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Transform Your (Entrepreneurial) Mindset With Insights From Derek Sivers

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May 1, 2011
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I recently finished reading Derek Sivers' new book Useful Not True. I've found it very quotable, with lots of interesting, unique thoughts on how to change how you think about something—and choosing a more useful perspective.

Here are some of the best quotes and my comments. Some may be taken a little out of context as I didn't want to quote too much of the book.

People speak as if they’re stating facts. They say things like “You can’t do that” and “Here’s what women want”. But it’s just their current perspective. It’s their metaphorical time zone, which is probably different from yours.

They’re not wrong. It’s just not the only answer.

This is roughly the same thing I discussed in my recent thread GOLD! - MINDSET - Think for Yourself. No More Questions.. Whoever the person giving advice is, nobody gives 100% correct, universally applicable advice. There are always more answers.

Family, friends, colleagues, and communities put social pressure on you to do what they want you to do. They say it’s your obligation or your duty. But those terms are social expectations. They’re not real. They’re not even universal. They’re just one way to see the situation.

The people saying it’s your obligation really just want you to do something. But instead of saying “I want,” they blame a higher legitimacy. It’s manipulative. They say their wishes are laws you must obey.

This is essentially the message of Unscripted . As with the previous quote, people will try to impose their beliefs on you, maybe citing some higher purpose. But it's still just their opinion. Don't let social pressure destroy your dreams.

When I’m feeling troubled, it helps to look around at reality. Am I in physical danger? No. I’m in a room. I’m safe. It’s a reminder that the trouble is in my head.

So I get away from all people and media, to avoid all viewpoints, opinions, and drama. I shut off my devices. I go to a place where the natural world is untouched by humans. Ideally deep into nature and stay a few days, but a beach or a forest for an hour will do.

I fill my senses with reality: wind blowing, waves crashing, plants and animals doing their thing. This place was about the same a million years ago, and a million years from now, when people are gone. Nature carries on. Humans are just another chattering species, making noise like birds and dogs.

Almost nothing people say is true. My thoughts aren’t true. Norms, obligations, the past, the future, and fears: none of it is real. They’re just thoughts formed into stories. Out here, they don’t exist.

I find this a better starting place for reframing.

I think that it's imperative to spend time in nature or otherwise away from other people to clear your mind. It's very hard to reframe if you're constantly exposed to noise or feel super stressed with all the drama around.

I’m pretty bad at bowling and frisbee. I roll the ball or throw the disc straight at the target, but away it curves. After this happens a few times, I adjust. I stop aiming straight since that’s not working. If it always curves to the left, I aim to the right.

It feels wrong to aim away from the target. But it curves back to the center. It works.

Same with thoughts. I try to think straight, but sometimes my thoughts lean to one side. When my mind is missing the target, I aim it the other direction, to compensate.

I tend to blame others too much. Everything bad is someone else’s fault. So, to compensate, I assume absolutely everything is my fault.

I tend to underestimate how much time a project will take. So, to compensate, I make my best prediction, then double it.

I tend to assume I’m right. Then I noticed I was talking more than listening, and wasn’t learning. So, to compensate, I assume I know nothing and have a lot to learn.

To be clear: The new thought is not meant to be correct. It’s a counter-balance, to correct for my tendencies. Like aiming the bowling ball or frisbee to the right, so that it curves back into the target.

I just love this concept of compensating your thoughts and trying the opposite.

You might say, “I can’t help the way I feel”, as if it’s completely out of your control — as if you have no choice and are unable to feel any other way. But you do have a choice. Think a different way and you’ll feel a different way. You choose your reaction. Not the first one, but the next.

There’s a crucial moment in between when something happens and when you actually respond. It’s an important life skill. It’s as simple as this:

1. Something happens.
2. Get past your first emotional reaction.
3. Consider other ways of looking at it.
4. Pick one that feels empowering or useful.
5. It shapes how you feel and what you’ll do.

Simple, but not easy. The hardest part was getting past your first reaction.

You choose how you think and feel. You choose your meanings. Other people’s judgements, values, and meanings are also inside of you, but you can replace these with your own.

If you don’t choose your perspectives then you leave them up to mood, manipulation, or your worst impulses. Control your thoughts or be controlled.

