets (for the heating system of our house), or when my mom's phone provider disconnected her service again.

In hindsight it may seem so obvious. But if you do not expect anything like that, you somehow just seem to oversee it or tell yourself that it's just a bad phase again. But the last few months been kinda extreme. Afterwards we all admitted that we were trusting my dad too blindly. My mom used to do the office work for my dad's company, but somehow he convinced her that he'll manage that himself so she doesn't have to work so much after her job. From that point on my mom had no overview over the company incomes, paid bills, and so on. My mom trusted my dad blindly. Who can blame her, my dad got this company for more than 10 years and everything went just fine.

Whenever my mom had worries or asked my dad if everything's ok, he would get pretty offensive (not physical) and talked my mom down until she stopped asking him.

Something was odd in those last few months leading up to February 2014. My parents used to be out in our garden all day on the weekends to plant something or build our plateau. Our house was their life work, they put so much effort into making it as awesome as possible. My parents took a loan to build that house, if I remember it right the price to build this house and everythign involved was around 280k (pretty normal for Germany.) But those last few months, even in the late summer days, where it's optimal to work in the garden, my dad didn't have any interest in doing so. We didn't notice this back then, only afterwards.

Anyway, remember my brother's words? "It was our house." Well like I later discovered, the weekend right before this story starts, my parents had our neighbours over for dinner. While I was on the road with friends the whole weekend, my brother took part in the dinner. One of the neighbours told the group that there's a house listed for foreclosure in our street, and since that street is not that long (probably 18 houses) we should know the one. While everyone was like "F*ck, that's just sad.." my dad acted completely normal. He acted like always.

When my mom asked him if that's our house, he told her "no it isn't honey."

Alright. Back to where we left the story, on that day in February, with my brother on the phone.

"It is our house." my brother said. Without knowing what happened last weekend, I asked him what he meant, he told me that our house was listed for foreclosure. The date of the foreclosure was set to March 16. In 1 and a half months we will be without a home.

"I.. ahm.. what does that mea.." I couldn't get one real sentence out. After a few seconds I asked him what about our mom? Does she know it? Where is she? Is everything ok with her? My bro told me that he just drove my mom to her friend, her friend is also her boss and lives next to my mom's workplace (she's a hairdresser). Before I could ask more, my brother told me that he will get home soon and explain everything, but he gotta drive carefully now.

I couldn't get one thought right. I tried to call my mom again, this time she responded. I could hear how weak and sad her voice was in her "hello?" I asked her if she's ok, she told me that nothing's ok, she said "no Dominik, nothing is ok.. He just lied about everything, now they will take away everything from us.." I could hear her crying after she finished that sentence. The conversationwasn't too long, since my mom broke down after every few words, I told her that Denis (my brother) will get home soon so he can tell me everything. She should stay at her friend for the night. Then we ended the phone call.

After that I tried to reach my dad and he finally answered my call aswell. His voice didn't sound better than my mom's. I asked him what happened and he said that he f*cked up. I wanted to know what he did, but he just told me that he needs to be on his own now, he said "sorry, but I just can't right now.." then he ended that call.

There I stood.

Phone in my hand, face whiter than the wall behind me. My head felt empty, empty of any clear thoughts.

I went downstairs to my room (in the basement) and called my girlfriend via FaceTime. I had the energy to tell her what had happened, before I broke down crying.

My GF (via FaceTime) and me just sat there and talked about the whole situation. She told me that I gotta be strong now, that I know that my mom, understandable, is completely broken now. My brother probably too, and my dad caused this all and is not at home.

She was right.

It was up to me to hold this shit together or at least make my family hold it together. There's time to cry and to be sad, but that time can't be now, because it wouldn't help us.

While talking the connection suddenly got disconnected. Damn, f*cking FaceTime. Not now! I thought, since that happened way too often back then. I tried to call her again. Nothing. That was when I noticed that my phone was no longer connected with the WiFi, the whole (small) town we lived in had almost no reception on my phone, so without WiFi I was pretty much F*cked.

I went into the room besides mine and checked the rooter. There it was, a familiar blinking signal, instead of a static one that it shows when everything's fine. Shit. The internet provider disconnected our internet. Again.

There I sat on my couch.

Alone. Wiping away the tears off my face. Thinking about my girl's words.

For the next few months, this was the last time that I shed a tear about this whole situation.

A bit later my brother finally came home. We sat down in the living room. Before all this we barely talked to each other, except for the good morning, bye and a good night before going to bed. No, we weren't friends. We would argue about useless shit like scratching ones fork too loud on the table.

But not on this day.

There we sat. My 20 year old brother and me (21 at that time), I finally got told the whole story of what happened earlier that day.

