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  1. M

    Cards Beyond Comfort Changed My Life!

    Hey guys, Just wanted to share a story about a product that has massively helped my mental health and motivation over the past few months and through the lockdowns. I was really struggling with my mental health earlier this year. I was becoming really depressed and anxious about a lot of...
  2. Marcobello

    Selling a 32K OF Pinterest Account

    Hi, buddies, I'm selling a Pinterest account with over 32K ORGANIC FOLLOWERS in the success/luxury/motivation niche. is this one here: pinterestdotcom/successluxe There are only a few simple steps to follow in order to make it yours, I'm asking for 1800. If you are interested, I'll send...
  3. Unknown M.F

    If You Don't Have All Day, You Have All Night.

    I think this is important for most entrepreneurs: If you can't perform your work during the day time, that doesn't make you lazy. You still have sunset to sunrise to perform same work.
  4. MaxT

    Self discipline

    Hi guys, I have been self-employed for a year now, and I asked myself: "do you ever fall for it, and stop working suddenly and start again the next day?" I am super motivated by my projects, and I know where I want to go, but sometimes I crack and then I regret it. I would like to be on top...
  5. CountMonteCristo

    The book that's changing my life (read if your life sucks)

    I want to recommend a book to my fellow wantrepreneurs which recently pulled me out of a very deep rut and is probably the most transformative book I've ever read. Eric Berne - What do you say after you say hello? Terrible title, terrific book. I read it in Hungarian and the translated title...
  6. KushShah9492

    Skills over passion?

    I've heard this advice at least a million times "FOLLOW YOUR PASSION" . While initially motivating, I found it highly deceiving and considered it as a diversion as to what I should actually be doing. It might hold it's own fan following, but following your passion is not always rewarding...
  7. Appdeveloper

    Motivate me..! I just can't do the work..!

    At this stage I am all set to start working, but I just can't seem to do the work. I actually even know what I have to do, how I have to do it , and why I must do it. But still I just can't start working on it..! I find ways and invent new things to waste time. I know the time is passing by...
  8. DarkWoods

    Interested in joining a mastermind?

    Hi everyone. I would like to create a mastermind and connect with a few of you on a regular basis. Since I don't have a job anymore, I have plenty of time to focus on my goals (health, starting a business, investing in the stock market to name a few). I live near Montreal, eastern time zone...
  9. AlexAlecu

    Idea - Motivate entrepreneurs through browser start page

    Hello hello I’m having this idea for a while... of building a browser start page for entrepreneurs. Why? Because entrepreneurship, as we all know, is hard enough and we need all the help we can get. Being one myself I get energised to continue implementing / selling / going through tough...
  10. SturdySteel

    1 Year On - From Depression To Enjoying Life & Improving. (Thank you all on this Forum)

    Long Time, No See! It's been a year since I posted my first piece on this forum; that being my introduction of course. To sum it up, I had discovered the fastlane and that provided the impetus for me to improve and escape any potential slaving off at a 9-5 future me could find himself trapped...
  11. Mkandre

    A Hungry Shark from Beautiful Brazil

    It all started when I was in New Zealand. Back in 2018, I was 16 and I was studying in New Zealand. I did the first year of my high school there and it was amazing. I got to meet a German friend and he made such an impact on my way of seeing the world. I was already interested in Digital...
  12. drum_hacker

    My first book is #3 on Amazon's 'Hot new reads' list

    Hey all! Hope everyone is having an awesome day! I haven't posted in a while, which I feel terrible about, however, it's not because I'm living scripted, quite the opposite... Since my last post, as well as setting up 2 new co's, I have self published, and bootstrapped my first ever book! In...
  13. TookAction

    Mastermind group?

    It seems a lot of entrepreneurs I respect either have a 'mastermind' group or an informal circle of peers that gets together every now and then to be accountable to each other. Keen to understand if anyone has such a group, how you found/ made one and how it's been useful to your development...
  14. fvckdej_

    I'm in the biggest race of my life against time and myself

    I feel like I've been asleep my whole life and just recently woke up to realise I'm in the biggest race of my life against time. I never really had control of my life. It felt just like watching your life unfold right in front you and not having the power or ability to influence most of the...
  15. Vigilante

    Drown Out the Noise, and Focus (First Things First)

    Drown Out the Noise, and Focus (First Things First) Maybe it took me a pandemic. This window of slowing down has crystalized a lot of things, and re-prioritized things. I have often preached to others the value of Steven Covey’s concept of putting First Things First. Prioritizing the things...
  16. Ksalazar

    Blue Collar Millionaire Progression

    My name is Kendrick Salazar I haven't been on this forum in quite some time but still am a big fan of this forum love hustlers and the shared love for the grind. Background I went to school for engineering and computer science then dropped out because I just couldnt stop dreading the idea of...
  17. KonstantinosFF

    Saving the world before 10 a.m.

    I'm currently doing a research to see what are the biggest issues entrepreneurs face when it comes to productivity with the time that is given to you. That is why I have two very simple questions: 1. what is that keeps you up at night thinking of your personal efficiency as an entrepreneur? 2...
  18. MarcoB1

    Whats up? Isn't this great?

    What's up, great to be here with y'all ✌ The entrepreneurship bug got me early Growing up poor made me ANGRY Then IT HAPPENED.. The TV show "MTV Cribs" first aired in 2000, i watched celebrities living the Dream. Seeing a man with his own basketball court.. Behind his own mansion.. With...
  19. Mslearning

    10 Humor Quotes for motivation

    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. ― Albert Einstein The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid. ― Jane Austen Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a Christian...
  20. BellaPippin

    The Thread of The Decade - Literally

    Someone had to do it and what better than Me, the cheesiest member of this forum, by far TWENTY TWENTY is on the horizon. You already know: I'm not superstitious but I'm.. a little-stitious. So welcome to: :bolt:NEW DECADE NEW YOU:bolt: *Dodges tomatoes* In 2030 I'll be 40 y/o f---...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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