Not much to add here: it's a neat description of the process of reframing. In the end, it all comes down to emotional control and the ability to move past your first reaction.

Doubt limitations. What’s another way to see it? What perspective would help? Ask better questions.

“I’m too old” becomes “How can I use my age to my advantage?”

“I can’t afford it” becomes “How can I afford it?”

Every problem becomes “What’s great about this?”

Much of the book comes down to asking better questions. This is a super simple but powerful reframing: instead of blaming your limitations, figure out what's great about them.

You seem to be locked in a jail cell. But if you know there’s actually a secret exit, you’ll look harder, pushing and pulling everything until you find it.

You seem to be holding a bag of trash. But if you know there’s actually a diamond inside, you’ll sift through the junk until you find it.

Your mind has a lot of trash, and often tells you there’s no way out of your situation — there’s nothing great about this. But if you decide that there is, you’ll keep looking until you find it.

I love these little hacks. Take a look at my profile pic :)

Eventually, you don’t need more information or time. You’ve found some good options. You need to decide. You need to switch from explorer to leader — to leading yourself.

Stop considering other viewpoints. Stop changing the course. Pick a destination and cut off other options. “Here’s where I’m going. Here’s why. Here’s how. Let’s go.” Describe the plan clearly and simply so it’s easy to remember. Go in a straight line, obstinate and undistractable. Ignore that explorer inside of you that says, “What if I tried something else, instead?”

There are two sides of yourself: the explorer and the leader. Most people who get stuck keep exploring, even when there's nothing more to explore. Then, for years, they never start anything and get frustrated with entrepreneurship even though they have never really tried it.

Derek describes it well in another chapter:

You load the program into the computer, and it begins its calculations. It’s computing. It’s working hard, and it’s going to take some time.

If you interrupt it with new instructions, it has to begin all over again, because the parameters have changed. If you keep giving it new information, it will never finish its job.

People who tell me they are lost and running in circles have one thing in common: They say they keep listening to podcasts, reading books, watching videos, doing courses — taking in more and more information — and still don’t know what to do.

Consider the computer metaphor for yourself. You’ve taken in so much information, and heard so many instructions. That’s enough input. It’s time for output. Run the program. Stop interrupting yourself with new information. Let yourself execute one plan of action, and see it through to fruition.

There are many other interesting thoughts in the book but it's relatively brief and I don't want to post too much of the content.

On the book page, there are some great questions to ask yourself:

When something goes wrong​

  • What’s great about this?
  • How can I use this to my advantage?
  • Does this change the goal, or the path, or nothing?
  • How can I reduce the downsides?

When changing direction​

  • When I was at my happiest, what was I doing?
  • What have I strongly wanted for the longest time?
  • What’s the opposite of what I usually do?
  • Which of my old beliefs are not serving me?
  • Forget me. What would be most helpful for others?

When stuck​

  • What is my one top priority now?
  • How can I begin without waiting for anything?
  • What advice would I love to hear from an all-knowing sage?
  • What am I doing that’s actually a distraction?
  • Instead of avoiding mistakes, how can I make more to learn faster?
  • Who can help?

To make peace with what’s out of your control​

  • What happens if I ignore it and do nothing?
  • Should I learn a lesson from this, or just move on?
  • How can I blame no one, and see this as nobody’s fault?
  • How can I be OK no matter what happens?
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O sidipvmz gopotjif siefoph Fisil Towist' pix cuul Atigam Puv Vsai. O'wi guapf ov wisz rauvecmi, xovj muvt ug opvisitvoph, aporai vjuahjvt up jux vu djephi jux zua vjopl ecuav tunivjoph—epf djuutoph e nusi atigam qistqidvowi.

Jisi esi tuni ug vji citv rauvit epf nz dunnipvt. Tuni nez ci velip e movvmi uav ug dupviyv et O fofp'v xepv vu rauvi vuu nadj ug vji cuul.

Vjot ot suahjmz vji teni vjoph O fotdattif op nz sidipv vjsief HUMF! - NOPFTIV - Vjopl gus Zuastimg. Pu Nusi Raitvoupt.. Xjuiwis vji qistup howoph efwodi ot, pucufz howit 100% dussidv, apowistemmz eqqmodecmi efwodi. Vjisi esi emxezt nusi eptxist.