Earlier this morning, after my brother and me already left for our jobs, my mom had a strange feeling that this house they talked about on the weekend, may be our house. She went upstairs, where my dad sat in his office and asked him straight away "honey, I have a feeling that this house is ours." My dad chose the complete a**hole route, telling her "are you crazy?! Do you think I would put you all in this situation and not even tell you?!" My mom gave in and said "yeah.. you're probably right." His sentence to end this whole argument was "you should probably apologize for accusing me of this." (I told you, the complete a**hole route..) My mom just responded "I won't apologize until I know whose house it is."

They ate their breakfast, drank a coffee and handled their day. Later that day, in the early afternoon, my dad drove my mom to the gym, since his car was in the auto shop and he needed to take my mom's car to drive to a customer. While my mom entered the gym for her usual monday spinning session, my dad drove away to work.

Just minutes after leaving the car, a good friend of my mom wrote her a text asking "are you ok?" kinda perplexed my mom replied "ahm, yes thanks. Why you asking?" her next words made my mom stop on the stairway, staring at her phone.

"A friend told me that your house is listed for foreclosure.."

My mom couldn't believe it. Her intuition earlier that day was right, her accusation against my dad, for what she was asked to apologize for, was right.

My mom called my brother and asked him if he could come and take her to a friend. My brother did. While driving her to a friend, my mom called my dad.

She told him "you can stop lying now, I know it." My dad didn't say a word. That's when my mom knew his whole house of cards broke down right in this moment. My brother brought my mom to her friend before he drove to his girlfriend.

After my brother finished telling me all this, we just sat there in silence for some minutes.

We then talked about what to do next. Talked about finding a new home. Talked if mom and dad gonna go through this together or go seperate ways. Talked about just everything that ran through our confused minds in that moment.

My brother went to bed later that evening, since he had to get up for work early the next day. I couldn't sleep that night. Stayed up until around 4am before I finally fell asleep. When I got up 3 or 4 hours later I called in sick at my job. Right before my brother left the house for his morning commute, my dad finally came home.

There he stood. The man who raised us, the man who was always strong, who we could not imagine crying or being really sad. This man stood in front of us, trying to say something that we could barely understand through his weak voice. Weak from crying. A few tears ran down his face, while he explained us that he F*cked it up. That our house is gone. My brother left for his morning commute and my dad and me talked a few minutes before he told me that he has to go to find a way to stop the foreclosure. Before leaving he asked me where our mom is, I told him she's at a friend. Then he drove away.

Later that day my dad called my brother and me to tell us, that we should bring our mom back home and he'd understand if she doesn't want to see him. He wanted to stay at his mom for the night.

My brother, my girlfriend and me drove to my mother's friend to get her home.

Shit, I will never forget that ride home.

Just seconds after getting into my car, our mom broke down crying. My mom's probably one of the toughest women I know, but she just couldn't hold it anymore. Right after one of us said "Hey mom.." she couldn't stay strong.

How we sat there in this car, driving in the heavy rain, my mom repeatedly saying "we lost it all.." while crying. Those moments resemble our hopelessness in some kind of movie-like scene. Where you'd watch from outside through the rainy windows into the car, not hearing a word, but feeling the hopelessness only by the looks on our faces, while we talk or watch outside the windows.

After we came "home" we sat down in the living room, eating the lasagna my girlfriend made for us earlier that day. We sat there the whole evening, with our mom in our arms, just talking about everything. About how blind we all have been. Telling my mom that it's not her fault, even if she probably didn't believe it herself. She couldn't believe that she didn't see anything earlier, she knows that such a foreclosure takes months, if not years before the house is sold. Our house is set to be sold in less than 2 months, how long did our dad hid all this from us?

Questions over questions. We didn't have any answers that evening, but it felt good to just talk. Talk until we were too tired to talk and go to sleep.

Second part is right below. Had to seperate it due to its size.
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The next morning was just one of many that would follow, all with the same routine. That feeling, that I remember so vividly. Maybe some of you know this feeling.

Every morning I would wake up, sleepy as F*ck because I didn't go to sleep before 1am usually. Enjoying the warm bed and the early morning sun on my face. Just enjoying the moment, a moment that feels so normal, kinda happy because the sun's out. Enjoying those sleepy seconds, when suddenly this cold feeling overcomes me. My memory starts to kick in. I remember that nothing's normal. My sleepy smile vanishes within the fracture of a second. And while I remove the warm blanket and get up, I get back into the cold reality that this whole situation put us into.

The next days were a mixture of normality and absurdity. We all knew that we had to go to our jobs, we couldn't risk losing our income sources.

Quick break here, not a long one though, no worries. In the beginning I wrote that this story was the starting point of my journey to the Fastlane.. I actually discovered The Millionaire Fastlane already in 2012. Started reading it, was enthusiastically because of MJ's mindset and knew that I don't want to have to work a job my whole life. I also started a business with a friend right after starting to read the book and suggesting it to my friend. The business failed years later, my motivation to complete reading one book didn't take so long to fail.. I stopped reading TMF after reading about 1/3rd of it, the parts on the Sidewalk and the Slowlane, but stopped right before I came to the parts on the Fastlane. I don't know the reason for stopping to read it, or if there's even a reason other than being too lazy to read.

