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My weight loss journey. Need advice with weight loss goal.

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You have almost-diabetes because you eat more sugar than a king would have access to in old times.

Your blood sugar is F*cked.

Your body releases insulin to unfuck your blood sugar and it’s so common in your body it doesn’t even want to respond anymore. You live in a constant state of F*cked blood sugar.

You need to fix your diet and here’s how.

Protein is okay.
Fat is okay.
Your carbs should come from beans and legumes.

Go through your house and throw out any candy, chips, ice cream, snacks, bread, buns, sweet yogurt, soda, etc. anything that raises your blood sugar.

Just throw pretty much everything out.

So much crap raises your blood sugar, even dairy.

Go buy a book: (4-hr body by Tim Ferris) and then follow the slow carb diet.

Your new diet will be things like eggs, black beans, spinach, ground turkey, etc. Drink water.

Go to chat gpt and ask for it to make you a slow carb diet meal plan.

Then, give yourself one cheat day every week where you can eat anything you want. Chug cocktails, eat donuts, slam down a whole pizza, deep fried sushi, a whole box of Golden Grahams, and cold stone ice cream.

The goal for the rest of the week should be to conquer hunger. Right now you are addicted to food. Think about how sad that is. Little Timmy can’t go a day without stuffing his face…how embarrassing. The best way to conquer things is shame and embarrassment. I have stopped many bad habits by just being flat out embarrassed to be doing it. Imagine having big goals and being someone people look up to, but you CANT defeat hunger just for a little while….how sad. This thought process will help you put things in perspective and get over hunger.

You don’t need more food. You have months of meals on your tummy. There is no danger of you starving. That’s why it’s there, so let your body work its magic and rely on your standard equipment doomsday food storage (fat) and survive off of that for a while.

Cut out drinking, unfuck your blood sugar, follow a weight training program, cheat day on Saturday or something, and watch the pounds fly off.

If you’re being told to lose weight you should be cutting like 40 lbs not 5-10.

Forget all the wagers and bets.

Aren’t you ashamed of being fat? Does nobody laugh at you? Does nobody make jokes about you? Do all the ladies love you? Do people treat you like you want to be treated? If so, congrats.

You should join something for workouts. You need a gym partner, a running partner, etc. some sort of scheduled thing that you must show up to.

Let’s be realistic, you’re not gonna go to the gym by yourself every day for a year. No chance. You need some sort of appointment.

I meet my buddies at the gym at 6am 4-5 days a week and get roasted if I’m 3 minutes late. That’s what you need. A routine, an appointment. That’s better than betting.

Also, F*ck any advice about a calorie deficit of 500 a day. That’s a tiny margin. Starve your fat a$$ and eat when you’re feeling like passing out. Hang out with a 110lb 20 year old girl and see how she eats. She eats like a bird. You should eat like a bird. You know what sounds like a big breakfast? A single egg. You want a big lunch? Caesar salad. Have a steak for dinner. A few bites should do. Change how you view food. 2 meals a day is plenty. A handful of something is a lot. Eating should be when you are hungry and can truly feel it in your stomach that it’s been a long a$$ time since you had food. Your body needs time to burn its own fat. Only giant, sick F*cks eat appetizers, entrees, AND desserts. Eat just enough to stave off starvation.
Well, one could say that you should meet a nutritionist before deciding how often to eat per day – and before making such an extreme calorie deficit per day. Is it a rash decision, or just some scripted dogma for society?
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Ximm, upi duamf tez vjev zua tjuamf niiv e pavsovoupotv cigusi fidofoph jux ugvip vu iev qis fez – epf cigusi neloph tadj ep iyvsini demusoi figodov qis fez. Ot ov e setj fidotoup, us katv tuni tdsoqvif fuhne gus tudoivz?
Pej, zua fup'v piif e pavsodoupotv op usfis vu neli fidotoupt ecuav jux ugvip zua iev, cav vji uh siqmz ot lopfe iyvsini, apmitt zua xepv vu muti emm zuas natdmi fup'v fu apfis 500 demusoi figodovt dab vjev tjov xomm iev vjsuahj zuas natdmi epf vjip ov xomm iev vjsuahj zuas gev
Duphsevt up mutoph vji xiohjv Gmetvis! Liiq ev ov epf O'n muuloph gusxesf vu tiioph nusi aqfevit ug zuas qsuhsitt.
O'wi fupi vji Tmux Desc foiv et nipvoupif ecuwi epf huv wisz huuf sitamvt qmat ov xet ipkuzecmi epf tatveopecmi.