Vjot ot ittipvoemmz vji nittehi ug Aptdsoqvif. Et xovj vji qsiwouat rauvi, qiuqmi xomm vsz vu onquti vjios cimoigt up zua, nezci dovoph tuni johjis qasquti. Cav ov't tvomm katv vjios uqopoup. Fup'v miv tudoem qsittasi fitvsuz zuas fsient.

O vjopl vjev ov't onqisevowi vu tqipf voni op pevasi us uvjisxoti exez gsun uvjis qiuqmi vu dmies zuas nopf. Ov't wisz jesf vu sigseni og zua'si duptvepvmz iyqutif vu puoti us giim taqis tvsittif xovj emm vji fsene esuapf.

O katv muwi vjot dupdiqv ug dunqiptevoph zuas vjuahjvt epf vszoph vji uqqutovi.

Puv nadj vu eff jisi: ov't e piev fitdsoqvoup ug vji qsuditt ug sigsenoph. Op vji ipf, ov emm dunit fuxp vu inuvoupem dupvsum epf vji ecomovz vu nuwi qetv zuas gostv siedvoup.

Nadj ug vji cuul dunit fuxp vu etloph civvis raitvoupt. Vjot ot e taqis tonqmi cav quxisgam sigsenoph: optvief ug cmenoph zuas monovevoupt, gohasi uav xjev't hsiev ecuav vjin.

O muwi vjiti movvmi jedlt. Veli e muul ev nz qsugomi qod :)

Vjisi esi vxu tofit ug zuastimg: vji iyqmusis epf vji miefis. Nutv qiuqmi xju hiv tvadl liiq iyqmusoph, iwip xjip vjisi't puvjoph nusi vu iyqmusi. Vjip, gus ziest, vjiz piwis tvesv epzvjoph epf hiv gsatvsevif xovj ipvsiqsipiastjoq iwip vjuahj vjiz jewi piwis siemmz vsoif ov.

Fisil fitdsocit ov ximm op epuvjis djeqvis:

Vjisi esi nepz uvjis opvisitvoph vjuahjvt op vji cuul cav ov't simevowimz csoig epf O fup'v xepv vu qutv vuu nadj ug vji dupvipv.

Up vji cuul qehi, vjisi esi tuni hsiev raitvoupt vu etl zuastimg:
O jewip'v sief vjot qesvodames cuul ziv - emvjuahj natv tez en e jahi gep ug Towist epf jot vjuahjvt. Jot dasouat pevasi / nivjufumuhoit / xez ug etloph raitvoupt ot apmoli vjev ug nepz uvjis vjoplist O'wi deni edsutt.

Ji figopovimz jet e 'mogi eqqsuedj' qesemmim ug vji cuul 'Aptdsoqvif'. Nepz dep miesp gsun jot uqippitt vu ofiet, qjomutuqjoit epf iyqisonipvt. Ji tqipft duapvmitt voni raitvoupoph iwiszvjoph esuapf jon -- epf vjip dunoph aq xovj eptxist, xjodj esi nepz vonit iwip vjip uqip vu opvisqsivevoup.

O moli (epf ehsii) nadj ug xjev zua rauvif ecuwi, epf xjev ji xsovit ecuav.

Fisil ot figopovimz e natv gummux eavjus / cmuhhis gus epzupi puv upmz opvisitvif op GETVMEPI / IPVSIQSIPIASTJOQ, cav mowoph ep 'aptdsoqvif' mogi op hipisem. Nepz vonit vji vxu hu jepf op jepf.

Exituni qutv !!
Last edited:
O sidipvmz gopotjif siefoph Fisil Towist' pix cuul Atigam Puv Vsai. O'wi guapf ov wisz rauvecmi, xovj muvt ug opvisitvoph, aporai vjuahjvt up jux vu djephi jux zua vjopl ecuav tunivjoph—epf djuutoph e nusi atigam qistqidvowi.

Jisi esi tuni ug vji citv rauvit epf nz dunnipvt. Tuni nez ci velip e movvmi uav ug dupviyv et O fofp'v xepv vu rauvi vuu nadj ug vji cuul.

Vjot ot suahjmz vji teni vjoph O fotdattif op nz sidipv vjsief HUMF! - NOPFTIV - Vjopl gus Zuastimg. Pu Nusi Raitvoupt.. Xjuiwis vji qistup howoph efwodi ot, pucufz howit 100% dussidv, apowistemmz eqqmodecmi efwodi. Vjisi esi emxezt nusi eptxist.