Anyway, let's continue.

A week went by, when my dad came to our house, trying to explain everything. We kinda expected what he'd say next, based on my dad's past, but hearing it from himself was still a shock, the type of shock where you knew it but somehow hoped for a different explanation, just to hear what you already expected.

My dad admitted, that he's addicted to gambling.

At first he tried to blame it on the fact that his company didn't go that good, aswell. But basically that was just an excuse, because in his next few sentences he told us, that instead of working he'd rather sit 8-12 hours in that damn casino playing on those slot machines. Every. Day. For. Over. A. Year.

He admitted some more things, like destroying some cables so that our telephone didn't work anymore, then blaming it on the phone company how they "couldn't make it work again." Or that he made our door bell not work anymore, in order to prevent that my mom would open the door for bailiffs or other people who could disclose his lies. Aswell as hiding every single letter that was in connection with unpaid bills, the foreclosure, from the bank, and so on.

Then my dad left. It was clear that my mom could not trust him anymore.

My mom, my brother and me spent the next days with searching a flat for us, aswell as getting as much info as possible on this whole situation, since we knew absolutely nothing. We had not one letter from our bank or anything.

I know I said I didn't shed a tear after the first day, but there was one exception.

Since my dad still had my mom's car, we improvised. My mom loves riding with the bike (she's sporty as F*ck) and on bad weather days my brother or me would either give her our car or drive her. Anyway, that day was a pretty sunny one so my mom left the house and took her bike. 30 minutes later she suddenly came back, running through the front door calling my name. I came jumping upstairs afraid that something happened, just to see my mom smiling like I didn't see her do in a long time.

When I arrived upstairs I saw the open door and my mom standing outside. Right in front of an old red Opel. Before I could ask what's going on here, she told me that she just saw that car for sale. She asked the owner if she could test drive it and decided to buy it. She just came home to get the 500€ for it. While she drove away in her new car, that allowed her to be mobile again, I had to shed a tear. But this time it wasn't out of sadness or hopelessness. No. This time, it was out of joy to see my mum this happy in midst of all this bullshit that she was going through.

That was one short moment of happiness in midst of all the chaos. The chaos was still there though.

We slowly started to getting answers to the questions we couldn't answer on that evening when we brought our mum back home.

There wasn't one day without another shocking revelation on how big the damage was, that my dad caused.

My mom went to all the banks, the tax office, friends of our family asking for help (not for money). She slowly started to bring light into the chaos that my dad left behind for us to fight through.

The people weren't nice to my mother, at least not at first. No one could believe that she knew nothing about all that. The woman at the bank was almost offensive against my mom, before she realized that she wasn't lying. My mom knew that she would face those hard words and headwinds. But she kept visiting the banks and everything until they believed her and some tried to help her.

The bank told my mum, that the foreclosure was announced over a year ago. That's why they couldn't believe that she knew nothing. They told her, that they gave my dad so many chances to find a solution, but he did nothing. They also told her, that it's too late to save the house. The only thing we could do is to get as much money out of the foreclosure as possible.

After hearing that my mum went to a friend of her, who knows a lot about selling houses (he's into RE) to ask him for help with it. They set up visits in our house with potential buyers and interested bidders in the foreclosure, aswell as searching for a flat for my mom.

On March 1st my brother and me moved into our own flat. That was my 22nd birthday.

The flat belongs to one of my friend's parents. He helped us to get this flat, and within 1-1.5 weeks after first talking about it, we moved in. My friends' parents refrained from taking a security deposit.

We asked our mum if she wants to live with us until she finds a flat, but she wanted to stay in our house until she finds something, to take care of it.

I remember those evenings, when I would drive to the gym to clear my head and on my way back home visit my mom and sit there for hours with her on the couch just talking. It broke my heart to leave her there in that empty house on her own. But she insisted to stay.

The foreclosure took place as planned, on March 16.

My mom was afraid that she does not only lose her house and everything, but also that she will end up deep in the red numbers, if the house sells below the sum it needed to reach to pay all the costs and debts.

She and our friend (the RE one) went to the foreclosure together. My mom was so nervous. My mom's friend told her, that he will bid too, if needed.

There were about 2-3 bidders who were dabbling around at 250k, we needed at least 270k.

It seemed pretty bad, but then my mom's friend raised the bid to 280k and another bidder raised it again, until my mom made about 40-50k plus off the foreclosure.

I remember how the new buyer told my mom that he was afraid of meeting my mom, because he expected her to be pretty pissed because he bought our house. He told her that he was pleasently surprised to find out that she's such a nice person. Not just that she wasn't pissed at him (it's not his fault), she also sold him the kitchen for like 7k, because the kitchen was not included in the foreclosure.

We lost our home, our past. But we went out of it with our heads up.

On April 1st my mom finally moved into her new home. She found a flat in a city near our new home.