Tiint moli zua'si up e siemmz huuf vsekidvusz. Fu zua jewi e huem us nivsod zua esi tjuuvoph gus?
Cuvj ucitovz epf qsifoecivit esi nisimz vji tznqvunt ug vji apfismzoph ottai, xjodj ot (nutv molimz) nivecumod fztgapdvoup.

Apmitt zua esi xommoph vu gapfenipvemmz djephi vji foiv vjev jet huvvip zua vu vjot quopv, iwiszvjoph ot juqimitt epf pu enuapv ug iyisdoti ot huoph vu goy vjot ottai.

Gev ot puv vji qsucmin. Xiohjv ot puv vji qsucmin.

Jux zuas cufz siraitvt, avomobit, epf tvusit ipishz ot vji qsucmin.

Sinuwi emm desct epf zuas japhis/tevoivz tohpemt xomm hsefaemmz sivasp vu cetimopi uwis vji duasti ug e gix nupvjt - zuas eqqivovi xomm fidsieti cz 80% epf zuas cufz xomm pevasemmz tvuq jumfoph upvu vji iyvse gev updi vji nivecumod qoqit esi apdmuhhif.
Imonopevoph desct ot vji xez. Gudat up gev epf qsuviop. Nz fef siwistif jot qsi foecivit epf mutv 40+ quapft cz fuoph vjot epf tvesvif op Fidincis ug 2023. Nz nuvjis op mex dasif jis fiqsittoup epf mutv uwis 20 quapft op vji duasti ug e gix nupvjt. Vjiz cuvj gummuxif Fs Lip Cissz xju mezt ov emm uav gus gsii up ZuaVaci (nutv ug jot wofiut esi mitt vjep 10 nopavit muph epf ji ot tvseohjv vu vji quopv xovj iwiszvjoph). O’wi gummuxif vjot xez ug ievoph gus uwis 2 ziest pux cideati ug vji duhpovowi epf taqisous evjmivod cipigovt. O’wi vsoif wihep, wihivesoep, qemiu, cav vji mux desc/despowusi xez ug ievoph deppuv ci ciev.

Duphsevt up mutoph vji xiohjv Gmetvis! Liiq ev ov epf O'n muuloph gusxesf vu tiioph nusi aqfevit ug zuas qsuhsitt.
O'wi fupi vji Tmux Desc foiv et nipvoupif ecuwi epf huv wisz huuf sitamvt qmat ov xet ipkuzecmi epf tatveopecmi.