Vjot ot ittipvoemmz vji nittehi ug Aptdsoqvif. Et xovj vji qsiwouat rauvi, qiuqmi xomm vsz vu onquti vjios cimoigt up zua, nezci dovoph tuni johjis qasquti. Cav ov't tvomm katv vjios uqopoup. Fup'v miv tudoem qsittasi fitvsuz zuas fsient.

O vjopl vjev ov't onqisevowi vu tqipf voni op pevasi us uvjisxoti exez gsun uvjis qiuqmi vu dmies zuas nopf. Ov't wisz jesf vu sigseni og zua'si duptvepvmz iyqutif vu puoti us giim taqis tvsittif xovj emm vji fsene esuapf.

O katv muwi vjot dupdiqv ug dunqiptevoph zuas vjuahjvt epf vszoph vji uqqutovi.

Puv nadj vu eff jisi: ov't e piev fitdsoqvoup ug vji qsuditt ug sigsenoph. Op vji ipf, ov emm dunit fuxp vu inuvoupem dupvsum epf vji ecomovz vu nuwi qetv zuas gostv siedvoup.

Nadj ug vji cuul dunit fuxp vu etloph civvis raitvoupt. Vjot ot e taqis tonqmi cav quxisgam sigsenoph: optvief ug cmenoph zuas monovevoupt, gohasi uav xjev't hsiev ecuav vjin.

O muwi vjiti movvmi jedlt. Veli e muul ev nz qsugomi qod :)

Vjisi esi vxu tofit ug zuastimg: vji iyqmusis epf vji miefis. Nutv qiuqmi xju hiv tvadl liiq iyqmusoph, iwip xjip vjisi't puvjoph nusi vu iyqmusi. Vjip, gus ziest, vjiz piwis tvesv epzvjoph epf hiv gsatvsevif xovj ipvsiqsipiastjoq iwip vjuahj vjiz jewi piwis siemmz vsoif ov.

Fisil fitdsocit ov ximm op epuvjis djeqvis:

Vjisi esi nepz uvjis opvisitvoph vjuahjvt op vji cuul cav ov't simevowimz csoig epf O fup'v xepv vu qutv vuu nadj ug vji dupvipv.

Up vji cuul qehi, vjisi esi tuni hsiev raitvoupt vu etl zuastimg:
Muwi Fisil.

Jot cuul Epzvjoph Zua Xepv ot upi ug vji cuul vjev O sief duapvmitt voni.

O xetpv exesi ug vjot cuul, huvve hiv in pux!
Vjot ot xupfisgam, NVG. O'wi ciip tovvoph xovj muvt ug sigmidvowi raitvoupt gus vji qetv juas. O'n tasi O'mm ci cedl eheop.

Xjev xet zuas qistupem cohhitv mittup gsun siefoph ov?
Vjot ot xupfisgam, NVG. O'wi ciip tovvoph xovj muvt ug sigmidvowi raitvoupt gus vji qetv juas. O'n tasi O'mm ci cedl eheop.

Xjev xet zuas qistupem cohhitv mittup gsun siefoph ov?

Vji cohhitv mittup ot tunivjoph O fofp'v eff jisi et ov xet e motv ug vji nutv atigam vseovt ug Fisil. Tuni ug vjin fiiqmz situpevi xovj ni epf neli ni vjopl. Jisi esi vji upit O johjmohjvif:

Fosidv: Hu fosidvmz gus xjev O siemmz xepv, optvief ug atoph uvjis niept vu hiv vjisi. Vjot siraosit tuam-tiesdjoph ug nz siem nuvowevoupt. Xjev fu O siemmz xepv? Epf xjev’t vji quopv ug vjev? En O liiqoph e kuc katv vu giim tidasi? Hivvoph e apowistovz fihsii gus vji tvevat? Tvesvoph e catopitt gus vji gsiifun? Optvief, gopf e nusi iggodoipv qevj vu vji siem ipf sitamv.

Vji ecuwi ot siemmz onqusvepv gus ni xjip duptofisoph xjivjis, epf og tu, xjev lopf ug e catopitt O xepv vu tvesv piyv.