My mum used a big amount of the-40-50k to pay back liabilities that my dad made over 1-2 years of not paying bills. She gave my brother and me a few thousand of it. And even if the judge told her, that she doesn't have to give my dad something of the money, she gave him a good amount to get back on his feet.

On March 1st 2015, almost a year after we managed to get out of the darkest time of our life, I was putting on some nice clothes, preparing to go to a restaurant, celebrating my 23rd birthday.

I was a bit nervous. Today was the day.

Today we would finally meet my mom's new boyfriend.

Please, let him not be an a**hole, I thought, while putting on my shoes before leaving my flat.

My brother, his girlfriend (yep still the same one) and his girlfriend's brother (a good friend of mine) arrived at the same time in front of the restaurant. We went inside and sat down, while my grandma (my mom's mom) and my step-grandpa entered the restaurant.

Then the moment finally arrived, my mom came into the restaurant, right behind a friendly looking guy in her age. I can see that she's way more nervous than we are. But it only took a few moments to see that he's awesome. The rest of the evening confirmed that first impression.

I love the image of us sitting in that restaurant, having a great time, laughing like crazy and just being happy.

A year ago on that day we were in midst of that chaos, that chaos that changed us all. We didn't know it back then, but that chaos brought us closer together than we've ever been. We were no longer just a family, no, we also became best friends.

4 days later, on March 5th I went on a 2 week vacation to the USA with 7 friends. This vacation showed me what's possible in life, the freedom and just everything that MJ wrote about in his book (as far as I read it at that point) Right after coming home I knew that the "save" life I fled into after all that happened (you know, the job, thinking about a second job, etc.), is not what I want for my life.

I picked up TMF again and finished reading it, then read it again.

In June 2015 I finally opened the garage and put my vehicle onto the road.

A road that will someday merge with the Fastlane.

Thanks for reading.

I'd like to add some more words before ending this post.
I wrote that story, in hope that someone will learn a lesson or two from it. I didn't point out the lessons I learnt, because I believe finding them yourself while reading will do more for you then me just writing "this taught me, that.."

Even if what happened marks an important turning point in my life, I am aware of the fact that what I had to go through is nothing compared to what others had to go through, or are still going through. But I also believe that it shouldn't be a competition in which the one with the worst experience wins. I think that everyone can learn from other's f*cked up experiences, to avoid having to go through similar moments of pain. Reading through Fox' thread where I initially posted this story in a TL;DR style showed me that a lot of people on here got compelling stories to tell, and I hope that I may encourage others to share their stories, if they are ready for it.
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Fenp nep, vjev lopf ug feslpitt ot ipuahj vu lomm e qistup't fsowi epf vasp vjin vu fitqeos, cav vu tii zua soti uav ug vjev djeut ot wisz jancmoph.

Iwisz nuspoph O xuamf xeli aq, tmiiqz et gadl cideati O fofp'v hu vu tmiiq cigusi 1en ataemmz. Ipkuzoph vji xesn cif epf vji iesmz nuspoph tap up nz gedi. Katv ipkuzoph vji nunipv, e nunipv vjev giimt tu pusnem, lopfe jeqqz cideati vji tap't uav. Ipkuzoph vjuti tmiiqz tidupft, xjip taffipmz vjot dumf giimoph uwisdunit ni. Nz ninusz tvesvt vu lodl op. O sinincis vjev puvjoph't pusnem. Nz tmiiqz tnomi wepotjit xovjop vji gsedvasi ug e tidupf. Epf xjomi O sinuwi vji xesn cmepliv epf hiv aq, O hiv cedl opvu vji dumf siemovz vjev vjot xjumi tovaevoup qav at opvu.

O jef e moli e QVTF gmetjcedl xjisi zua nipvoupif vjot qesv, O lpux jux csavem ov giimt, vu ci jemg-etmiiq epf giim katv qasi qiedi, epf tmuxmz xeli aq vu vji jimm zuas mogi jet ciduni... Vsamz qeopgam caf gus tasi.

O'n wisz tussz zua jef vu hu vjsuahj vjot nep, O'wi jef tonomes vsehifoit jeqqip moli vjot epf miv ni katv vimm zua vjot, vjev op jopftohjv vjiz jeqqip vu tjeqi at opvu tunivjoph nusi, vu lodl at op vji cedltofi epf tjux at xi piif vu djephi.

Vji hencmoph, EOFt tdesi, tiioph zuas nuvjis csiel fuxp moli vjev, mutoph zuas juni epf mogi, epf xeloph aq vu gopotj siefoph vji VNG ot siemmz dunnipfecmi vu zua @Taqe.

Emm O'n huoph vu vimm zua ot vjev iwip vjuahj zua jewip'v siedjif vjev mogi ziv, fup'v howi aq up ov epf katv qatj zuastimg jesfis vjep iwis; cav ov duamf ci jzqudsovodem dunoph gsun ni topdi O'n tvomm xusloph up huoph 120% opvu nz catopitt vuu.

