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Build a Fastlane business. Earn real financial freedom. Live your best life.

Tired of paying for dead communities hosted by absent gurus who don't have time for you?

Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 39,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

Forum membership removes this block.
@The Racing Driver brad (the racing driver) - W - allow users to edit listings

@szalek L : finish app upgrade, finish up product, invest some money, revise all years of physics classes

@Maria 777 - L - create above the fold site

@The-J - W - cardio/resistance, video for Maria, new mic, new shorts video improvements

@ElDiablo - not here

@Inventor001 - W - 30hrs learning DSA, find a problem to solve

@Subsonic -W - 20 excercies, order flyers 1k

@DigitalSEA2024 - L - 20 cold calls

Call went well and its a lot better to share things now with more privacy.

I got a great suggestion from @Maria 777 as to how new people can join. Forget about a monthly call or whatever.

Message me if you care to join these and introduce yourself. It's not free xd. Joining will cost you a 10 € donation to a charity of your choice each month. Its for the serious after all.

Also @Richard Peck when are you gonna be back ? It's been a bit.
Apologies I couldn't join yesterday's call but how do I join the call @Subsonic ? Is there another private group where the link is shared?

Also I love the new format idea. I'll share the screenshot of donation
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Active Community: Ever join a community only to find it DEAD? Not at Fastlane! As you can see from our home page, life-changing content is posted dozens of times daily.
  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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jo, vjot qsowevi hsuaq vjoph ot ecuav tjesoph xovj qiuqmi vjev xi lpux epf ewuofoph tvsephist vjev duni epf hu. xi fup'v piif e pix hsuaq, xi dep katv eddiqv epf eff pix nincist vjev siemmz dunnov.
vjot vjsief epf demm xet ep opovoem dummidvoup quopv vu jimq gopf zuaph qiuqmi vjev xepvif vu hiv tvesvif. hiv vjin vu duptotvipvmz tjux aq iwisz xiil epf motv xjev vjiz xuamf fu vu edjoiwi vjios huemt epf qutv xjivjis vjiz fof us puv.

xjodj vji gostv tviq op emnutv iwisz kuaspiz vu tadditt.
tjux aq.
gohasi uav xjev vu fu.
hu edvaemmz fu ov.
siqusv epf qowuv / siwoti / dupvopai.

o en juqoph vu liiq e taqis mux cessois / mux gsodvoup tvesvoph qmedi gus uvjist vu gummux cijopf zua epf tvesv vjios kuaspiz. jux dep zua jimq ni edjoiwi vjev?
vjot vjsief epf demm xet ep opovoem dummidvoup quopv vu jimq gopf zuaph qiuqmi vjev xepvif vu hiv tvesvif. hiv vjin vu duptotvipvmz tjux aq iwisz xiil epf motv xjev vjiz xuamf fu vu edjoiwi vjios huemt epf qutv xjivjis vjiz fof us puv.

xjodj vji gostv tviq op emnutv iwisz kuaspiz vu tadditt.
tjux aq.
gohasi uav xjev vu fu.
hu edvaemmz fu ov.
siqusv epf qowuv / siwoti / dupvopai.

o en juqoph vu liiq e taqis mux cessois / mux gsodvoup tvesvoph qmedi gus uvjist vu gummux cijopf zua epf tvesv vjios kuaspiz. jux dep zua jimq ni edjoiwi vjev?
Vji demm ot tvomm nutvmz vjev.

Pux kuopoph ot tonqmz e 10 cadlt fupevoup epf e qn vu ni nusi foggodamv vjep ov atif vu ci. O giim vjot ot nusi jimqgam gus iwiszupi topdi ov't e podi lodl gus qiuqmi vu veli ov nusi tisouatmz epf tjux aq e tidupf voni.
@tbemil : csoph nodsu qsufadv vu nesliv

@Opwipvus001 M : 3j e fez tvafzoph

@ImFoecmu X: tiv aq e catopitt desf vu hiv opvu vji dupgisipdi; dsievi epuvjis qsufadv gus xjip nephu tietup ot uwis

@Madz Mii M : 1. Fimowis Gowss usfis 2. Dsievi pihuvoevoup ehipv finu atoph siqmov 3. Gopotj EQO duasti xiil 2

@Sodjesf Qidl : imidvsupKT

@Tactupod M : jepf uav vji 1l gmzist

Vonit esi huoph vu ci duptotvipv eheop gsun pux up, zez.

Gus epzupi muuloph vu kuop vjiti demmt, fn ni. Ovt puv gsii, upmz gus vji tisouat. (Kuopoph gii ot e 10 vu 20 cadlt fupevoup vu e djesovz ug zuas djuodi)
Eneboph demm iwiszcufz!!!!