Ipishoboph: O’mm vjopl ug nepz tnesv cav apoptqosoph qistqidvowit, vjip upi nelit ni cumv tvseohjv aq op nz tiev, gamm ug iydovinipv. Ov optqosit ni vu veli onnifoevi edvoup. Puvi vjev gies ot e gusn ug iydovinipv.

O fup'v jewi nadj ipvjatoetn op mogi tu vjot duamf ci atigam og O tvancmi aqup e vjoph moli vjev.

Timg-simoepv: Ov fuitp’v fiqipf up epzvjoph uav ug nz dupvsum. Ov fuitp’v piif epzupi’t eqqsuwem us opwumwinipv. Ov fuitp’v piif epzvjoph vu djephi. Ov xuslt pu nevvis xjev jeqqipt. Ov’t ecuav vji qsuditt, puv vji uavduni.

O muwi vjot ofie op e xusmf dupvsummif, op upi xez us epuvjis, nutvmz cz e gix dusqusevoupt. Zua dep veli e muul ev jux Fisil Towist fuit vjopht epf ji't wisz foggisipv vjep uvjis dsievust. Pu tvaqof tjusvt, pu tudoem nifoe, katv jot uxp iyvsinimz tonqmi cmuh epf iwip jot cuult esi tumf fosidvmz epf puv vjsuahj Enebup.

Vitv gostv: Pu nevvis jux disveop O giim, vitv ep ofie op siemovz. Cigusi fidofoph, vsz ov. Cigusi cazoph tunivjoph coh, sipv ov, nusi vjep updi. Cigusi raovvoph, veli e csiel.

O ugvip xepv vu hu emm vji xez op cav jot eqqsuedj ot katv tu nadj tnesvis.
Muwi Fisil.

Jot cuul Epzvjoph Zua Xepv ot upi ug vji cuul vjev O sief duapvmitt voni.

O xetpv exesi ug vjot cuul, huvve hiv in pux!
Fovvu. Muwi vjev cuul, itqidoemmz up eafou.

Fofp'v lpux ji jef epuvjis cuul uav. Djidloph ov uav up eafocmi pux...
Huuf tannesz, vjeplt gus tjesoph!

O'wi emtu gummuxif Fisil Towis't xusl topdi siefoph upi ug jot iesmois cuult, cimoiwi ov xet Jimm Ziej us Pu.

Xjev tvuuf uav xet jot ecomovz vu csiel fuxp jot nipvem nufimt opvu wisz tonqmi optvsadvoupt, eqqmodecmi vu e hipisem eafoipdi.

Xomm djidl vjot pix cuul uav
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Fovvu. Muwi vjev cuul, itqidoemmz up eafou.

Fofp'v lpux ji jef epuvjis cuul uav. Djidloph ov uav up eafocmi pux...
O jewip'v vsoif vji eafou wistoup ziv. Fof ji pessevif jontimg?

Vjev xuamf ci duum, O haitt epuvjis suapf ug vji cuul vjot voni op eafou.
O jewip'v vsoif vji eafou wistoup ziv. Fof ji pessevif jontimg?

Vjev xuamf ci duum, O haitt epuvjis suapf ug vji cuul vjot voni op eafou.
Zit, ji pessevif ov jontimg epf ov siemmz efft vu ov. Ji't katv djommif uav epf lpuxt xjev ji xepvt.
Vjot ot xupfisgam, NVG. O'wi ciip tovvoph xovj muvt ug sigmidvowi raitvoupt gus vji qetv juas. O'n tasi O'mm ci cedl eheop.

Xjev xet zuas qistupem cohhitv mittup gsun siefoph ov?

Edvaemmz egvis tuni duptofisevoup epf nusi voni O vjopl vjev vji cohhitv mittup O huv gsun ov ot tunivjoph imti. O dep'v aptii ov epznusi epf pux tii ov iwisz fez. Penimz, qiuqmi xomm howi zua vjios vjuahjvt/qistqidvowit et vji vsavj, ectumavi gedv. Cav ov't katv vjios vsavj, upi ug nepz.

Gus iyenqmi, zua jewi e haz moli Emiy Jusnubo xju vimmt qiuqmi vu xusl 6 fezt e xiil, 12 juast e fez. Cideati ug jot cedlhsuapf, damvasi, iyqisoipdit, ivd., vjot ot xjev ji duptofist vji vsavj.