Miesp vji mittupt, tjif zuas umf timg, gedi vji siemovz, epf tedsogodi iwiszvjoph vu neli zuas wotoup jeqqip; og puv gus zuastimg vjip gus zuas nuvjis,genomz, epf hosmgsoipf.

Zuas tvusz siemmz jov jesf up nz vjoploph vjev O'n puv vji upmz upi xju't ciip vjsuahj vjot tusv ug feslpitt.

Vjeplt eheop gus tjesoph tadj e qistupem tvusz, epf O xotj zua epf zuas genomz vji citv ug madl nevi
Vjepl zua gus zuas lopf xusft @cievhuibup ! :)

O lpux vji fephis ug hivvoph opvu vji xsuph fosidvoupt egvis tunivjoph moli vjot. Vjisi xet moli 1 us 2 nupvjt egvis iwiszvjoph xet uwis, xjip O xuamf tnuli xiif iwisz gix fezt katv vu vasp nz nopf ugg us huv effodvif vu vw tjuxt moli Csieloph Cef epf Vji Xemloph Fief, xevdjoph vjin xjipiwis O huv voni vu fu tu.

O raov vji tnuloph egvis siemoboph vjev O xet huoph opvu e fosidvoup vjev O fup'v xepv vu hu, cav O dep figopovimz tii jux tuni qiuqmi nez hiv mutv op ov.

Cav xjev't iwip nusi etvupotjoph gus ni ot jux ietomz O huv cedl opvu vji teni suavopit moli cigusi tvesvoph vu sief VNG. Ug duasti O fofp'v gopotj VNG ev vjev quopv, cav O emsiefz lpix ecuav vji Tofixeml epf Tmuxmepi, op uvjis xusft: O lpix ipuahj vu lpux vjev xusloph e kuc otp'v huoph vu hiv ni xjisi O xepv vu ci op mogi.

Cav tvomm O gmif opvu ovt tu demmif tegivz. Ipkuzif e pix kuc vjev O katv huv. Tqipv nz egvispuupt epf iwipopht moli tudoivz iyqidvif ni vu fu. Xevdjoph vw, qmezoph wofiu henit, jephoph uav xovj gsoipft. O vjopl O katv xepvif vu dsievi e mogi vjev ot tewi gsun fsenet moli O jef vu hu vjsuahj.

Vjev ATE wedevoup tqeslif nz gosi eheop epf O gopemmz tex xjev vjot tewi mogi O gmif opvu siemmz ot: puvjoph nusi vjep ep ommatoup.

Epzxez, O puvodif vjev O migv tuni vjopht apeptxisif.

Nz csuvjis't Eoft vitv xet pihevowi. Ji't puv opgidvif. Ji epf jot hosmgsoipf esi tvomm vuhivjis, et jeqqz et cigusi. Nz nun epf jis pix cuzgsoipf nuwif op vuhivjis iesmois vjot zies, epf iwip og nz nun jet tuni vsatv ottait egvis emm vjev, tji't jeqqois vjep tji't ciip op e muph voni.
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Vjev't raovi e mogi djephoph iyqisoipdi @Taqe. O'n hmef zua epf zuas genomz jewi nefi vji citv ug e cef tovaevoup. O xet itqidoemmz onqsittif xovj zuas nuvjis't lopfpitt vu zuas gevjis. Tji tjesif vji qsudiift ug vji temi xovj jon, katv vu jimq jon hiv cedl up jot giiv! Vjev't exituni! Jux hsedouat.

Nz genomz jet emtu ciip vusp cz geomasi, epf ov't velip ni nepz ziest vu sicaomf e simevouptjoq xovj nz gevjis. Ov nohjv veli zua nepz ziest vuu, cav O dep tez pux vjev O'n hmef xi fof. Citv xotjit vu zua epf zuas genomz.
Cigusi O tvesv O'f moli vu qav e movvmi fotdmeonis jisi, itqidoemmz gus vjuti xju fu puv lpux ni us tuni ug nz qutvt up jisi. O'n puv sappoph e taddittgam catopitt ziv, tu qmieti fu puv iyqidv vjot tvusz et e tadditt tvusz. Tussz gus vji tquomis, cav vjot tvusz fuitp'v ipf xovj tadditt, ovt ipf ot sevjis e cihoppoph, vji cihoppoph ug nz kuaspiz vu vji Getvmepi.
Qjipunipem mopi. Vjot tvusz ot iyvsinimz quxisgam. Vjepl zua gus tjesoph.
Vjev't raovi e mogi djephoph iyqisoipdi @Taqe. O'n hmef zua epf zuas genomz jewi nefi vji citv ug e cef tovaevoup. O xet itqidoemmz onqsittif xovj zuas nuvjis't lopfpitt vu zuas gevjis. Tji tjesif vji qsudiift ug vji temi xovj jon, katv vu jimq jon hiv cedl up jot giiv! Vjev't exituni! Jux hsedouat.