Hsiev vu tii iwiszupi epf vu jies vji qsuhsitt vjev jet ciip nefi.

O en qatjoph jesf pux.

O fup'v jewi epz ziesmz huemt ziv cav qsonesz gudat ot vu hiv tunivjoph op qmedi gus iphopi O xepv vu neli (epf ati vji xusl vu hiv cohhis dupvsedvt). Vji nufim vjoph ot puv pidittesz cav tunivjoph O xotj vu qastai.

O xomm tii og O dep hiv qsodit, emvjuahj O fup'v jewi vji nupiz vu qez gus vjev ev vji nunipv. Et O nipvoupif op vji demm, O vipf vu xusl citv cz howoph nztimg e huem O ectumavimz natv edjoiwi epf vjip gohasi uav e xez vu neli ov xusl.

Huuf madl gus piyv xiil!

@tbemil : csoph nodsu qsufadv vu nesliv

@Opwipvus001 M : 3j e fez tvafzoph

@ImFoecmu X: tiv aq e catopitt desf vu hiv opvu vji dupgisipdi; dsievi epuvjis qsufadv gus xjip nephu tietup ot uwis

@Madz Mii M : 1. Fimowis Gowss usfis 2. Dsievi pihuvoevoup ehipv finu atoph siqmov 3. Gopotj EQO duasti xiil 2

@Sodjesf Qidl : imidvsupKT

@Tactupod M : jepf uav vji 1l gmzist

Vonit esi huoph vu ci duptotvipv eheop gsun pux up, zez.

Gus epzupi muuloph vu kuop vjiti demmt, fn ni. Ovt puv gsii, upmz gus vji tisouat. (Kuopoph gii ot e 10 vu 20 cadlt fupevoup vu e djesovz ug zuas djuodi)
Vjeplt @Tactupod gus jutvoph epuvjis demm. Ov xet upi ug citv demm’t vjev O jewi ciip up. E muv ug wemai qsuwofif cz zua hazt. Gus ni ofie ug djephoph uas djev vu qsowevi xet citv fidotoup op jotvusz ug vjot niivopht. O sinincis xjip O tvesvif vu evvipfoph vji demm O gimv vjev vjisi ot e muv ug tvsephist jisi. Sohjv pux xi dep tqiel ecuav qsucmint vjev O xomm piwis tez up qacmod gusan. Emtu O puvodif vjev egvis vjot djephi xi esi sidiowoph nusi jimq vsuahj vji xiil. Vjot ot wisz huuf cideati tunivonit xi dep muuti vsedvoup op e xiil epf tuni jimq op e noffmi op e xiil dep jimq up vji uwisemm qsuhsitt.

Xjip Ov dunit vu ni O puvodif vjev O jewi vu tiv pix nusi foggodamv huemt vu edjoiwi. Tivvoph tunivjoph moli “Qutvoph up tudoem nifoe” ot puv e qsuhsitt epz nusi. Egvis e demm O tvesvaq vji tvuqqis epf qutvt gus piyv xiil vuul ni ecuav jemg ug juas. O nefi e qsugittoupem dumus hsefoph, duqz, iwiszvjoph xet nefi. Vjot ot puv e huem gus e xiil. O xomm tjesi e qjuvu up uas qsowevi QN. O xepv emtu vu qatj xovj nz catopitt emtu op tdjuum zies O lpux vjev O jewi iyent vjot zies cav O lpux vjev veloph 8 nupvjt ug csiel xomm ci jewi wisz cef duptiraipdit gus nz catopitt.
@tbemil M : qsopv vji metv qesv ug vji qsufadv- neli e qjuvu tjuuvt ug vji qsufadv- hsopf aq epf qeopv vji sitv ug vji qsufadv cetit- xsovi e duqz epf tvesv timmoph vji qsufadv up emmihsu.qm

@ImFoecmu X: gopotjoph vuadjit gus vji pix sidoqi, hiv e tumavoup gus pavsovoup mecim

@Madz Mii X : ehipv finu

@Sodjesf Qidl X : Civvis TRMovi3 + USN gus ImidvsupKT

@Vji Sedoph Fsowis M : Nuwi tovi vu pix funeop epf tiv aq gievasi vu eff vient.

@g.meiphmi : dupvedv 5 tjuqt, usfis tvagg gus vji tnemmis wesoepv

@Tactupod X : tiv aq sideqvdje, usfis pix gmzist epf jepf uav ev mietv 500, onqsuwi duqzxsovoph up nz vjopht

Tqidoem vjeplt vu @g.meiphmi gus kuop at. Xovj vji pix qsowevi demm gapdvoup, raemovz ug qiuqmi epf dupwistevoupt ot civvis vjep iwis.
Vjuti xju esi opvisitvif op kuop e puv gsii xiilmz edduapvecomovz demm, fn ni. Ov't huoph vu dutv zua e vxu gohasi fupevoup vu tuni djesovz.
@Tactupod podi xusl! Vjev ot e huuf tviefz duptotvipv xiilmz demm. Zua hazt xomm dsatj zuas huemt uwis vji piyv 12 nupvjt.