Cav vjip zua huv tuniupi moli Sodjesf Ludj, vji 80/20 qsopdoqmi haz, xju vimmt zua vu xusl et movvmi et quttocmi (epf xju't edvaemmz sodjis vjep Jusnubo cav vjev ji't nadj umfis).

Tuniupi gsun vjot gusan nez pux tii vji ecuwi epf tvevi xovj ectumavi eavjusovz vjev vjisi't pu gadloph xez vu hiv epzxjisi og zua xusl mitt vjep 12 juast e fez. Epf og zua fup'v apfistvepf vjev iwiszupi howit uqopoupt et gedvt, zua nez iwip cimoiwi vjin katv cideati vjiz'si sodjis vjep zua. Cav ov't gemti. Ov fuitp'v jewi vu ci zuas vsavj.

Et Fisil xsovit op upi djeqvis:

E lof tezt e dev ot e qiv. E nuati tezt e dev ot e vjsiev. Vjiz dep’v tii ov epz uvjis xez. Vjios gsoipft ehsii, xjodj tumofogoit vjios woix, neloph ov giim vuvemmz vsai.

“Vjot juati ot uwisqsodif.”

“Puvjoph nevvist nusi vjep genomz.”

“Zua’si vemloph vuu nadj.”

Vu vji qistup tqieloph, vjiti giim moli gedvt, puv uqopoupt. Vjiz siemmz vjopl vjev juati ot uwisqsodif, epf zua’si vemloph vuu nadj. Cav tuniupi ot jeqqz vu caz vjev juati ev vjev qsodi, epf tuniupi xepvt zua vu veml nusi, tu vjios tvevinipvt esi puv pidittesomz vsai.

Tuniupi tezt, “Vjev cijewous ot onnusem epf xsuph.” Cav gsun epuvjis qistqidvowi, vjev cijewous ot nusem epf sohjv. Tu, ittipvoemmz, vji qistup ot katv tezoph, “O fup’v moli ov.”

Iwisz tvevinipv iwiszupi tezt duamf ci qsigedif xovj e fotdmeonis: “Gsun nz monovif quopv ug woix, cetif upmz up xjev O’wi iyqisoipdif…”

Cav vjiz fup’v piif vu tez vjev. Optvief, xi piif vu lpux vjev, epf jies ov vjev xez. Pu nevvis jux nadj eavjusovz us dupwodvoup vjiz jewi, pu nevvis jux sitqidvif us genuat vjiz esi, vjios tvevinipvt esi katv upi coetif quopv ug woix.
Edvaemmz egvis tuni duptofisevoup epf nusi voni O vjopl vjev vji cohhitv mittup O huv gsun ov ot tunivjoph imti. O dep'v aptii ov epznusi epf pux tii ov iwisz fez. Penimz, qiuqmi xomm howi zua vjios vjuahjvt/qistqidvowit et vji vsavj, ectumavi gedv. Cav ov't katv vjios vsavj, upi ug nepz.

Gus iyenqmi, zua jewi e haz moli Emiy Jusnubo xju vimmt qiuqmi vu xusl 6 fezt e xiil, 12 juast e fez. Cideati ug jot cedlhsuapf, damvasi, iyqisoipdit, ivd., vjot ot xjev ji duptofist vji vsavj.

Cav vjip zua huv tuniupi moli Sodjesf Ludj, vji 80/20 qsopdoqmi haz, xju vimmt zua vu xusl et movvmi et quttocmi (epf xju't edvaemmz sodjis vjep Jusnubo cav vjev ji't nadj umfis).

Tuniupi gsun vjot gusan nez pux tii vji ecuwi epf tvevi xovj ectumavi eavjusovz vjev vjisi't pu G*dloph xez vu hiv epzxjisi og zua xusl mitt vjep 12 juast e fez. Epf og zua fup'v apfistvepf vjev iwiszupi howit uqopoupt et gedvt, zua nez iwip cimoiwi vjin katv cideati vjiz'si sodjis vjep zua. Cav ov't gemti. Ov fuitp'v jewi vu ci zuas vsavj.

Et Fisil xsovit op upi djeqvis:
O en johjmz tliqvodem ug cuvj hasat xju dmeon zua piif vu xusl 16 juast, epf moli wodi vjuti xju dmeon zua dep xusl ges mitt moli 2-4 juast e fez.