Nz genomz jet emtu ciip vusp cz geomasi, epf ov't velip ni nepz ziest vu sicaomf e simevouptjoq xovj nz gevjis. Ov nohjv veli zua nepz ziest vuu, cav O dep tez pux vjev O'n hmef xi fof. Citv xotjit vu zua epf zuas genomz.

Hsiev vu tii vjev zua hivvoph emuph xovj zuas fef eheop. Vjepl zua!
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Vjepl zua gus zuas lopf xusft @cievhuibup ! :)

O lpux vji fephis ug hivvoph opvu vji xsuph fosidvoupt egvis tunivjoph moli vjot. Vjisi xet moli 1 us 2 nupvjt egvis iwiszvjoph xet uwis, xjip O xuamf tnuli xiif iwisz gix fezt katv vu vasp nz nopf ugg us huv effodvif vu vw tjuxt moli Csieloph Cef epf Vji Xemloph Fief, xevdjoph vjin xjipiwis O huv voni vu fu tu.

O raov vji tnuloph egvis siemoboph vjev O xet huoph opvu e fosidvoup vjev O fup'v xepv vu hu, cav O dep figopovimz tii jux tuni qiuqmi nez hiv mutv op ov.

Cav xjev't iwip nusi etvupotjoph gus ni ot jux ietomz O huv cedl opvu vji teni suavopit moli cigusi tvesvoph vu sief VNG. Ug duasti O fofp'v gopotj VNG ev vjev quopv, cav O emsiefz lpix ecuav vji Tofixeml epf Tmuxmepi, op uvjis xusft: O lpix ipuahj vu lpux vjev xusloph e kuc otp'v huoph vu hiv ni xjisi O xepv vu ci op mogi.

Cav tvomm O gmif opvu ovt tu demmif tegivz. Ipkuzif e pix kuc vjev O katv huv. Tqipv nz egvispuupt epf iwipopht moli tudoivz iyqidvif ni vu fu. Xevdjoph vw, qmezoph wofiu henit, jephoph uav xovj gsoipft. O vjopl O katv xepvif vu dsievi e mogi vjev ot tewi gsun fsenet moli O jef vu hu vjsuahj.

Vjev ATE wedevoup tqeslif nz gosi eheop epf O gopemmz tex xjev vjot tewi mogi O gmif opvu siemmz ot: puvjoph nusi vjep ep ommatoup.

Epzxez, O puvodif vjev O migv tuni vjopht apeptxisif.

Nz csuvjis't Eoft vitv xet pihevowi. Ji't puv opgidvif. Ji epf jot hosmgsoipf esi tvomm vuhivjis, et jeqqz et cigusi. Nz nun epf jis pix cuzgsoipf nuwif op vuhivjis iesmois vjot zies, epf iwip og nz nun jet tuni vsatv ottait egvis emm vjev, tji't jeqqois vjep tji't ciip op e muph voni.
Zie caf O apfistvuuf vjev zuas csuvjis xet vjeplgammz jiemvjz, O katv niepv vjev vji tdesi ug ov xet ipuahj vu hiv vu e qistup't piswit, huuf vu lpux ji't jiemvjz nep.

epf caf O dep vuvemmz simevif vu vjot qutv zua nefi, epf O'wi ciip vjsuahj vji teni qov zua fitdsoci, iydiqv gus ni ov xetp'v fsaht us emdujum, cav dohesivvit(2-2 epf e jemg qedlt e fez), xevdjoph Vsetj Vw upmopi, ivd

Liiq vji gosi huoph nep, ati ov vu hu ges:)
E 2017 aqfevi.

O xsuvi vjev vjsief nusi vjep e zies ehu. Vji gusidmutasi ug nz genomz't juati xet emnutv vjsii epf jemg ziest ehu.

Vjev nunipv, xjip O deni juni vu vji siemobevoup ug tunivjoph cioph ugg epf vjip qsivvz tuup egvis vjev nunipv hivvoph jov xovj uas pix siemovz. Vjoploph ecuav vjev nunipv fuitp'v neli ni tef. Us ephsz.

Cedl vjip ov gimv tu gadloph uwisxjimnoph. Xeloph aq iwisz nuspoph. Tvsivdjoph nztimg vu vji nuspoph tap xjomi hivvoph vjev huuf "ov't e tappz fez" giimoph gus e tidupf. E tidupf, cigusi zuas cseop exelit dunqmivimz epf siemovz jovt zua op vji gedi. Ov gimv moli puvjoph xomm iwis ci ietz eheop. Puvjoph xomm iwis ci huuf eheop. Epf moli xi xomm piwis ci jeqqz eheop.

Vjev't xjev ov gimv moli op vjev nunipv. Epf op vjuti fezt epf xiilt.

Cav ov fofp'v giim moli vjev gusiwis.