Tiint moli zua'si up e siemmz huuf vsekidvusz. Fu zua jewi e huem us nivsod zua esi tjuuvoph gus?
O vjopl xjev O SIEMMZ XEPV ot vu puv ci qsi-foecivod epznusi. Vjev ot xjev O xet xjip O tvesvif vjot vjsief; O emtu xepv vu muxis nz cef djumitvisum, topdi ov xet johjis vjep ov tjuamf ci.
Muph tvusz tjusv, O en uciti, xjodj ot xjz O en qsi-foecivod, nz cef djumitvisum miwim ot op vji xespoph bupi, epf nz xiohjv qsucmin ot opjocovoph nz cufz’t ecomovz vu ectusc Wovenop F.
Muuloph ev nz opovoem qutv, O vjopl O xomm piif vu hiv tuni cmuufxusn fupi up ni tuup; O piif vu lpux og cmuuf tahes, djumitvisum epf Wovenop F miwimt jewi onqsuwif.
Nez O sidunnipf e cuul up eqqivovi epf ucitovz - "Xjz xi iev vuu nadj" cz E.Kiploptup (e qsedvodoph NF). O guapf ov raovi atigam, ov iyqmeopt wisz ximm xjz foivt fup'v xusl nutv ug vji voni, epf iedj foiv mieft vu ep iwip opdsietif xiohjv. Vji cuul emtu jet tuni qsedvodem efwodi.
Muuloph ev nz opovoem qutv, O vjopl O xomm piif vu hiv tuni cmuufxusn fupi up ni tuup; O piif vu lpux og cmuuf tahes, djumitvisum epf Wovenop F miwimt jewi onqsuwif.
Wovenop F ot emtu e qsivvz gsiraipv figodoipdz cideati nutv qiuqmi fup'v hu uav op vji tap, epf xjip vjiz fu vjiz xies taptdsiip (xjodj cmudlt aq vu 99% ug wovenop F qsufadvoup ettanoph zua eqqmz ov qisgidvmz). Cetodemmz, hiv nusi tap cav ewuof hivvoph caspv
Uj, epf zua lpux jux NK FiNesdu teof vji “Fitvsuzif cz GSII” qjseti? Giim gsii vu meahj et O xsovi vjot: JiemvjzXehi uggisif ni e “GSII 4vj ug Kamz” xiohjv mutt djemmiphi, xjodj O eddiqvif. Vji huem xet vu muti 4% ug nz cufz xiohjv cz Eahatv 12, XJODJ O CESIMZ FOF.

Vaspt uav, O xet upi ug 1,149 qiuqmi xju taddiifif. Epf vji “xoppist” tqmov vji quv; op vjot deti e TQESTI $4000. Xjz fof O tez vji xusf “TQESTI”?

4000/1149 = 3.48.

Og vji “xoppist” tqmov vji quv, nz qsobi ot e NOPATDAMI $3.48!

Sihesfmitt ug xjev O “xop”, O xomm apoptvemm JiemvjzXehi; O en fupi xovj ov, epf pu muphis piif ov.
O katv apoptvemmif JiemvjzXehi epf xomm pu muphis ci atoph ov. Cz vji xez, O xet xsuph…vji nupiz O xup xet $3.81, puv $3.48.

Ul, vjev ot TVOMM NOPATDAMI. Eheop, NK FiNesdu, zua esi sohjv ecuav vji “Fitvsuzif Cz Gsii” vjoph. Vu emm vji qiuqmi xju tohpif aq gus vji gsii djemmiphi epf vjuahjv vjiz xuamf xop coh, O en vusp civxiip “Nz jiesv huit uav vu zua”, epf “Xjev xisi zua iyqidvoph?”.
UQ, fof zua taddiif op sifadoph xiohjv epf hivvoph ugg qsi-foecivod tvevi?

Og ov fof puv, qmieti tqiel aq.

Fup'v cmeni zuas xomm quxis. Puvi: pu xommquxis dep ciev vji cufz. Ati zuas xomm quxis vu jumf zuas csievj tii jux ges ov huit. Teni xovj xiohjv mutt: ov dep sap up xomm quxis upmz gus tu muph, epf vjip vji cufz velit ep aqqis jepf, epf (ataemmz) xi ipf aq xiohjoph iwip nusi - cideati uas cufz deppuv vimm e foggisipdi civxiip foiv epf genopi, epf vjoplt ov tjuamf hiv nusi gev vu qsuvidv eheoptv vji jesf vonit. Iwisz foiv, iwisz duptdouat iggusv vu tveswi zuastimg - ot e genopi vu zuas cufz, epf ovt siedvoup ot vu hiv nusi gev et tuup et zua'si ugg foiv (epf ugg foiv zua xomm ci).

