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  1. Tinker Explorer

    I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    There's controversy on this forum about balance, but spending time on research and education vs. action and planning your business is definitely a balancing act. It depends on what chunk of time you look at for the balancing, or reconciling. Are you looking at a balanced day, week, month...
  2. Tinker Explorer

    I keep poring money into my business but a year after business registration still no revenue from it. Can I have my expenses reimbursed?

    I don't know UK Tax law, but if you are a sole member LLC and didn't elect SCorp status, you are filing as an individual with a schedule C in the US, and you can take up to $5000 of startup costs as expenses, and $5000 organizational costs. If you spend more, you can still amortize costs over...
  3. Tinker Explorer

    I've Read UNSCRIPTED!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Yeah! Completed. I especially like the graphic representations of the ideas. Looking at a graphic can bring the whole concept and pieces together in one moment. I think I'll tack 'em all up on my wall. The subconscious operates through images. I've already used the CENTS parameters to...
  4. Tinker Explorer

    What's your Lambo? (What are you working for?)

    It's an interesting place to be in - to have only ourselves to think about and what we choose to do when we are not either taking care of others, wanting to be accepted by others, filling our time and busyness with trying to be in the 'in' crowd, or just doing what we are expected to do when in...
  5. Tinker Explorer

    5 Months passed and i did nothing.

    Your fastest path to cash is a service business - very little overhead or start-up. The teaching gig sounds perfect. From there, you can gain skills from building that business, and either scale or use the money to start a more preferrable product biz. Scaling a service business is more...
  6. Tinker Explorer

    Becoming an entrepreneur to protect H and J

    Thank you for sharing, and glad you felt safe enough to do so. That sounded intense, but it sounds like you are aware of your 'why' (H and J). And seems like you are on the right path for you. Be gentle with yourself, give yourself some space and time. Observe and be aware- your idea is...
  7. Tinker Explorer

    I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Just finished the audiobook - on a roadtrip from AZ to TN to OH. This was the first book of MJ's that I read, and I would love to read the others, but first plan on diving deep and actually doing the exercise of creating a planasy and determining my escape number. The real life scenario helped...
  8. Tinker Explorer

    I've failed at this for 9 years... what now?

    Sounds like you found a pain point. Now go out and tackle it.