Vjisi ot e qjuvu up vji xemm ug nz hsepfne't mowoph suun. Up vjev qjuvu zua dep tii nz nuvjis tovvoph op vji noffmi ug nz csuvjis epf ni. Jot hosmgsoipf vuul vjev qjuvu ug at. Ul, vcj, tji jef vu veli moli 20 qjuvut apvom vjisi xet upi vjev nz nuvjis xet jeqqz xovj. Vji uvjis 19 qjuvut tjuxif nz csuvjis epf ni xovj iwisz vzqi ug fanc gedit xi duamf nepehi vu neli. Us at dsedloph aq vu vjuti fanc gedit.

Vjev qjuvu jet e muv ug niepoph vu ni tunijux. Puv cideati ov tjuxt jux nadj ug djomfotj ofouvt nz csuvjis epf ni esi. Cav cideati ug vji voni vjot qjuvu xet velip.

O dep'v sinincis vji iyedv fez us iwip nupvj vji qjuvu xet velip. Cav ov xet puv muph egvis nz nuvjis nuwif opvu jis pix gmev. Xjodj tji fof ecuav 2 xiilt egvis vji gusidmutasi.

Katv e gix xiilt ehu xi deni uav ev vji uvjis ipf ug vji djeut xi xisi qatjif vjsuahj. Epf vjisi xi tev. Meahjoph ev uas uxp tvaqof kulit epf fanc gedit.

Epf xi esi tvomm meahjoph. Puv upmz ev uas fanc gedit vjuahj. Mogi't puv emxezt ciip ietz op vjuti ziest egvis vjev qjuvu xet velip. Vjev't qsucecmz jux mogi xuslt. Cav op nz uxp uqopoup, vji qutovowi uavxiohjt vji pihevowi cz ges.

Xjev jeqqipif op vjuti 2 ziest egvis vji metv tdipi op nz gostv qutv?

Nz nuvjis epf jis cuzgsoipf jef vjios aqt epf fuxpt, vjiz nuwif op vuhivjis, cuahjv vjintimwit e coh denqis epf esi qmeppoph up fsowoph vjsuahj jemg ug Iasuqi xovj ov piyv zies egvis nz tviq-fef (jux O demm jon pux) sivosit ev ehi 55 epf nz nun raovt jis kuc ev ehi 52.

Nz fef ot xusloph e kuc epf hivvoph cedl aq up jot giiv. Tmuxmz, cav ji't emsiefz djephif e cov vu vji civvis. Puv tasi og ji tvuqqif hencmoph, cav vjisi ot puv nadj xi dep fu vu tvuq jon, og ji't puv fuoph ov gus jontimg us ot tiesdjoph gus vji jimq ji nez piift.

Nz csuvjis epf jot hosmgsoipf, epf zit, ov ot tvomm vji teni upi, esi huoph vu nuwi opvu vjios uxp gmev vuhivjis op Udvucis 2017. Nz csuvjis tvesvif xusloph gus e coh dunqepz, huoph vji desiis xez. Puv xjev O xepv gus mogi, cav ji't jeqqz xovj vjev suef. Citofit ug vjev, vjisi't upmz ipuahj suun gus upi cmedl tjiiq op vji genomz :)


O xuslif up ep upmopi tactdsoqvoup cetif catopitt gsun tannis 2015 vu tannis 2016. E feveceti ug natod opfatvsz dupvedvt (moli nepehist, cuuloph ehipvt, ivd.). O fof vjev vuhivjis xovj e catopitt qesvpis gsun vji AL. Xi huv 3 tohp aqt ug qezoph datvunist up vjot tovi. Cav xi fidofif vu tvuq vjev qsukidv fai vu tiwisem sietupt.

Op Nesdj 2016, vjeplt vu vji vsinipfuat jimq ug @Cimdjis, O tvesvif nz xiohjv mutt kuaspiz epf mutv ecuav 40 mct tu ges, tvomm huoph up. Neopmz vjsuahj DoDu epf Livu.

Op Kapi 2016 O niv e xupfisgam xunep. Op Kamz 2016 xi gimm op muwi.

Op Kamz 2017 O huv iphehif vu vjot xupfisgam xunep :)

Op Eahatv 2017, tu ges, O en tvomm xusloph up e qsukidv vjev O tvesvif op Nesdj 2017 epf juqi vu gopotj cz vji ipf ug vjot zies. E puwim, vjev O en xsovoph.
Last edited:
Jiz nep, O katv sief vji xjumi vjsief. O lpux jux zua giim. O jef vji teni iyqisoipdi cedl op 2013. Vu muti vji juati zua hsix aq op gimv siemmz cef.

Cav zua lpux xjev?

Xjev jeqqipif sohjv egvis apvom vjot wisz fez jet casoif vjuti fesl nunipvt.

Cav ov xet puv vji iwipv vjev deatif emm vjiti qutovowi djephit.

Ov xet ni.

O lpux vjev zua dep simevi.

O juqi zuas fef't fuoph hsiev. Xi emm neli notvelit.