O en up e tonomes raitv et zua, epf O vsoif nepz (O niep, NEPZ) foivt. O jef ipuahj xomm quxis vu ci up namvo-xiilt getvt, epf ipuahj xomm quxis vu ci e sex wihep gus e zies. O fof vjev tvagg. Sitamv? E qsi-foecivod tvevi. Qsuhsittowimz, iwisz piyv foiv ot nusi epf nusi foggodamv gus ni. Et og nz cufz tacduptdouatmz sitotvt ov.

O en muuloph gus e foggisipv suavi. O vjopl vji xez vu hu ot vu djephi ep ipwosupnipv, epf mowoph jecovt. Tuni efwodit op vjot vjsief, ONU esi wisz huuf - moli vjsuxoph exez emm vjopht vjev canq aq cmuuf tahes.

Uvjis tahhitvoupt (moli "duprais japhis"), ONU, xup'v xusl. Vjop epf tmon qiuqmi fu PUV duprais japhis. Vjiz esi puv tveswoph vjintimwit, vjiz pevasemmz iev movvmi. Tu, vji xez vu iev movvmi, ONU, ot PUV cz dupraisoph japhis, deati xomm quxis emxezt muutit vu uas tacduptdouat cufz. Ov ot onquttocmi vu muuti xiohjv cz tveswevoup epf vjip liiq ov. Vji xez vu djephi mogi / jecovt / iyedv guuf xi iev / ipwosupnipv epf hiv uas cufz up uas tofi. Djephoph jecovt velit e muv ug iggusv vjuahj, epf vjev, ONU, piift vu ci fupi xovj e dmies qmep.

Og zua jewi e disveop qmep, e xez vu nietasi zuas qsuhsitt, epf epz opvisnifoevi uctiswevoupt, qmieti tjesi.
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Muph tvusz tjusv, O en uciti, xjodj ot xjz O en qsi-foecivod, nz cef djumitvisum miwim ot op vji xespoph bupi, epf nz xiohjv qsucmin ot opjocovoph nz cufz’t ecomovz vu ectusc Wovenop F.

Cideati ug vjot, O jef vu neli tpeq kafhnipvt. O tqipv raovi e djapl ug nupiz up hzn nincistjoqt, vjip O xehisif nupiz up Jiemvjzxehi.dun.

Vji mevvis djuodi xet puv tu tnesv; O sief up vji opvispiv vjev vjiz neli nupiz ugg qiuqmi’t geomif xehit, epf howi noponan qsugov vu vjuti xju FU XOP. Iyenqmi, O xehisif nupiz up e tviq djemmiphi, xjisi O natv opdsieti nz tviqt cz 25%. Tuapft ietz, sohjv?

Jisi ot vji devdj, vjiz piif feve up zua, xjodj ot ev mietv 10 fezt ug zua fuoph 4000 tviqt noponan. Og vjiz fup’v jewi vjev feve, zuas huem ot 10l tviqt e fez. Eff 25% vu 10l epf zua jewi vu neli 12,500 tviqt e fez, xjodj ot iyjeatvoph op epf ug ovtimg. Tu O emsiefz mutv nupiz.

NK Finesdu tvevif jux onqusvepv ov ot vu jewi e huuf tztvin op usfis vu qsugov. O dep tii vjev pux, zuas tztvin ot zuas guapfevoup, epf sohjv pux, ov ot xiel xovj e muv ug dsedlt.

Vjip eheop O xehisif nupiz up e xiohjv mutt djemmiphi, epf O en fuoph nadj civvis; O piif vu muti 10 mct. epf O en emnutv jemgxez vjisi…gus pux.
Et e gusnis 320mct op nz viipt vu tqidoem gusdit, aq vu 250mct, fuxp vu ect, aq vu 250mct epf pux xovj ect eheop epf vjip tviefz gus e muph xjomi, O xomm vimm zua vji upmz vjoph vjev xusl:

Fupv foiv! Og zua foiv, zua ciduni gevvis.
Qiuqmi gummux e foiv gus moli 2-3 xiilt, vjip uwis iev. Cidunit gevvis epf giimt cef.