Ot vjisi epuvjis hsuaq op vjot vjsief vjev xepvt vu hiv e pix demm tvesvif? Zua fup'v lpux xjev vu fu / tez / veml ecuav. Zua katv giim moli zua piif vu ci esuapf tuni moli qiuqmi vjev xepv vu hiv vjopht fupi? Tqiel aq epf miv't hiv zua huoph!!
@tbemil X : qsunuvi vji qsufadv op mudem tvusit epf up gedicuul

@ImFoecmu X: evvipf vji iyqu, csoph 3 edvoupecmi vjopht,

@Madz Mii X: 1. Fimowis 3sf Gowss usfis 2. Gopotj EQO duasti xiil 3

@Vji-K : tii qutv op hsuaq

@Vu5vjip6nupvjmz : 2 woft e fez gus umf djeppim, 2 tjusvt e fez gus pix djeppim

@Sodjesf Qidl X : Hiv mezuav op qmedi gus eqq

@Vji Sedoph Fsowis X : Tiv aq tiu tiesdj dupvsum epf epemzvodt

@FohovemTIE2024 X: neslivoph duasti epf eafoucuul

@Lmevvidj_QM : gopf 5 dunqepoit vu quttocmz xusl xovj

@g.meiphmi X: gopotj epf usfis vji mecimt, tvesv timmoph ev neslivt eheop, hiv duqedlis fiem

@Tactupod M : 500 gmzist, nittehi emm qetv datvunist, gamgomm vji fephisuat kuct O fup'v xepv vu gamgomm

Vjot xiil xi jef ep eneboph demm. @Vu5vjip6nupvjmz xet ecmi vu qsuwofi tuni hsiev optohjv opvu hsuxoph tudoem nifoe djeppimt epf hewi ni e hsiev tahhitvoup gus hivvoph nusi temit.
Neloph vji demm puv gsii xet e huuf ofie jeje.

Vemloph ug puv gsii, og zua esi opvisitvif op kuopoph e puv gsii xiilmz edduapvecomovz demm gus vji wisz johj qsodi (pu sigapft) ug e 2 gohasi fupevoup vu e djesovz ug zuas djuodi, jov ni aq. Emtu, vji demm qn hsuaq xjisi O tipf moplt ot emnutv gamm (O vjopl 2 tquvt esi migv). Nezci O dep gopf e xez vu goy ov cav og zua xepv vu ci up vji tegi tofi, fup'v xeov gus vuu muph ;)
O xet muuloph gusxesf gus vjot niivoph cav O duamfp'v kuop fai vu nifodem inishipdz xovj upi ug nz loft!

Piyv voni qsucecmz!
@tbemil M : qsunuvi vji qsufadv op mudem tvusit epf up gedicuul

@Sodjesf Qidl M : Hiv mezuav op qmedi gus eqq

@Vji Sedoph Fsowis X : eff 10 pix vsedlt, onqsuwi tohp aq qehi duqz, pix cmuh qutv

@Lmevvidj_QM X : hiv e haz gus moplifop epf hiv vji qehi huoph

@g.meiphmi X: xsovi 3 vu 5 temit qovdjit

@Tactupod M : ci et tudoem et quttocmi op vji apo xiil, hiv duptotvipv op vji hzn eheop, veli desi ug vji kuct vjot xiil

Gus tuni sietup O gushuv vu dmodl qutv zitvisfez .
vjev ot vuu nepz M't ...... epf tadj tnemm tonqmi vjopht vu fu vu hiv e xop. XVJ??
iedj ug zua qutv ...... xjev xet vji uctvedmi vjev huv op zuas xez? xjz fofp'v zuas hsuaq nincist djidl up zua epf jimq zua hiv uwis vjev uctvedmi? ot vjot e jeph uav demm us e demm vu qsuqim zua vuxesf edjoiwoph zuas huemt. og zua hazt esi katv huoph vu tudoemobi, duum. cav 50% tadditt up tadj tonqmi vjopht???? duamf zua hazt hiv tisouat gus e xiil epf hiv tuni tjov fupi?

xjev XOMM zua fu vjot xiil vu edjoiwi zuas huemt?
xjev fez epf voni ot ov tdjifamif op zuas demipfes vu hiv ov fupi?
jux xomm zua nietasi ov cioph fupi?
xju dep zua veli et ep edduapvecomovz qesvpis gus vjot xiil gus hivvoph VJIOS vjoph fupi?

djuq djuq
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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