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  1. L

    Improving myself

    Hello everyone, if I remember correctly I've never posted here before but I have been a member for some years now I'm 22,from Portugal, currently studying a master's degree in finance but I've always had that bug for entrepeneurship I do believe, however, I would be better off doing that some...
  2. oku

    Beginning with the End in Mind - Morning Routine.

    I've implemented the life-changing technique of setting goals before bed -- 3 professional goals, and 3 personal goals. Any more and It'd be to stay busy (not what this is about). Be effective, not efficient. After all, spare time is the ultimate luxury. Consider two men who make $50K a year...
  3. oku

    I never thought I'd find a community until now.

    Entrepreneurship for me is quite lonely at times. I had always been hesitant to trust new people and most times remain independent. (Like if you're anti-social). I had always wanted to have a group of friends that were also entrepreneurs, that shared the same interests. I had a business partner...
  4. A

    Motivational speaking: Has it become a business?

    Most people seem to be unable to differentiate between Public Speaking and Motivational Speaking. What is public speaking? It's a presentation that's given live before an audience. Public speeches can cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to educate, entertain...
  5. T

    Start with Why by Simon Sinek and How to find your Why!

    I recently read Simon Sinek's book "Start with Why" and I can honestly say it's one of the best books I've ever read. Everything just instantly made sense while reading it. I'd love to start a thread to just discuss the ideas in the book and how it applies to The Fastlane life and any expansions...
  6. R

    "The Success Alarm" for iPhone

    Hey guys, As I have been talking to people about hitting their goals and their daily routines, I have heard from many people how it is difficult for them to get out of bed right when their first alarm goes off. I understand that there are other root causes that need to be addressed, such as...
  7. Haelios

    Mindset - Where To Go and What To Do

    Hello everyone, this is the first post I'm making on an actual account but I've been lurking the forums for quite a while. I've seen plenty of good advice and just as much bad advice for what not to do, but I wanted to take action and finally step up to the plate to admit. I'm TERRIFIED of...
  8. CPisHere

    Dopamine Fasting (NSFW language)

    For many people "lacking motivation", their dopamine system is completely screwed up. There is pain associated to work, and pleasure associated to surfing social media (or eating chips, etc) all day. This guy is.... abrasive. But I find it refreshing. He's not for everybody so here's your...
  9. josealberto

    What do to when people say "don't chase money" in terms of following your passion but you don't have any passions?

    Hi everyone! This is my first thread in the forum, I have not made any introduction and I don't expect this to be one, I don't think I have a story interesting enough to introduce me -for now- so this thread is more than anything to ask for some advice and read experiences of everyone who is...
  10. Runum

    Lots of new faces here since I was active. What's your why?

    Way back when my why was my kid and raising her. We invested in real estate and had a small business. The kid grew up, the investments paid for her education. She has since moved to Hollywood and is actively pursuing her dream. Even though we had some bumps in the road, overall our strategies...
  11. Connor_Motivasis

    Creation of my Self-Help Brand

    I've wanted to do this for quite some time and made a million excuses for why I shouldn't but I finally got started on creating my own self-help brand. I started about a month back on this one in particular. Right now it consists of a few social media accounts like Instagram and youtube, as...
  12. Bonelli

    The top 22 lessons life taught me as a Handicapped Person

    I've been through an accident when I was 1 year old and had my hand handicapped, also I've got a lot of diseases and I really don't know how I am alive and healthy today and here are 22 things I've learned through life that you can benefit from too (Enjoy!): 1 - Most people are way better than...
  13. Connor_Motivasis

    How's it Going Forum People :D

    Hey there, the name's Connor, A little about me, I'm 21 years old, I'm a front end web developer by trade but I'm going to school to get my doctorate in motivational psychology. I really enjoy learning and teaching about anything to do with motivation or the creation of small businesses. I'm...
  14. Ksalazar

    Why I started a Commercial Cleaning Company after failing at two?

    I have always been an entrepreneur deep inside it really all started for me with Rich Dad Poor Dad when I was 19 Im 23 now and have had ups and downs in investing and business as Im sure most of you have had. I created two business that both failed and than moved into a serviced based cleaning...
  15. JWM

    If you think you're struggling to win...

    So I've been at this entrepreneur thing for over a year, plus the couple of years before that fixing my mindset and habits. It's been tough, I've learned a lot and I've had many challenges along the way. A couple of weeks ago I bumped into an old high school friend who owns a local cafe with...
  16. Guts

    Every time I do this, I fail. And so will you.

    Hello guys. I wanted to mention something about my experiences in life that are applicable for business and day to day life. Every time I doubted myself, I found myself doing worse. I gave myself a reason to fail. It's like just the idea of me doubting myself made me lose my confidence. And...
  17. hellolin

    Have any of you meet or see someone that made you completely in awe and....

    Have any of you meet or see someone that made you completely in awe and....made you started a very deep, at least a week long self-introspection? I did. It is amazing to see someone that was in my exact situation years before, using the same methods, with the same mindset to solve the same...
  18. Tomas J

    Various "problems" starting a profitable business

    Hi there, I would like to share some problems that I am currently facing while trying to start a profitable "Fastlane" business. To clarify my current situation, I have an idea about my own business, but I am still not really working on it. Motivation/Discipline Although I was a professional...
  19. pat9000

    Feeling Down The Past Few Days

    Hey guys, Recently I've hit a rough patch on my journey and I am at this point of where I feel I can't run back to the SCRIPTED world but at the same time, my journey into the UNSCRIPTED world is still long and arduous. It's like this weird middle ground where I can't move forward or backward...
  20. Readerly

    Is your business idea a monster that eats people to poop out money so you can be okay?

    This applies to how I thought about business ideas for a long time (means-to-endism). Does it sound familiar to you as well? View: https://youtu.be/jO6JjQ8TJSc Source: Michael Neill. He's a "transformative coach" and author of Creating the Impossible and The Inside-Out Revolution.

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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