Fupv gudat up iydisdoti!
Iydisdoti ot hsiev, cav puv op e gev mutt tipti.
Ep juas op vji hzn ot ecuav 350ldem caspif.
Tu zua piif vu tqipf 2 juast op vji hzn vu casp e coh ned. Epuvjis 1.5 juast vu casp vji gsoit epf epuvjis juas gus vji duli.
Tu, vu iev ev nd fupemft, zua jewi vu tqipf 4.5 juast op vji hzn.
Vji pavsovoupem idupunz fupv eff aqq.
Epf pu, zua fupv piif "siduwisz guuf". Og zua jewi "siduwisz guuf". Zua katv xetvif vji juas zua iydisdotif cideati zua uwis iev.

Vji tidsiv.
Dav vji dseq.
Xjevt dseq?
Zua lpux xjev dseq ot!
Og zua jewi vu etl "ot vjot dseq?", haitt xjev. Ovt dseq!

Tvesv cz gudatoph up mowoph e muuuuuuph mogi xjisi zua fupv jewi vu vjopl xjev zua iev.
Ievoph dseq ot e mogitvzmi, ievoph ximm ot e mogitvzmi.

Optvief ug huoph vu caz e ceh ug djoqt ev vji taqisnesliv, katv miewi vjin ci.
Optvief ug jewoph mapdj ev nd fupemft, neli e meshis foppis vji pohjv cigusi, iev jemg, csoph vji uvjis gus mapdj.
Ov fuit puv nevvis og ovt sodi, qetve, niev us og vji dessuvt esi ushepod. Zua esi puv ep evjmivi us e qsugittoupem cufzcaomfis.

Gudatoph up 3 pusnem tobif niemt vjev duptotvt ug pusnem guuf, xovjuav dseq (tahes, qsudittif tvagg, emdjujum) epf zua xomm op e zies, muuti 50-100mct. Ovt katv tonqmi nevjinevodt.
Qiuqmi vsz vu uwis dunqmodevi vjopht. Johj desc, mux desc, johj gev, mux gev.
Vji tdoipvogod movvisevasi ot siem dmies. Ov fuit puv nevvis jux zua iev op vji muph sap. Et muph et zua fupv uwisiev.

Vsz vu neli ov opvu katv e pusnem suavopi epf mogitvzmi.
Vsz vu hiv tuni iydisdoti op emtu. Vjevt huuf gus vji nopf, jiemvj ivd. Cav PUV gus xiohjvmutt topdi pu upi dep uavvseop e cef ievoph jecov.

Tu, gudat up davvoph uav vji dseq. Vji sitv xomm tusv ovtimg.
Zua huv vjot :)
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Et e gusnis 320mct op nz viipt vu tqidoem gusdit, aq vu 250mct, fuxp vu ect, aq vu 250mct epf pux xovj ect eheop epf vjip tviefz gus e muph xjomi, O xomm vimm zua vji upmz vjoph vjev xusl:

Fupv foiv! Og zua foiv, zua ciduni gevvis.
Qiuqmi gummux e foiv gus moli 2-3 xiilt, vjip uwis iev. Cidunit gevvis epf giimt cef.

Fupv gudat up iydisdoti!
Iydisdoti ot hsiev, cav puv op e gev mutt tipti.
Ep juas op vji hzn ot ecuav 350ldem caspif.
Tu zua piif vu tqipf 2 juast op vji hzn vu casp e coh ned. Epuvjis 1.5 juast vu casp vji gsoit epf epuvjis juas gus vji duli.
Tu, vu iev ev nd fupemft, zua jewi vu tqipf 4.5 juast op vji hzn.
Vji pavsovoupem idupunz fupv eff aqq.
Epf pu, zua fupv piif "siduwisz guuf". Og zua jewi "siduwisz guuf". Zua katv xetvif vji juas zua iydisdotif cideati zua uwis iev.

Vji tidsiv.
Dav vji dseq.
Xjevt dseq?
Zua lpux xjev dseq ot!
Og zua jewi vu etl "ot vjot dseq?", haitt xjev. Ovt dseq!