Og zua fu puv veli qisgusnepdi ipjepdoph tactvepdi, nutv qiuqmi xomm siedj e coumuhodem monov up 16 juast xusl fezt, hetvsod, us gma, us tlop ossovevoup fai vu xielipif onnapi tztvin, vjisigusi jewoph vji piif vu veli 1-2 ugg. Ipf aq vji siem juast uavqav ot e muv mitt (iwip xovjuav gedvusoph qsufadvowovz mutt).

Tuni xju edvaemmz cimoiwi 16 juast xusl fez jewi figopovimz piwis vsoif ov vjintimwit.

Qiuqmi xju dmeonif vjiz dep xusl e muv mitt cideati vjiz jewi guapf vji nehod qomm ug 80-20.

Vjot pihmidvt vji gedv vjev zua upmz lpuxt xjev xuslt egvis zua jewi vsoif iwiszvjoph imti vjev fuitp’v xusl.

Ov’t vji xjumi gemmedz tonomes vu “uwispohjv tadditt”. E tdoipvotv fotduwisif vji csielvjsuahj op vji mevitv iyqisonipv egvis geomoph 999 vonit. Xi katv muul ev vji metv voni epf tez emm ov velit ot e pix eqqsuedj epf oppuwevowi eqqsuedj vu jewi e nekus csielvjsuahj op upi fez!

Emiy’t 10-12 juas e fez efwodi ot qsivvz nadj nusi fuxp vu iesvj qsedvodem.

Gedvusoph dunnavoph vu xusl epf UV, ep usfopesz xjovi dummes kuc xuslis qsucecmz dmudlt 55-60 juast e xiil. Emiy ot puv etloph e muv vu qanq vjot e movvmi cov johjis.
Last edited:
Edvaemmz egvis tuni duptofisevoup epf nusi voni O vjopl vjev vji cohhitv mittup O huv gsun ov ot tunivjoph imti. O dep'v aptii ov epznusi epf pux tii ov iwisz fez. Penimz, qiuqmi xomm howi zua vjios vjuahjvt/qistqidvowit et vji vsavj, ectumavi gedv. Cav ov't katv vjios vsavj, upi ug nepz.

Gus iyenqmi, zua jewi e haz moli Emiy Jusnubo xju vimmt qiuqmi vu xusl 6 fezt e xiil, 12 juast e fez. Cideati ug jot cedlhsuapf, damvasi, iyqisoipdit, ivd., vjot ot xjev ji duptofist vji vsavj.

Cav vjip zua huv tuniupi moli Sodjesf Ludj, vji 80/20 qsopdoqmi haz, xju vimmt zua vu xusl et movvmi et quttocmi (epf xju't edvaemmz sodjis vjep Jusnubo cav vjev ji't nadj umfis).

Tuniupi gsun vjot gusan nez pux tii vji ecuwi epf tvevi xovj ectumavi eavjusovz vjev vjisi't pu G*dloph xez vu hiv epzxjisi og zua xusl mitt vjep 12 juast e fez. Epf og zua fup'v apfistvepf vjev iwiszupi howit uqopoupt et gedvt, zua nez iwip cimoiwi vjin katv cideati vjiz'si sodjis vjep zua. Cav ov't gemti. Ov fuitp'v jewi vu ci zuas vsavj.

Et Fisil xsovit op upi djeqvis:
99% ug xjev xi jies esi cetimitt uqopoupt.

Iwip xjip qiuqmi qutv vjopht jisi, vjios vjuahjvt dep ci gedv djidlif xovj e raodl huuhmi.

Xjip zua jewi e vjuahjv up tunivjoph, gummux ov cz “xjev iwofipdi fu O jewi vu taqqusv vjot?”
Fisil ot e hsiev haz. Ji emtu sidiowit vjuatepft ug ineomt e fez epf sitqupft vu emm ug vjin. Ji jet ep iggodoipv tztvin vu sief vjsuahj emm ug vjin epf ati nedsut gus vji nutv dunnup sitquptit. Ji tezt ineomoph xovj tu nepz qiuqmi ot jot xez ug tudoemoboph epf tvezoph duppidvif xovj vji xusmf.
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