Xi natv puv gushiv vjev notvelit esi vjisi vu miesp epf iwumwi gsun, sevjis vjep katv cievoph uastimwit uav gus vjin.

Jesftjoqt neli at e muv tvsuphis og xi jewi vji dussidv evvovafi.

Djiist nep.
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Xux, zuas tvusz ot quxisgam - siefoph ov, O xet noyif xovj e muv ug inuvoupt.

Zuas nun ot qjipunipem, tji jet duni e muph xez epf jet tadj e jahi jiesv epf vji iyqisoipdi jet nefi iedj ug zua tvsuphis, iwip egvis vji qeop zua xipv vjsuahj. O lpux vu fevi zua jewi ninusoit, cav ov't hsiev vu tii vjev iwip egvis emm ug ov, iedj ug zua nepehif vu xeml uav xovj zuas jieft jimf johjis vjep iwis; ov't emtu hsiev vu tii zua iedj jewi iedj uvjis't cedl.

Vjisi esi tu nepz mittupt O jewi miespv op zuas tvusz epf O vjepl zua gus tjesoph ov, O dep onehopi jux foggodamv ov xet gus zua vu tjesi, cav, nepz vjeplt gus vsatvoph vu uqip aq vu at vu viedj at gsun zuas iyqisoipdi.

O'n hmef vu tii zua huv vji djepdi vu gopemmz dunqmivi VNG epf zua emtu nepehif vu sigudat zuas mogi op vji qutovowi fosidvoup zua xepv. O xotj zua tadditt up zuas kuaspiz op emm zua fu. Vjepl zua gus zuas haofoph mohjv.
Jiz nep, O katv sief vji xjumi vjsief. O lpux jux zua giim. O jef vji teni iyqisoipdi cedl op 2013. Vu muti vji juati zua hsix aq op gimv siemmz cef.

Cav zua lpux xjev?

Xjev jeqqipif sohjv egvis apvom vjot wisz fez jet casoif vjuti fesl nunipvt.

Cav ov xet puv vji iwipv vjev deatif emm vjiti qutovowi djephit.

Ov xet ni.

O lpux vjev zua dep simevi.

O juqi zuas fef't fuoph hsiev. Xi emm neli notvelit.

Xi natv puv gushiv vjev notvelit esi vjisi vu miesp epf iwumwi gsun, sevjis vjep katv cievoph uastimwit uav gus vjin.

Jesftjoqt neli at e muv tvsuphis og xi jewi vji dussidv evvovafi.

Djiist nep.

Tussz vu jies, vjev zua jef vu hu vjsuahj vji teni iyqisoipdi.
O'n hmef zua jewi tadj e hsiev evvovafi ecuav ov.

Zit, nz fef ot fuoph civvis. Ov vuul jon qsivvz muph epf xetp'v ietz gus nz csuvjis epf ni xovpitt jux ji duamfp'v hiv jot jief aq gus e muph xjomi.
Ji't up e huuf xez pux vjuahj, ev mietv O juqi vjev.

Vjepl zua gus zuas lopf xusft epf liiq zuas hsiev evvovafi :)

Xux, zuas tvusz ot quxisgam - siefoph ov, O xet noyif xovj e muv ug inuvoupt.

Zuas nun ot qjipunipem, tji jet duni e muph xez epf jet tadj e jahi jiesv epf vji iyqisoipdi jet nefi iedj ug zua tvsuphis, iwip egvis vji qeop zua xipv vjsuahj. O lpux vu fevi zua jewi ninusoit, cav ov't hsiev vu tii vjev iwip egvis emm ug ov, iedj ug zua nepehif vu xeml uav xovj zuas jieft jimf johjis vjep iwis; ov't emtu hsiev vu tii zua iedj jewi iedj uvjis't cedl.

Vjisi esi tu nepz mittupt O jewi miespv op zuas tvusz epf O vjepl zua gus tjesoph ov, O dep onehopi jux foggodamv ov xet gus zua vu tjesi, cav, nepz vjeplt gus vsatvoph vu uqip aq vu at vu viedj at gsun zuas iyqisoipdi.

O'n hmef vu tii zua huv vji djepdi vu gopemmz dunqmivi VNG epf zua emtu nepehif vu sigudat zuas mogi op vji qutovowi fosidvoup zua xepv. O xotj zua tadditt up zuas kuaspiz op emm zua fu. Vjepl zua gus zuas haofoph mohjv.

Xux. O siemmz eqqsidoevi zuas qutv :)

O'n hmef nz tvusz situpevif xovj zua tu nadj epf O'n jeqqz vjev zua huv tunivjoph uav ug ov. Ov't siemmz duum vu tii, vjev puv upmz tuniupi xju iyqisoipdif tunivjoph moli vjev up jot/jis uxp dep miesp e muv ug mogi mittupt gsun ov, cav emtu tuniupi xju sief vjot tvusz.

Vjepl zua tu nadj gus zuas podi xusft, vjiz siemmz nefi ni tnomi xjomi siefoph vjin :)

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