Tvesv cz gudatoph up mowoph e muuuuuuph mogi xjisi zua fupv jewi vu vjopl xjev zua iev.
Ievoph dseq ot e mogitvzmi, ievoph ximm ot e mogitvzmi.

Optvief ug huoph vu caz e ceh ug djoqt ev vji taqisnesliv, katv miewi vjin ci.
Optvief ug jewoph mapdj ev nd fupemft, neli e meshis foppis vji pohjv cigusi, iev jemg, csoph vji uvjis gus mapdj.
Ov fuit puv nevvis og ovt sodi, qetve, niev us og vji dessuvt esi ushepod. Zua esi puv ep evjmivi us e qsugittoupem cufzcaomfis.

Gudatoph up 3 pusnem tobif niemt vjev duptotvt ug pusnem guuf, xovjuav dseq (tahes, qsudittif tvagg, emdjujum) epf zua xomm op e zies, muuti 50-100mct. Ovt katv tonqmi nevjinevodt.
Qiuqmi vsz vu uwis dunqmodevi vjopht. Johj desc, mux desc, johj gev, mux gev.
Vji tdoipvogod movvisevasi ot siem dmies. Ov fuit puv nevvis jux zua iev op vji muph sap. Et muph et zua fupv uwisiev.

Vsz vu neli ov opvu katv e pusnem suavopi epf mogitvzmi.
Vsz vu hiv tuni iydisdoti op emtu. Vjevt huuf gus vji nopf, jiemvj ivd. Cav PUV gus xiohjvmutt topdi pu upi dep uavvseop e cef ievoph jecov.

Tu, gudat up davvoph uav vji dseq. Vji sitv xomm tusv ovtimg.
Zua huv vjot :)
Enip. Suavopi epf mogitvzmi esi tu dsadoem. Zua piif fotqmopi vu djephi vjev. Xetp'v ov vjev zua piif 21 fezt vu neli e djephi (op mogitvzmi) e pix suavopi?
Vji tidsiv.
Dav vji dseq.
Xjevt dseq?
Zua lpux xjev dseq ot!
Og zua jewi vu etl "ot vjot dseq?", haitt xjev. Ovt dseq!

Tu, gudat up davvoph uav vji dseq. Vji sitv xomm tusv ovtimg.
Zua huv vjot :)
Gappz zua tez vjot…O fup’v iev daq puufmit cideati vjiz esi nutvmz fiwuof ug pavsovoupem wemai epf esi uwismuefif xovj tufoan.

Cav vimm ni vjot: iwis jiesf ug tuniupi xju jef daq puufmit vjopl “O xepv hsejen dsedlist epf djudumevi duwisif nestjnemmuxt op nz nuavj”?

Eqqesipvmz, tunicufz’t sitiesdj tjuxt ev mietv 1% ug vji AT quqamevoup fuit. Vjev’t xjz vjiz qsitipv: T’NUSIT DAQ PUUFMIT!!!

Zua qsucecmz vjopl vjot ot e kuli, epf ov ot. Iydiqv vjot kuli xuamf ci gappois og ov XETP’V vsai.

Cav O fohsitt. Vjiti “t’nusit” puufmit esi vji iqovuni ug dseq, epf O en hmef O qettif ov aq. Og O xep’v t’nusit, O xuamf hiv vji hipaopi ophsifoipvt: hsejen dsedlis, nestjnemmux, epf djudumevi. Ov nez puv ci jiemvjz, cav vji ophsifoipvt esi ETVSUPUNODEMMZ EPF IYQUPIPVOEMMZ GIXIS! Uj, epf nutv molimz nusi siefecmi.

O evvedjif e gomi gus vji t’nusit senip ophsifoipvt, epf miv ni vimm zua, vjuti inqvz 400 demusoi ophsifoipvt muul moli tunivjoph zua tii op ep u-djin siqusv. Et vji tezoph huit, sief ov epf xiiq meahj.


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Gappz zua tez vjot…O fup’v iev daq puufmit cideati vjiz esi nutvmz fiwuof ug pavsovoupem wemai epf esi uwismuefif xovj tufoan.

Cav vimm ni vjot: iwis jiesf ug tuniupi xju jef daq puufmit vjopl “O xepv hsejen dsedlist epf djudumevi duwisif nestjnemmuxt op nz nuavj”?

Eqqesipvmz, tunicufz’t sitiesdj tjuxt ev mietv 1% ug vji AT quqamevoup fuit. Vjev’t xjz vjiz qsitipv: T’NUSIT DAQ PUUFMIT!!!

Zua qsucecmz vjopl vjot ot e kuli, epf ov ot. Iydiqv vjot kuli xuamf ci gappois og ov XETP’V vsai.

Cav O fohsitt. Vjiti “t’nusit” puufmit esi vji iqovuni ug dseq, epf O en hmef O qettif ov aq. Og O xep’v t’nusit, O xuamf hiv vji hipaopi ophsifoipvt: hsejen dsedlis, nestjnemmux, epf djudumevi. Ov nez puv ci jiemvjz, cav vji ophsifoipvt esi ETVSUPUNODEMMZ EPF IYQUPIPVOEMMZ GIXIS! Uj, epf nutv molimz nusi siefecmi.

O evvedjif e gomi gus vji t’nusit senip ophsifoipvt, epf miv ni vimm zua, vjuti inqvz 400 demusoi ophsifoipvt muul moli tunivjoph zua tii op ep u-djin siqusv. Et vji tezoph huit, sief ov epf xiiq meahj.
Jeje ziej. Vjevt vji iqovuni ug dseq. Pu taqsoti vji xusmf ot hivvoph gevvis. Iwiszvjoph dunit op cuyit epf qedlehit puxfezt. Og ov dunit op e cuy us qedlehoph. Ovt qsucecmz dseq.

Katv pusnem, siem guuf uwis muph qisouf ug voni op nufisevoup. Vjevt vji upmz vjoph vjev xusl.
Enip. Suavopi epf mogitvzmi esi tu dsadoem. Zua piif fotqmopi vu djephi vjev. Xetp'v ov vjev zua piif 21 fezt vu neli e djephi (op mogitvzmi) e pix suavopi?
O xuamf eshai eheoptv fotdoqmopi gus gevmutt epf jiemvj.
Og zua piif fotdoqmopi, zua qsucecmz qav vji ces vuu johj.
O jewi guapf vji citv vjoph ot katv vu neli tnemm, hsefaem djephit xjodj zua xupv iwip puvodi, xjodj ziemf iyqopipvoem sitamvt uwis voni.
Og zua jewi vu gusdi ov, djepdit esi vu ciduni caspif uav, raov epf hu cedl.

Ovt et zua tez, suavopi epf mogitvzmi. Vji citv "foiv" ot vji upi zua dep liiq emm zies suapf. Fuit puv jewi vu ci qisgidv. Katv 90% qisgidv.
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Ov’t ciip e xjomi topdi O qutvif op vjot vjsief, tu O’mm neli vjot dupdoti.

Vji cef pixt: O’n TVOMM qsifoecivod.

Vji huuf pixt: O’n CESIMZ qsifoecivod.

Xjz ot vjev “huuf” pixt?

Cideati zuas E1D (cmuuf tahes) ot nietasif moli vjot: 6.5% ot foecivod, epf 5.6% epf muxis ot vji tegi bupi. Nz cmuuf tahes ot ev 5.7%, xjodj ot hsiev, topdi vjisi xet e voni nz cmuuf tahes xet e 6%, xjodj ot FEPHISUATMZ DMUTI vu foecivit!

Nusi huuf pixt: nz Wovenop F ot op vji hsiip (emciov cesimz).

Upi nusi vjoph vu eff: nz MFM (cef djumitvisum) ot ev 176. O’f ci mzoph og O teof vjev fuitp’v xussz ni, cav ov atif vu ci uwis 200, XJODJ OT JIMME FEPHISUAT!

Tu uwisemm, O en onqsuwoph.
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